InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ Chapter 5: A New Twist ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Things Go Awry

A/N- Here we are, the chapt where Kagome gets a glimpse into Ranma's life and the problems for our re-budding couple begin to ensue...again

Anyway, sorry about the wait, I hope this chapt makes up for it! My computer died on

Disclaimer- InuYasha is the property of Takahashi-san, I am but a lowly onna wishing for a chance to follow in her footsteps...I just hope I'm doing the character's justice...


'Ranma's Youkai's thoughts/talking'


Chapter 5: A New Twist

There was something buzzing and damn was it annoying.

Shifting, Kagome grumbled in her sleep filled haze as she let her hand fly. Whacking her alarm halfway across the room.

Smiling when the buzzing stopped, Kagome curled in closer to the warm form at her side, relishing in the heat she felt coming from it. Kagome stilled as her thoughts struck her, freezing, she tried to remember just when her pillows were so solid when a soft chuckle reached her ears.

A clearly male chuckle too.

Jerking herself into a sitting position even as her eyes flew open, Kagome was about to scream when her eyes met the amused blue-grey one's before her.

It took only a second before what had happened the previous day to all come flooding back to her and when it had, Kagome's face went completely red.

Feeling his smirk only deepen at Kagome's reaction to his presence first thing in the morning, Ranma pushed himself up and popped his back. Groaning at how good it felt.

Rubbing his neck, he got off of Kagome's bed and stretched his arms as well, "well, now I really need to leave..." turning back to face Kagome, Ranma smiled when he saw her slightly worried expression as she looked up at him. Sighing he shook his head, "stop it Kagome. You know as well as I do that I can't stay by your side 24/7, your grandfather would kill me, not to mention Akane..."

Kagome nodded her head in understanding, while mentally slapping herself for being so selfish, "your right, I'm sorry...but, you will be at school today, right?" She winced at the desperation she heard in her own voice, just when had she become so clingy?

Smiling softly, Ranma gave a small mock bow and felt his smile melt into another smirk when Kagome's face started to turn red, "of course, as Milady wishes..."

Gaping at that, Kagome gripped the nearest object, which happened to be her pillow and chucked it across the room at Ranma. He easily dodged it before sticking his tongue out at her and then he was gone. The flapping of the drapes at her now open window the only proof that he hadn't just disappeared.

Sighing, Kagome spared a glance at the clock and seeing that she had about an hour and a half before she had to leave for school, she decided to get a quick shower in. 'Besides, I probably stink form being cooped up in here for three weeks straight...' Her face scrunched up at such a thought, Kagome moved to do just that, determined to at least look nice for when she saw Ranma again.


Ranma had to take great care as he crept into the house, it was still early and other than Kasumi, no one else should be awake. Almost everyone in the Tendo household, including his ex-old man, were late risers.

As he made his way into the living room area, he caught his mother's scent and smiled, "good morning mother." Turning he was happy to see his mother leaning against the wall just across from him, she had a soft smile on her lips as she nodded her head in greeting.

"So, I guess things went well?" Blinking in confusion for a brief moment at his mother's words, it finally dawned on him. His scent. "Uh...well, I found Kagome...we are actually in her neighborhood," Nodoka just smiled as she walked over and gently shoved him towards the stairs, "that is good news, but right now I'd be worrying about going to school. You'd better wash up and change, Kasumi is making breakfast and has something important to tell you, so you had better hurry."

Chuckling, Ranma turned and did just as his mother had suggested. It took him all of fifteen minutes before he was walking into the kitchen, dressed and refreshed.

Kasumi was just barely serving his mother and smiled at him as he took his seat as well, "good morning Ranma-kun, how was you reunion with Kagome?"

Ranma's eyebrows went up at that and Kasumi just chuckled before whispering something, her form shimmered slightly before fading and showing that she was actually a full-blooded kitsune youkai. Feeling his jaw drop in surprise, Ranma could only stare at her, barely able to believe what he was seeing.

Kasumi didn't seem bothered by Ranma's reaction and quickly went about serving him and then herself, after all, they didn't have much time. The others would be getting up soon.

Taking a sip of her tea, Kasumi turned her attention upon Ranma, "I suppose this must be a big shock to you Ranma, but before you ask, no, the other's don't know and all three are 100 percent human."

His jaw snapping shut, Ranma narrowed his eyes even as he stashed some of his eggs into his mouth, making sure to chew it quickly. "Alright then, how can you be a youkai and a full-blooded one at that if you’re Soun's daughter..." Kasumi just chuckled before leaning on her elbow, "the truth is, I'm not Ranma. My real father and mother were both killed when I was just born, so as such I was eventually adopted by a fine couple who couldn't have children."

Breathing deeply of the aroma drifting from her tea, Kasumi sighed, "as I grew older, I found that as a kitsune I have an aptitude for herbs. Wanting to help my adopted parents, I researched a way to make it so they could have children. In fact, that is how I met your mother and discovered who I really am, rather ironic if you think about it."

Ranma just smiled, 'maybe this does make sense after all...I did have something almost like this happened to me when I was InuYasha, so I suppose that I can understand.' "I have one question..." Kasumi looked up from her tea and was happy to see the understanding in Ranma's eyes, "yes?"

"Yesterday, my mother showed respect to you and promised to explain it later. So, just what was that all about?" Ranma didn't know how else to put it, so just coming out and saying it seemed to be like the right thing to do.

Nodoka just shook her head before turning to Kasumi, "so, do you want to explain it, or shall I do the honor's?" Kasumi tilted her head slightly as she kept her eyes upon Ranma, and frankly it was making him rather uncomfortable. "Go ahead, either way is fine."

"Alright then," turning towards Ranma, Nodoka lifted two fingers. "There are two things you need to know. One, is that my grandmother was half-kitsune and that one of her half-brother's was Kasumi's father. Making us related. Two, Kasumi is about to be married to Dr. Tofu, who also is a youkai like us. He is an Ookami and is the next in line to becoming the Lord of the North."

Ranma blinked several times as he absorbed that information, "so, he's somehow related to Kouga?" Nodoka felt a gentle smile cross her lips, her son really was a quick study after all. "Yes, Kouga is in fact his father. How though, I cannot tell you. In fact, no one has seen Kouga for years, most think he's dead. But, one way or another, Akira will soon take over his father's place with Kasumi at his side."

Chuckling, Ranma lifted his cup and nodded towards Kasumi, "congratulations Milady, you have my blessing. Oh, am I invited to the wedding?" Kasumi started laughing, a smile curling her lips. "Of course Ranma. I want you and that lovely young lady of yours to both attend, after all, you're family. It's the least I could do..."

Feeling his face burn lightly at the mention of Kagome, Ranma merely nodded his head before stilling in his seat. Kasumi must have heard it as well, because she quickly put up her concealment spell, "well Ranma, what do you think of going to a new school? Do you think you'll make any friends today?"

Ranma opened his mouth to respond when Nabiki and Soun came walking in. "Morning...hey, what are you doing up so early Ranma, you usually only get up twenty minutes before school starts." Stifling at snicker at Nabiki's question, Ranma drank the rest of his tea, before getting to his feet.

"I just felt like it, that's all. I'll see you later Kasumi, mom," and with that, Ranma strolled from the room. He glanced up at the clock and smiled, 'looks like I can walk with Kagome to school after all. For once I'm glad that Akane sleeps in like she does...'

His smile only deepened as he exited the house, it would take him ten minutes to get to Kagome's home if he walked. Deciding to forego that, Ranma leapt up onto the roof of the house and proceeded to Kagome's. It took him only three minutes.

Kagome had just grabbed her bag and was making her way out the door when out of nowhere, Ranma landed at her side, a smile on his lips. Holding her chest and biting her cheek to keep from screaming, Kagome narrowed her eyes at Ranma. Balling up her fist she swung and made a perfect hit.

Wincing as he gripped the back of his head where Kagome had whacked him, Ranma gave her the best puppy eyed look he could, "what was that for Kagome?" Crossing her arms, Kagome started walking, "like you didn't know. I didn't find it funny when you did that as InuYasha, so why the heck do you think I would now?!"

Shaking his head, Ranma hurried to keep up with Kagome, 'she'll never change, same old Kagome.'

For the first time in a long time, the walk to school was rather uneventful. No fiancé’s, no Kuno's, no anyone. It was just him and Kagome the whole way and frankly, Ranma preferred it that way.

Kagome had kept an eye on Ranma the whole way to school and was rather surprised to see that he seemed rather happy, which confused her, 'InuYasha always hated anything about my school, but now, he doesn't seem to care...why?'

She was about to ask him just that when next thing she knew, Ranma was holding her in his arms while snarling with narrowed eyes at someone. Being used to things like this happening in the feudal era, Kagome reached towards her back only to remember that she didn't have her bow or arrows, that this was present day Japan.

Sighing, she turned her head to look at whoever it was that had pissed Ranma off, only to have her eyebrows lifting in surprise. Standing four feet away was a panda bear, an honest to kami panda bear.

Ranma couldn't believe his rotten luck, of all people to find him with Kagome, it just had to be his so called 'father.' Taking a deep breath, Ranma gently set Kagome back onto her feet before taking her hand and giving it a gentle tug. "Come on, we don't want to be late to school."

Kagome sensed that there was more to this than Ranma was willing to express at that moment and seeing the panda raise a sign that had the word son followed by a question mark on it; well that was enough to make up her mind for her. Nodding her head, Kagome let Ranma lead her on.

Once they were several blocks away from where they had encountered the panda, Kagome tightened her grip on Ranma's hand, "you better explain all this later, knowing you, that panda has something to do with you and I want answers. You get me Ranma?"

Biting the inner part of his lip, Ranma just nodded his head. He was having enough trouble holding his youkai at bay as it was and talking wouldn't help him much. 'You idiot! You let the old man see our female, now she will be in danger! Moron!' Tasting blood even as he saw Kagome's school looming in the horizon, Ranma took yet another deep and calming breath.

Something that he seemed to be doing a lot lately.

'I know damn it! So stop rubbing it in...after school is out, I'll explain things to Kagome and then handle the old man. So shut the hell up until then!' That earned him a snarl in reply but no other retort, and frankly, Ranma was glad of it.

Reaching the school grounds, Kagome thought about releasing Ranma's hand but thought better of it. Who cared what her friends thought, the more time she had with Ranma the better. "You ready for this Ranma?" Glancing to her side, Kagome felt a smile cross her lips when Ranma smirked at her before tugging her forewords.

"Are you kidding? I'm ready for anything!" 'At least I hope I am...'

Kagome's soft laughter followed them all the way into the school, leaving behind confused and shocked students.

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A/N- Sigh...that felt so good!! I haven't been able to write like this for the longest seems things are slowly getting better...

Well, at least I hope so...

Anyway, I hope everyone's on the same page as me...and not confused as hell...

The next chapt will be where Kagome finally gets to see just what kind of life Ranma had before awakening, not to mention meeting the plague known as Akane Tendo...

But that's all for next time, so I hope ya'll stick with me...

Any comments or suggestions are welcome, so feel free to give me a piece of your mind...

Till next time...

Ja Ne!!