Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ When innocence is tainted... ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Given the presented situation,
I personally think this is the way that the G-boys would react.
Just incase no one else agrees with me,
There is an Ooc warning for the remainder of the fic
(Which is only about 3 more chappies)
Does anyone remember what happened the last time I posted the Ooc warning?
When innocence is tainted...
For what seemed like forever, they stood there watching.
To numb to register that yes, what they were witnessing was indeed really happening.
"Kick him again, Dee!" The evil witch crowed, as she pleasured herself. "Make him cry!"
"Anything for you, baby." The demon smirked, delivering another kick to the lifeless angel that lay helplessly at his feet.
The sound echoed throughout the hall, startling the evil doers and urging the onlookers into action.
Trowa ran forward, scarcely recognizing that the heart wrenching cry had emerged from his own throat, "QUATRE!"
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Dorothy demanded, as she drew her shirt up to cover herself.
"It doesn't matter." Dean sneered, delivering another brutal blow to the unresponsive blonde, before the banged boy tackled him.
Blinded by rage, Trowa plummeted the other boy's face, "HOW DARE YOU!"
"Stop it, Trowa." Dorothy ordered, a gun barrel pressed roughly against the back of the banged boy's head. "Get off of him."
"I'm going to kill you, bitch." Trowa swore through clenched teeth as he slowly raised his hands and stood from his barely conscious victim.
"That's not much motivation to keep you alive then is it?" She bit back harshly.
Trowa's glare deepened as she began to pull the trigger. With surprising speed and agility, the boy twisted, delivering a kick to the gun just as it was about to fire. The weapon went sailing across the room. With a snarl of hatred, Trowa decked the girl, rendering her unconscious.
"Quat?" Duo called softly, swallowing the knot in his throat, as tears filled his eyes as he drew the battered boy into his arms. "Quat? It's me... Duo..."
"Duo?" Trowa whispered, fear piercing his heart, as he knelt next to his friend and taking the lifeless form of his lover into his arms.
"Quatre?" the braided boy whispered insistently. "Please, bro?"
From across the room, Dean began to laugh.
"SHUT UP!" Duo screamed, "SHUT UP!"
"Don't waste your time.” The dark haired boy sneered, “He's been out for forty-five minutes or so.” He laughed again, “If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was dead.”
“SHUT UP!” The braided boy screamed. “HE'S NOT DEAD-HE'S NOT! JUST SHUT UP!”
“Duo…” Hiiro whispered, drawing the trembling boy into his arms as he began to sob, “Sshhh. It's okay. He's not dead. We'll get him to a hospital…”
“Wu Fei…” Trowa's voice was hoarse as he wrapped his jacket around his love's broken body. “The ambulance…”
“On its way- try not to move him.” The Chinese boy cautioned, placing a comforting hand on his friends shoulder. “I understand that you want to hold him, but you could aggravate any internal injuries.” Angrily, he turned to his subordinates that stood dumbfounded at the door. “Arrest them.” He spat hatefully.
“Y-you can't arrest us!” Dorothy's slurred as she came too, “We have done nothing illegal…”
“Kidnapping, Rape and Assault aren't illegal!?” Duo hissed, his fists clenching at his sides. If it weren't for Hiiro's restraining hand on his shoulder, the braided boy would show her something illegal. “DAMN BITCH!”
“Quatre… volunteered to come with us-“
“YOU FORCED HIM AT GUN POINT!” Trowa shouted, his protective grip tightening on the boy.
“He consented to sex.” The blonde continued. “And you can't say otherwise. You weren't here.”
“That still leaves assault.” Wu Fei glared, motioning his officers to continue.
“What you call assault, we call rough sex.” Dorothy sneered, “What we do in the privacy of our home is just that. Private.”
“Until Quatre is able to say otherwise, the charges remain.” The Chinese boy seethed. “Get them out of my sight!”
“Should we take them to the infirmary?” One of the subordinates asked as the approaching sirens grew louder.
“No. Just throw them in a detention cell.” The boys growled, “And get that harlot some clothes!”
Trowa hated waiting rooms. Every time he had been in one, he had almost lost his precious little one. Each time, Quatre had nearly died.
The minutes seemed to drag on making each one last forever.
“He'll survive.” Wu Fei whispered to him, “Quatre is strong.”
“Guys…” Hiiro began, his voice low, “I'm going to take Duo home.” He cast a glance at the braided boy. The usually enthusiastic, hyper teenager, was huddled in a chair, silent tears streaming down his face as he stared apathetically at the door. “Call?”
“Of course.” Wu Fei nodded, while Trowa just stood there, numb.
In a lower voice, the Japanese boy whispered to his Asian friend, “Watch out for him?” Receiving a curt nod, Hiiro turned and gathered Duo into his arms, then left.
Hours past, and still they waited.
To be continued…