Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Light and Dark ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW
Chapter 3
Quatre was still sitting in Heero and Duo's room when Sally showed up. Pure shock could be seen on her face when she saw Heero and Duo. She shook it off and then approached the two beds.
“Hello Quatre. Has there been any change since you've found them?” Sally asked.
“Hello Sally, and no. There hasn't been any change unfortunately.” Quatre replied.
“Very well.” Sally said then proceeded to look at the two pilots and their new wings. She didn't find anything physically wrong with them other than the wings of course. She had noticed the catheters in their right hands and decided to leave them in for later use should it be needed.
“Well physically there is nothing wrong with them other than the wings of course. So I think that Heero should be waking soon and Duo not too long after.” Sally said after her examination. “I'll stay here for a little while and wait till both of them to wake up.”
“That's fine Sally you can have the room next door.” Quatre offered. “Did you see Trowa on your way in?”
“No. Why?” Sally asked.
“Well he's looking over the information that was found at the base. The information might contain why these two were experimented on. Or more specifically what was done to them.” Quatre informed.
“I'll go and find him to see what he found, if anything.” Sally said while leaving the room. Quatre stayed behind to wait for Heero and Duo to wake. He sat there quietly and reached out to touch the feather's of both sets of wings. He started to pet the wings feeling their softness and warmth under his fingers. / I wonder if they can feel this. / Quatre thought. A few minutes later he noticed a slight tremble in Heero's wing and stopped to look at his face. Where his face was once relaxed it now looked pained and subtle movements could be seen in his muscles. Heero was starting to wake.
A soft groan was eventually heard before Heero's eyes slowly began to open. Slowly his awareness increased to the point that he noticed he was on a soft bed and not the hard table that he had been strapped to. He tried to move but stopped once he felt the excruciating pain that laced his upper body. That's when he remembered that he had felt something growing out of his back before passing out from the pain. That's when he ventured to look over his shoulder and saw the pure white feathers.
“Heero,” Quatre said. “are you in pain? Here drink some of this.” Bringing a glass of water to his lips. Heero took as much as he could before he started coughing. Quatre stopped giving him the water then.
“Hn.” Heero finally grunted as a response to Quatre's question.
“I'll take that as a yes.” Quatre said while getting up to go to the door.
“Quatre.” Heero gasped out. “Wh…what…happened?”
“We were hoping you could tell us.” Quatre said. Continuing to walk towards the door while still keeping an eye on Heero. “Sally get up here now. Bring some pain killers when you come up.” Quatre yelled once at the door then walked back and sat down in the chair. Heero had closed his eyes again in an attempt to control the pain that laced his back and upper body.
“Where's Duo?” Heero suddenly asked remembering that what had been done to him had also been done to Duo.
“He's here in his bed.” Was Quatre's response, “Just look across from you.” Quatre moved out of the way so he could see the form of Duo in his bed with his pitch-black wings draping off the side of the bed resting in what looked like a peaceful sleep.
Sally stepped into the room and walked over to Heero. “Where does it hurt Heero? And how bad?”
“Entire back concentrating around shoulders.” Heero replied.
“Do you feel any sensations when we touch your wings?” Sally asked while gently manipulating them.
“Hai.” Heero gasped out.
“Are you able to move them?” Sally asked. Heero tried to move them but the muscles protested with a vengeance. Heero gasped in pain and beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately.
“I'll take that gasp as a yes but with much pain involved.” Sally said when she heard the gasp and saw the sweat. “I'll give you some morphine for the pain. I want you to try and get some more sleep to give your body more time to recover. Once your body has healed more I would like you to strengthen your new wings.” She said while pulling out a needle and bottle from her bag she had brought in with her. She quickly drew up the needed amount and injected it into his vein via the catheter. The drug quickly made the pain die down and Heero fell back to sleep allowing this body the much needed sleep it required. Sally decided that if Heero was in major pain then Duo would also be and in a worst condition than Heero. Moving over to Duo's side she drew up some more morphine and injected it into his catheter. She saw Duo visibly relax as the morphine worked its way into his system and regretted not giving it sooner.
“Shit I should have gave them a pain killer as soon as I got here.” Sally mumbled to herself. “Quatre you should go and get some rest you look like shit. I'll keep watch until Trowa gets up here.”
“Very well Sally, I'll go get Trowa so that he can continue the watch.” Quatre said while rubbing the spot over his heart. / Shit I'd better get an aspirin before I go to bed or this will grow to a full blown headache by tomorrow. / Quatre thought while still rubbing the spot and going to get Trowa who was still in the computer room. Sally took over Quatre's position on the chair and started petting the wings also enjoying the fell beneath her fingers.
Trowa looked up from the computer he was working on when he saw a shadow from the corner of his eye. “Quatre what are you doing here?”
“I came to get you so that Sally won't be too long with the others by herself.” Quatre said. “She gave them both some morphine after Heero woke up for a few minutes. He was in so much pain that it has bleed over to me.”
“I can understand why. We got them out to quickly. The metal frames we took off needed to stay on them for at least 24 hours for the muscles to strengthen. We took them off after only three hours.” Trowa explained. “They will be in need of some major physiotherapy for a while. Maybe we could rig something up that works in a similar way that we can put on them while they are still sleeping to reduce the amount of physio they will have to do.”
“We should look into that I don't want them to suffer any more than they already have.” Quatre said with sympathy and remorse in his voice. Trowa got up from his chair at this point and hugged Quatre in a hope to dispel some of the pain he was in from his empathic abilities. Quatre just lost it and collapsed into Trowa arms, Trowa picked him up and brought him to their bedroom so that he could rest. Before leaving he kissed Quatre's forehead and gave him an aspirin.
Trowa found Sally sitting on the chair between the beds petting both sets of wings in a soothing manner. “Has Duo woken up yet?” Trowa asked.
“No but Heero has did Quatre tell you?” Sally replied.
“Yes, he told that Heero woke up for a few minutes and that you gave them both some morphine for the pain.”
“That's right. Although I'm kicking myself mentally for not giving it to them right away.”
“Well what is done is done so stop beating yourself up about it.” Trowa said walking over to take over the job of watching them. “There might be a way that you could make up for that mistake.”
“It would seem that our rescue was a little premature.”
“How so?”
“Well the metal frame that we removed from their wings was building up the muscles. We removed them after only three hours when they needed to stay on for at least 24 to give the wings the right muscles mass.”
“So you want me to try and recreate something similar to what was being used and place it on their wings while their still unconscious.”
“Something like that. There's a video of what the doctors were doing to them in the information from the base.”
“Alright I'll take a look at the video and see if I can't jury-rig something that will work in a similar fashion. Please call me up when Duo wakes up.”
“I will now go do your investigating. Get Wufei to go over the information with you maybe he'll be able to help you.”
“Alright.” Sally replied while she got up from her chair and exited the room. Trowa quickly took over her position in the chair and continued to pet the wings soothingly.
Sally went in search of Wufei once she left the room; it took her a good fifteen minutes to locate him. He was meditating outside under a tree. Sally walked up to him quietly not wanting to disturb him but having to at the same time.
“Wufei.” Sally said quietly. Wufei opened his eyes and looked at her.
“Yes?” Wufei asked
“Would you help me create a framework that will help strengthen the guy's wings? It seems that the rescue was a little premature.”
“How could it be premature? We were too late.”
“The framework the others took off the wings was supposed to have stayed on their wings for at least 24 hours but it was only on them for three.” Sally replied. “So you see it was premature in that sense.”
“Very well I'll help you. Let's go look at the information maybe there are some blueprints of the frameworks.”
“That's my thought exactly.” Sally said. They both walked into the house and went straight for the computer room to research through the massive amounts of information that had been gathered at the base. An hour into their search they had found out why this had been done to them. It was a top-secret project to see if flying soldiers could be created to bring down enemy mobile suits. Shortly after finding this information they found the blueprints for the framework that had been on Heero and Duo's wings. Printing out this information they went on to recreate the metal frames.