InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ Chapter 2: Awakening ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Things Go Awry

A/N- Hey all! And welcome to the second chapter!

It's taken me a while to get this done, but now that I have, I feel a whole lot better!

Disclaimer-- InuYasha and Ranma 1/2 belond to Takashai-sensei and I am merely borrowing the character's for my own don't sue!

And without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 2: Awakening

Truly he was a thing of legends...

His braid was gone as long black locks cascaded down his back. The color of his eyes had remained the same but just above the eyes, a bit of blue coloring had spread, highlighting his face and eyes better in the process.

His ears had come to a point, giving him a regal look as he smiled, revealing a pair of glittering fangs. The rose marking had remained upon his forehead, but another had appeared. A dark blue crescent shaped one that now sat proudly below his right eye.

A symbol of who he had been and still was, a symbol that had Nodaka and Akira falling to their knees at Ranma's feet. Confused and worried, Ranma walked towards them and touched his mother's shoulder, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Looking up into her son’s eyes, Nodaka smiled gently, "you really are him, InuYasha. That makes you royalty Ranma and as such, we must pay our proper respects." His eyes widening at his mother's words, Ranma knelt before his mother and cupped her face gently in his hands.

"Mom, I don't care who or what I am. You’re my mother and you don't have to bow down to me like this, please get up." Nodding her head, Nodaka let Ranma help her too her feet and let out contented sigh when he pulled her into a one armed embrace.

Nodaka could feel tears beginning to fill her eyes as her son held her gently against his chest, something that he had never done before. Smelling the salt in the air, Ranma pulled back and looked down into his mother's eyes, worry filling his own as he saw unshed tears in her eyes.

"What is it? What's wrong mom?" Sighing, Nodaka wiped at her tears and smiled up at her son. "I am just overwhelmed and relieved to know that you still care about me, even after all this time and everything that I have put you through...thank you..."

Shaking his head, Ranma ran his fingers over his mother's cheek, "why wouldn't I still care mom? You have done nothing wrong, all you have ever done is worry about my safety. You’re my mother and even if I am InuYasha, you are still my mother, so that makes you royalty too. Ne?"

Smiling, Nodaka got to her feet and tilted Ranma's head to the side, exposing his neck. Bending forewords, she then proceeded to nuzzle his throat as she pulled him into a gentle hug once again. Ranma felt his skin prickle and a purring growl was pulled from his throat as he returned his mother's hug, nuzzling against her neck as well.

For several moments they just stood there, breathing in one another's scent, memorizing and storing the memory away. Seeing that it was starting to get later in the afternoon and he could clearly hear someone approaching, Dr. Tofu took a chance and broke the silence that had somehow fallen about them.

"I hate to interrupt this touching family reunion, but we are about to have company."

Both jerking apart at his words, Nodaka closed her eyes and muttered a word under her breath. Ranma had strained to hear it, but it had been too low. He wasn't surprised that a single moment later, his mother had returned to her original human form. He knew a concealment spell when he saw one, he was just curious as to what her word to place it was.

Hearing the sound of females arguing just outside, Ranma repeated his mother's actions and picked a word at random to cast the spell. "Ramen..." 'Go figure...' As he felt the spell run it's course, Ranma watched in muted silence as the door slid open, revealing three female human's and two male's.

Before him stood Genma, Soun, Akane, Kasumi, and Nabiki.

Almost immediately after setting their eyes upon Ranma, he had been surrounded. All of them were asking millions of questions at once and frankly, it was hurting his poor ears. He was just about ready to snap and rip one of them to pieces when Genma went sailing across the room, crashing into the opposite wall, slipping to the ground...out like a light.

Silence filled the room as six pairs of stunned eyes turned to a rather content looking Nodaka Saotome. She merely shrugged and waved a hand in the air nonchalantly, "he had it coming..."

Smirking, Ranma felt pride swell through him as he pushed his way roughly through the still crowding Tendo's and came to a stop before his mother. "Nice one mom."

...there was about four seconds of silence before...


The screeching sound of the youngest Tendo filled the room, making even the human's cover their ears in pain.

Pointedly ignoring the now fuming Akane not five feet away, Ranma gripped his mother's hand and tugged her towards the eldest Tendo, Kasumi. The woman had always been kind and she reminded Ranma a lot of Kagome's mother. Kind yet stern, caring and smart. Ranma trusted her and knew that if any of the Tendo's were to ever find out about his true identity, Kasumi would be the first, 'and hopefully the only.'

"Kasumi, this is my mother Nodaka Saotome, mom, this is Kasumi Tendo." Ranma's voice was gentle as he introduced his mother to the eldest Tendo. He just knew they would get along and judging from what had happened so far, he knew that his mother was likely to never leave his side again, not that he minded any.

Kasumi smiled before gently taking Nodaka's hand and giving it a firm squeeze, "it is a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Saotome, I..." Nodaka raised her hand, stopping Kasumi midsentence as she returned the smile. "Nodaka, please...there is no need to be so formal with me, besides...if what I've heard of you is true. I should be the one dealing with the formalities."

His ears perking at his mother's words, he sent her a questioning glance which she responded to by mouthing 'later.' Understanding, Ranma decided to turn the subject to something else.

"So, why are you guys here? Did the new dojo burn down already...because if it did, I swear I'm going to have to start sleeping in tree's from now on." Catching onto that one and the sarcasm behind it, Dr. Tofu chuckled and was immediately pinned with stares from three fuming Tendo's.

Coughing behind his hand, Dr. Tofu mumbled an apology and quickly set about finding himself something to do. Ranma just shook his head before deciding that he wanted to explore the area.

After all, if he was going to be stuck here then he might as well know his way around the place.

Turning back to his mother he gave her a pointed look before moving over to the still open window. He was just about to reach it when a strong hand clamped about his right arm's bicep, growling because he knew just who it was, Ranma kept his eyes on the window as he spoke.

"Let go of me right now Akane." The girl stubbornly just shook her head and tightened her grip, making Ranma deepen his growl, "no. Not until you tell me where you are going. We just got here to visit and see how you were doing, yet here you are. Walking around and trying to leave. What's the rush?"

Ranma knew where Akane was going with this and he really didn't want to go there with her right now, not when he had been through hell. He already had enough shit to deal with and having Akane accuse him of stuff wasn't what he would call helpful.

"I bet you are, Mrph?!" Akane's eyes were wide with surprise and slight fear as she stared into Ranma's hard blue-amber eyes, 'since when where they amber?' But that thought was ripped from her before she could even take a chance to think about it.

Ranma was saying something.

"ne. My day has been completely shot to hell since I woke up, now I don't need you breathing down my neck for no apparent reason. Besides, last time I checked, it was a free country. So I don't have to tell you a damn thing, but if it will keep you off my back, I'll tell you where I'm going." Releasing Akane's mouth, Ranma watched as Akane blushed before narrowing her eyes at him.

"I am going to have a look around our new neighborhood and before you even ask, no. You are not going to come with me, besides," looking away from Akane and towards his mother, Ranma's voice softened. "I need some time to myself right now," he then hardened his features as he locked eyes with Akane. "So back off. I'll see you guys at the new place later."

That said, Ranma pulled his mother in for a quick hug before turning and making his way back to the window, passing the still unconscious Genma on the way. "And remember to take the old-man with you." And as soon as those words left his mouth, he was gone, leaving the Tendo's to blink in confusion while his mother just shook her head and smiled.


'I can't believe it!'

Ranma had been spending the last hour and a half walking around town and he was shocked to the core.

This was Kagome's neighborhood.

Sparing a glance at some passerby, Ranma froze in place as his eyes landed upon three human females. Each were dressed in the same uniform that Kagome would always wear and he recognized them immediately. They were Kagome's friends, Eri, Yuka, and Yumi.

An idea suddenly striking him, Ranma smirked to himself as he made a quick bee-line across the street, falling into step behind the heatedly chatting girls. What he heard though, made his heart twist and his anger flare to life.

"...believe it! I mean, she's all mopy now. I feel sorry for her." Eri's voice was troubled as she finished relating what she had been told by Souta earlier that same day.

Yuka shook her head as she shifted her backpack, "we need to cheer her up somehow. She must be feeling horrible, I mean I would. Hearing that your boyfriend was killed isn't something that I would like to hear anytime soon...but what can we do?"

"All we can do is be there for her. We're her friends, we need to act like it. She needs, I vote on going over there and dragging her to a movie." Yumi was determined not to let this new development get her down, she needed to be strong. Besides, Kagome was her best friend.

Immediately the other's jumped on her suggestion and started spouting off their own ideas as they finally reached their destination. WacDonald's.

Ranma didn’t know when he had stopped walking, only that he had and frankly, he didn't give a damn at the moment.

'She thinks I'm dead? So does that mean...' Realization striking him suddenly like being woken from a dream, Ranma felt a new determination build within him. He knew what he had to do and nothing or no one was going to get in his way.

Straightening his shoulder, Ranma turned back the way he had come. He knew how to get there, having walked these streets several times already.

'I'm coming Kagome...'

A/N- And that's the end...

Yeah, I know...I wish it wouldn't end either, that way I'd never have to come up with an ending to this...

But hey, I love this story anyway!

The next chapt will be up sometime in the next two month's, so till then...

Ja Ne!