InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ Chapter 3: Kagome ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Things Go Awry

A/N- Hey guys and welcome to the newest chapt of WTGA! My work schedual has increased and so writting is going to be all that more difficult, but I'll mangage somehow.
Also, I have a new addition to the family. His name is Chewie and he is a two year old wire fox terrier. What I can't believe is that he was about to be put to sleep and he's such a sweetie too! I just can't believe that people can be so heartless sometimes.
Anyway, this chapt is dedicated to him as a welcome to the family gift.
Disclaimer- Don't own IY, so quit asking!
'Youkai thoughts'
Onto the fic!

Chapter 3: Kagome...
It had taken him only fifteen minutes before he found himself standing at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the Higurashi shrine, a place he knew as well as his own home, for that was what it had been like to him...a second home.
And hopefully it could still be one.
As he began his climb, Ranma felt himself growing rather nervous. 'Will she still accept me like this? I mean, I am still who I was...but with my curse and the life that I am living now...could she accept me?' It was frightening to think of the fact that there was even the slightest possibility that Kagome would not wish for him to remain in her life. Definitely not something that he would ever wish to happen...
He had been so deep in thought that Ranma didn't even notice when he ran right into someone. The collision was enough to knock the both of them to the ground.
Groaning, Ranma cursed under his breath as he lifted his head. His body grew rigid and his eyes widened when they met the dazed chocolate brown ones of the young boy before him, someone he immediately recognized, 'Souta!'
Pushing himself up quickly, Ranma watched as the boy flashed him a confused look, "sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright sir?" Jerking as the word 'sir' reached his ears, Ranma hurried to his feet then gripped Souta's shoulder, dragging the kid to his feet as well.
"There's no need for that kid, besides, it's you I'm worried about. You did land rather hard..." Ranma then pretended to give the boy a once over, earning a scowl in return. Souta pulled his shoulder free and took a step back, his eyes filling with anger, "I'm fine...quit fussing over me like I'm just some kid. Besides, you have yet to tell me who you are and what you are doing here. So out with it already."
Rolling his eyes, Ranma tousled Souta's hair before striding past him, a smirk making its way across his lips. 'I can't believe this! He doesn't recognize me...god, this is priceless! I wonder if Kagome won't know it's me either...I guess there's only one way to find out.'
"Hey! Where do you think your going!"
Stopping at Souta's voice, Ranma glanced over his shoulder, an idea popping into his head. One that brought a full out smile to his face. "Is Kagome home?" Souta's mouth snapped shut on the ranting tangent that he was about to go on and an amused look filled his eyes, "are you her boyfriend or something?"
Ranma's eyebrows shot up and he couldn't stop himself from laughing uncontrollably. He must have been going on for a while, because when he finally stopped it definitely showed. One his whole face hurt, two Souta was staring at him like he had gone mad, and finally three there was someone behind him.
Whipping at the tears that had formed, Ranma took a deep breath to calm himself only to catch the one scent that caused his whole body to shiver, 'she's here.' Resisting thee urge to purr, Ranma slowly turned around, letting his eyes drift up to lock with the stormy blue-grey one's of the person before him.
Kagome had been unable to sleep that night, she knew that if she so much as even tried, the nightmares would come. Those horrible nightmare's of that horrible night, three weeks hence.
The night that she had lost the most important person in her world. Nothing had been the same since then, not for her and definitely not for her friends.
She had come home and had cried for endless hours that night, when the morning had finally come, Kagome felt as though she were walking in a dream and would never wake.
Her mother had made her go to school the very next day and having nothing else to keep her mind busy, Kagome had gone. That had only made things worse. Her friends wouldn't stop talking about him and soon it had grown to be too much for even her to take.
She ended up yelling out that he was dead and would never come back, she had then made a run for it. Locking herself up in her room and refusing to eat or talk to anyone.
And so had passed the weeks, Kagome would hardly leave her room and every time her mother had come in to check on her, she would find Kagome sitting near her window, a piece of red cloth in her hands. Today had been just like all the rest for Kagome and her family was beginning to wonder if she would ever be the same again.
But it seemed the fates were with them, for Kagome had finally decided that she had been cooped up in the house for far too long and wished to go outside to stretch her legs. The funny thing though, was when she had exited the house she heard her brother's voice as he yelled at someone, only to be answered with an all consuming laughter.
Her curiosity perked, Kagome followed the sounds past the god-tree and to a place just a few feet from the entrance into the shrine itself.
There before her stood her a man. He had his back to her but she could tell by his body shape and clothes that he was about her age, maybe just a little bit older. Her brother stood just two feet away from him and looked the maddest that she had ever seen him.
Once he spotted her though, his eyes softened and he flashed her a brief smile before pointing at the man, all the while silently mouthing, 'crazy.'
Kagome just raised her eyebrow in confusion as she waited for the man to finish his little laughing spat. It took about a minute before he finally began to quiet down and once he had ceased completely, Kagome opened her mouth to speak to him when he turned to face her.
His amber-blue eyes boring into her own and touching her very soul, something that had only happened once before, 'it can't be...he...he's gone...'
Ranma could see the flicker of recognition in Kagome's eyes, as well as the pain and sorrow of his disappearance. Feeling his own heart clench in sympathy, Ranma let a soft smile cross his lips as he bowed lightly, "hello, Kagome Higurashi I presume."
Seeing her dumbly nod her head, Ranma couldn't stop himself from smirking as he took a step closer to her, "I am Ranma Saotome and I-" Before he even had a chance to finish his statement, let alone react, Kagome had locked him in one of the fiercest embraces that he'd ever experienced.
"It's you! Isn't it? I am so tired, so tired...please, just tell me the truth. Are you him...are you, InuYasha?" Kagome's voice was wavering and she could feel more tears flowing unchecked down her cheeks as she tightened her arms about the man before her.
He could feel his face burning with a deep blush, having Kagome hug him had really been unexpected, but it was her words that really got to him. 'She sounds so sad, Naraku is going to pay for this, I won't let him hurt her ever again.'
Wrapping his own arms about Kagome, Ranma held her close as he took in her scent, "no, I am Ranma. But you aren't far off Kagome...what Naraku did was unexpected but...necessary." Immediately Ranma could feel Kagome's form stiffen before she started to struggle, trying the break the embrace.
Sighing, Ranma let his arms fall limply at his sides as he stepped back. Kagome was staring at him, her eyes filled with shock and tears. 'He...he is just like me...a...a reincarnation! But...but how?'
"InuYa...I mean Ranma, what happened, did you end up like this?"
Ranma just shook his head as he walked past her, reaching the bench underneath the sacred tree, Ranma took a seat and patted the spot next to him. Kagome flashed him a confused look before she nodded her head and sat at his side. This definitely wasn't the InuYasha she remembered and Kagome was curious to know why he was so different now.
"Isn't it obvious? Naraku's spell forced me to become one with my future self, my reincarnation...and the one that was really supposed to end up with you. But there's more to it than that and Naraku is going to regret ever casting that spell in the first place."
His voice had darkened and Ranma was now practically glaring that the ground before him, 'That bastard will rue the day he ever thought to do this.' Kagome, feeling more confused now than before, gripped Ranma's arm and tugged in an attempt to get his attention.
"What do you mean there's more? I mean, you look human to me...what more could there be?" Chuckling at Kagome's questioning tone, Ranma closed his eyes and uttered the key to unlock the concealment spell, "Ramen."
Kagome's eyes blew wide as she watched Ranma's human appearance literally melt away, leaving behind his full blooded demon form. ' is this possible? He...he's a full demon, but I thought...' Seeing the shock and confusion in Kagome's eyes and hearing Souta's gasp of surprise, Ranma just smiled.
" seems that this time around, I am a full demon. It's strange though, I remember what it was like to be a half-demon but at the same time, I don't. Doesn't make much sense does it?" Lifting her left hand, Kagome reached up and ran her fingertips lightly over the rose mark upon Ranma's forehead, her eyes full of curiosity and awe.
Shivering at her soft touch, Ranma tried his hardest not to respond but it soon became difficult as Kagome's fingers had trailed to his ears. As a low whine rose in his throat, Ranma quickly gripped Kagome's shoulder and held her at arms length, his breathing had become labored and he had to force down what his youkai was currently snarling at him to do.
'Take the female, her scent is good as is her touch...take her or I will.' Ranma gritted his teeth as he forced his youkai back, 'no...she's not ours to take, so don't even dare.'
Tears filling her eyes at Ranma's sudden action, Kagome dropped her hands into her lap as she slumped on the bench, feeling absolutely terrible. "I...I'm sorry...I...I shouldn't have done that." Ranma's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Kagome's words, 'she thinks I'm mad at her? Damn it...this isn't what I wanted to happen.' 'Then comfort her, she has gotten the wrong impression of us...and she does smell nice...'
Sighing, Ranma gripped Kagome's chin with his right hand, lifting her head and locking their eyes. "Kagome, don't. You have nothing to be sorry for, it is me who should apologize. I am still getting used to being what I am and your touch was only making it harder to keep my youkai under control."
Brushing the unshed tears from Kagome's eyes, Ranma felt a slight blush burn his cheeks as he struggled to continue, "he uhh...well, he wanted to, I mean, he was going to. Damn it..." seeing that Ranma was having trouble explaining, Kagome touched his cheek gently, an encouraging smile on her face.
Ranma's eyes grew wide as his youkai surged to the surface suddenly, it had been so unexpected that Ranma had lost control for the moment in his shock. He didn't know how to handle his youkai self, especially now that he was a full-blooded demon. 'That's it! I'm not waiting around just so that you can let such a desirable female go! Sorry but it's my turn now.'
Kagome blinked in amazement as Ranma's eyes flashed red and a deep growl rumbled from him as he bared his fangs. Strangely, Kagome wasn't scared. She didn't know why, but from how the youkai was looking at her, she knew he would not harm her.
"R...Ranma?" The sound of Kagome's voice seemed to have a rather weird effect upon Ranma's demon, because before she could say 'osuwari' his arms had encircled her, securing her firmly against his chest. It was enough to have Kagome nearly melting.
" master is such a fool." Shivering at the sudden change to Ranma's voice, Kagome could only gape in shock as she gazed into the amused eyes of Ranma's youkai.
Seeing the female's reaction to his words, he couldn't help but burry his nose in her neck. She smelt like the morning after a rainstorm and he could feel her power, it seemed to flow throughout her being and he immediately recognized it. "I see, you are a miko, aren't you female."
Kagome had felt like melting when the youkai had nuzzled her neck, a sudden heat had engulfed her but it all came to a stuttering halt when he had spoken. She tried to pull away but the youkai only tightened his grip about her form. Sighing in defeat when she realized that he wasn't about to let go anytime soon, Kagome sank into the embrace, drawing a soft purr from the youkai.
"Yes...but ummm, my name is Kagome, not female and uhh...just who are you?" Chuckling at Kagome's question, the youkai reluctantly pulled back from her neck, but instead of pulling all the way away, he opted to touch his forehead to hers.
"You are still female to me, my master desires your presence and I understand, you are exceptional...for a human." Kagome felt her body begin to shake as she realized just what had happened and frankly, it shocked the hell out of her.
'His youkai has taken over...but he wasn't like this before, I...I don't know what to do to change him back...' Kagome shifted under the youkai's solid gaze, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. As if sensing this, the youkai growled lowly in his throat as he released her and stood, turning his back to her as he let his eyes drift up into the branches of the tree before him.
Surprised at the youkai's sudden change in behavior, Kagome stood, lifting her arm and reaching to grip his shoulder when she thought better of it and dropped her hand at her side. "Do you know why we came to you, female?"
Jerking at the Youkai's sudden question, Kagome's brows knit in confusion as she pondered said question, ", no I don't. I...I didn't even know you were here, I...I thought..." feeling tears beginning to fill her eyes once again, Kagome rubbed at her eyes angrily before she continued. "I didn't know if I would even see you again, let alone as someone else entirely, so no, I have no idea why you came..."
The youkai could feel his master straining to retake control and he knew that he didn't have much time left before he was forced back again. Turning, the youkai gripped Kagome's shoulder and locked their eyes, "we came for you. We need you female, we lov..."
Ranma's body stiffened, his words freezing in his throat as his youkai side was pushed into the background once again, letting Ranma finally retake control of his body, but it was already too late for Kagome had heard his youkai's words and knew just where he was going with them.
As Ranma turned to regard Kagome with concern filling his eyes, Kagome knew that what she had heard was indeed the truth and was unable to stop herself from embracing the man before her with all her might. Ranma was confused, he had heard little of the conversation that had been going on between Kagome and his youkai, but to have Kagome act this way once he had regained control was for the lack of a better word...unnerving.
Smiling at the questioning tone in Ranma's voice, Kagome decided that she would wait until he was ready to come out and say it himself to let him know that she knew. Pulling back and effectively breaking their impromptu hug, Kagome felt a blush stain her cheeks as she continued to smile.
"Sorry about that, it's just good to know that you are you again. Anyway...are you by any chance hungry? I can make ramen." Shaking his head, Ranma chuckled lightly as he nodded his head in approval, "sounds nice...and maybe we can talk some more...I bet you still have lots of questions."
Her blush only deepening, Kagome hesitantly gave a slow nod of her head in reply even as she turned and began walking back towards house, Ranma and a rather amused, not to mention confused, Souta following not far behind.
'I'm so glad that he's alright...'

A/N- And there you have it! The next chapt should be posted in the next two month's, so no worries!
Anyway, I'm going to start doing a dictionary of the jap words I use in each chapt starting now, so here goes...
Youkai- Demon, Inner Demon
Osuwari- Sit, Please Sit
Miko- Powerful Priestess, Holy Woman
Well, That's it for now!
Till next time!
Ja Ne!