Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ Where angels fear to tread? ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]




. . . Where angels fear to tread?




"So what? Are you just going to leave? Without a word as to why!?" Trowa demanded, his body trembling under the force of his emotions, "FUCK YOU, QUATRE!"


"SHUT UP TROWA!" The smaller boy seethed, his fists clenching tightly at his sides, "YOU KNOW NOTHING! NOT A THING ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON!"


"Because you won't TELL me!"


"There's nothing to tell." Quatre hissed, throwing clothes into his ever-ready duffle bag.


"You promised me that we'd be together forever. You promised to Love me!" The banged boy reached out and grabbed the other's arm, "Quatre. . . Please, don't do this. . ."


"Let. Go."The blonde glared with such startling malice, that Trowa released his grip. Stunned, he could only watch as the Love of his life stormed out of the house, possibly for forever.




Trowa jerked awake, falling off the waiting room couch with a sickening thud; the remnants of his nightmare shook him to the core. "Q-Quatre. . ." He half sobbed-half chocked, as he wrapped his arms protectively around himself. "D-Don't leave me. . ."




"Go. Away."


"Oh, come now Quatre. You know I can't do that." The voice purred behind the boy.


"I have nothing to say to you."


"Good. Then you can listen." Dorothy smirked. "You need to go back."


"WHAT!?!" Quatre cried out in disbelief, spinning precariously on the ledge in order to face the crazed girl.


"Your mission hasn't been completed. YOU. Must. Go. Back." She spelled out for his understanding.


"No. . . No. . ." The boy shook his head, tears brimming in his eyes. "No. . ."


"It's not a choice, Winner. the order comes from Une."


"NO!" The Gundam piolot screamed, gripping the sides of his head, his thin frame shaking violently, "NOOOOO!"




"Quatre!" Trowa shouted, running down the hospital halls upon finding an empty room.


"Barton!" Wu Fei shouted, kicking at an emergency exit while Sally was animatedly yelling into her cellphone.


"Where is he!?"


"On the roof." The irrate boy growled, kicking the door again. "That Kisama Onna locked the door!"


"Onna?" The taller boy felt his blood roun cold. "What woman?"


"That Catalonia Bitch." The Dr. grumbled before yelling into the phone for the moron to get the fire department.


"D-Dorothy. . ." Trowa shuddered, "QUATRE!" He shouted, ramming his shoulder into the door. "QUATRE!"


"On three, Barton!" Wu Fei ordered, stepping back for another charge.


The banged boy backed up as well, determination setting in on his normally blank face.


"THREE!" they shouted, charging in unison.



"Lady Une does not like to be kept waiting." the evil She-Devil remarked as one of her forked eyebrows rose at the reaction of her victim.


"N-Never. . ." Quatre refused, climbing back to his fee, and taking a half-step towards the edge. "You don't know what he did. . . what he's capable of doing. . . I won't go back. . ."


"Puh-lease. Do you honestly think that I would miss the oppertunity to see you miserable? Hopeless? Desparate? No. I know exactly what was being done to you. What will be done to you."


"NO!" the boy screamed, stepping so his balanced wavered.


"You won't jump." Dorothy announced with absolute certainty. "It's too final." the blonde just stared at her; his azure eyes reflecting nothing but anguish. "That's why you cut." she continued. "You're desperate enough to wat out, yet hopefull enough that someone might save you. Which Duo did; though that did not help you, because you're still haunted and desprate."


"Shut-up. . . Shut-up!" Tormented whispered repeatedly.


"If you jump, it is final. No chances to be rescued. No chances to redeem yourself." she sneered. "You have no choice, Winner. You will go back."


"I'LL DIE FIRST!" Quatre screamed, tears racing down his cheeks as he stepped off of solid ground.


"See you in Hell." Dorothy smirked.




To Be Continued. . .