Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ ...Then what am I? ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

::strings dynamite, sets nitroglycerin and a nuke around the Library computer::
I hate-I Hate- I HATE that computer!
I had this ENTIRE chapter typed
(2 1/2 hours of work)
and ready to post and
It's unfair-It's injustice-IT'S A Pain in the ASS!
:: Pouts::
Warnings: Abuse, rape, het, yaoi, voyeurism
(Nothing graphic, I'm not that brave yet)
… Than what am I?
“So many scars…” Dorothy clicked her tongue as she studied the beaten, bruised and bloody body that lay, strapped to the table in front of her. A small towel offering the boy's only sense of dignity. “Tsk, tsk, tsk… How far you've fallen…”
Quatre stared at her numbly. He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't fight. He didn't even have enough strength to flinch as the sadistic blonde ran her nails along his newest injuries.
“You do know that you'll be punished for each…” She took out a cigarette. “… and every…” She took out a lighter, drawing the smoke as the end burned. “…last… one.” She grinned evilly as she jabbed the butt into the pale and scared flesh elicitating a scream of agony from her victim's raw throat. “Do you know why I find this so enjoyable? She mused, digging her cigarette in the blonde's pale flesh, leaving a burning welt in its wake. “Torturing you like this?”
“Y-you're a-a h-heartless B-bitch…” Quatre rasped out, his voice a bare whisper.
Dorothy's eyes narrowed as her expression darkened. “It's not wise to insult those who hold your existence in their control, Quatre.” She bit out, backhanding him sharply.
The ex-pilot's head rolled with the force as his vision blurred, the darkness taunting him.
“Oh, no you don't!” Dorothy hissed, burning him again, “You're not going to faint on my fun.”
“G-go to H-hell…”
“Now, now, Cat… You shouldn't make Dory mad. She tends to break things when she gets pissy.”
“Dee, don't say such things.” The blonde witch cooed, “You're frightening Quatre.”
“So sorry.” The dark-haired young man apologized, wrapping his arms around the devious girl.
Dorothy smirked, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You don't pull off the innocent routine very well, so don't even try.”
“And you do?” Dean sneered back.
“Better than you.” She flaunted, “The Preventers are clueless that I'm behind this!”
“Hn… I bet…” He leaned in and kissed her. “Good thing for us, eh?”
“W-why?” Quatre weakly asked, as Dorothy kissed Dean deeply. “W-why me?”
“It spices it up…” The other boy moaned as the girl's hands traveled down to his lower body.
“Dee likes blondes.” Dorothy smirked before licking the edge of his ear.
“I'm FOREPLAY!?!” Quatre gasped out feeling very ill. “But he's your BROTHER!”
“HE most certainly is NOT!” Dorothy snapped, pulling away to back hand the other blonde. “How perverse are you!?”
“P-perverse!?” The boy grimaced, blinking to remain conscious. “I-it's… in… y-your files…”
“My mother, and her father, had an affair long after we were both born.” Dean glared.
“Until father killed that lying Skank.” Dorothy smirked.
“Yeah, the bitch deserved to be gunned down in the shopping district.” Dean grinned, attacking his lover's neck. “Sure, it's in her files. The Ol' man is my `legal' guardian. But that means Jack-Shit.”
The girl moaned in Dean's arms, and began to press her body against him. “More, Dee…” A whimper escaped her throat as one hand slipped into her blouse and the other, her skirt.
“You're behaving like a harlot.” Quatre grumbled under his breath, turning his gaze from the promiscuous girl.
Dorothy's eyes flashed hatefully out of her lustful haze. “And what are you? You've slept with more people than anyone I know.”
“NOT BY CHOICE!” Quatre screamed, anguish haunting his eyes as he was forced to meet his nemesis' furious look. “Not by choice…” he sobbed.
“What would Trowa think if he knew?” Dean asked. “For someone who supposedly loved him, you weren't the least bit faithful.”
“Y-you forced me…” Quatre shook his head, “I didn't want that…”
“Forced you, huh?” Dean sneered, as he leaned in to whisper into the other boy's ear, “From your screams, and demands for more, it didn't sound like I forced you into anything…”
“Dee, I want him to scream.” Dorothy purred, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's waist, “Use him, Take him, brake him… let me hear his pain!”
“No… please… no more…” Quatre whimpered as Dean removed his clothes. “PLEASE- DON'T DO THIS!”
The blonde's screams went unheard as he was forced onto his stomach and used. Insane laughter and jeers encouraged the act, and he was powerless to stop it.
He couldn't even cry.
“Can't you drive faster, Hiiro?” Trowa asked from the backseat of the car.
“Tro, we don't even know if Dorothy has him.” Duo pointed out.
“And what if she does?”
“I just can't believe that she would be foolish enough to keep him at her home. It's incredibly stupid.” The braided boy shook his head. “If that bitch is anything, it isn't stupid.”
“No, it's overconfident.” Hiiro said. “She might just think we're too stupid to NOT look at her house.”
“Now THAT is stupid.” Duo smirked, “She should have learned not to underestimate us.”
“I don't care what her reasons are!” Trowa snapped, “If she has Quatre, I want to get to him as quickly as possible, now can you please go faster, Hiiro?”
“Trowa, we have no proof -”
“This is our only lead.” The banged boy glared. “If it were Duo, you'd be breaking the sound barrier to get to him.”
“What are you talking about, Tro?” Duo frowned, at the Japanese boy's flushed face and sudden pressure to the gas pedal. “Hiiro would go after any of us, to the extent of his ability. I don't think I would merit special attention.”
“You really are dense, Duo.” Trowa shook his head, “Chang is meeting us there, correct?”
“With back up on stand by if needed.” Hiiro nodded, turning onto a less crowded side street.
“Good…” The banged boy shook his head, “Can't you go any faster?”
To be continued…
A/N …::still pouting::
This isn't exactly what I had typed before,
But I wasn't able to get a hard copy before the computer
Ate my story.