Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ When Angels fall... ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Angels Fall. . .
He shouldn't be there.
He knew he shouldn't.
He had given his word that he wouldn't return. . .
But he had nowhere else to go.
Quatre stumbled along the walkway, blood dripping from various parts of his body, trailing behind him on the cold concrete. He was oblivious to it.
He had a last desperate hope , and just enough strength to reach for it. . .
If he wasn't caught first.
They will know he's gone.
HE will come after him. . .
It was only a matter of time.
Numbly, he staggered on the stairs, reaching for the buzzer.
His only hope to be rescued.
Without any energy left, the blonde sagged against the wall, T-Trowa. . . I-I know. . . I don't. . . have any business. . . being here. . .
//. . . I don't . . . have any business. . . being here. . . //
Quatre!? Trowa gasped, his heart pounding at the sudden hope that his love had come back.
//. . . it. . . it was too far. . . to Duo's. . .//
In a flash, the banged boy tore open his apartment door and raced down the hall to the stairs. Taking them three at a time, he prayed that this wasn't just another figment of his imagination.
I. . . I'm sorry, T-Trowa. . . Quatre winced, pain shooting up his side. Gasping for breath, he gathered enough strength to push himself from the wall. I. . . shouldn't bother you. . . I'll go. . .
Turning, he stumbled down the stairs and managed to walk three steps before his knees gave out.
Trowa ripped open the door, only to see a familiar blonde head starting to walk away. QUATRE!?!
What are you doing, Chang? Sally frowned as the Chinese boy pushed his way into her office.
I need access to Winner's medical file.
That's confidential. Denied. She crossed her arms defiantly, leaning back in her office chair.
We each have Power of Attorney over the other. Wu Fei glared. I need that file.
That only applies when the person is unable to make the decision himself. Sally shot back.
Do you really think Quatre is capable of making decisions right now? He challenged.
The doctor sighed. He's not incapacitated.
He tried to kill himself! Wu Fei growled, trying very hard to remain calm. I think his judgment is impaired.
Wu Fei, I want to help. I do. However, I'm under obligations. If you want to see Quatre's file, you'll have to have him come down and sign a release form.
Sally, you just had him committed. He tried again.
He was allowed to go home.
He sighed, Sally, I'm at the end of my rope. I need to know what happened last year. I know he was badly injured, supposedly on a mission. He leaned against her desk, staring down at her. I don't know what else to do.
"Wu Fei, I'm not un-sympathetic. Really, I'm not. However, I cannot break the rules. Not even for you." She stated firmly, as she fiddled with her computer's mouse.
"You treated him, didn't you?"
"No, actually, it was Mason."
"She only worked here a few weeks, under the direct orders of Lady Une."
"Where is she now?"
"Dead." Sally shrugged, as the printer next to her desk began spitting out paper. "Drive by shooting."
She stood, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make some rounds."
"Don't you need your printouts?" Wu Fei asked, taking them from the tray and handing them out to her.
"Printouts?" She blinked, feigning innocence, "I don't recall printing anything out. It must be yours."
"Mine?" Wu Fei glanced down. At the head of the first page read, 'Winner, Quatre R. Medical Record'. "Thank You, Sally." He bowed his head.
"I didn't do anything." Sally insisted with a wink.
"Of course not." Chang agreed.
"Quatre, what happened to you?" Trowa whispered as he dabbed away at the blood on the boy's forhead.
"N-Nothing. . ." the blonde gasped, wincing in pain.
"Quatre, I'm serious. Who did this to you?" Trowa frowned, "They need to be punished, and you need to go to the hospital."
"NO!" Quatre protested, "You can't! I can't!"
"But Quatre-"
"No, Trowa. You don't understand!" Quatre, gripped the other's arm as tightly as his weakened state would allow. "You must never tell anyone about this! NEVER!"
"Quatre, you need to be looked at, and they're going to want to know what happened."
"O-Okay, Quatre. . . You have my word. . . "
"How is he?" Duo asked, as he and Hiiro took their seats on the couch.
"Sleeping." Trowa stated, sitting on the edge of the coffee table.
"I want an explaination." Hiiro began.
"You have to understand, I'm breaking my word to Quatre by doing this." He sighed. "You remember that 'fight' Quatre and I had at the beginning of last year? And how he disappeared for nearly two months?"
"Yeah." Duo nodded, "Never could figure out what you did to drive him away."
"It wasn't me." Trowa deadpanned. "It never was. He was asked to go on an undercover mission. In order to do so, he had to break all ties with his previous life."
"I never heard about any mission." Hiiro glared.
"Apparently it was on a need to know basis. It was headed by Dorothy and overseen by Une."
"The bitches. . ." Duo grumbled dangerously.
"What were the perameters?" Hiiro demanded.
"Quatre never told me exactly." Trowa shook his head. "From what I understood, he was supposed to get picked up by their perp."
"Why him? Why not me or you?" Duo demanded. "We're better trained for infiltration."
"He liked blondes. The blonder, the better."
"We could have-"
"Any person that this person has been involved with, that was not a natural blonde, has been found brutally murdered." Trowa interupted. "Quatre was the only choice."
"Name." Hiiro demanded.
"He's only refered to as 'Dean'." Trowa sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I don't think that's his real name."
"What did he do to Quat?" Duo demanded.
"What didn't he do?" Trowa countered. "When Quatre came back, he was barely alive. He was beaten, bleeding, had several broken bones and had. . ." The banged boy swallowed stiffly as he tried to control the fury that had slipped into his voice.
"Quatre had been repeatedly-"
"YOU PROMISED!" a horrorified voice screamed.
"Quatre!?" Trowa gasped as he and the other's jumped to their feet.
"YOU GAVE YOUR WORD!" The blonde cried, running from the room. "I TRUSTED YOU!"
"QUATRE! WAIT!" Trowa called after him, moving to go after the smaller boy.
The slam of the front door answered.
To be continued. . .