Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Light and Dark ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW
Chapter 2
“Experiment! What kind of experiment?” Duo asked while his eyes widen and he gulped.
“Ah, now that's for me to know and for you to experience.” Was the cryptic response. While Duo had the doctor occupied Heero was busy looking at what he could see of the lab. There wasn't much that he could see other than Duo strapped to the same kind of table as himself, white walls and the other doctor that had keep quiet so far.
“Doctor shouldn't we start now?” Asked the second doctor.
“Yes, yes of course.” He replied with enthusiasm. “Let's begin.” With those words the tables were once again placed horizontally so that Heero and Duo were facing the floor. Cameras had been placed in the floor to document what their facial expressions would be and to also know when they would pass out.
“Alright let's begin by administering a mild paralysing agent we don't want them moving to much yet.” Said the first doctor.
“Wait a minute. You want us to be conscious while your experimenting on us?” Duo asked a little panicked.
“Of course we want to document the entire process including what it feels like.” Replied the doctor as he was injecting the paralysing agent into Duo's blood stream via the catheter. At the same time the second doctor was doing the same thing to Heero. A slight burning sensation could be felt as the liquid was injected into the blood stream. The agent was quick, within minutes they couldn't move even if they had wanted to.
“The agent must be working now. On to step two.” Both doctors pulled out a syringe filled with an orange like substance. Before this mysterious liquid was injected into their bodies two six inch vertical cuts where made between the shoulder blades using scalpels. Once the cuts completed the substance was injected. Again a burning sensation was felt upon injection of the agent, there was nothing for a few minutes until there was a prickling sensation, which quickly grew to excruciating pain as new bone, muscles and skin was growing out of the two cuts. The pain wasn't only located around the shoulder blades it was body wide as the substance made their bones lighter by making them hollow with only a little bone marrow left lining the inside. By the time that the new appendages were finished growing they had a span of sixteen feet but were still only skin and bones.
During the growth process of the new appendages both Duo and Heero were sweating profusely with silent screams wanting to come out but unable due to the paralysing agent. Luckily both passed out at about mid point during the growth process. The cameras caught the slight changes within their eyes during the procedure at first they were normal, then they looked pained and finally they just looked like no one was home mid way through and remained that way till the end.
“Alright doctor now that the wings are fully grown should we start to strengthen the muscles before the feathers come in?” Asked the second doctor.
“No. It's best if the feathers come in first that way the feathers don't get as damaged.”
“Very well then we will wait till the feathers grow in.” Said the second doctor going over to Heero and starting to clean the new wings of the blood from the new growth. The first doctor doing the same to Duo. By the time they had finished cleaning the new wings feather buds could be seen growing. Fifteen minutes later both pilots had a full set of flight feathers. Heero's feathers turned out to be pure white and Duo's were pitch black. With the feathers their wing span had increased to twenty feet.
“Doctor do you find it strange that the feathers are not of the same colour?” Asked the second doctor.
“It is unusual I would have thought that the feathers would be of the same colour also. But it doesn't really matter though as long as the wings are functional. Come on we need to place the strengthening frame on the wings to build up the muscles.”
“Of course.” With that said a metal framework was set up around the wings and back. The framework had multiple electrode pads placed at even intervals to stimulate the newly developed muscles. Once both frameworks were set up they were turned on and left to work. They would stimulate the muscles for half an hour then stop for fifteen minutes then continue for another half an hour, this cycle would continue until the framework would be turned off.
“Alright now let's let the frame do it's thing for twenty-four hours and we'll come back to check on the progress.” The first doctor said while walking to the door. The second doctor just nodded and then followed.
Three hours within the wing strengthening process the lab doors opened and in stepped two youths dressed in black, shock was evident on their faces when they saw their comrades. Carefully they removed the framework off the wings then the restraints. Trowa picked up Heero but first gently folded the wings on his back to make it easier to carry him. Quatre had done the same with Duo and both pilots escaped with their charges to the waiting van. They waited in the van for half an hour to give time for Wufei to arrive with whatever information he could fine. While they waited Quatre and Trowa gingerly placed Heero and Duo in the back of the van on the floor as comfortably as was possible. Their eyes were now closed thanks to their comrades, they were placed on their stomachs with their wings folded behind them, their heads were turned toward each other with a pillow under them. Blankets were placed over their forms and tucked in under their bodies to help the wings stay in place.
Five minutes before the half hour was up Wufei showed up and the base where Heero and Duo were being held went up with an explosion and fire. Wufei looked back from his position in the drivers seat and was just as shocked as the other had been. With a quiet look from Quatre that said later he turned around and drove the van back to the safe house. The drive was a quiet one and lasted only six hours.
Once they had made it back to the house they quickly brought both Heero and Duo into their room and were once again placed on their stomachs on their respective beds.
“Wufei would you please call Sally.” Quatre said.
“Of course.” Wufei said and turned around to call Sally. Once Wufei was gone Quatre turned to Trowa to look for some comfort. Trowa took Quatre in his arms and just hugged him saying nothing letting his feelings show with actions. After the brief hug Quatre left the room only to come back a few minutes later with a chair, which he placed in between the two beds at the head of the beds. Then left again to get a pitcher of water and two glasses, which he placed, on the night stand between the two beds. He then sat down to take the first watch of their friends until they were once again conscious.
“I'll take first watch. Why don't you go and look at the information that Wufei got from the base.” Quatre said.
“Very well but I'm taking the next shift or until Sally comes.” Trowa said.
“That's fine, now get going. Go find out why this was done to them.” Quatre said turning his attention to Heero and Duo who both looked to be sleeping somewhat peacefully. Trowa just nodded and then left the room to find Wufei and the disk with the information on it. He didn't have to go far since Wufei was on his way back from his phone call and was at the top of the stairs.
“Wufei may I have the information that you found? I'd like to start looking through it.” Trowa asked.
“Sure Barton here it is.” Wufei said fishing out the disk from his back pocket. Then continued to tell Quatre that Sally should be here some time within the next hour or so. Trowa on the other hand went back down stairs and to the computer room to start his research on why their friends were experimented on.
Well that's chapter two please review for I need the feed back