InuYasha Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Dragon Half Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Words Worth Fan Fiction / Battle Angel Alita Fan Fiction ❯ On the Run ❯ Growth ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On the Run

By: bsmart (a.k.a. Tiek Mo Shet)

Disclaimer: Why the hell am I writing this? Nobody reads them and they have no legal weight. It's a complete waste of time and bandwidth and yet I'm still typing. If you're under the legal age where ever you are don't read this, but since you're going to anyways at least don't let your mommy catch you. This fic is very much NC-17.

Note: This is an Orange League fic. To be honest I don't know a damn thing about pokemon and I want to keep it that way. If I make a dumb mistake feel free to point it out. I've done as much research as I can into this to keep it consistent with what seems to be the accepted canon of the pokegirl world. Also no one that I know of has done anything with the Orange League so I'm making it up as I go along.

"…" Normal Speech

`…' Thought

Chapter 4: Growth

The night closed in quickly and by the time Nikolas had finished the pulse rifle's manual it was nearly pitch black, the only illumination was coming from their camp fire. `I would practice disassembling and reassembling this thing tonight,' he thought as he put it back into his pack, `but it's too dark.' He pulled his own tent and a pair of sleeping bags out of the bag and set them up. `Good thing I got these collapsible ones, saves a lot of time.' Returning to the fire he looked down at the pair of pokeballs sitting beside it for a moment before snatching them up and pressing the activation switches on them.

Before him appeared the same Catgirl he'd met two days before at the ranch and beside her stood what appeared to be a normal human girl with strawberry blonde hair, only her blood red eyes gave any hint that she wasn't normal. "Hello Nina."

"Oh, hello Mr. Seward," she replied shyly which Nikolas rewarded with a smile.

"I assume that you're Ceres," he asked the blonde girl.

"Yes sir."

"Please, call me Nikolas."

"Nikolas," asked Nina pronouncing it properly, "I thought your name was Nicholas, Master."

Nikolas sighed, now came the hard part, "Actually no, it's properly pronounced Nikolas, and my first name isn't Seward, it's Kirov."

Nina was beginning to look concerned when Ceres asked, "Then you bought us under a false name? Do you even have a license?"

"In a manner, perhaps you should sit down and let me explain this." Over the next ten minutes Nikolas did his best to explain to the two pokegirls exactly how he had wound up here and they had ended up in his care. He didn't skip on the details, after all he thought, they'll find it out eventually. "…and now here we are." Both of the girls stared at him rather blankly, obviously trying to process what they'd just been told. "I'm not going to make either of you come with us. If you want I'll give you your pokeballs, as much food and water as we can spare and you're free to go where you want. If you want to go with us I'll do my best to take care of you but you'll be free to do as you please. So, stay or go it's up to you."

Nina had been born a pokegirl in Azusa's ranch, her mother had been sold off when she was still very young, she had been raised by Azusa's wife Funaho and the other older pokegirls that had come through the ranch. As she grew older she spent more and more time around Funaho and Azusa, she also began to show an aptitude for helping Azusa run the ranch. It started as simply reminding him when he forgot to do something and eventually grew to more, by the time Nikolas had shown up she was in charge of most of the simple day to day running of the ranch. While she enjoyed the responsibility she had also come to realize that she was never going to be rid of it. She had become far too valuable for Azusa to sell, if he ever lost her he'd have to take the entirety of the ranches operation himself and that was something he didn't want. While Nina did enjoy her life she realized it wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to move out and explore the world, she wanted the company of a male. Like almost all pokegirls Nina was bisexual, though in her case it was only slightly. Her liaisons with the other members of the ranch had kept her tame but it had never really satisfied her, now she had a golden opportunity to appease both of her desires.

There was a problem though, while the man in front of her wasn't hard on the eyes, he was also a confessed killer and a thief. He might be doing it for his family but he was still a gamble, what cinched it for her was the knowledge of what would happen if she returned to the ranch, parthenogenesis. Azusa had no pokegirls now and she knew that he had spent the last of his free cash buying Nikolas' family; his only hope would be to force her into parthenogenesis and hope he could wait until she had her babies. He would sell them as soon as they were born and hopefully make enough cash from the sale to buy another full grown pokegirl or two. While selling her babies would be illegal she had seen Azusa do similar to other girl's litters when money got tight. No, returning wasn't an option.

But could she leave? Nikolas was a known quantity, if she wondered off she would be captured in short order and she would have no say in who did it. In her view staying was the lesser of two evils but before she could accept Nikolas' proposal Ceres spoke up, "I'll stay as long as you let me."

Ceres hadn't started off life as a pokegirl, up until six months ago she had been a pureblood girl working as a police officer in Trella. One fateful night she had responded to a disturbance call. When she had searched around the house of the caller she was jumped by a Vampire. The Vampire had had long blonde hair and wore a pair of glasses and called herself Integra and she didn't waste anytime. The vampire had bitten Ceres almost immediately and after a few moments she had blacked out. When she had come to she had been quite literally in the middle of nowhere. Dazed and confused she had stumbled around for several days until she had found a road and soon after, Azusa. The rancher had been on his way home from the Trella pokecenter when he had come across the blonde haired girl. He took notice of her strangely colored eyes within moments and captured her with a pokeball immediately thinking himself lucky, a feeling that lasted only as long as it took to scan the ball with his pokedex. It displayed no information about her rather then her species, Vampire, a sure sign that she was a victim of another Vampire's bite.

His initial thought had been to bury the ball and the girl as quickly as possible and be rid of her but his business sense stopped him. The girl might have been dangerous but her breed was rare, Vampires might have been feared by almost everyone but if he could find the right buyer she could fetch an astronomical price. The last time he had heard of a Vampire being sold the pokegirl had fetched fifty two thousand credits, she was dangerous, but valuable.

He later found out that the girls name was Ceres and she had been a police officer, she didn't take the news that she was now a pokegirl, and a vampire to boot, well. For a week she had begged to be released and had moped around the ranch. It took a pair of level two taming machine runs, a meal of blood, and being tamed by one of the other girls before she begin to relent and accept her fate. Azusa almost regretted his decision to keep her.

Ceres' biggest problem with her transformation wasn't as much with being a pokegirl as the type she had become. She now found herself with almost uncontrollable urge for blood. Initially Azusa had the girls prick themselves to give Ceres a little blood from time to time, soon he got his hands on some medical equipment and he started drawing a pint of blood from one of the girls once a week to keep her happy, well, not feral.

Ceres was not happy with her lot, almost every tamer had come through the ranch looked at her like a leper, most of the girls shunned her, and Azusa was beginning to look at her like more and more of a liability, the chance Nikolas was offering her was golden, somebody who was willing to take care of her for as long as she wanted them too. She jumped at the opportunity.

"I'll stay as long as you let me," the Vampire exclaimed.

"I'll travel with you as well," Nina said.

For his part Nikolas looked like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, "Excellent," he let out a deep breath, "excellent, so ah…either of you hungry?"

"Actually yes I am," answered Nina.

"Me too," said a nervous Ceres.

"Well let's see," said Nikolas as he began to dig through his pack, "I've got chicken and noodle, beef stew, ravioli, chicken sandwich, barbeque sandwich. Sorry but all I've got at the moment are MREs."

"The chicken noodle will do fine," said Nina serenely.

"Ceres, which one sounds the least stomach turning," joked Nikolas.

"Ummm, I don't really want that to eat."

As she spoke Nikolas noted something, she had a pair of rather large fangs. "Ceres, what type of pokegirl are you?"

Ceres' expression went from surprised to terrified to ashamed within seconds, "I'm a Vampire," she said quietly.

Nikolas' groan of frustration was obvious to everyone there. "So you haven't had any blood in a while huh," he asked with his back to her and his hands in the pack.

"No, it's been almost a week."

"And, if you don't get some soon you're gonna go feral right?"


"Well then," Nikolas dropped the pack and turned to sit down in front of Ceres, "I guess it's my job to take care of that." Ceres caught a quick glimpse of Nikolas pulling a survival knife from it scabbard before he gripped the blade and drew it back, hard. "Damn, doesn't look like it hurts this much in the movies." Nikolas opened his left hand up and presented it to Ceres, "Well, drink your fill."


"Look, you've got about five minutes before I bandage this up, so either drink or talk, your choice."

Ceres hesitated just a moment before gripping his hand and latching onto the wound.

Nina just sat and stared at the couple, every time Ceres seemed to apply more suction Nikolas winced. True to his word, five minutes later he told Ceres, "All right, that's it…ahh…dinner time's over." Ceres whimpered for a moment after she lost her grip on his palm but as he began to bandage it she doubled over and began to shudder. When Nikolas asked her, "Are you ok," her eyes snapped up and locked onto him, before he could react she had lunged forward pinning him to the ground.

"Tame. Me."


"Tame me right now," Ceres dipped her head down and pressed her blood soaked lips to Nikolas', while her hips straddled his and began to grind against them. To his surprise Nikolas was in no mood to argue, he pulled Ceres' head back and began to plant soft kisses on her lips until the Vampire girl growled and broke away. "Tame me," she snarled before her eyes softened, becoming almost submissive, "master."

Seeing the animalistic look on Ceres face hovering above his and her reaction to his soft kisses a moment before, Nikolas quickly realized what she wanted, something he had no experience with. `I guess I can play it by ear,' he thought as he rolled the both of them over onto her back. Moving quickly he unbuttoned the blue shirt she wore while she stared up at him with eager eyes. The shirt was quickly gone and her bra soon joined it, Nikolas tried to take a moment to enjoy the expanse of pale white skin he had uncovered but Ceres was having none of that. She reached up and peeled off Nikolas' shirt and started to work at his belt. Nikolas broke contact with her for second to finish shedding his clothes before picking her up and carrying her towards his tent. Neither of the realized that Nina had been watching them the whole time until she crawled into the tent with them.

"Uhhh, Nina could you give us some privacy?"


Ceres was starting to growl in frustration as Nikolas asked Nina, "Why not?"

In truth Nina wasn't entirely sure why but she had been growing hornier and hornier watching the couple before her, hearing Ceres demanding to be tamed had only made it worse. She had never heard the girl use the term tame before, in the last six months she had always referred to it as sex or making love. "Because I'm getting tamed next."

"Grrrr, whatever," snapped Ceres as she snatched off her skirt and panties, "Tame me, NOW!"

The moist heat of the entrance to her sex he felt when she drug him back down brought Nikolas' attention back to the problem at hand. Quickly deciding that the Nina problem could wait while Ceres could not he, bent down and captured the latter's left nipple in his mouth and sucked at it. When Ceres predictably complained at the delay he bit down gently and adored her surprised gasp. Her legs wrapped around him and pulled him to her, forcing the head of his penis an inch into her. Deciding that he had had enough teasing as well he finished what she had started and thrust the rest of the way into her to her vocal delight.

While Nikolas started to ravage the Vampire girl beneath him Nina did her part to send Ceres to nirvana as well. Leaning over she began to explore Ceres mouth with her tongue. The taste was strange to Nina, she'd never kissed Ceres immediately after she had eaten, she decided rather quickly that she wasn't wild about the taste but she kept at it anyways, the sooner Ceres got off the sooner it would be her turn.

With every thrust Nikolas made into Ceres' body the pokegirl used her legs to try to coax him in harder, eventually the leverage afforded their position wouldn't allow him to go harder. Thinking quickly he unhooked Ceres legs from his waste, scooted himself almost to kneeling and hooked her knees over his elbows. His first thrust in this new position put his previous ones to shame and tore a strangled groan out of Ceres.

"Aarrggh, more, harder, Harder," she screamed before Nina recaptured her mouth and started to play with one of her nipples.

`Damn woman.' Watching the two girls kissing while slam fucking one of them was not doing Nikolas' stamina any good, regardless of what he tried to concentrate on the image of Nina thrusting her tongue into Ceres mouth in time with his thrusts kept demanding his attention. Nikolas was only able to keep up this vigorous activity for a few minutes before he felt himself going over the edge. "Gonna, come." He drove into her one last time and held his hips tight against hers as he came.

Feeling her new master, the man who had fed her his own blood and had given her a home, begin to come inside her Ceres arched her back off the sleeping bag her face contorted in a soundless scream. For several long moments she hung there, long after Nikolas had finished his biological duty. When she relaxed and opened her eyes she blushed at the happy looks she was receiving from the tent's other occupants. "Did you enjoy yourself," Nina asked with a coy smile.

"Heh, I ummm."

Leaning down and kissing Ceres lightly Nikolas said, "Anytime you need it, just ask."

"Well, I need it."

When they looked up, Nikolas and Ceres saw that Nina had taken their moment to remove her clothes and begin stalking towards them on her hands and knees. Of immediate interest to the fugitive was Nina's strange fur pattern, the fur on her legs extended all the way up from her feet to mid thigh before it reduced down to a strip running up the outside of her thighs. The strips met at the small of her back where her tail emerged from and swept up her spine to disappear into her hair. The line of fur was interrupted at her ribs where a pair of stripes swept around to cup her full breasts in a purple embrace. The fur that covered her arms like gloves and connected to the strip on her back with a thin line running over her shoulders. "Gods you're gorgeous," Nikolas uttered in a hushed whisper.

The advancing Catgirl stopped in her tracks as her cheeks reddened giving Nikolas the chance to take the initiative. He pulled Nina into his lap as Ceres moved out of the way. The downcast girl's eyes caught sight of Nikolas' limp member and he chuckled, "It may be a few minutes before I'm good to go again." Giving her a quick kiss on the forehead he assured her, "Let's make the best of it." While his hands slid down her legs smoothing her fur Ceres came up behind her and molded herself to the Catgirl's back.

"Mmm, the best," moaned Ceres as she slipped her hands around to cup Nina's breasts and offered them up to Nikolas. He quickly took the hint and began to lightly lick and suck at the taunt pink treats. Seeing her master enjoying himself Ceres began nibbling on the back of Nina's neck before latching onto her throat and applying almost enough pressure to break the skin.

Taking his lover's sudden gasp to be a good thing Nikolas slid one hand down through the thickest of her purple curls and delicately stroked at the softness he found there.

Nina had just gone from terrified to borderline orgasmic in the blink of an eye. She had thought Ceres was still hungry when the girl had pressed her fangs into her neck but then her exclamation had led to Nikolas playing with her folds and she couldn't have cared less if Ceres had turned her then or not. Her new tamer gently parted her sex and began to lazily drag his finger up and down its length, pausing to gently play with her clitoris whenever he made contact with it. When he had whispered in her ear, "I think somebody's ready to be tamed," she could only weakly nod.

Nikolas had been surprised how quickly his vitality had returned and he attributed it to either his pokegirl blood or the simple eroticism of the scene, either way his stiffness had returned and he was determined to make use of it. When Nina had agreed with his statement he had lifted her off of his lap while Ceres backed off to give them room, only Nina didn't lie down like he expected, instead she had turned around onto her elbows and knees, spread her legs and looked back at him with an expectant face. "Nina, we don't have to do it this way if you don't want too," he tried to assure her.

"No, I want it this way," she said with a small voice, "please?"

Nikolas nodded his assent and shuffled up behind her on his knees while Ceres sat down next to Nina's head and began to stroke her hair. Nikolas did his best to appear confident and simply taking his time as he took his cock in his hand and began to slowly rub it against Nina's dripping cleft, in truth he really didn't know the proper angle and was trying to find it. His actions were driving Nina wild with anticipation and her torso slid lower into Ceres' embrace until he found the angle and began to slide forward into her sheath. `I am going to last a lot longer this time, not like with Ceres,' he thought as he slid forward as slowly as possible. A long low "Nyao," escaped from Nina's throat as Nikolas bottomed out for the first time. With no delay he withdrew just as slowly as he had entered and established a slow, powerful rhythm; every time his hips contacted her soft bottom another catlike "Nyao," escaped Nina's lips.

While Nina was enjoying herself greatly, her enjoyment was creating a problem for Nikolas. The strength was slowly leaving Nina's body and with every stroke her weakened knees slipped a little farther out to the sides and forced him to readjust his motion, never allowing him to stop worrying about it and give in to the wonderful sensation of coupling with this wonderful girl. For several more strokes he considered the problem before pulling out completely and instructing Nina, "Put your legs together and lay down on them." The girl complained loudly at the loss of friction but complied anyway. Nikolas straddled her legs, gripped her hips, and repositioned himself behind her before plunging back into her tightness with one long thrust, "Much better."

Nina seemed to agree as she arched her back almost to the breaking point and propped herself up on her hands. Ceres quickly scrambled under Nina and latched onto one of her now swaying nipples, suckling happily. As Nikolas' pace increased the frequency and urgency of Nina's vocalizations increased. Nikolas was soon using his grip on Nina's hips to drag her back into him as he thrust forward and her vocalizations were sounding more and more catlike. He found himself laughing lightly as Nina's pleasure began to find expression in her tail as it began twitching back and forth rapidly.

As Nikolas began to close on the culmination of their act he noted that Ceres had finally released Nina's chest and was stroking the Catgirl's face affectionately. "I'm almost….uh….there."

"Just…nyao….go, I'm, nyao…there, nyaaoooo," Nina panted back.

With her permission Nikolas gave a few more convulsive thrusts before pulling her tight as they came close together. They remained joined for a handbreadth before Nikolas collapsed back onto the sleeping bags, "I am completely spent."

Nina layed down next to him and began to purr as she said, "Then let's go to sleep."

Ceres nodded in agreement as she drug a blanket over the three of them and snuggled up to Nikolas, within minutes the three of them were fast asleep.

Nikolas' Girls

Nina - Catgirl

Ceres - Vampire

Author's Notes (a.k.a. My feeble attempt to explain away how much this sucked.) V1 Beta


Lighthawk - My designated pre-reader, who subjected himself to this every other day.


1) There's a difference in the pronunciation between Nikolas and Nicholas. Nikolas is Russian and Nicholas is English, just go with it.


Wanna get pissy in person? Come on over and bitch me out:

You don't need to tell me I suck, I'm well aware of that.