Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ If you're an angel... ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, I-Heart-Manga,
You asked for a summary, so here is what has happened thus far:
One year ago, Quatre was sent on an undercover mission by Dorothy.
He had to sever all ties to his previous life (A.K.A Trowa) before he could leave, so they had a major fight.
While on his mission, Quatre was repeatedly beaten and/or raped
by a dark-haired guy named Dean.
Fearing for his life, Quatre runs away, back to the only place he felt he could go…
Back to Trowa.
Trowa takes him back, treats his injuries
and tries to convince Quatre to go to the police.
Quatre refuses and makes Trowa promise not to tell
ANYBODY about what had happened.
Over the next months, Blondie tried to cope with what had happened.
Trowa tried to help, but Quatre just pushed him away.
Allowed to be alone, Quat resorted to cutting-
Until he tried to commit suicide.
Duo intervened and Quatre was saved.
Not that Quatre was at all grateful.
Trying to unravel the mystery of what is the matter with their friend,
Wu Fei goes digging into records
While Hiiro, Duo and Trowa hold a little Pow-wow.
Quatre walks in just as Trowa was about to break his promise,
And feeling betrayed, runs-
Right into Dean
(Who had been looking for his favorite play toy)
Trowa runs after and catches up to Quatre,
only to see he is being kidnapped.
Unaware of the plight that had befallen of their friend,
Hiiro and Duo have their own little talk.
It's revealed that Duo suspected that Quatre had been violated-
But had chosen not to do anything about it.
It is also uncovered, that Duo had been used as a child
And that he could empathize with Quatre on what he was going through.
And thus our story continues…
(Reminder this fic is rated R for dark themes and language)
If you're an angel…
Tied to a hard table, Quatre could only tremble as he was stripped. `N-No… This can't be happening… N-Not again!'
“Look at all these scars.” The dark-haired young man mused, as his fingers traced the marks on the blonde's naked body. “Why did you do this, Cat? Why did you mar such perfection?” A quiet whimper answered, followed by a sharp cry as Dean smacked his victim across the face. “HOW DARE YOU!” He yelled, hitting the blonde again. “I OWN YOU! I say what happens to that body! ME! NOT YOU-ME!”
Silent sobs shook the frightened boy's body as he curled against his restraints in order to protect himself.
Dean grabbed a fistful of the blonde locks, forcing Quatre's head back. “I'm only going to ask this once, and you had BETTER answer me.” He hissed into the smaller boy's ear. “Why. Did. YOU. Do. This?”
“T-To r-rid m-mys-self o-of y-your t-t-touch!” Quatre stammered in a gaspy reply.
“To rid yourself of my touch.” Dean repeated, shaking his head, almost amused. “Cat, Cat, Cat…” His eyes glimmered dangerously just before his rage erupted. “MY TOUCH NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!? IS THAT IT!?”
“N-NO!” Quatre cried, struggling against his bonds.
“I'LL SHOW YOU!” Dean shouted, punching the bleeding, defenseless boy.
“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Quatre screamed, his voice raw with pain as his tormentor forced him onto his stomach and proceeded to rape him.
“Trowa!? Where's Quat?” Duo asked as his banged friend limped into the apartment.
“What do you mean `gone'?” Hiiro demanded, frowning at the pain the other boy appeared to be in. “What the hell happened?”
“Tro- You're bleeding!” The braided boy rushed forward to aid his friend while Hiiro fetched the med kit from the bathroom.
“H-he ran…” Trowa grimaced, sinking onto the couch, “By the time I caught up- it was too late…”
“Trowa, where is Quatre?” Shinigami repeated, his violet eyes glimmering dangerously, as he examined the banged boy's hip. “Doesn't seem deep… just a graze…
“They took him…” Trowa shook his head, grimacing. “In a dark van…”
“He's been kidnapped!” Duo exclaimed, shocked and horrified.
“By who?” Hiiro demanded, returning and handing the kit to the braided boy.
“I think it might have been Dean…” Trowa shook his head, “I couldn't stop them… they were shooting- guess I wasn't fast enough... Quatre was petrified.”
“Did you get a license number?”
“Are you serious!?” Duo blinked, looking up from his bandages, “I mean- really?”
“H-Hiiro!?” the braided boy choked out as he tried to keep his rising panic in check.
“I'm on it, Duo.” The Japanese boy assured, going over to Trowa's computer. “Why don't you finish patching Trowa up, and then call Wu Fei.”
“Okay…” The boy nodded slowly as his brain processed his friend's orders.
“We'll find him.” Hiiro stated firmly, his eyes meeting Duo's, daring him to doubt his word.
“In time?” The American whispered.
“What do you mean?” Trowa asked, worry and pain creasing his brow.
I-If it was Dean who nabbed Quat… Th-then chances are th-that…”
“Quatre will be subjected to the same or worse treatment as before.” Hiiro finished as he blew through Trowa's passwords. “Side note, Barton- you might want to increase your security on your computer. This is too easy.”
“Quatre first.” Trowa whispered numbly. Memories of the condition his love was in when he had first returned swam around the banged boy's head, leaving him quite pale and shaken.
“KIL-CAT, registered to a D.A.C. McCarthy. 961 Freemont Ave, North Hills.” Hiiro announced.
“North Hills? That's a ritzy part of town.” Duo frowned, dialing Wu Fei's cell number.
“Not far from where Noin and Zechs live.” The computer genius shook his head. “It's too easy.”
“What is it `Ro?” the braided boy asked.
“Ask Chang if he got Quatre's mission files.”
“This doesn't make any sense.” The Chinese boy grumbled as he compared Quatre's medical records to his mission reports. Distracted, he answered his cell phone on the second ring. “There's an inconsistency…” he frowned.
/”What?”'/ the voice on the other end questioned. /”Wu Fei, are you there?”/
“Maxwell?” Chang blinked, focusing on the caller. “What's the matter? You sound upset.”
/”Q's been kidnapped.”/ Duo started. /”Trowa thinks it was the same person who raped him.”/
“Quatre was raped!? When!?”
/”On a mission-beginning of last year- Fei, Hiiro needs you to get Quatre's mission files…Are you listening?”/
“That's why there's a difference!” Wu Fei said to himself, flipping through papers. “He never reported it!”
“Duo, give the phone to Yui.”
“He wants to talk to you.” The braided boy said, passing the phone to Hiiro.
“What do you have?”
/”Quatre's last mission file is fake.”/ Wu Fei started, /”From the looks of things, the original was replaced.”/
“Only a handful of people could have had access to do that.” The Japanese boy frowned, “Not counting us five-“
/”It leaves: Lady Une, Relena, Sally and-”/
“Dorothy Anne Catalonia-McCarthy.” Duo smacked his head. “D.A.C. McCarthy.”
“I'm going to kill the Bitch.” Trowa swore. “Right after I'm done tearing Dean's balls off and feeding them to him!”
Duo stared at the banged boy in shock, “Remind me never to piss you off, Tro.”
/”What's her husband's name?”/ Hiiro asked.
“Ray, I think.”
/”Any male relatives?”/
Wu Fei moved to the computer and pulled up the girl's personal file. “Father-deceased, brother- whereabouts unknown, cousin- Damn. Why the hell didn't he tell us?”
“Cousin- Quatre Raberba Winner.”
To be continued…
A/N Melody: 0-0 They're related!? OMG!
Angel: Um… what does that have to do with anything?
Melody: You'll just have to wait and find out :D
Angel: -_-; You have no freakin' clue, do you?
Melody: ::looks sheepish:: Give me a break, I'm making this up as I go!
Angel: ::bangs head against the wall:: See what I have to put up with!?
Melody ::worriedly:: OH! Don't do that! We can't afford anymore brain
damage! We need those cells for our stories!
Angel: ::mockingly:: Wa-wa
Melody: Here, have some ice.
Angel: I don't want any Damned Ice!
Melody: but you hurt yourself. ::continues nauseatingly sweet::
Angel: BACK-OFF or I'll shoot you from Wu Fei's cannon!
Wu Fei: No onna is going to be shot from my cannon. They're too weak.
They wouldn't survive. They'd suffer horrible brain damage. They'd-
Angel: ::enticingly:: I'll pair you with Quatre…
Wu Fei: ::blushing a deep red-hands cannon over::
Angel: ::stuffs other personality into cannon::
Melody: OI! MATTE! IIE!
Angel: ::Satisfied smirk as she watches Melody go sailing to the far reaches
Of Weisslark::
Wu Fei: Quatre? ::looks around eagerly for blonde::
Quat ::hides behind Trowa:: 0-0
Trowa: ::aims gun at Chang's head:: Don't even think about it. Do yourself
A favor and stick to what you're good at.
Wu Fei: ::begins rant:: This is injustice! BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH…
Quat: ::nodding sympathetically to Chang's rant-without really listening to
It and leads the Chinese boy back to his cannon:: I promise to
Consider a date with you if anything ever happens to Trowa.
Trowa: Hey!
Wu Fei: Really?
Quat: ::smiles sweetly and giggles coyly:: No. ::fires cannon and watches
Wu Fei fly off into the distance, his injustice rant fading to nothing::
Angel & Trowa: ::stare:: 0-0 O-O
Angel: You're an evil S.O.B. aren't-cha?!?
Quat: ::innocently:: Who me?
Trowa: ::huggles his blonde:: my angel
Until Next time- Ja ne!