InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ Chapter 4: Picking Up The Pieces ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Things Go Awry

A/N- Hey All!

Sorry about the long wait on this...I've been having a very hard time coming up with anything to write, not to mention being depressed as hell...

But here it is anyway...I hope it suffices and you all enjoy took long enough to write after all...

Disclaimer- InuYasha and Ranma 1/2 are both the property of Rumiko Takahashi, I am but a humble writer using them in my own fan fictions, so no suing peeps!!


'Inner Youkai'


Chapter 4: Picking Up The Pieces

After she had lead Ranma and Souta back into the house, Kagome made a brief introduction to her mother before shooing Souta and dragging Ranma up the stairs to her room.

She sank against the door as it clicked shut and the lock slid into place. Taking a deep breath, Kagome turned to find Ranma sitting in her window sill, half in the room and half out of it.

Lifting his head, Ranma turned to regard Kagome, his eyes contemplative as he watched her approach him slowly as if she was still unsure of him. Sighing at that, Ranma turned away, letting his eyes focus instead upon the distant form of Tokyo Tower where it loomed at the edge of the horizon.

"I know that you have things that you wish to ask me Kagome and I will do my best to answer you, but remember, I am not the same person that I once was...I have changed Kagome..." Clenching a fist, Ranma narrowed his eyes as he contemplated just how he was going to deal with Shampoo, Akane, Ukyou, and the other's, after all, things were so different now.

Sitting down upon her bed, Kagome looked down at her hands as she clasped them in her lap, "I know...but I can still see InuYasha in you. It's weird...but not at the same time...besides, I'm curious...just how old are you now? I mean, you look about my age...heck, I bet you even attend the same grade as I do."

Rolling his eyes, Ranma turned, gripping the windowsill as he faced Kagome completely. "Well, I am about 18 now and yes I am in your grade, in fact...starting tomorrow I'm going to be attending your high school and I'm going to be in your class." Smirking as Kagome's jaw dropped in shock, Ranma's ears suddenly twitched as he stood.

"Sounds like dinner is ready, come on Kag's, let's go eat then we can talk some more later, alright?" Kagome's mouth opened and closed a couple times before she smiled, getting to her feet and following Ranma out of her room, "Kag's? Since when did I have a nickname?"

Shrugging, Ranma started down the stairs, "so? I like that better, does it really bother you all that much?" Shaking her head, Kagome and Ranma finally entered the kitchen, "no, it'll just take some getting used to."

Asami lifted her head and smiled as their guest, followed by her daughter entered the kitchen. As she turned to lift the pot of stew that she had prepared, she found that she had been beaten to it. Ranma lifted the steaming pot and walked carefully over to the table, gently setting it down before pulling the chair out for Asami and Kagome.

"Here, take a seat Mrs. Higurashi, I'll serve the food...if that is alright?" Asami felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders as she gladly took the seat that the young man before her had offered, "thank you young man, you are very kind."

Waving his hand in the air to dismiss Asami's thanks, Ranma studiously ignored the shocked looks that Souta and Kagome were currently giving him. Instead he went about serving everyone before taking a fair portion for himself, after taking his own seat at the table he thanked Asami for the food before digging in, eating quietly.

Kagome was floored. Ranma hadn't been lying when he said that he had changed, but hell, she hadn't thought that he had changed this much! 'I mean, when has InuYasha ever willingly served anyone and have perfect table manners?! God, this is soooo weird and the day isn't even over yet! I still have to tell Mom and Grandpa about Ranma...and then there's school least he's here though...thank god for that...'

Fighting down the tears that had come with where her thoughts had been going, Kagome quickly finished her dinner and waited until everyone else was finished before she moved to do the dishes, only to have Ranma follow suit. After cleaning all the dishes in silence, Kagome knew it was time to explain a few things to her family and she just hoped that Ranma was up for it.

"Mom, ummm, I need to talk to you and Grandpa for a bit. If it's alright?" Asami's brows knit at her daughter's nervous behavior but nodded her head anyway, grabbing the tea that she had made earlier, she sat down at the table and served everyone a cup as she waited for her daughter to begin.

Taking a deep breath, Kagome shifted in her seat uncomfortably before she slowly began. "I know this is going to be a stretch, even for me...but uh...Ranma here is a full-blooded InuYoukai and none other than InuYasha's reincarnation."

The sound of breaking porcelain had Ranma shooting to his feet, with Kagome hot on his heels. Asami had dropped her tea cup mid-sip and it had shattered upon the floor at her side, but as she made a move to clean it up, Ranma intercepted her.

Touching Asami's hand, Ranma flashed her a gentle smile, "sorry for this being so sudden but what Kagome said is the truth," Asami pulled back at that and watched in silence as Ranma cleaned up the shattered pieces, once he had thrown them away he remained standing, waiting for the question that he knew Asami was just dying to ask.

A question that took her at least two full minutes of silence before she finally worked up the nerve to ask him, "if that is true, then...what do you really look like now?" Smiling, Ranma spoke the transformation word again and let the spell fall away, leaving both Asami and Kagome's grandfather gaping in shock and muted surprise at him.

"I know, it's weird seeing me like this but, this is just how I am now..." Motioning to himself, Ranma made his way back over and retook his seat, once he had, he gave each of the others a solid look. "My life has changed quite a bit and I must admit, so have I. I am not the InuYasha you once knew...and I hope that you all will still accept me..."

Asami reached over and gripped Ranma's hand in her own, being mindful of his claws as she flashed him an understanding and rather motherly smile, "it's alright, you are still who you are Inu, I mean, Ran, I...uh...what would you liked to be called now?"

Feeling as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, Ranma smiled at Asami, "Ranma is fine and thank you, you don't know how much this means to me..." pausing as a sudden thought struck him, Ranma felt an even wider smile cross his lips. "In fact, I would be honored if you would meet my mother, she is a kind woman, just like you Mrs. Higurashi..."

Surprise flashed briefly through Asami's eyes before she smiled softly back at Ranma, "No Ranma, the honor would be all mine. I'd love to meet your mother and please, call me Asami." Chuckling, Ranma just nodded his head as he spared a glance at Kagome. If the smile on her face as well as the tears were anything to go by...

Shaking his head, Ranma reached out and gripped Kagome's shoulder, tugging her into a one armed hug as he pressed his nose into her hair. Taking a deep whiff of her calming scent, he felt a purr rise in the back of his throat, but had to force it down before he did something he would later regret.

Pulling back, he lifted her chin with his free hand and smiled at her, "there is no reason to cry Kagome, I'm right here and no this isn't a dream, so don't worry...I'm not going anywhere anytime soon..." Releasing Kagome, Ranma got to his feet and flashed everyone a soft smile before he started towards the door, "I had best be going now..."

'If I don't, Akane just might come looking for me and I can't afford for her to mess with Kagome,' feeling his inner youkai growl his agreement, Ranma started to turn when a hand gripped his wrist. Looking over his shoulder he found Kagome looking up at him with something akin to panic in her eyes.

"Couldn't you at least stay for a while longer? I mean, you did promise to tell me about your new life," Kagome trailed off as her face burned red with a blush of embarrassment. Stopping immediately, Ranma decided that Akane and the rest of them could rot because right now Kagome needed him.

Having made up his mind, Ranma turned around and shrugged his shoulders as a slight smirk quirked his lips, "well...I guess I could stay just a little longer, as long as I'm not a burden to anyone." Asami just chuckled before motioning him and Kagome over to the table, "not at all Ranma, you should know that by now..."

Scratching his neck, Ranma just smiled as he walked over and sat back down, almost sighing when Kagome took the seat next to him while smiling softly up at him the whole time. 'So this is how it feels to have a family? Heh, I can't believe what I've been missing...but not anymore...I swear it.'

Kagome watched Ranma closely, wanting to see the proof and know with her own eyes that he would keep his word and not abandon her to her despair again. If he ever did such a thing, then her life would no longer be worth living, shaking off such depressing thoughts, Kagome just smiled when Ranma's eyes landed upon her. 'I have this moment at least, for that I should be grateful...'

Minutes passed by in what seemed mere moments as they finished the desert that Asami had prepared, it was a time that Ranma would never forget, after all, even in this life he had never really experienced anything like this before. Having people who care about you really was a wonderful thing.

After finishing their tea, Kagome drug Ranma with her back up to her bedroom, she wanted more time alone with him after all. Once they had entered, she once again made sure that the lock to her door was secure. There was no way she wanted anyone disturbing her time with Ranma.

Wondering just when she had become so possessive, Kagome walked over to her bed and sat down. She was surprised when moments later, Ranma joined her.

Tilting his head back, Ranma focused his eyes upon the ceiling, wishing for this moment to never end.

Feeling all her emotions and fears building up, Kagome knew that it wouldn't be long before she snapped and started crying, but she didn't care. Licking her lips nervously, Kagome braved a glance at Ranma before moving just a little closer to him, only to stop when she felt their shoulder's touch.

"Ranma...did you mean it?" His brows knitting in confusion, Ranma turned his head towards Kagome. He could smell the potent scent of fear and sorrow surrounding Kagome and couldn't help but wonder what had brought all this on. "Mean what Kagome?"

Sighing, Kagome felt the first of many tears begin its journey down the side of her cheek and under her chin. "What you said about not going anywhere...I...I just couldn't handle it if you left again and never came back...I just couldn't." As more tears joined the previous ones, Kagome flung both her arms about Ranma's shoulders and proceeded to squeeze him for all he was worth.

When Kagome had embraced him, Ranma knew that this whole mess had affected her a lot more than she had put on and was determined to put her fears to rest once and for all.

Nuzzling his nose into the hair at the top of her head, Ranma wrapped both his arms about Kagome's waist, lifting her and situating her gently in his lap. "I'm sorry Kagome...there was nothing I could have done to stop this from happening the way it did. I've never meant to hurt you, but I have anyway..."

Stilling at Ranma's words, Kagome felt a blush burn her cheeks even as she sank deeper into Ranma's comforting embrace, "it's alright Ranma...I...I just am so scared. I felt so empty when you disappeared like you did, I even took it upon myself to try and hunt Naraku down to try and beat an answer out of him. But in the end I just ran away...and then you appeared..."

She trailed off when she realized that she had said too much, feeling extremely exposed Kagome tried to move away, but Ranma's grip about her only seemed to tighten even more.

Ranma couldn't believe his ears, 'this is what Kagome is worried about? I can't believe it...does she actually think that I would abandon her after only just finding her again? I really must erase such thoughts from her mind...but how?'

Having no idea how to handle a situation like this one, Ranma just continued to hold her in silence while rubbing gentle circles on her back. Kagome felt her body relax even as her tears began to dry up, 'he's so warm...kami, please don't take him from me again.'

Feeling more relaxed than he had in a long time, Ranma felt himself shutting down, his body and mind wanting nothing more than to lie down and go to sleep. Deciding to hell with it, he tightened his grip about Kagome before falling backwards onto her bed, an amused smirk crossing his lips when Kagome let out a surprised yelp.

Surprised was an understatement. Kagome was completely flustered, InuYasha had never done anything like this before and frankly it was confusing her. Something really life changing must have happened to him when he became Ranma Saotome and Kagome couldn't help but wonder if he would ever tell her.

Yes, he had promised to tell her about himself, but since when did InuYasha ever want to talk about himself or his life? But she was willing to let it go for the moment, besides, she was feeling really sleepy.

Blinking her eyes drowsily, Kagome shifted in Ranma's embrace, moving into a more comfortable position even as she finally drifted off. One thought filtered through though before sleep claimed her, 'Just who is Ranma Saotome?'

Feeling and hearing Kagome's breath evening out as she fell into a light slumber, Ranma brushed his fingers through a small lock of Kagome's hair even as he himself readied himself for a light nap. Shifting more into Kagome's side, Ranma buried his nose in the hair at the top of her head, taking deep lulling breaths even as he slowly drifted off.

'Female smells good,' smiling at his youkai's comment, Ranma closed his eyes.

"Yes she does..."

A/N- I know...a weird ending for a chapter like this, but I was going nowhere fast and it really needed to end somewhere...

Anyway, I hope you all liked it anyway and I'll do my best to get the next chapter may be a while though...

Only time can tell...

Till then...