Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Light and Dark ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own GW

Chapter 4

Trowa must of sat there for hours just petting the wings and letting his mind wander with ways to help his friends when Sally and Wufei came back into the room with what looked liked the frameworks that were on the wings before the rescue. Without a word Trowa got up and helped Sally and Wufei place the new framework onto Heero’s wings first as gently as possible knowing how sensitive the new wings were.

Just as they were about to place the framework on Duo’s wings he started to stir, his muscles had started to tighten and he had taken a few deep breaths. Not wanting to hurt him they would wait till he fell asleep again before placing the framework on his wings.

“Duo,” Sally said tentatively, “how are you feeling? Any pain?”

“Ughh, … wh … what hit … me?” Duo said while still coming around. Pain laced his back and shoulders it was at this point he ventured a look at his shoulders and regretted it seeing the wings for the first time.

“A psychotic doctor is what hit you.” Trowa said offering some water. “Here drink some water.” Duo drank some gratefully.

“Oh yeah, now I remember. Where’s Heero?” Duo Said alarmed remembering that this had been done to him as well. Trowa moved so that Duo could see the other bed.

“Sleeping across from you. He did wake up earlier for a short while. Now back to you are you in pain?” Sally asked. “Are you able to move your wings?”

Duo tried to move them but with the same results as Heero. “Sorry Sal, but I can’t their just dead weight right now. They just create pain when I attempt to move them or any muscles related to my back.” Duo said after gasping in pain.

“That’s alright Duo don’t push it. Do you need more pain relief or is the morphine I gave you earlier still working?” Sally asked.

“I’m alright for now. Though they are uncomfortable.” Duo said taking another look at Heero sleeping. That’s when he noticed the framework on Heero’s wings and the other one laying near the bed. “What’s the framework for?”

“It’s to strengthen the muscles.” Trowa explained. “We were just about to place the other framework on you when you woke up.”

“Well then go ahead the sooner I can move these wings the sooner I can get out of bed.” Duo said.

“Duo we don’t want to place it on you when your still awake it would be to painful.” Sally said.

“Please don’t worry I’ll live though it. Heck I’ve lived through worse…” Duo replied thinking about his early childhood and the growth of the wings.

“Very well Duo we’ll take it slow so as to minimize the pain.” Sally said.

“Thanks it’s appreciated.”

Carefully Trowa lifted the wing nearest to him while Sally and Wufei place the framework around the wing sliding it till it reached the base of the wing. The process was repeated on the other wing. The final piece was placed so that it covered his back to strengthen all those muscles as well. Throughout the whole placement of the framework Duo silently wished that they had insisted that he was asleep before they placed it on him. The pain being so excruciating that he fell into unconsciousness once again.

They had noticed the lost of consciousness and were silently glad and hoped that he would stay in that state until they took off the framework. The frameworks were turned on and it was hopped that the two of them would stay unconscious for the 21 hours left for the wings to strengthen. Some more morphine was injected into them just ?to be on the safe side. Wufei relieved Trowa from guard duty and took the familiar position between the two of them on the chair while softly petting what he could of the wings. He could feel the frameworks working, the muscles would spasm for half and hour then relax for fifteen this cycle would continued for the next 21 hours.

Wufei had been meditating for a few hours moonlight was filtering through the window the house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Sheets’ rustling was the first indication that one of the two pilots was waking or making themselves more comfortable. Wufei got out of his trance just to make sure that his friends were just shifting in their sleep and not waking up. Luckily both of them were still sound asleep and it had just been movement to get more comfortable. Heero had moved his wings so that they were more snug up on his body, sort of like how a bird tucks their wings on their bodies.

Wufei did a quick check to see if Duo had moved, he hadn’t, and he went back to his meditating and waiting for Quatre to come and take the next shift.

As morning broke Quatre came into the room to relieve Wufei from the guard duty. He noticed that Heero had moved and that Duo was shifting in his bed.

“So Heero moved his wings,” Quatre whispered “and it appears that Duo might be doing so soon. Wufei would you please get Sally before you go.”

“Sure thing.” Wufei answered as he got up to leave.

“Also tell Sally to bring some breakfast for them in case they wake up.” Wufei only nodded in answer. With that said Quatre went and sat down between them again until the next watch. / Well at least 8 hours have passed by nine tonight the wings should be more comfortable for them or at least I hope so. Please sleep for another 13 hours or most of it at least. / Quatre thought.

Sally entered the room an hour later with a tray that contained breakfast for the boys. “How are they doing?”

“Heero moved his wings early this morning and I think that Duo will be moving his soon too. I just hope that they will sleep for another 12 hours or so.”

“I hope so too Quatre. But they really need some nourishment right now.” Sally said thoughtfully.

“We could wake them up for the time it takes to get some food into them.” Quatre suggested.

“Yes we could or we could tube feed them.” Sally retorted.

“I don’t think that we need to go that far.” Trowa said walking into the conversation. “They can wait until they wake up again. They are not going to die if they don’t eat in the next 12 hours. But if you are really that worried then try and get some chicken broth into them.”

“And just how do you suggest we do that without moving them? It would be impossible to get them to swallow any of it in their current positions.” Quatre asked. It was at this point that Duo decided to shift his wings into the same positions as Heero’s. The others turned to look at him to make sure he wasn’t waking up and all sighed in relief when they saw he was just making himself more comfortable.

“I was worried that he was going to wake up again so soon.” Sally said. “Any ways Trowa’s right they won’t die if they don’t eat in the next 12 hours, but I want them to get a good meal in once they do wake their bodies will need the nutrients to get over some of the shock to the system.”

“Agreed.” Quatre answered. Sally left after the brief conversation and a quick check up leaving the tray in case the boys did wake up in next half hour or so. “Trowa do you think everything will be okay?”

Trowa came over and hugged Quatre trying to dispel the negative feeling around Quatre right now. “Yes, I do think everything will be alright. Both Heero and Duo are tough enough to get through this. They will adjust just fine and so will we.”

“Thanks.” Quatre said holding on for dear life. “I needed that.”

“You’re welcome.” Trowa replied. They stayed that way until their stomach both growled and decided to eat what Sally had left for Heero and Duo since it didn’t seem like they were going to wake up in the near future.
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Well that’s chapter four please review for I need the feedback

I’m sorry these chapters are taking so long to come out but I have a major case of writers block please be patient and I will try and update when I can and as often as I can.

Thank you to all my readers and those who leave reviews.