InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Help ❯ Another Victim ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors Note: I just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful reviews I’ve received so far. I hope that I don’t disappoint any of you with this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.


“Ah, where could our little flower be?! What if she ran off with a lover?” The inu whined. “ No more of our sweet Tohru’s wonderful cooking or sweet cheerful voice ringing like delicate music to o–“ Shigure was cut off from his tirade when a foot firmly connected to the back of his head.

“Damn inu! As if Tohru-kun would do something like that. She probably just stayed to help her other co-workers,” shouted a bristling Kyo.

“According to her supervisor she left work an hour and a half ago,” offered Yuki as he entered the living area of the house. “She’s had plenty of time to make it home. I’m going to go look for her,” he said as he turned around to leave stopping only to put his shoes on and grab his jacket.

“I’m coming too!” Kyo chimed in as hurried to follow Yuki.

“I’ll keep a look out here for her,” offered Shigure. As he stood in the open door he added, “Bring her back safe boys.”

“I intend to!” replied both boys stopping long enough to glance over their shoulder at Shigure’s worried face. Turning back around they set out at a fast pass to find the girl that had brought light and happiness to the accursed Sohmas.

‘The onigiri better be ok. I should have gone to pick her up anyway,’ ranted Kyo mentally at the same time the nezumi’s thoughts were also turned inward. ‘Onegai. Onegai, be okay Honda-kun. I’ll never forgive myself if anything happened to her, because I didn’t walk her home. And I’ll make anyone who hurts Honda-kun pay dearly,’ vowed Yuki.

************************************************************************ ************************
‘Damn it!’ To say the petite woman was pissed would have been putting it mildly. She had let her mother talk her into meeting her for a late dinner near the shrine, which happened to be several towns over from where she now lived. When she got to the restaurant, she had found not only her mother but also the last person she ever wanted to see. Sporting his usual oblivious smile, the one that irked her to no end. Blue-brown eyes changed to stormy blue-grey, showing just how irritated she really was. Small hands gripped the slender package tighter, the knuckles on her long delicate fingers turning painfully white. ‘When will he learn to stop asking me out? You’d think after several years of being turned down with one lame excuse after another he’d figure out that I was never going to go out with him, but NO! He has continually asked me to the movies or out for dinner or stop by with ‘gifts’.’

She couldn’t help the images of what could only be described as the most painful she had ever had to suffer through. Shaking her head to rid herself of the unwanted memories and looked on the slightly brighter side, “At least I was able to catch the last train home.”

Deciding she needed to calm down she opted for walking the two and a half miles to the little apartment she now called home. Turning left as she exited out of the main gate to the station she spotted a park and without really thinking went straight for it knowing she’d be able to forget about her frustration for a while at least. Pulling her light jacket closer around her lean body she entered the quiet park thankful to find it deserted ‘What did you expect at this time of night? Of course there’s nobody here. Everyone with a right mind is already in for the night. The only people out are stragglers and those that are up to no good.’ She scoffed at herself. She wasn’t afraid to be out this late by herself.

After her adventures of traveling back through time fighting one demon after another in order to piece the Shinken No Tama back together then riding the world of the vile hanyou Naraku, nearly dying in the process a stroll through a quiet park at night in a heavily populated area in modern day times was a breeze! Besides she never went anywhere without some kind of weapon stashed in easy reach of her nimble fingers.

[When she’d gotten sick of being helpless when she ran out of arrows she had asked the group to show her how to use some other weapons.

It had caused a huge fight due to Inuyashas attitude about her using anything other than the bow. “Keh! You’re already dangerous with the bow. Why would we teach you to use another weapon when you don’t even know how to use the one you have,” he sneered in her face. “Besides you’re too weak to learn anything else. If you would stop running back to that damned well so much and actually try to learn to use that piece of shit bow you might actually become decent with it!” he said as he started walking off after see the hurt in her eyes. He stopped and turned his head back to look at her and added, “but no matter how hard you try you’ll never be as good as Kikyo.” He turned and started walking off again.

Kagome’s blood was boiling. She knew he was right but he didn’t have to go and say it so that everyone could hear it! And it wasn’t her fault that she had to go back home for tests and supplies! If it wasn’t for her they wouldn’t have it as good as they did. With that in mind she squared her shoulders and raised her head once again. “Oswari!, Oswari!, Oswari!, Oswari!, Oswari!, Oswari!, Oswari! BAKA INU!!!’‘ Then she stormed off with her bathing supplies to the nearest source of water big enough to bathe in. About fifteen minutes later she was joined by Sango. Once she was settled in the hot spring, Sango asked if Kagome was ok and that if she still wanted to learn how to protect herself better and to learn other weapons she and Miroku would be more than happy to teach her.]

Kagome was brought out of her mussing when she was about half way through a small forested area by a woman’s faint and slurred, but panicked scream for someone to help her. Worried for the woman she slipped her hand up to hair and pulled out what looked like regular hair accessary and brought it down to her side encase she would have to use it.

As she got closer she heard a man hiss to someone to be quiet because someone was coming. When she got close enough to see what was going on she was furious and without thinking she stepped out into view and before the men could see her or do anything else to the poor naked girl on the ground she threw her ‘hair’ dagger up and threw it so that it would embed its self in the tree with satisfying thunk between the two slime balls that dared to call themselves men. At the same time yelling “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” in extremely outraged voice.

She was in motion before the men could react. As vile as the men were she didn’t want to kill them unless necessary, so she aimed for just knocking them out. After bring a fist up to connect with the face of the man closest to her, she dropped and swept a leg out from him with her right one. Standing directly over the girl Kagome reached down and grabbed the small branch the other creep was trying to use as a stake and cracked it against the side of his head knocking him on his side dazed.

Without stopping she reached for the girl wrapping her jacket around the girls shoulders and starting pushing her towards the path. “Run and don’t look back. Just get out of here and I’ll take care of these kuso no bakas,” she hurriedly said to the frighted girl as she gave her one last push to urge her into motion.

The girl glanced back at her and with eyes wide and glassy she mouthed “Thank you” stumbling in the process.

“JUST GO!!” was her only reply as she started turning back around only to be grabbed from behind. Grunting in pain as her hands were wrenched painfully behind her back with a sickly popping sound.

“Let me go!” she screamed but was silenced by a hand tangling in her ebony locks then wrenched her head back painfully causing her eyes to water. Hot breath puffing over the side of her face and neck. It’s putrid stench making Kagome nearly gag.

“Bitch! You’re going to regret that!” with that said the shoved her over to the other man that had been rubbing the side of his head. Catching her as she stumbled over her own feet. Gripping her by the arms he gave her a good long leering look and said, “Oh, yes! Much better looking than the other.”

“Turn her around, Tanaka. I want to have a good look at her.” Kentaro hissed excited. The little commotion only made him all the more eager to sate his need. It didn’t matter who the person was as long as she was had all the right equipment.

Kagome found herself feeling slightly dizzy from being twirled around so fast. She had to squeeze her eyes tightly closed against the pain from having her arms once again cruelly wrenched behind her. Gritting her teeth and taking a steading breath she brought her left leg and only to slam the weight of her heel down on the top of Tanaka’s foot as hard as she could.

The man grunted and released a series of curses but did not release her like she had hoped. As a reward for her action he gave her arms a yang that bore brunt of his strength causing another loud pop. Kagome screamed in pain as her other arm was dislocated so that both arms where useless to her. Her vision swam before clearing again.

“Let’s see how much fight you have left in you now that you can’t fight back,” sneered Tanaka as Kentaro laughed at her pain as he stripped off his clothes quickly, not wanting to be interrupted again. A cool wind ghosted over his warm and sensitized flesh. Taking the few steps needed to reach a hand out to force her head up so that he could see her eyes and face. What he say caught him of guard. She was beautiful to him with her shadowed eyes smoldering with both hate and anger. It was obvious that she still had plenty of fire left in her. ‘I’ll take that fire from your eyes my fiery little bitch!’

“You won’t be fighting us by the time we’re done with you, sweetheart,” he said while caressed the side of her face and trailing his eyes down her body then back up to meet hers again.

Her response was simple and instantaneous as she spit in his face. “Like hell, you fucking bastard!!” she hissed with as venom as she could but into it. Before she realized it he had brought up his hand and back handed her with such for that her head snapped sharply to the right. Running her tongue over her now split and bleeding lips collecting the blood and saliva into her mouth and spit at him again.

Kentaro chuckled and wiped the mixture off with his hand, and with a sickly grin licked his fingers clean. “Yummy, you taste good so far,” he cooed as he stepped even closer. “Let’s see what you’re hiding under that dress,” with that he reached out grabbing the front of the dress and with a yank ripped open the front of the light dress she had been wearing. The crapy (it’s a type of fabric) material shredded and useless left her completely exposed except for the light purple panties that had matched so well with the dress. “ bra. Could it be that you expecting us, love?” was Kentaro’s breathy voice as he reached up with both hands to play with the large, fully rounded breasts before him.

Balancing on one leg she brought the other up firmly between his legs, but he saw what she was planing and was able to doge the worst of it. “You pay for that one.” He reached for the knife that was laying on the ground not very far away. Bringing the black blade he started slicing across her firm high breasts and soft but tone belly. “Spread her legs,” he barked not wanting to wait any longer to sate his desire deep in side of her.

Tanaka quickly obeyed eager to have his turn with her. Before she could react she was spread wide enough so that Kentaro had easy access to her nether region. With a small pull she was pressed against the filthy torso of her first rapist. He didn’t waste any time finding her opening and slamming home. Kagome screamed so hard that she damaged her throat when her hymen was violently torn away.

Knowing that she would scream again, the man smashed him lips heavily over her mouth so that he could swallow the screams forever and keeping her from giving them away. Grabbing her hips with dirty hands, he started thrusting slowly in and out of her mostly dry core. Once her virginal blood coated his throbbing hard shaft he was able to move inside of with more ease. Never stopping he watched his long time friend almost clumsily remove his clothing then pick up the discarded beaten brown bag.

Listening to the weakening whimpers of their latest victim, Tanaka took a deep swig. He then walked back over to his buddy and offered him some. Afterwards he forced some down the girls throat as well. When he felt she’d had enough he poured some down her back making sure that some ran between her butt cheeks. He then poured a good portion into his hand and tossed the bag with the bottle to the ground as he started wetting his cock with the strong liquid so that he could fit himself into her tight little ass. His member twitched in his hand as he placed the head to her puckered ass ring. He gave a small nod when he made eye contact to let the other know he was ready.

Kentaro grunted as he gave one last thrust before pulling out so that Tanaka could enter her from behind. He covered her mouth with his once again as she hoarse scream was ripped from what was left of her throat as the other man entered what she had considered an exit only orifice. Once completely in Kentaro eagerly reentered torn and bleeding tunnel. Kagome’s responded with a slight whimper as both men had their fun with her.

A good thirty minutes or so later they left her bleeding beaten and broken on the ground. Kagome could only listen as the men dressed and walked away like she was nothing to them now that they had sated their needs and left her body broken. Silence settled over the area and she was losing the fight to stay awake. The last thing she saw was the long slender package laying so close by. She had dropped earlier in her haste to help the girl, but now wished she had kept with her so that she could have used it on the vile men that were worse than any youkai she had encountered in her travels. With one last ragged breath her eyes closed and she succumbed to the awaiting darkness and the peace it offered.

************************************************************************ ******

Well, that’s it for now. I’m sorry it took me so long to post it and that it’s so short, but I really hope that you all like it. Please! Let me know what you think. Please review!! Your opinions are important to me!!

JA NE!!!