Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ . . . What do we have? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

. . . What do we have?
"NO!" The blonde shrieked as he tried to get away from the other man. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
"Damn You, hold still. You'll only make it hurt worse!"
"DEAN, STOP!" Quatre pleaded, as the other reached out and tore at his clothes. "PLEASE STOP!"
"SHUT UP!" The dark haired man growled, backhanding the smaller boy. "You'll do as you're told!"
Quatre's vision blurred with the impact of the strike. "Stop. . . I don't want this. . ." He whimpered, as his body was forced into an uncomfortable position.
"I don't want to hear another word from you." Dean hissed into the boy's ear, digging his fingers bruisingly into pale shoulder, elicitating another cry from his prey. "I get what I want, when I want it and without the lip."
Quatre could only sob as he was relieved of his remaining clothing.
And then. . .
the real pain began.
Quatre woke with a panicked scream, pushing away at the body next to him. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
"Quatre!?" Trowa exclaimed, reaching for the smaller boy as he was forced off the bed. "What's wrong!?"
"NO, DEAN. . . NO!" Quatre screamed, tears marring down his face as he clawed at the arms that grabbed him. "NOT AGAIN! LET ME GO!"
"QUATRE! YOU'RE Alright!" Trowa tried to calm, wrapping his bleeding arms around the fighting boy, holding him tight. "IT'S ME! Dean's no where near here! It's just you and me."
"T-T-Trowa. . ." The stricken blonde whimpered, his eyes wide with fright.
"Yes, Koi." the banged boy soothed. "It's just me."
"W-Where am I?" the smaller boy trembled.
"Home." Trowa sighed, "I brought you home."
"H-Home?" Quatre blinked, confused.
"Yes home. With just me and Wu Fei (He's in the other room) and No Dean."
"No Dean. . ." Quatre nodded, "He's not here. . ."
"He can't hurt you any more, Quatre." Trowa whispered, brushing back the boy's hair, while trying not to feel hurt as Quatre flinched away from his touch. "I won't let him. You're safe."
"TROWA!" The blonde launched himself into the other's arms, where he wept uncontrollably. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry!"
"It's not your fault, Koi." Trowa whispered, rocking his love gently, "It's not your fault."
"Yui." Wu Fei acknowledged when the phone rang.
"How is he?"
"Bad." the Chinese boy sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "He fainted on the way to the car, so Barton brought him up to his room. He just woke up screaming. Sounded like he was being attacked."
"Trowa needs to tell us what's going on." Hiiro frowned into the vid-phone. "We can't help if we don't know what to expect."
"I'm coming over." Hiiro announced.
"What about Maxwell?" Wu Fei asked.
The Japanese boy thought for a moment. "He's sleeping. I'll wait for him to wake up, and then we'll come over."
"Very well." Wu Fei nodded. "I'll alert Barton so that he may expect you."
"You're not going to be there?"
The raven haired boy shook his head. "I need to go to Preventers and look up some things. I should be back soon, but probably not before you arrive."
"Quatre's last mission?" Hiiro quirked an eyebrow.
"Among other things." The Chinese boy's dark eyes took on an dangerous gleam.
"Keep me informed?"
"Of course." Wu Fei bowed his head slightly before disconnecting the call.
"I wouldn't advise going after Catalonia." Trowa whispered from Quatre's doorway, as he wrapped his arms in gauze.
"Why not?" Wu Fei demanded, not turning around. "She's the one who did this to him."
"It is not wise." The banged boy stated.
To be continued. . .
A/N ::looks around. Sees nothing and hears only crickets::
I think I scared everyone away.
It's what I get for being so evil.
Review? Please?