InuYasha Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Dragon Half Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Words Worth Fan Fiction / Battle Angel Alita Fan Fiction ❯ On the Run ❯ Playtime Part 2 ( Chapter 14 )
On the Run
By: bsmart (a.k.a. Tiek Mo Shet)
Disclaimer:Why the hell am I writing this? Nobody reads them and they have no legal weight. It's a complete waste of time and bandwidth and yet I'm still typing. If you're under the legal age where ever you are don't read this, but since you're going to anyways at least don't let your mommy catch you. This fic is very much NC-17. Copyright? Ha! Just don't be a dick. If you got this anywhere besides, the official Pokegirls Yahoo group, or then you likely haven't seen all of it as those are the only places where this story is officially distributed.
Note: This is an Orange League fic. To be honest I don't know a damn thing about pokemon and I want to keep it that way. If I make a dumb mistake feel free to point it out. I've done as much research as I can into this to keep it consistent with what seems to be the accepted canon of the pokegirl world. Also no one that I know of has done anything with the Orange League so I'm making it up as I go along.
"…" Normal Speech
'…' Thought
Chapter 14: Playtime Part 2
This time the can of "Recovery +" tasted different, instead of cough syrup and sawdust it tasted like cough syrup and grout.
"Aww poor baby," Washu mockingly pouted as Nikolas acted like he was gagging. "Aren't I worth a little bad taste," she giggled as for an instant she turned to her adult form but just as quickly she was back to her smaller form and cackling wildly.
"I suppose…" he muttered as he tried to remove the disgusting taste from the roof of his mouth with his tongue.
"Maybe I'll give you something better to taste if you're a good boy," Washu teased as she scooted her rear end back until it bumped up against Nikolas' deflated manhood and pitched her purloined nurse's hat across the room.
Nikolas tried to drag his body up the bed and away from the psychotic little Supe-bra Genius but Washu easily stayed where she was. "What's gotten into you," he demanded.
Washu sat up straight and folded her arms across her chest and huffed. "So just because I look younger then your sisters I'm not allowed to get as hard up for a taming?"
"It's jus…"
"And after all I've done for you!"
"Like it would be such a chore to tame me."
"First you make me watch your little performance with Kaya and then you're such a sweetie with Mink and now you deny me this little thing?!"
"I'll do it, I'm sorry! I'll tame you."
Washu paused in her rant and looked suspiciously down at Nikolas out of the corner of her eye, after a long moment of perfect silence in the hotel room Mihoshi's soft snore and Nina's following giggle broke the tension. With a naughty glimmer in her eye Washu said, "Oh you'll tame me alright." Washu's naughty glimmer soon gained a companion evil grin as she peeled her black t-shirt slowly over her head.
Nikolas swallowed cautiously, "Do you think you could uh....," he trailed off unsure of how to phrase his request.
"But I thought you liked them young," Washu taunted Nikolas as she cupped and kneaded her large, overly so for her apparent age, breasts. With a giggle Washu released her breasts and held a single finger from each hand behind her head, "Or maybe you just like them young only if they have little fuzzy ears on their heads." Washu broke down into a high pitched titter as Nikolas paled beneath her.
Nikolas rolled his head to the side to look at Nina. "Little help here?"
"You're on your own," she giggled.
"Aww Nikolas," Washu whined. "Fine," she huffed and morphed into her adult form, "Better?"
Nikolas visibly relaxed as he saw Washu's much more mature form sitting astride him. "Much."
"I'll try not to be offended by that," Washu said in her best imperious tone.
"Can I make it up to you?" Nikolas asked as he ran his hands up and down Washu's white stockinged thighs.
Washu's hands remained planted on her hips, "Maybe…" she answered.
Nikolas let his hands roam higher up Washu's legs until he hit khaki shorts when he let them drift around and start to massage her rear. Washu's only reaction was a raised eyebrow but she made no move to stop him. Nikolas got a little bolder and gripped her butt harder as he started to rock her gently back and forth on him. Washu's olive colored eyes brightened when Nikolas' quickly hardening cock brushed against her khaki covered rear but her stern face remained. "Well," she said sarcastically, "It's nice to see something's doing what it's supposed to." Washu's stern façade cracked for an instant at Nikolas' stunned snort but turned into a scowl when his hands fell off of her and onto the bed. "Hey," she snapped as she grabbed her tamer's hands and returned them to her ass, "I didn't tell you you could stop."
"Sorry," Nikolas drawled as he started back on the deep tissue massage of the redhead's butt.
Washu's hands snapped away from the button of her shorts. "Hey!" she snapped as she lightly smacked the middle of Nikolas' chest, "If you don't behave yourself you don't get your treat!"
"Don't you mean your treat?" Nina giggled from her new perch beside the sleeping Mihoshi.
Washu turned around and ordered, "You stay out of this," before turning back and settling astride Nikolas' dick.
Nina's delighted giggle turned to a moan as Mihoshi snuggled her head up against Nina's breast and snored deeply.
"That's my girl," Washu said before letting out a delighted "Ooohh," as Nikolas belly laugh caused her to bounce up and down on his manhood. "Good boy," she sighed.
'Even as an adult her hair is huge,' he mused as Washu leaned over him and held herself up by her arms as she let more of her slight weight rest on Nikolas'. His world was reduced to the mass of red hair surrounding his head and Washu's smooth elegant face a few inches from his. As her hips started to move back and forth of their own accord Washu locked eyes with Nikolas and gave him a contented smile full of her self confidence. 'She doesn't look a day over…a day…,' Nikolas realized that in her adult form he couldn't tell how old Washu looked. 'If she said she was anything from twenty to thirty five I'd believe her,' he thought, 'She sure as hell doesn't look older then mom.' When Washu let out another lusty moan Nikolas realized he didn't really care how old she was and let his hands slide up her flanks.
Washu giggled for a moment before reaching back with her right hand and grabbing one of Nikolas'. "No tickling."
Nikolas chuckled to himself; he hadn't really meant to tickle her but her throaty laugh made it interesting. He worked his left hand free and let both of them lightly dance up and down Washu's ribs.
"Hehehehehe, stop heh it, hehehe, stop it!" She tittered before smacking Nikolas' hands away. Quickly composing herself she ordered, "Behave yourself, show some respect for your elders."
"Yes ma'am."
Washu lowered her head until her their noses touched and her breasts flattened on Nikolas' chest. "Do something useful with those hands."
Nikolas did as he was told and began to play with the sides of Washu's breasts, squeezing and fondling the soft fleshy mounds.
"Mmmm, very good," she assured him.
Nikolas kept up what he was doing and left his eyes fixed on Washu's face. As he continued Washu started to bob her head up and down in time with her rocking on his groin, when she closed her eyes and smiled it dawned on Nikolas, 'It's a crab, her bangs, they're supposed to look like a crab, heh.' He was momentarily proud of himself for figuring it out but the feeling of Washu starting to worm one of her hands between their bodies towards their groins redirected his attention. He felt her deftly pop the snap of her shorts open and she sat up and began to try to peel the shorts off.
After a minute of struggling with the almost painted on shorts she complained, "Damn ass." In a flash she returned to her usual size and the shorts literally fell off. "No ass," she proclaimed in her usual high pitched voice as she turned far enough to prove it to Nikolas.
"Yeah, that's great," Nikolas said nervously, suddenly hyper aware of his erection pressing into the pseudo-preteen's very warm, very wet, and suddenly very hairless pussy. "Do you think you could….you know?"
Washu rolled her eyes and complied with her tamer's unspoken request.
"Thanks," Nikolas muttered as he reached up and resumed playing with Washu's breasts. "So, no panties?"
Washu shook her head, "One more thing to get in the way." With a suggestive wiggle of her hips she asked, "Are you complaining?"
"Excellent," she chirped before flashing him a cheek busting smile, "Now get off the bed."
"What?" Nikolas asked incredulously.
Washu hopped off of Nikolas and laid down, pushing Nikolas in the side with her feet, "Off. Now."
"Ow," he complained, "Fine." Nikolas rolled off the edge of the bed feeling extremely annoyed, he quickly turned back towards the bed fully ready to tell Washu off. "Washu I swear I'm going to…"
"To what?" she purred. Washu was laying with her rear on the edge of the bed. Washu was reclining back on her arms and her stocking encased legs were splayed out on either side of her. While she waited for Nikolas' brain to process what he was seeing Washu's right hand traced a lazy line down the center of her chest, around her navel, finally ending in the thatch of flame red curls above her womanhood, "Well?" she asked huskily.
The sight of Washu lying on the bed, completely open to his examination had stunned Nikolas; after being kicked rudely out of bed his hopes had been crushed but now, 'She looks good enough to eat. In fact…,' he thought.
Washu howled in delight as Nikolas dropped to his feet and plunged into her pussy, licking and sucking like a madman. She giggled uproariously when his mouth found her clit and subjected it to a series of long hard licks. "It looks like both of you are getting your treat," Nina teased.
"Oh yessss," Washu hissed. "Enthusiastic…Oh!...isn't he?" she huffed between gasps.
"He just needs to be motivated," Nina answered.
Washu arched her back off the bed with a groan, clawing at the sheets as she held Nikolas' head in place. "Good boy, right there…ooooohhh, very good boy." Washu's hands tensed up around a handful of sheets as she ordered, "There, flick your…eh!" Washu enthusiastically pounded her fists on the mattress in time with her words, "Oh I love a man who can take directions."
Nikolas happily ran his tongue back and forth through Washu's sopping wet pussy pulling on her hot thick nether lips with his mouth to her vocal delight. Unlike his sisters Washu's pussy was muskier and thicker but he still loved it, though he loved her throaty yelps more. When his tongue started to trace the rim of the entrance to her sheath Washu's thighs reflexive clamped down on Nikolas, smothering him in a mass of soft smooth flesh. Undeterred Nikolas kept up his slow exploration of her entrance and then as quick as he could he pushed his tongue up inside her.
"Oh fuck!" Washu shrieked as her legs squeezed tighter around her tamer's head. Even the added pressure of her thighs didn't slow Nikolas down as he rapidly tongue fucked her and after a few moments of delicious torture she forced her own legs apart and grabbed the sides of Nikolas' head. "Get up here and tame me!" she ordered as she pulled him to his feet.
Nikolas happily went along with Washu's demand and quickly got up smiling, his face glistening with her juices. Washu kept pulling on his head until he was leaning over her and pulled him down for a fierce kiss. "Now tame me," she said before darting up and giving his face a quick lick exchanging her juices for her saliva on Nikolas' face.
"Yes ma'am," Nikolas intoned. When Washu released his face he smoothly stood up and grabbed a hold of her legs, spreading them wider and raising them up. Knowing what was coming next Washu propped herself up on her elbows to improve her view of the pending union, the movement causing her enormous ponytail to bob behind her. After a quick tug to pull Washu completely to the edge of the bed Nikolas ensured that everything was lined up and thrust his hips forward, to both their surprise he was able to slide in smoothly.
"Mmmm, now that's nice," Washu drawled as she arched her long elegant neck back and Nikolas settled all the way into her.
Later on Nikolas would realize that it was the combination of the bed's height and Washu's reclining that allowed his effortless entry but for the moment the only thing he could think about was the lusty pokegirl beneath him and the wet heat of her pussy surrounding his cock. When he pulled back Washu's cunt gripped tightly on his dick but the angle and her wetness prevented there from being any meaningful resistance to his movement. When he paused at the top of the stroke his questioning look was answered by a sly smile from Washu and he thrust his hips forward hard enough for a meaty slap to echo through the hotel room. The enticing sway of Washu's breasts induced by his slightly rough handling of her encouraged Nikolas to try and reproduce the results. After a couple of minutes of experimenting Nikolas found the force and rhythm that kept Washu's luscious tits bouncing in time with his thrusts.
Washu laughed heartily as she realized what Nikolas had accomplished, the constant tugging at her chest was a wonderful counterpoint to the enthusiastic pounding Nikolas was giving to her pussy. Needing something to do with her hands she grabbed the backs of her thighs and enjoyed the ride. "That's the stuff," she said, "keep that up."
Nikolas just smiled, "Yes ma'am," he said before closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to deal with the sight of Washu's jiggling body as he did his best to outlast her.
Nina slipped farther down into the couch as she watched her master tame Washu. The room had reeked of sex when Mink, Nikolas, and her had returned to find Kaya molesting his sisters and the situation hadn't improved in the last hour, combined with watching him tame Kaya and now Washu and helping him tame Mink Nina was about ready to burst. Her desire for the man whose collar she wore had long passed the stage where she would have normally jumped him but her sense of duty as his alpha kept her in her seat. She had been tamed twice by him already and she knew that the majority of the girls hadn't even enjoyed his touch once but it was small consolation when he was busy fucking a pretty young, well young looking pokegirl just feet from her. Doing her best to relax she continued to stroke Mihoshi's hair and hoped that Kaya would wake up soon.
As she watched Nina saw Nikolas drape Washu's legs over his shoulders and grab a firm hold of her waist and use the extra leverage to pull Washu into him as he thrust forward, after only a few thrusts Nina saw Washu's form start to shimmer slightly. Washu's blissful and distracted expression faded as she bit her lip and concentrated, solidifying her adult form, at least until the next time her groin slapped against Nikolas' thighs. With a soft giggle she settled down and waited for Nikolas to realize what was about to happen.
"Washu if you keep that up this is gonna end real soon," he warned her as her pussy clamped almost painfully tight on his dick.
A pitiful whine was her only response, aside from another wonderful tug on his cock.
"Washu," he taunted her, "you really need to…Whoa!" he yelped as her sex clamped down and didn't let go. "Seriously, you need to…," Nikolas stopped dead in his tracks, audibly and physically as he opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of his wang buried to the hilt in an apparently underage Washu.
"Don't you dare stop fucking me!" she yelled as she tried to force him to resume his rocking.
"But you're…"
"Oh get over it!" she shrieked as she quickly removed her legs from Nikolas' shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, pushing herself back off of him. In her small form Washu's legs looked no different from any thirteen year old girl but when she used them to pull Nikolas back into her he was left with little choice other then to comply with her demands or go sprawling face first onto her.
Nikolas almost lost it right there as Washu forced herself back onto him. The only thing that had prevented serious injury to the both of them was the ridiculous amount of juice she was releasing and her natural pokegirl resiliency, as it was it was it felt good enough to keep Nikolas from caring too much about Washu's form at the moment.
Nina's thin purple tail lay across her lap and its tip swayed contentedly as she watched Nikolas resume screwing Washu's brains out. 'He's just a man,' she thought with a smirk, 'A nice man but still just a man.' Washu's yelps grew more and more frantic as Nikolas kept after her. 'He can't last much longer,' Nina mused as Nikolas fell forward onto his hands over Washu, a few strokes later Washu fell completely silent and wrapped her arms around Nikolas' neck, pulling herself up to him at the same time he let out a strained grunt and crushed her hips to the mattress with his. 'I was right,' Nina thought happily.
As the last of his seed was deposited into Washu's willing pussy Nikolas' instincts released his muscles nearly dropping him to his knees before he caught himself. He shakily tried to stand up only to find that Washu wasn't in the mood to let him, when a second attempt did nothing to dislodge the iron vice encircling his waist he gave up and settled on rolling over onto the bed pulling Washu with him and winding up with her laying on top of him.
Nikolas relaxed for a few minutes under Washu until he felt her legs release him. When he tried to slide out of her he had to work to get his softening member free, her body seemed to be in no hurry to let him get away, and when he did finally free himself from her snatch a torrent of their mixed cum poured fourth from her. Nikolas felt the bed sway under somebody's weight as Nina said, "Oh he just filled you right up didn't he."
At the sounds of slurping and sucking Nikolas groaned and rolled out of bed, "I am not letting you two suck me into another taming, I want a bath."
Nina's head popped up from between Washu's legs and in a very feline gesture she wiped her face off with the back of her hand. "Awww," she whined, "are you sure?"
Nikolas glanced down at his limp cum coated dick. "Yeah, I'm sure. You two…" Washu groaned as Nina dove back into Washu, "entertain yourselves, let out the rest of the girls and get us something to eat. I'm taking a bath."
"Alright so what've we got on this guy?"
"Nikolas Kirov, age twenty," the detective rambled off from memory as he tacked up a picture of Nikolas on a piece of corkboard on one wall of the office. "Up until last week he was a student at Trella U."
The captain turned to the detective's hound partner, "Mariska is this the best picture of this kid we can get?"
The hound nodded, "Yeah, he burned his house down so the Trella P.D. had to get a picture from the University."
"Burned it down?" the captain asked incredulously.
Mariska nodded, "Yeah."
"Like it matters," a tall thin officer complained, "this kid could blend in anywhere. He's got the same description as half the male population of the league."
The captain nodded in agreement but didn't take his attention away from Mariska and her partner. "We'll deal with that later, back to the story, why'd this kid torch his house?"
Mariska's partner took over, "According to the local ranch owner, Kirov's father came in on the afternoon of the twentieth and sold off his pokegirls, a Lupina, a Titmouse and a pair of twin Titmice. The twins were Thresholders and the older Titmouse's daughters; the Lupina was Nikolas' mother. "
"Damn, that's cold," the thin officer quipped.
"You're not the only one who thought that," Mariska jumped in. "Apparently some time after the elder Kirov arrived home Nikolas showed up and cut his head off."
"I was wrong, that's cold."
"Then what?" the captain asked.
"He torches his house and shows up at the ranch." Mariska's partner answered. "He tried to buy back all the girl's his father sold to the ranch but the ranch owner, ahhh Azusa Misaki, caught on."
"Wait a minute John, what do you mean 'caught on'," the captain asked.
Mariska's partner replied, "He tried to buy them with a fake I.D. and tamer's license but Azusa recalled Pytr Kirov talking about his son and realized what was going on."
"When he told Nikolas he wasn't going to sell the girls to him the kid flipped," Mariska said as she sat down on the edge of John's desk. "Pulled out a pistol and then knocked him out. When Azusa came too all the girls in his ranch were gone."
"All of them?" the thin detective asked.
"All, but it wasn't that many, only about a dozen," Mariska said as she handed him a print out.
The detective took a moment to read the list. "These are some heavy hitters," he said, "how'd this guy wind up with these girls?"
"Well Dave, according to his wife Azusahas a thing for rare girls, but Trella is too far off the coast for many tamers to come wondering through," Mariska explained.
"Only pet owners in Trella huh?" Simmons asked.
"Yeah, and Draconas aren't exactly pet material," John said.
"So robbing the ranch is why the Trella P.D. likes him for the murder," the captain asked.
"Yeah, "John nodded.
"Alright so between jacking the ranch and showing up here do we know what he did?" the captain queried.
"No, nothing," John said
"He probably stayed out in the country," Simmons offered, "and nothing says he only had one fake I.D."
"Hey John, get this!" a voice called from the other side of the office.
A short Officer Jenny skipped over to the group, "Looks like your boy's the one who knocked over the pokecenter."
"You sure," Simmons asked while he examined the hard copy his pokegirl partner had just handed him. "Damn, looks like we're after the same guy," he said as he passed the paper to John and Mariska.
"Prints from the center match the prints from warehouse all of which match Nikolas Kirov's from the Misaki Ranch." John mumbled. "Looks like we're working together on this one."
"So he gets into a gun fight at the warehouse then knocks over the pokecenter to get what he needs to heal either himself or one of the girls that helped him," the captain postulated.
"If anyone was hit it was Nikolas, the blood from the warehouse was definitely human male," John declared.
The Jenny declared, "Everything stolen from the center was for pokegirls, they left the human medicines alone."
"Well the bandages and such could be used on a human," Simmons reminded her. "But the center was robbed before the warehouse," he explained, "the center's Joy was knocked out with something called Aladrazine, according to the lab techs she was knocked out at least half an hour before anyone remembers hearing shooting from the warehouse."
"So they came into town to rob the center?" Mariska asked.
"Looks that way," the Jenny said.
"So what did they get from the center," the captain asked.
"Most of it was just generic medicine for the types that Nikolas stole from the ranch," Simmons explained, "but two things stood out. He stole some heavy duty antibiotics; we're talking stuff that would probably kill you unless you had some kind of massive infection."
Simmons' partner Kelly answered, "A portable healing machine."
Mariska was stunned, "The center had one?! Those things cost a fortune, how'd the center afford one?"
"A pilot program, the League's looking into issuing them to centers all over the League and they started with centers that mainly served a rural population," the Jenny explained to her pokegirl college.
Mariska pointed at her partner, "One of those things is worth more then John will make in a year."
"Try three," he muttered.
"Alright," the captain interrupted, "Simmons, you and Kelly follow up on the forensics, John, you and Mariska work the phones with the Trella P.D., find out what they know that's not in the files they sent us." The group of detectives started to break up but the captain quickly put a hand on John's shoulder. "While you're at it see if you can find any open cases between Trella and here, guys like this don't go quietly."
Nikolas let out a contented sigh as he lowered his body into the tub. The water was almost too hot for him to stand but he was looking more for relaxation, he'd already taken a shower to get clean, he had been filthy and the thought of stewing in water full of whatever washed off him wasn't appealing. He closed his eyes sank back in the tub already feeling the knots in his body starting to relax, 'I've gotta stay limber, I've got a lot more to do tonight," he thought with a smile.
Nikolas was so relaxed that he almost missed the sound of the door softly opening and closing. With a mixture of anticipation and dread he opened his eyes to see Sango tossing her outer kimono onto the hook on the back of the door. With little ceremony and no attempt at putting on a show she quickly and efficiently removed her armor and then peeled off the black body suit that she wore under the entire ensemble. A now naked Sango stepped into the oversize tub while undoing the ponytail that held the majority of her hair up, for a moment he was able to admire her almond shaped brown eyes and her lithe gymnast's body but only for a moment until she turned her back to him and started to sit down.
"I guess the twins let you out," Nikolas said to Sango's shapely ass.
With a disappointed sigh Sango glanced back at Nikolas. "So much for not disturbing you."
"Eh, some company could be nice," he said with a wicked glimmer in his eye.
"Don't get your hopes up," she said as she sat down between his legs, "I would simply rather be clean then have the first chance to eat."
"So the twins are ordering up something to eat?"
"Yes, though your mothers are trying to restrain them."
"Well that's good."
"Then Harley got hold of the phone," Sango said as she reached for a wash cloth and the soap.
"Oh lords," Nikolas moaned.
"Nobody's going hungry tonight. Would you please help me wash my back?"
Nikolas took the proffered soaped up cloth and began to scrub Sango's back. "Sure thing." While he'd intended to take a bath by himself and relax Sango did make a nice addition to the scenery and she wasn't demanding a taming, not that the thought of taming her was anything less then pleasant, just that in his current condition Nikolas wasn't sure he'd be able to accomplish anything. The quiet sounds of water sloshing in the tub were the only thing that disturbed the silence of the bathroom as Nikolas slowly bathed his pokegirl. As his hands roamed over Sango's silky smooth back Nikolas noticed that its milky white skin was covered in a mass of short thin scars. "Sango?" he asked after a minute.
"How'd you get these scars on your back?" The word scars had barely left Nikolas' mouth when he felt her back tense up beneath his hands. "I uh…what's wrong?"
The pregnant pause that followed worried Nikolas. "I'd rather not talk about it," she said flatly.
Nikolas slowly traced the length of the largest scar on Sango's back, "Alright, no problem."
With little enthusiasm she said, "I need to wash my hair," and started to shift around in the tub.
Nikolas put a hand on her shoulder and held her where she was, "Let me help."
"I can do it myself," she replied but made no move to get away.
"Just let me help." Nikolas grabbed one of the small shampoo bottles off the edge of the tub and dumped a healthy portion of its contents into his hands. "Now I've never washed a girl's hair before so tell me if I do this right."
"It's just like washing your own hair, you do do that right?" she teased with a little life returning to her voice.
"Only when the locals start to complain." Nikolas did his best to clean up Sango's thick black hair over the next few minutes being careful to soap up her copious bangs and every inch of her long ponytail. Though he was sure he'd done it the wrong way, 'How the hell do you soap up this much hair?', he figured he'd done a passable job when she didn't complain and rinsed her hair out. With her hair clean Sango relaxed and leaned back against Nikolas' chest, squirming around for a moment until she found a comfortable position.
"Washu plugged in that healing machine you brought back with you and put Delta in it," Sango said as she settled in.
"Good, hopefully she'll be better before it's time to go."
"Don't you have enough girls to tame?"
"What? I just want her to get better," Nikolas indignantly explained.
"Sure you do, you should just know that she likes blood almost as much as Ceres. She'll probably try to get a pint from you," Sango said without a hint of humor.
Nikolas slowly flexed his left hand pulling the new skin over the scar there tight with each extension. "Errr…"
"Hopefully she'll just take it at the same time Ceres does."
Nikolas' exasperated sigh was only audible if you were a few inches from his mouth.
Sango laughed soothingly at Nikolas' reaction and told him, "Don't worry, she doesn't need it to survive, she'll probably just share a bit with Ceres."
"Well that's something," Nikolas said.
Silence returned for a few minutes until Sango asked, "Why do you keep taming them?"
"Do what?"
"Tame them, your sisters," she explained matter-of-factly.
Nikolas shifted uncomfortably beneath her, "To keep them tame."
"Any of us could do that," she said dismissively.
"Well I don't know most of you that well."
Sango wasn't letting go that easily. "You know Nina, Ceres, and Mihoshi well enough to collar them," she pointed out.
"Well I didn't when they needed it the first time," he dodged hoping she wouldn't point out the obvious.
She did. "So what about the time after that?"
"I just….it just happened. It won't again."
Neither of them were convinced by his assertions. "According to them you were pretty enthusiastic about it, and they're pretty sure it's going to happen again."
Nikolas was tempted to explain to Sango that biologically speaking they weren't his sisters, not that he thought it made much difference, or that he thought it would to her. "Well they're right."
"Which part?"
"Both parts." When Sango said nothing in reply he asked, "So?"
"So what?" she asked calmly.
"Do you have an opinion on the fact that I'm taming my sisters and have no intention of stopping?"
Sango shrugged, "Not really, none of you are forcing the other to do it and you're all enjoying yourselves so I don't really see why it matters."
"Yes, but then I'm just a pokegirl so I might not be the person to ask about this."
"Well, you're just my pokegirl."
Nikolas could just barely see the slight hint of a smile that tugged at the corners of Sango's mouth, "Not yet I'm not."
Nikolas caught on immediately to what the Kunochi was suggesting and wrapped an arm around Sango's waist. "I suppose I might be coaxed into doing something about that," he whispered suggestively.
"I thought you were too worn out to do any taming," she teased scooting her firm rump farther back, pressing it against Nikolas' growing stiffness.
"Well you've been very relaxing company," he said letting his fingers begin to search for any sign of hair above her sex.
Sango's head cocked to the side as if she heard something and she quickly hopped up out of the shower sending a spray of water cascading onto Nikolas off her hair and tiny tight rump. "Maybe later, food's hear."
Nikolas started to ask, "Hey?! What? How do you….."
"Damn it Harley, there's enough for everyone, you don't have to bite my hand off!" someone squealed outside the door.
"Never mind."
Nikolas' Girls
Nina - Catgirl
Washu - Supe-Bra Genius
Ceres - Vampire
Isabella - Titmouse
Edora - Titmouse
Mihoshi - Bunnygirl
Gally - Battle Angel?
Faye - Cheshire
Mink - Dracona
Sango - Kunochi
Delta - Youma
Ivy - Boobisaur
Harley - Ocelolita
Kaya - Wildcat
Author's Notes
Lighthawk - My designated pre-reader, who subjected himself to this way too often.
Warpwizard - Who's given me a lot of advice on the mechanics of my writing.
1) Just a bunch of long over due tamings.
2) This one's for LH, and that guy who made the mistake of begging me to keep Washu in her adult form.
3) Yes, normally this would have been WAY too forward for Sango, but then again this isn't a normal Sango, it's a pokegirl version of her.
Wanna get pissy in person? Come on over and bitch me out:
For updates and just my general bitching:
You don't need to tell me I suck, I'm well aware of that.
