InuYasha Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Dragon Half Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Words Worth Fan Fiction / Battle Angel Alita Fan Fiction ❯ On the Run ❯ Damage ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On the Run

By: bsmart (a.k.a. Tiek Mo Shet)

Disclaimer: Why the hell am I writing this? Nobody reads them and they have no legal weight. It's a complete waste of time and bandwidth and yet I'm still typing. If you're under the legal age where ever you are don't read this, but since you're going to anyways at least don't let your mommy catch you. This fic is very much NC-17.

Note: This is an Orange League fic. To be honest I don't know a damn thing about pokemon and I want to keep it that way. If I make a dumb mistake feel free to point it out. I've done as much research as I can into this to keep it consistent with what seems to be the accepted canon of the pokegirl world. Also no one that I know of has done anything with the Orange League so I'm making it up as I go along.

"…" Normal Speech

`…' Thought

Chapter 7: Damage

"Got room for one more?"

Even as Nikolas was reaching up to wipe the water off of his brow he felt Mihoshi's pleasantly warm and snug sex sliding off of him as she quickly stood up and bounded over to Ceres, delivering an enthusiastic kiss to the vampire.

As she felt Mihoshi's lips slam into hers, Ceres started to pull back however the bunnygirl just followed her until she hit the corner of the stall. When she ran into the wall Ceres shivered from contact with the cold tile, something that Mihoshi took to mean that her efforts were appreciated and she redoubled her efforts, she quickly began to work her tongue into Ceres' mouth.

Ceres hadn't meant to start something with Mihoshi when she had decided to come into the showers, she had only been looking for Nikolas, but when Mihoshi ran her tongue across one of Ceres' fangs and moaned the vampire decided to go with it, the quickest way to her goal was through Mihoshi, after all, Nikolas had just finished with the blonde, he'd most likely need a little stimulation to get ready for her. Ceres captured Mihoshi's questing tongue between her teeth and began to tease its top with her own. Mihoshi's happy giggle degenerated into moan as she felt Ceres returning her affections.

Ceres wrapped her arms around Mihoshi and spun them so their positions were reversed, she reached to her left and began to fumble with the shower's controls, when she was deluged by the rest of the shower heads she stopped turning knobs. Ceres quickly shoved her thigh between Mihoshi's and began to grind it into Mihoshi's pussy, `Since you just got off it shouldn't be too hard to get you off again. What the…?' Ceres looked down at her thigh in confusion, `That isn't water or her…it's…heh, this'll get him going again.' Mihoshi whimpered pitifully at the loss of Ceres' lips and the vampire quickly mashed her lips back against the bunnygirl's as one of her hands drifted down to Mihoshi's sex and began to collect the juices starting to leak out, she slowly looked over her shoulder and brought her fingers up to her mouth while locking eyes with Nikolas.

`She's not gonna,' Nikolas thought as he watched Ceres bring a finger to her mouth, `I guess she is,' Ceres inserted one of her white sticky fingers into her mouth and started to hum happily. Nikolas explosively exhaled a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, `Whoaaa,' Ceres pulled out her first finger before extending her tongue and slowly inserting another.

"C'mon Ceres…share," Mihoshi whined.

`Damn it Mihoshi I don't want too,' Ceres thought as she sucked on her captive finger, `I'm starting to remember why Washu kept you all to herself, you taste good,' she glanced over her shoulder, `Still….' With an audible pop Ceres removed her middle finger from her mouth and began to run her ring finger along Mihoshi's full red lips, the bunnygirl was quickly moaning happily but as soon as she tried to capture the teasing digit with her mouth Ceres snatched it away. "Uh uh uuuhhhh."

"Cereessss, please," the buxom blonde begged.

Ceres kept her finger out of Mihoshi's reach as she looked back at Nikolas and asked, "Should I," with a raised brow.

Nikolas tried to form the words to give Ceres permission but they failed him as he watched Mihoshi tilting her head back and sticking her little pink tongue out in a futile attempt to reach Ceres cum coated fingers, in the end he settled for a simple nod.

Ceres smiled sweetly as she lowered her ring finger into Mihoshi's mouth, `Having a little trouble? Oh….wow, she's enthusiastic.' Mihoshi's tongue was running up and down Ceres' finger while she sucked on it as hard as she good, every time Mihoshi's tongue ran along the underside of her finger Ceres felt a chill run up her spine, `Focus, remember why you're here, it's time to get master to tame me again.' While Mihoshi cleaned off her pinky Ceres checked to make sure she still had Nikolas' undivided attention and gave him a wink when she saw she did. "Mihoshi, you made a mess," Ceres chided when she spied some of the cum mixture smeared across Mihoshi's cheek, "Let me help."

Nikolas just stared as Ceres small pink tongue extended and licked Mihoshi's cheek clean, "Maybe I should make sure the rest of you is clean," Ceres offered. Before either Mihoshi or Nikolas realized what was happening Ceres dropped to her knees and shoved her face into Mihoshi's blonde furred cunt. Nikolas stared with rapt attention as the buxom blonde groaned and writhed while Ceres worked her way into position between Mihoshi's legs. Ceres found exactly where she wanted to be and started to apply some serious suction. Nikolas watched as the vampire's cheeks hollowed out in time with Mihoshi's shrieks of delight. Nikolas couldn't pull his eyes away from the sight of the two beauties in their Sapphic embrace, everything kept him mesmerized, Mihoshi's heaving breasts as she gulped down air between screams, Ceres firm round bottom sliding on the wet tile, the occasional glimpses of Ceres cum soaked tongue as she came up for air.

`I hope Master's enjoying the show,' Ceres thought, `because I'm enjoying giving it, I'll have to steal Mihoshi away from Washu more often.' When Ceres drove her mouth harder into Mihoshi nearly lifting the blonde bunnygirl off her feet, Mihoshi's attempt to watch her tamer's face was cut short as her eyes rolled back in her head while she came. `Finally.' Before she let Mihoshi go Ceres gave her clit one last lick before she turned around.

Nikolas watched Mihoshi slump contentedly into the corner with a happy smile on her angelic face, and then Ceres caught his eye. The vampire was slowly stalking towards him, making sure to roll her hips as she did. When she was sure she had his undivided attention she parted her lips revealing Mihoshi and his juices mixed in her mouth, when she felt the strand connecting one of her fangs to her lower teeth snap she closed her mouth and swallowed slowly and loudly. Ceres stopped in front of Nikolas and slowly extended her inhumanly long tongue and began to lick her face clean. "Master," she whispered between swipes of her tongue, "I want to be tamed."


"Will you tame me?" Nikolas nodded numbly as she closed the distance between them, kneeling down to straddle him in the way Mihoshi had only a few minutes before. Nikolas closed his eyes for a moment as he felt her pleasantly soft, slick flesh start to rub against him. "Lie down." Nikolas did as he was told, the tile was warm from the water but he still had to slide a bit to make sure that his head wasn't under one of the streams. Nikolas opened his eyes to see Ceres arching back, allowing one of the streams of water to wash over her face and down the length of her pale body. As he stared at her, mesmerized by the site of the water cascading over her breasts and down her flat stomach, his dick twitched where it rested against her rear.

When Ceres felt her tamer's excitement she felt a rush of exhilaration, not only was her Master excited to tame her, but he wasn't pushing her away, he wasn't rejecting her. Ceres could actually feel the warmth spread across her body as she flushed with excitement and happiness. Ceres smiled, knowing full well that it was exposing her fangs, for a moment she hesitated to look, afraid that she would see the terror or disgust that always adorned someone's face when they knew what she was and saw her fangs. When she did look she saw him staring at her raptly, with lust in his eyes instead of fear. With a happy squeal Ceres lunged forward and crushed her lips against Nikolas, reveling in the rough feeling of his male body beneath her and his stubble against her cheek.

Nikolas was surprised when Ceres darted down and began to kiss him but he quickly overcame it, his hands started to roam across her body while he lay there and enjoyed the soft weight of Ceres astride him. Starting with her shoulders he began to knead her soft cool skin and slowly walked his hands down her back. When his hands found themselves on her hips he tried to encourage her to slide back and let him penetrate her. "Master," Ceres asked softly.

Nikolas pushed down on her hips firmly and looked strait into her eyes as he said her name with as much authority as he could manage, "Ceres."

For a moment she resisted him, until he gave her a small smile. Immediately Ceres' concerned look melted and she reached around to grasp his manhood in her small hand and guide him into her. With only a little urging from her tamer Ceres rocked back and sat up, burying Nikolas' shaft inside her. Ceres gasped at the intrusion, `Gods, it feels like it's burning up,' she thought as the temperature difference between their bodies asserted itself. Tentatively she rocked forward, allowing him to almost leave her completely, before she rocked back, her tight little rear smacking against Nikolas' thighs. Emboldened by the wonderful feeling that shot from her pussy to her brain she repeated her actions, the next time her ass slapped against him she let loose a strangled laugh of pleasure. Ceres leaned over and propped herself up on Nikolas chest, as she rocked her hips and flexed her back the maniacal grin that had adorned her face when she entered the shower was returning. As she sped up Ceres felt all the muscles in her groin starting to tense up, knowing what was coming she continued her relentless riding of Nikolas.

For some unknown reason Nikolas found the borderline psychotic look on his pokegirl's face endearing rather then frightening. Nikolas tried to focus on why he was thinking of her as his but every time her hips came crashing down all rational thought was erased from his mind by the sensation of her hot wet walls clamping down on him. Her motions started to become more erratic and eventually she was unable to hold herself up and she began to collapse forward onto Nikolas' chest, but before she could he caught her by her hips and began to thrust up into her. After only a trio of thrusts he saw her eyes roll up into her head and felt pussy clamp down on him hard enough to convince him that she had just came. Nikolas took a few moments to just admire Ceres expressions as she panted through her orgasm but his admiration only lasted until his own bodies desires demanded satisfaction. When he started to force his hips up into the willing girl he spotted Mihoshi where she was sitting in a corner of the stall, the soaked bunnygirl was slowly fingering herself while she watched them coupling. When she saw him watching her she blushed slightly but never stopped her ministrations. Nikolas shot her a small grin before returning his full attention to Ceres and beginning to thrust in earnest.

Ceres had only just started to recover her wits from her orgasm when she felt Nikolas resume his thrusting into her. The grin that was affixed to Ceres face as her Master used her for his release spread from ear to ear. When she heard him grunt and felt his seed issue forth into her she came with him and collapsed forward to lie on his chest.

Nikolas happily lay where they fell and allowed the shower's water to wash over them as he idly played with Ceres' hair. He would have lain there all night beneath Ceres if Mihoshi's face hadn't appeared inches from his. "Nikolas?"


Ceres rolled off of the top of him and Mihoshi looked hopeful, "Can you tame me again? Please?"

"I sort of just got done with Ceres, it's probably gonna be a little while," he tried to explain.

"Oh no, I got something for that before I came." Mihoshi quickly hopped up and bounced out of the stall to return a moment later a canned drink and a nondescript tube of something that she handed to Ceres. Mihoshi shoved the can in Nikolas' hand, "Drink it."

Nikolas sat up and looked at Ceres for an explanation, but the vampire was busy examining the tube. With a sigh Nikolas popped the top and took a swig of the contents, "Gah!" he spat out after swallowing the mouthful of whatever it was, "What the hell is this, tastes like sawdust and cough syrup." He quickly spun the can in his hand looking for a label, "That explains it," he muttered after seeing the `Endurance Plus' label. Nikolas glanced up and saw Mihoshi nearly on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry," Mihoshi whispered.

"No, no, it's ok, really," Nikolas tried to assure her.

"Really?" A bit of the hopeful look returned to her face.

"Yeah, it just tastes a little weird to begin with," Nikolas upended the can and tried not to gag. `Just one more thing I'm going to have to get used to. No way I can keep up with these girls on my own.' Nikolas tossed the empty can towards one of the corners of the stall and stood up. Mihoshi immediately latched onto him and snuggled her plush frame up against him. The sudden change from Ceres cool skin to Mihoshi's flushed and hot was a shock that cleared away any weariness Nikolas might have been feeling.

Mihoshi set about getting her tamer back in mood with a vengeance. Her hands quickly roamed all over his body rubbing, tweaking, and licking anywhere she thought it would excite Nikolas. The bunnygirl's frantic ministrations quickly had the desired effect on Nikolas; he hadn't been lacking the will to do as Mihoshi asked, merely the stamina, something the drink was furnishing him with rapidly. When his manhood returned to attention Mihoshi began to slow down her assault, she ground her body against his, making sure that her nipples caught on his when they passed and to moan into his ear whenever she got near it.

Nikolas was fighting hard to keep his mind open to anything but the feeling of Mihoshi's warm and slick body rubbing against his but every time she sighed or moaned he couldn't focus on anything but her. He was dimly aware that Ceres was leaning on the central pole of the shower beside him, and that the whoretortle and her tamer had finished with their own taming and were now watching the show that the three of them were putting on but when Mihoshi wrapped one of her delicate little hands around his cock and began to lightly stroke it's length she had his full attention.

When she was sure Nikolas was aroused enough Mihoshi rolled the two of them around so that she was sandwiched between Nikolas and the column. Nikolas didn't waste any time and turned Mihoshi around and bent her over once again, however when he attempted to enter her she pulled forward and shook her head at him, "Uh, not there," she said quietly. When she saw the confused look on his face she turned her head to Ceres, glanced at the tube that Ceres was still holding, and gave her a pleading look.

For a moment Ceres wasn't sure what Mihoshi wanted, she knew for a fact that the pokegirl had no problem getting wet enough to have sex so she had no idea why Mihoshi was interested in the tube of lubricant she was holding. It was when she saw Mihoshi flexing her knees to cause Nikolas' dick to slide higher up her ass that Ceres figured out exactly what the perverted bunnygirl wanted. With a smile she slid up beside the couple and began to nibble on Nikolas' ear, with her hands she squeezed some of the lube out and began applying it Nikolas' penis. When she was sure Nikolas was ready she guided him to where Mihoshi wanted him and whispered in his ear, "Have fun."

Nikolas had been confused right up to the moment that Ceres had placed his cock against Mihoshi's ass. He wasn't stupid, he knew that nothing was off limits when it came to your pokegirls, and he knew that they could be incredibly wanton at times, but the closed eye look of anticipation that adorned Mihoshi's adorable face was too much. She wasn't just giving in to her tamer's desires, she was asking for it, and wanting it badly if he was any judge of her reactions. For an instant he tried to consider the implications of what was happening, and then Mihoshi arched back and tried to coax him on.

Mihoshi groaned as she felt Nikolas slowly begin to force his way inside her, she tried to focus on relaxing like Washu had taught her but every time he forced his way in a little deeper she lost her concentration, her ass clamped down on his invading member, and the sensation caused her to squeal out again before he stopped and waited for her to relax again. `Mmm, he's warm, not like Washu's toys….oohhhhh that feels good.' When Nikolas bottomed out she opened her mouth to scream but before she could Ceres slid up between her and the pole and covered her mouth with her own. When Nikolas pushed forward to make sure he had penetrated Mihoshi as far as he could he crushed Mihoshi against Ceres. With Nikolas firmly embedded in her ass, his thighs crammed up against hers, and Ceres slightly cool body molded providing a pleasant counter point to the warmth in her rear Mihoshi squealed right into Ceres mouth.

As Mihoshi squealed Ceres pulled back and found herself giggling over her harem sister's predicament, she knew that Mihoshi hadn't had an orgasm, it would take more then that to get even Mihoshi off, but she was sure that Mihoshi was certain to at some point. `One of the benefits of being a pokegirl, just about anything will get you off.' With a wicked grin she slid one of her hands down and began to finger Mihoshi gently while next to Mihoshi's ear she whispered, "Fuck her master."

Nikolas grinned as he heard Ceres' encouragement, which combined with Mihoshi's squeal, assured him that she was enjoying herself and let him stop worrying about her and just focus on the task at hand. As Ceres pale lips fastened onto Mihoshi's neck Nikolas caught a glimmer of fang but the vampire didn't bite down. Nikolas pulled back slowly until just the head of his dick remained in Mihoshi's glorious bum, he waited a moment to let Mihoshi adjust to the feeling of his absence before he shoved himself back into her, slowly enough to not cause her pain but with enough force to make it clear who was in control. Nikolas didn't build up the pace too much, he kept it slow and steady to make sure he didn't hurt Mihoshi, the slow pace also allowed him time to admire the view. He watched as his cock slowly slid back into Mihoshi's ass, forcing it open around his invading member, every time he bottomed out he enjoyed watching her rear and legs quiver. He let his eyes roam up her smooth tanned back until he reached the mass of blonde curls that fell across her shoulders. Her ears were drooped down the sides of her face which brought his eyes to the space where Mihoshi and Ceres' lips were locked. Nikolas smiled and built up the speed of his thrusts and force when he was in as far as he could. When Nikolas felt Mihoshi clamp down on him he paused for a moment to lock eyes with Ceres. When the vampire raised the hand that had been playing with Mihoshi to her mouth and began to lick it clean Nikolas got the message and started to rock his hips against Mihoshi, `She's had her fun, now for mine.' After only a few moments of shallow thrusting Nikolas felt the pressure in his balls approaching the breaking point. "I'm gonna…..come…..uhhhhnn."

Mihoshi relaxed as she felt the first blast of her tamer's seed inside her rear, she leaned forward on Ceres and half closed her eyes, "We're lucky you know," she muttered to Ceres.


Nikolas slowly withdrew himself from Mihoshi before he helped Mihoshi stand up and sandwiched her against Ceres. "Mihoshi?"


Nikolas ran his hand down her side and back up Ceres', "You can keep that collar on for as long as you want." As soon as the words left his mouth Nikolas wasn't entirely sure what had prompted it, but the thought of Mihoshi belonging to him was too tempting to pass up. He could have claimed her without the collar, but the brown leather just looked too good wrapped around her neck.

Mihoshi spun in his arms and gave him a lip crushing kiss, "I won't take it off unless you make me," she giggled, "and maybe not even then."

The light smacking sound of Ceres' hand on Mihoshi's thigh drew Nikolas' attention, "Ceres, be nice," he chided, "or you don't get a collar yourself."

Ceres' eyes widened at the mention of the symbol, "You mean it?!"

Nikolas smiled, "Of course, now let's get cleaned up and to bed, I'm about to drop."

"What about Nina and Washu," Mihoshi asked.

"In good time, I don't think either of them are terribly wild about me at the moment."

"They're going to need a tamer," Ceres said.

"I'm going to take care of them; I'd just rather save this for a time when they're a little happier with me."

Ceres and Mihoshi nodded at this and the three of them quickly cleaned themselves up and headed out of the showers. When they came to the cubbies Nikolas retrieved his clothes and was about to put them on when he noticed the two pokegirls standing in the middle of the changing room, naked as the day they were born. With a shrug Nikolas gathered up the rest of his things and followed after them with only a towel to preserve his modesty. Everyone at the campsite was already asleep when they returned but somebody had set up one of the tents for them. All three of them climbed inside and quickly feel asleep in each other's arms.

"Get up!"

Nikolas sat up before he even realized he was awake, "I'm up, I'm up, uuuhhhh," he blinked as sunlight speared into the back of eyeballs, "where's the fire."

"Is he up yet," Yerella snapped from outside the tent.

"Almost," Edora said, "Nikolas, you gotta wake up?"

"What's going on shorty," he groaned.

"There're cops at the front gate…"


"Shut up," Edora hissed, "Mom and Yerella saw them when they were coming back from their shower."

Ceres was levering herself up off her sleeping bag, "What about cops?"

Nikolas was already scrambling his way into his pants, "Yeah, Dorrie says our Moms saw some at the front gate." Nikolas started tugging on his boots, "Where the hell is my hat and shirt?"

"Here's your hat," Edora said as she stuffed his wreckball cap in his hand, "just go without your shirt you wuss."

"Whatever," he stuffed the cap down on his head, "get everyone together, pack everything up and get ready to go right now," he told Edora.

"We've already started," she told him.

Nikolas pulled her down for a quick kiss, "Good girl, I'll be right back." Nikolas didn't see his little sister beaming as he scrambled out of the tent. As he walked down the path towards the entrance Nikolas absent mindedly stroked his chin. `Just be cool, you don't look a damn thing like your old pictures, and half the male population has this size and build. It'll be cool, just tell the guy you're leaving and bail, no big deal, you just want to get an early start and you're checking out.' As Nikolas rounded the corner of the showers he spotted the officers standing right in front of the office. Trying his best to look disinterested Nikolas walked right towards them.

"…nah, I haven't seen anybody with a kunochi, charmanda, or a youma round here. I've got one guy with a whoretortle, a titmouse, and some plant type, and another with a couple titmice, some near human, and a catgirl but nothing special, certainly nothing like those."

Nikolas finished walking up just as the manager finished answering the police's question. "Something going on?"

"Yes," one of the officers answered as she held up a flyer with a two year old picture of Nikolas on it, "have you seen this man?"

Nikolas made a show of examining the flyer, "I can't say I have, sorry. What did he do?"

"The Trella Police Department simply wants to talk to him," she assured him.

"Well, I haven't seen him, course I haven't seen much of anyone except my girls since about seven last night, heh."

The officer rolled her eyes while her male partner chuckled lightly, "Well if you see him please let us know."

"Oh yeah, sure." He turned to the manager, "I wanna check out." As they went through the quick bit of paperwork required to check out, Nikolas watched the officers head down the path on the opposite side of the central building from his camping site.

"Alright, ya'll break anything," the manager asked.

"Nothing to break."

"Fair enough, leave whenever you want, just want too before two."

"No problem, we'll be out of here pretty quick." Nikolas made his way rapidly back to their camp site, when he stepped through the gate he saw almost everything was packed up, Mihoshi, still wearing her collar, came over to him and handed him a t-shirt. "Everything ready to go?

"Uh huh," she replied

Nikolas quickly donned the shirt he'd been handed and headed over to the table under the pavilion where his stuff was stacked. He quickly filled his pockets with all the accouterments he normally carried and started to rummage around in his pack.

"What are you looking for," Mihoshi asked as she stood on her tip toes in an attempt to see in the pack.

"This," he said as he pulled out the holster set for the pistols, "Carrying those things," he pointed to the pistols lying on the table, "in the waistband of my pants just isn't working." After donning the belt and a quick check to make sure that his jacket covered the holsters Nikolas grabbed his pack, and his mothers' pokeballs. "Everybody ready to get out of here?" After he received a chorus of affirmatives Nikolas turned to his mothers and held up their pokeballs, "Sorry, but you guys have to go back in until we get out of town."

Yerella and Lana both nodded, "Of course," his mother said.

Nikolas hit the activation buttons on both the balls and watched as both his mothers disappeared into their pokeballs. Rather solemly Nikolas put the balls into pouch on his pack. "Alright, let's go." Moving quickly the group headed for the back of the camp ground, with Nikolas bringing up the rear, right before he turned the corner to leave the grounds he glanced over his shoulder and saw the two police officers about to knock on the gate that led to their former camp. "Hurry up, let's put some distance between us and this place."

The area to the rear of the camp was mostly scattered trees and underbrush and the going was quick, Nikolas pulled out his compass and consulted it quickly, "This way," he said pointing to the north. "Ceres, wait up."

Ceres had been leading the group but when Nikolas called to her she stopped beside a pine tree while the rest of the girls passed, "What's up."

Nikolas stepped over a fallen log and Ceres fell into step with him, "The cops back there, do you think they knew we were nearby?"

"If they had thought you were at that camp they would send more then two officers, they probably just got an APB and sent a patrol out to the local tamer haunts to check around."

"Still seems a little too convenient."

"Well running out like that might tip them off to us."

"I didn't want to give them a chance to come by and see all of you together with me."

"No, that wouldn't have been good."

"We'll push hard today, try to go as far as we can."

"So where are we going," Ceres asked as she pushed through a clump of bushes.

Nikolas reached down and pulled his pokedex out of one of the pockets of his pants and flipped it on to the map, "There's a river about four hours north of here. The `dex says that it should be fordable so we'll just head across, and set up for lunch on the other side."

Ceres pushed back a low hanging branch and held it as Nikolas walked by, "From there?"

"North for another day and a half, then we swing around Murkwood which will probably take about four days, then north northwest for two days till we get to Tigit."

"Why go around Murkwood? It looks like if we just went through it we could shave two days off our trip."

"Oh no, you don't go through Murkwood, no way."

"Well why the bloody hell not?"

"Because people disappear in that damn forest all the time, I'm already planning on cutting it closer to the forest then I'm comfortable with."

"Sounds like a bunch of superstitious crap to me."

"Says the vampire."

"Hmmph, so do we have enough food to make it?"

"Plenty, even if I let out the rest of the girls from the ranch."

"Speaking of which, when are you going to get around to that?"

"As soon as I can, I feel bad about leaving them in their pokeballs but there doesn't ever seem like a good time to let them out," Nikolas stumbled slightly over a root in his way but quickly recovered, "but we're about to be out in the wilderness for a week so I'll have plenty of time."

Ceres nodded and the next half hour passed quietly as they made their way through the woods, which soon gave way to a grain field. As they trudged onwards Nikolas found himself laughing inwardly at the sight of his sisters' ears bobbing along through the grain, the rest of their bodies were hidden by the tall grain. A few minutes from the river Nikolas released his mothers.

The capture beam had barely released Yerella before she had asked, "Have the police followed us?"

"No, not as far we can tell, how are you two?"

"Nikolas, we're fine," Lana assured him, "now let's keep going."

"Don't be so sure that nobody's following us," Nina said.


"I can smell somebody, every now and again when the wind shifts I can smell them. Don't look back there!" she snapped when Nikolas started to look back. "They're out there, I'm sure of it."

"How close," Nikolas asked as they started off again.

"Not very, but they are back there."

Nikolas slowly scanned the horizon, a kilometer or two away he could see a large group of pokegirls tending the crop but he saw no one else within eyeshot. "You're sure?"

Nina took a cautious sniff of the air as it suddenly gusted up behind them, "Yes, two human males."

"Alright, everyone listen up," Nikolas said as quietly as he could and still get everyone's attention. "When we get to the tree line I want all of you to hurry on ahead, I'll keep going slow, get to the other side of the river and wait for me. Anybody who's following us will have to cross the river after us and give us a good look at them, alright?"

"What about you," Mihoshi asked, "if they have any pokegirls…"

"Don't take this personally but uuhhh, which one of you is going to fight them off if they do?"

Mihoshi started to answer but closed her mouth before she made a sound.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll stop in the woods and get out the rifle, I can handle it."

Yerella gave her son a disapproving look but nodded in agreement with everyone else. As they walked toward the tree line that hid the river Nikolas started to fall back from the group. By the time they reached the trees he was a good ten meters behind the girls. As soon as he pushed through a clump of bushes that would hide him from whoever was following them Nikolas kneeled down and set his pack against a tree. He quickly removed the pulse rifle and slung it over his shoulder before picking up his pack and making sure it's straps didn't interfere with the rifle's sling. Moving quickly through the undergrowth to make up lost time Nikolas dodged trees and hopped over stumps, all the while trying to maintain his footing on the carpet of decaying leaves that covered the ground. With no warning his right foot splashed down into the river as he pushed aside a last palm frond.

At the point he had chosen to cross it the river was nearly a hundred meters wide but it was less then a meter deep and the current was slow. The girls were already half way across as Nikolas started out into the clear cool water. As he pushed across Nikolas fought to maintain his footing as the river rocks shifted beneath him. Twenty meters from the bank and in thirty-five centimeters of water Nikolas managed to step in a hole. Going down in a rush as his balance gave out Nikolas plunged face first into the water and smashed his nose into the riverbed. Quickly he picked himself up and started towards the bank again.

"Nikolas," Nina yelled as she came charging out of the brush on her bank, "are you ok?"

Before he could answer he heard a series of splashes coming from the side of the river they had just left, "Nikolas Kirov!"

Nikolas stopped in his tracks and looked back over his shoulder, out of the corner of his eye he saw Nina come to a halt a few meters away from him. "No, Wingate, and it's pronounced Nicholas."

Nikolas could see the man that was doing the talking, he was tall, nearly two meters, fairly thin, and had dyed his hair some bizarre color green. Beside him was a man just as tall but probably twice the size of the talker, `120 Kilos at least,' Nikolas thought, the big man had some strange tattoos covering his left arm and on his face, he was consulting a pokedex and seemed to have it pointed at Nina. The big man said something to the thin one and the thin one cracked a smile. `"If you were going to get a new ID you should have changed more then the spelling of your first name," both the men were walking slowly out into the river, "and you should have gotten rid of that catgirl, not many around that look like her."

Making sure to keep his pack between the men and his rifle, Nikolas slowly began to bring it around to his front, flipping off the safety and charging it like the manual had said. "I have no idea what you're talking about; I've had her with me for years."

"Then you won't mind us taking a look at the rest of your harem will you, to let us be sure," the tall one asked as he reached inside his blue jacket for something.

"Actually I would, since neither of you look like cops."

Quicker then Nikolas would have thought possible the man in blue produced some sort of large pistol from under his jacket, a moment later the big man pulled out a similar gun, "Too bad, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

`Just play it cool,' he thought. "Put those away and stop bothering us and I'll forget to tell the authorities that a pair of nut cases are waving guns around at travelers in the wilds," Nikolas turned his back to the pair and said, "Come on, let's go Nina." Nikolas had only taken a single step when he heard a pair of puffing noises from behind him, out of the corner of his eye he saw Nina jerk, tense, and then collapse, with a splash she fell forward into the water. "Nina!?" In one motion Nikolas spun towards Nina's attackers and raised the pulse rifle towards his shoulder. As he lined up the green haired one in the rifle's sight he saw him breaking open his gun to insert another round, apparently Nikolas' movements had alerted them to the danger because even as he tightened his finger on the trigger they were starting to dive out of the way.

With a sharp crack the rifle went off and drove itself back closing the gap between its butt and his shoulder. The second round went off as the rifle made contact, driving it into his shoulder even harder. Round three went off as the rifle rebounded and started to climb into the air, the fourth and fifth followed suit. Stunned by the violence of the rifle's discharge Nikolas reflexively released the trigger as it started to get away from him, seeing that both of his attackers were down in the river he pivoted and charged towards Nina as best he could in the calf deep water. Behind a wall of flying water he stopped and knelt by her side, rolling her onto her back, the ridge she had landed on was only a centimeter or two beneath water level, "Nina? Nina wake up!" The rising and falling of her chest told him that she was still alive an instant before something whistled in front of his face.

Nikolas stumbled backwards into a crouch, and brought his rifle up, over the top of it he saw the larger man lowering his pistol while the green haired one was settling into his stance. Nikolas tightened his grip on the rifle and jammed it back into his shoulder before pulling the trigger. While the gun slammed off another quintet of rounds Nikolas felt something snap by his ear and tug his pack around on his back. As soon as he saw the both of them dive into river again he dropped the rifle to his side on its sling and picked up Nina, and ran as hard as he could towards the bank and crashed into the tree line and almost ran over the rest of the girls.

"What the hell happened!?" Isabella asked.

"No time, go!"

With a quick spin to check on their pursuers and seeing them down he headed after the girls and into the woods.

"Who were they," Lana asked as they crashed through the brush.

"Bounty hunters probably," Washu supplied, "Nikolas I need to look at her."

"She's breathing and she's got a heartbeat, everything else will have to wait."

"No it won't, I have to look at her right now!"

"We have to get out of here, we can't stop, somebody get her ball out of my bag." Ceres quickly produced Nina's ball and aimed it at the catgirl in Nikolas' arms before hitting the activation stud.

"It's not working!"

"Try it again!"

"I've already tried three times."

"Damn it, we'll have to carry her, turn right, we need to get back to the river."


"Just do it!" A few minutes later they ran back into the river, "Go out about ten meters and then start up river."

"Where are you taking us Nikolas," his mother asked as she waded out.

He shifted Nina from his shoulder to carrying her in front of him in his arms. "We're going up the river for a kilometer or two, then we're getting out on the same side. The river curves to the north so when we get out we'll be heading just about due west, but a kilometer or so away from where we were last heading north and then turned east." He saw Mihoshi start to drift to far out into the river, "Stay under the trees, anyway, I'm hoping that will be enough to shake them."

"Nikolas we have to stop and look at Nina."

"When we get out of the river." Nikolas shifted Nina around a bit to try to get her more comfortable, the catgirl didn't weigh much but she was an awkward load. "Did anyone see what happened to them?"

"I think you hit them," Edora said.

"Which one?"

"Both of them, you aren't much of a shot," Ceres quipped.

"So why the hell do I have a couple of bounty hunters after me?"

"Standard operating procedure, the police have no idea where you are so they put out a bounty on you and suddenly they have a couple hundred deputies but they only have to pay one. Give her to me."

Nikolas stopped beside a clump of roots to hand Nina over to Ceres, the vampire took her with no external signs of effort, "So now I guess everyone and their brother is going to know where we are."

"Not a chance, those bounty hunters won't say a word about this, if they did they would suddenly have a lot of competition and you don't get a bounty for information, just a live body."

Nikolas unlimbered his rifle and started scanning behind them as they walked, an hour later they came across a spot Nikolas liked, a spot where the bank of the river was a solid sheet of rock. "Alright, everybody out of the pool."

As everyone scrambled out of the river, Ceres laid Nina out on the rock. "Washu, take a look at her."

Before Nikolas could protest, the little redhead had dropped to her knees beside Nina and started to examine her.

"Nikolas," Yerella said, "what's that?"


Yerella reached up beside his head and pulled something out of one of the folds of his pack, a dart with what looked like a puff ball for a stabilizer.

"Gimme that!" Washu snatched the dart out of Yerella's hand and started to examine it with various items she was pulling out of her pack. "It's some kind of tranquilizer."

"Well duh," Isabella sneered but she quickly shut up as Washu gave her an evil glare.

"It could have been a slow acting poison you little brat," Washu huffed and turned back to Nikolas, "Whatever it is there's enough of it in this dart," she held up the one that had been embedded in his pack, "to put an amachamp down in a heartbeat, she's going to be out for hours."

"We don't have hours, we need to get as far north and west as we can before we drop. Why can't we put her in her ball?"

Washu didn't bother answering, she just started poking around the spot where Nina had been hit, after several moments she turned and grabbed a pair of tweezers from her pack. After digging in Nina's shoulder for a moment she pulled out a small metallic object the size and shape of a grain of rice. "This is why."

"What the…"

"It's a tiny version of what makes a collar work, it's some kind of jammer that keeps the pokeball from recalling her."

"So can we ball her now?"


"Ceres, ball her and let's go."

"No problem." This time Nina disappeared into a red light and was pulled into her pokeball just like she should have.

For the rest of the afternoon and on into the night the group pushed forward, stopping only for a few minutes to drink and let them rest their feet. As night fell Nikolas kept them going and didn't let them use their flashlights. "You can spot them for miles." Eventually even the twins couldn't stay on their feet. "Alright, that's it, we're stopping. Don't bother with tents; we may have to leave quickly."

While the girls began to settle into any comfortable spot they could find Nikolas headed for where Ceres had opened Nina's ball and deposited the still slumbering catgirl in the crook of a tree's roots. While Nikolas was idly stroking her hair Washu strolled over. "Is she gonna be ok Washu, she's been out for about nine hours now."

"She should be fine, just give her some more time to sleep, and you should get some too."

"Don't worry about me, just get some yourself."

As Nikolas settled in beside Nina he watched Washu snuggle in beside Mihoshi. When he was satisfied that the girls had fallen asleep Nikolas pulled out a bottle of caffeine tablets, he swallowed two and put the bottle back, `No rest for the wicked, not tonight.' Moving his rifle around to his lap, Nikolas began to scan the woods around them and tried not to think about how far away dawn was.

Nikolas' Girls

Nina - Catgirl

Ceres - Vampire

Washu - Supe-bra Genius

Mihoshi - Bunnygirl

Author's Notes (a.k.a. My feeble attempt to explain away how much this sucked.)


Lighthawk - My designated pre-reader, who subjected himself to this every way too often.



Wanna get pissy in person? Come on over and bitch me out:

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