Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 12

Duo blinked open a sleepy eye. Something had woken him up. Trying to chase the cobwebs from his mind he suddenly became aware of two things.

1. He was painfully hard.

2. The reason he was so hard was currently buried to the hilt inside his ass.

A series of feather kisses worked their way over his shoulders as a pair of strong warm arms embraced him pulling him backwards to further impalement.

"Ummm morning Hee-chan." he mumbled. "Planning on starting without me?"

"Hn. You have any idea how alluring you are first thing in the morning?"

"Uh... no but I get the feeling yer gonna show me."

Heero began to thrust gently, savoring the warmth and tightness of Duo's passage. He had awoken and lain studying his koi's still sleeping features. He didn't get the chance to observe Duo very often as the braided American was usually bouncing all over the place so he took what chances he could to study the enigma that was his mate. Duo never ceased to amaze him. The beauty of the man was indescribable. He was simply gorgeous. From the top of those untamed chestnut bangs to the tips of his slender toes. Heero loved, adored and worshipped every part of this being that had found it within his heart to love him.

Duo lay enjoying the feeling of Heero's shaft inside, filling him, caressing him. His own cock throbbed and ached between his legs but he focused on the sensations that Heero was giving him with his gentle advance and retreat.

Their lovemaking was tender and slow. No rush for completion, just a steady building of pleasure, driving upwards towards the pinnacle. Heero savored the tightness of his lovers body as it stroked his cock, eliciting moans of pure delight from his throat. Duo added his own mewls of pleasure to the vocabulary, exciting Heero even more.

Feeling himself rising, Heero reached between his lovers legs and wrapped his hand around the turgid flesh. Forming a tunnel with his fist he began to stroke the length as he brought his koi to completion.

Duo shuddered as a cry worked up from his lungs to leave his throat as he shot his release over Heero's hand and onto the sheets. He felt his passage spasm, gripping Heero tightly and causing the former Wing pilot to join him in nirvana.

As the last trembles began to leave their sated bodies Duo sighed contentedly. "Now that's the sort of morning wake up call I could really begin to love."

"Hai, me too."

"Sure beats the hell out of the alarm screaming in yer ear."

"Hn." Heero placed a kiss on the nape of Duo's neck as his softening member slid out of the warm channel.

Duo rolled over and met his lovers cobalt gaze. "Love you Hee-chan."

"Ai-shiteru Duo."

Duo kissed his koi, gently moving his lips over the others as his tongue lazily explored Heero's mouth. Pulling from the kiss he pressed two more quick pecks to those lips before sliding from the bed and stretching.

Heero watched Duo's nude form as the man flexed his muscles, chasing the sleep from his system. "Beautiful, just beautiful....." he sighed.

Duo turned to look at Heero who was reclining comfortably in the bed. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and then get something to eat." he said with a smile and then went into the bathroom.

Heero rolled onto his back and studied the ceiling as he heard the water to the shower begin to run. With a soft sigh he rolled out of the bed and proceeded to get dressed. They had a busy day ahead of them and the sooner they got started the sooner they may get some answers.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The shuttle landed safely and Evans exited the craft. He was met by a Preventer agent and after collecting his luggage, escorted to the waiting vehicle that would transport him to the convention compound. The trip was uneventful and Evans took his time to stare out the window and reflect upon the earth. So different to the colonies. His hands clenched slightly in anger. Just because the earth was so different didn't give it the right to rule the colonies. Why should the earth dictate to the colonists how they should live? He allowed himself to relax again and a small wry smile graced his lips. Soon enough they would find out that the colonies didn't want the earths patronisim.... they just wanted their complete independence and freedom. The thought that the earth and colonies alike needed each other to continue to grow and flourish never entered his head.

Entering the large foyer to the main building he proceeded through the various security checks. They were certainly very thorough he would concede that point. But he was smarter. Passing through the scanning tunnel the all clear was given. He proceeded to move to collect his bag when he was stopped by a dark haired man. He looked into onyx eyes as he held his gaze steady.

"Excuse me sir." said the agent.

"Yes?" replied Evans.

"Something different has shown up amongst your belongings. I would appreciate it if you would open the bag so as we can check further."

"But of course. No problem." and Evans reached into his pocket to withdraw the small key to unlock the suitcase.

Wufei quickly found the small package and turned it over in his hands. "Cigarette lighters?" he questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

Evans smiled. "Yes. They are gifts for some of my fellow senators. You know how it is, you go and visit somewhere and return home with a mug or a shirt or some other small memento of the place.... I thought they would like a little something from L2."

Wufei studied the package again. It looked harmless enough and he could see the senators logic. He sighed. "Okay. Enjoy your stay senator and sorry to have troubled you but you realize we have to be aware of everything."

Taking the package back, Evans returned it to his bag and closed the suitcase. "No problem at all. Glad to see we are being protected by such thorough and obviously well trained people."

Wufei handed the senator his pass card and motioned him through. "An agent will escort you to your room sir."

"Thank you." Evans headed along the passageway to where another agent was waiting to take him across to the hotel and his suite.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Trowa had left early and so Quatre was enjoying a rather interesting breakfast with Toby, Benny and Paul. He smiled in amusement as he watched his two charges pack away mountains of toast and cereal. It never ceased to amaze him just how much food the pair could consume between them. But then again he had to remind himself that Duo was also capable of disposing of vast quantities of food and he also came from L2. "Must be something to do with the colonies air." he mused.

Toby looked up as he heard Quatre mumble something. "Sorry Quatre... I didn hear whacha said."

Quatre smiled at the boy. "I was just thinking out aloud."

"Oh." responded Toby as he chased the last bit of milk around the bowl with his spoon.

"So what are you planning to do with them today Paul?"

Paul looked up at the question. "Well I thought we could go an explore the games hall. Wufei said there was lots of things ta do there."

"Cool." said Benny wide eyed.

"What sorta fings?" asked Toby suspiciously.

"Well they got stuff like table tennis, different vid games, an they got a big pool table too. Oh there's also a TV with lots'a different movies ta watch."

Toby shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. I don mind checkin it out."

Quatre tried to hide his amusement at the seriousness of the little boy. "Just make sure you behave yourselves." Quatre reached into his pocket and handed some credits across to Paul. "Here Paul, take this and then when lunch time comes around the three of you can got to the small cafe and get some lunch."

Paul took the offered credits feeling really important that Quatre would trust him not only to watch over the two little ones but trust him with the credits as well. "Thanks Quatre." he beamed.

"Just don't let them talk you into getting them rubbish for their lunch."

"We wouldn't do that." said Benny his eyes full of innocence.

"I wouldn't say a cheeseburger wiv fries was rubbish. I'd say it was pretty neat." added Toby.

"I think I knows the difference between rubbish and stuff that's okay fer ya." teased Paul.

"As much as I would love to stay and spend the rest of the day with you all I'm afraid duty calls so I will see you all back here this evening." said Quatre and he stood.

Benny and Toby watched as he gathered the things together that he would need. A knock sounded at the door and Benny raced to open it.

"Rashid!" the boy called out as the door swung open.

"Good morning master Benny. I trust that you and master Toby have settled in well."

"Sure have mister Rashid. This place is way cool. Anyfin yer wants they has got." beamed the small boy.

"Ahh Rashid. I will be with you in a moment." said Quatre.

"Lucy is ready and waiting by the elevator master Quatre."

"Thank you Rashid." Quatre went to Toby and gave the youngster a hug and a kiss. He repeated the gesture to Benny before addressing the three once more. "Paul... If you need me for anything you have my direct pager number, just call okay?"

"I will Quatre now go an do what'cha gotta do, me an the boys will be fine." said Paul.

With one last smile Quatre nodded to the boys and left with Rashid.

Watching the door shut Toby let out a big sigh. "Boy he worries a lot."

"Yeah, he's like a big mother hen sometimes." added Benny.

"But I still wouldn't wanna live wiv anyone else." added Toby as his eyes shone with the love he held for his guardian.

"I know what yer means. I wouldn't wanna live wiv anyone but Wufei and Sally." said Paul.

"What's it like Paul? I means we got Trowa an Quatre but thems both men. You got Sally as well as Wufei so what's it like havin a lady there as well?" asked Benny.

"Come on, grab yer jackets an I'll tell yer all about it on the way to the games hall. An don't forget yer pass cards." Paul said as he reached for his own jacket and card. With the two younger ones each holding a hand they set off across the compound for the games hall.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo sat back and rubbed his now very full stomach. "Now that's what I call a breakfast."

"Yer sure ya can still walk after packing away all that?" teased Shane.

"You had better believe it." grinned Duo.

"Hn. I've seen him polish off a lot more than that and then go straight out and defeat a squadron of Mobile suits." snickered Heero. "Talk about a metabolism."

"Aww I'm just a growin boy."

"You'll be growing outwards at this rate."

"Not a chance Hee-chan... not a chance."

Heero had to concede that point. Given his koi's boundless energy there wasn't much chance of anything other than pure muscle gracing that slender frame.

"So what's the mission plan fer today?" asked Shane as he finished off his orange juice.

"I'm going back to the hospital first to see if they have managed to make a positive identification on the body of the man from last night. Once I'm done there depending on the result I will contact you. I shall either go back to the police station or talk some more with the staff involved in the autopsies."

"Okay Heero. Shane and I will track down Steve and see if we can find out anymore about Dave's last whereabouts. Also I want to follow up on where Kev, Jim and Rick were last seen. Yer never know, someone may remember them." said Duo looking thoughtful.

"I hope ya find out who that guy was Heero."

"Hn. So do I Shane. If we can then it may give us a clue as to who was trying to kill him and why."

Duo looked at his watch. "So we meet back here for lunch or get something out and return for dinner?"

"I think we get something while out. I'll contact you if anything changes."

"Okay Heero. Ready Shane?"

"Yup. Let's go Duo."

Heero headed back to the hospital while Duo and Shane went in the opposite direction to locate Steve.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Trowa ran his hands through his hair and sighed audibly. All the heads of the colonies as well as the earths representatives were arriving in what seemed to be a never ending rush. He glanced across at Wufei who was scanning the screen as the different members made their way through the security checks. A few strands of hair had escaped from the tight pony tail and Trowa watched as Wufei blew a puff of air in an attempt to move them from tickling his nose.

"How many more to process?" he asked in his quiet tone.

"Just the party from L4 and Relena's entourage to go."

"Thank goodness for that."

"That's assuming they hurry up and arrive."

"Are they on their way?"

"Yes. Une confirmed that Relena's group had been caught in traffic so will be delayed for about an hour."

"And the L4 contingent?"

"Shuttle was docking as we spoke so given the transfer time they should be here in the next half an hour."

"Good. Looks like the afternoon's plan for formalities should go ahead according to schedule then." said Trowa as he fetched the passes for the L3 senator.

"I will be glad when all this is finished with." said Wufei as he rubbed his tired eyes and attempted to push the stray lock of hair behind his ear.

"I second that." smiled Trowa and exited the room.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Heero arrived at the hospital and was quickly escorted to Doctor Griffin's office. Sitting opposite the man Heero stared into his eyes as he listened to what the man had to say.

"We have completed the DNA and fingerprint trace."

"Hn. What did you find out?"

Doctor Griffin reached for a file on his desk and opened it. Thumbing through a couple of pages he stopped and relayed the information to Heero. "White male. 58 years of age. Name of Doctor Samuel Pharsys. Usually known as Doctor P. We didn't find much else on him. The details of his medical diploma, studies and last known practice is all in here." Doctor Griffin passed the file to Heero.

Heero opened it and scanned the information quickly. "Thank you. May I keep this?"

"Sure. I had two copies made, one for the hospital records and the other for the Preventers."

Heero stood up and scraped the chair backwards as he did so. He offered his hand to the Doctor. "Thank you again for all your assistance Doctor."

"My pleasure Preventer Light. If I can be of any further assistance please call me."

"Hn. We will." Heero reached into his pocket and passed the small recorder he had borrowed from the doctor the previous night back. "We did manage to get a bit of information from the tape."

The doctor took the device and shoved it into his own pocket. "Good luck with your investigations. I do hope you manage to locate where this disease is coming from."

"Hn. So do we. The department will keep you informed." and Heero turned and left the small office. He went back to the hotel and up to his and Duo's room. Taking out his lap top he booted it up and began his search for information on one Doctor Samuel Pharsys.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo and Shane had located the area that Paul had told them Steve and his gang ran in. Staring around at the run down buildings and shabby dress of the people Duo was once more aware of just how bad the conditions on his home colony were. He hoped that this convention on earth would be able to resolve some of the issues for the colony and help it to pull itself out of the depths to which it had sunk.

Shane was chatting to a couple of rats attempting to locate Steve while Duo stayed in the background quietly observing. Quatre had told him some of the things that were to be discussed at the convention and made it all sound so beneficial and workable. All it needed was for the heads to all agree. Duo knew though from experience that what appeared on paper did not always translate to the practical with ease. He just hoped for the sake of the colony the heads would listen and the practices Quatre had outlined could be implemented. From what he could make of it there was nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Shane disrupted his musings. "Steve and his gang are holed up a couple of streets further down."

"Lets go then."

They set off once more. A short while later they found Steve.

Shane approached a rather good looking boy of around 16. "Steve?" said Shane.

The boy turned and looked at Shane suspiciously. "Who wants ta know?"

"My name is Shane, I'm a friend of Paul and Dave's."

The eyes stayed narrowed.

"Paul introduced us some time back."

"Yeah.... I remember yer. Didn't ya run over the other sector of town?"

"Yeah we did."

"So what yer doin here? An who's the hot stuff wiv yer?" said Steve as he licked his lips checking out Duo in the process.

Duo smirked and came closer. "I'm Duo. Shane's guardian. Shane and his gang looked after me when I was sick. They all came back to the earth with me to live."

"So that's where yer all shot off ta. I eard rumors that Paul got lucky but yer know what rumors are like around here." said the teen with a shrug of his shoulders looking at Shane. "So Paul's livin on the earth now?"

"Yeah he is."

"Lucky sod." said Steve but there was no malice in his voice. "So hot stuff, wanna have some fun?" he said as he eyed Duo's body, eyes glinting in approval at what he saw.

"Sorry man but I already got myself a partner who keeps me more than satisfied." grinned Duo.

"Can't blame a guy fer tryin."

"What we really need is some information Steve." said Shane trying to steer the conversation back to the original reason for being here.

"What sorta info?"

"It's about Dave."


"Yeah, do yer happen to know where he was headed on the day he disappeared? Or where he was last seen?" asked Shane.

"Him an Frankie went over to Leroy's to see if they could pick a few pockets or score a customer. Frankie left Dave there an went off on his own. He said Dave was talkin to a possible customer so he left im to it. Dunno what append afta that, Dave never came back."

"Thanks Steve." said Duo.

"Anytime man.... anytime. Yer sure yer don't want a quick fool around?.... On the house?" and Steve gave a lustful smirk at Duo.

"I'll pass all the same. C'mon Shane we had better get goin. See yer later Steve."

Duo and Shane left the teen and headed into the town. "Leroy's is the place where most of the street workers hang out." said Shane.

"I hope we can get a bit more information from some of the people there." answered Duo.

"Yeah me too Duo."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Heero's face lit up.

He had been typing away for well over an hour in his search for information on Doctor P. Most of what he had found was of little or no use. The Doctor had graduated from the medical section of the Hardinge University on L1. He went into general practice for a while before leaving and settling on L2. He served some time in two hospitals on L2 working in neuro surgery and then nothing. The doctors records were blank.

Heero tapped his chin absently, "So where did you go to and what did you do?" he thought out aloud. Returning his attention back to the computer he continued to type. On a hunch he began to hack into the records of several hospitals and the two Universities found on L2.



"Got you." he breathed.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Benny watched the screen with rapt attention as his fingers flew over the controller in his hand. He was just about to annihilate Toby once again when a funny gurgling noise disturbed his concentration and caused his shot to miss. He frowned at the younger boy.

Toby looked at his friend. "What?"

"Did ya hafta make that noise?"

Toby giggled. "Sorry but my tummy's tellin me it wants ta be fed."

Turning his attention back to the game Benny realized that until Toby's hunger had been satisfied there was no way they would play properly any more. With a sigh he saved the game and then exited out. Placing the controller back on top of the machine he looked for Paul.

Paul was curled up in one of the large chairs that adorned the room, book in hand, oblivious to anything else.

Toby and Benny looked at each other, the glint of mischief in their eyes. Quietly they crept across the room until they were standing behind the chair Paul was in. So engrossed in his reading Paul didn't notice the pair.

Benny nodded to Toby and the two boy's gave a blood curdling shriek and jumped from either side of the chair at Paul.

The book went flying in the air along with the dark haired boy. "Holy Shit!" he screamed and looked wildly about to see what the cause of his fright was. Spotting Benny and Toby who were now rolling around the floor with tears of laughter running down their cheeks he realized that he had been had. "Why you pair." he stormed.

In a flash Benny and Toby were on their feet and running, dodging Paul's attempts to pin them down. Ducking under Paul's outstretched arm Toby headed for the door. He grasped the handle and pulled. As the door began to open he launched himself through it and collided with a pair of legs. Toby and the person crashed to the ground.

Paul and Benny were on the scene just in time as Toby, sprawled across a man's chest, was doing his best to climb off muttering apologies as he went.

"I'm sorry mista, I didn know anyone was there." said Toby as he righted himself.

The man picked himself up with a frown upon his face. Dusting himself off he glared at the little boy. "Kids of today have no manners. Why can't you watch where you're going." he growled.

Toby shrank back at the anger in the mans voice. Paul came up and placed himself between Toby and the irate man. "I'm sorry my friend knocked yer down mister. It wont happen again."

"Darn right it wont!" growled the man. "Where are your parents? They should be keeping an eye on you all not letting you run around like a bunch of hooligans. I have a good mind to report this to the security division."

Toby paled at that. If Trowa found out then he would surely be punished. A tear began to slide from his eye.

"He said he was sorry. Our guardians are busy with the convention so we came down here to play fer a while. We ain't hooligans, Tob jus got a little carried away." said Paul as he clenched his fists. He didn't like this man.

The man continued to glare. "Kids like you should be kept on a leash and taught some manners. If you were my kids I'd soon knock some manners into you."

"I'm sorry yer feel that way now if yer will excuse us we got some lunch ta go find." Paul took Toby's hand firmly in his and tugged the little boy along with him. Benny followed, having remained silent throughout the whole ruckus.

Reaching the small cafe Paul placed Toby on his lap and dried his tears with his handkerchief. "Hush Toby, don't let him worry yer. He ain't gonna say anythin ta security."

"But what if he does? Trowa will find out an then I'll get punished." wailed Toby.

"Yer wont Tob. It's my fault this happened. I was the one in charge remember? I'm the one that's supposed ta be watchin ya. So if anyone is gonna catch it it will be me." said Paul.

Toby looked at Paul through tear filled blue eyes. He hadn't thought about Paul getting into trouble. "I'm sorry Paul. I didn't mean fer ya ta get inta trouble cause of me." he sniffled.

"S'okay Tob. Let's forget bout it and get somethin ta eat."

Toby's watery smile managed to show and he climbed down off Paul's lap to sit in one of the chairs. He looked at Benny who was still silent. Paul also noticed that Benny hadn't had much to say. He found it unusual. Normally if Toby was being threatened in any way Benny was right there to protect and help his friend. They may have only been eight and nine years old but they could take on kids twice their age.

"What's up Benny?" asked Paul.

Benny stared at the older youth. "That man..... I don't like him."

"Neither do I Benny but yer haven't said two words since Toby collided wiv im."

Benny shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. I fink I ave seen him somewheres before..... "

"Where?" asked Toby, his curiosity roused.

"Not sure. back on L2 but I can't remember where or why."

"Never mind Benny, I'm sure it will come to yer sooner or later. There must be a lot of people here from the colonies, Wufei did say it was a big shin dig." said Paul.

"Yeah yer right." said Benny with a shrug.

"How about we gets somethin ta eat guys?" said Paul in a light tone.

"Great! I'm starved." said Toby and right on cue his stomach rumbled loudly once more.

Paul and Toby laughed. Benny joined in but his laughter was hollow. He couldn't shake the image of that nasty man from his thoughts.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~