InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Times Collide ❯ Making Friends...Sort of ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Gomen nasai minna-san. I know it's been a really long time again since I last updated. I really hope you guys can forgive me and will continue to read. I know you're tired of hearing this, but I must remind you that this is an Inu/Kag/Hiei. Oh yeah and I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. Thanks for your attention. ^__^
PureMiko_Kagome69ner—I'll make sure to put in moments that are just Hiei/Kag. Thanks for understanding that it's gonna be a threesome. I hope you'll still enjoy.
SadBrokenWings—Welcome aboard! Thanks! I hope I won't disappoint.
Bloodbunny—Thanks! I hope you'll continue to provide feedback.
Hieisgirl—If you're reading this, read the A/N at the bottom. I'm thinking of adding Yusuke to the bunch and I want your feedback too. He won't replace Inu or anyone, but…
silver_wolf5—I'm so happy! I'm sorry it's been taking so long to update, but I hope you'll still read and review. No matter how long it takes, rest assured that I'll continue to update. Read the review at the bottom; it regards the pairing. Tell me if you like it!
reimei-kage—I'm glad you like the idea of a threesome. I was afraid some wouldn't read it because it's a threesome. Thanks for your support!
Amishamj—Here's more for ya!
Kagomente—Kagome will like both. Inu and Hiei will both like Kagome and each other as well. However, their relationship will take longer to accumulate. If Yusuke joins then the same will apply to him. They will end up all mates in a way. I hope you don't mind, and will continue to read. Kagome is often referred to as wench because Inu and Hiei both have a rough, brutish outer appearance, so they call her this somewhat demeaning name. Did you know that in Victorian times wench was actually used more as word of endearment.
DarkFelineHuntress—I'm glad you like it. Just to warn you though, the characters don't always stay stable throughout the story. I always waver. I know they're OOC. ^__^
Dark Inu Fan—Thanks! I'm still trying to decide how long I want this fic to be and when Kags will reveal she's already a SD to them. Let's just see how things progress. I keep getting new ideas for this fic. Hopefully I can finish Heart of Ice soon.
Yue—She didn't sense it because Koenma placed a spell/binding thingy (that by the way I completely made up) on Hiei. I hope this being a threesome won't deter you from reading. I'll make sure to put some solely Hiei/Kag moments in there. Oh if you're reading this, read the ending A/N. Thanks!
Kagome Lady of Darkness—Thanks for reviewing! ^-^
AnimeholicsInc—Thanks for emailing me! If you're reading this, I wanted to let you know that New Power actually ended a long time ago, but I'll think about re-starting it and re-working it. If I get enough requests I might. Anyways, also read the ending A/N.
Chapter 3: Making Friends…Sort of
Kagome's eyes widened when she realized her mistake. She had called the short demon a human. `Kuso. How am I to become friends with them if I just offended this one? I'm pretty sure these four are the ones I'm looking for. If my suspicions are correct then they should be pretty powerful. I'd hate to have him hate me straight off. He's so handsome too…Where did that thought come from!?' As Kagome worried, Hiei continued to glare at the powerful ningen.
“Gomen nasai. Namae wa? (I'm so sorry. Your name?)”
“Hn. Onna (woman) who are you?”
“Hmph…I have a name, so use it. Ka-go-me. You got it? Kagome.” Meanwhile, the rest of the spirit detective team stared at the powerful beauty that was arguing with their short, volatile teammate.
Hiei turned away from the miko, ignoring her. He felt a nudge at the edge of his mind as the kitsune slipped pass Koenma's power bind. >Hiei, make Kurama let me out.< Hiei lifted an eyebrow as if to ask how he had any say in it and why. Youko no longer seemed so eager to seduce the young lady. His pout had vanished to be replaced with a hopeful look. >Why are you so eager?< Hiei asked the kitsune. >She looks familiar…maybe…< (Thanks Dark, I'm taking your suggestion, but I'm tweaking it a bit)
Kurama, completely clueless, rolled his eyes at Youko. >Youko, get back here. Stop bothering Hiei. I can't let you out.< With a tug on his spirit by Kurama, Youko was shoved into a little room within Kurama's mind. Hiei glanced at his friend to see what was wrong, but he didn't get an answer. Kurama was trying to hold the door closed in his mind, so Youko couldn't get out for the time being.
Yusuke leaned over to get Kagome's attention. Flashing a grin, he stated, “The name's Urameshi Yusuke. If you need anything, I can help you.” For some reason, Yusuke felt drawn to her. His bit of inner demon woke when he saw her and pushed him to speak to her. When she smiled at him, he felt a ray of light lift his heart.
Kagome studied the guy to her right as he introduced himself. He was quite handsome too. “Thanks. I'll remember that.” Kagome winked at him and then surveyed the room. She didn't notice the glare Hiei sent at Yusuke before he suppressed it. When the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, Kagome stood along with everyone else. She hesitated a bit as the rest of the class left. Gathering her stuff slowly, she watched as the orange-haired guy behind her left with a farewell to the other three. She picked up that his name was Kuwabara. Passing Suichi, Kagome barely stifled a gasp.
Her eyes widened. That couldn't be. She whirled around to gaze into Kurama's green eyes. Brown eyes searched intently. She could have sworn she'd felt the pull of a kitsune aura against her own. Tears came to her eyes as she was unable to find a trace of her little Shippou. Kagome was unaware that the shikon had dissolved into her body when she died and that the portal at the shrine still worked. Thinking about her lost family in the feudal era, Kagome felt a sadness that she'd pushed back envelope her.
`I'm sorry everyone. I can't even return and tell you that I'm alive. I won't see you again. Miroku. I wasn't strong enough to kill him before you ran out of time. Kaede, Sango, Rin-chan, Sesshomaru, and even Jaken. Shippou, my kit. And Inuyasha…oh Inuyasha.' Kurama felt the struggle inside him increase as he witnessed the tears sliding down Kagome's cheeks. For some reason, Youko would not stop trying to free himself. With a glance to Hiei, Kurama dashed out of the room before Youko could show himself.
Kagome watched as the blur passed her teary eyes, and she released a sob. Something about Suichi reminded her of her son. She ran out of the room before Yusuke or Hiei could do anything. Hiei shrugged and left for his next class. Yusuke started to follow the apparition when his subconscious brought up the image of Kagome's sorrow-filled face. With a shake of his head, Yusuke turned and went in the direction where Kagome had fled. Following his instinct, Yusuke soon found himself on the roof near his usual hideout.
As he turned the corner, he heard a sniffling above him. Rounding to the ladder attached to the side wall, Yusuke climbed the little bit and sat on the edge beside her with his legs dangling down over the edge. The spirit detective fished out his handkerchief and handed it over to her.
Kagome glanced up at his kind face, her own tear-stained. “Thanks” mumbled Kagome. Taking it from his hand, she noticed his scent clinging to it. Kagome wiped the moisture from her face and allowed a wobbling grin to cross her lips.
“Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?” Yusuke looked at the petite girl beside him with concern. He was confused. `How does she have so much power. She's hiding it right now, but I felt it when she dropped it slightly. There's more power in her than I've ever seen. Does she know how to fight with it? Does Koenma know? Why did she have such bad reaction to Kurama. And why the hell did Kurama bolt? He'd usually so calm. Nothing ruffles the kitsune. And now…why am I being so nice to her. I'm with Keiko. What's wrong with me? Why is my demon reacting?' Yusuke drew himself away from his thoughts as her sniffles ceased.
“I'm sorry if I startled Suichi. He's your friend, isn't he? His aur…I mean he reminds me of someone I used to know.” Yusuke frowned at her slip-up. `Hmm…what was she about to say? It almost sounded like aura.'
“Used to know?”
“Yes. His name was Shippou. We were…separated in a way. He's my son.” Yusuke was even more puzzled. `How does she have a son? If she did have one, how can a child remind her of Kurama. And she says that they were separated, so that means he didn't die.' Even as bafflement took over his thoughts, a small bit of jealousy crept under his skin.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.”
“Oh no, no. They weren't bad memories. In fact, that was the best part of my life. I met many of my best friends around the time we saved him, and of course, I met…Inuyasha.” Yusuke's ears hung on the strange words. `We saved him? What does she mean? With who? And who's Inuyasha?' Yusuke wanted her to keep speaking and never stop. She was waking his curiosity and interest in so many ways.
“But now…they're all gone.” More tears fell from Kagome's eyes. Yusuke reached over and brushed the droplets off with his thumb. Kagome wiped her tears away and mumbled, “Oh listen to me, babbling about stuff you don't even care about. Gomen ne. And we've only just met too…” Kagome's words were stopped as Yusuke placed a finger over her lips.
“But I'd like to get to know you, Kagome.” Yusuke whispered as he allowed his instincts to guide him. His head lowered fractionally. While he had always felt the need to protect Keiko, the feeling he was having now was overwhelming. His entire being filled with a fire that demanded him to keep harm away from her. As he moved closer, Kagome felt her heart speed up. The sadness she felt washed away momentarily under the strong pull of Yusuke's aura. As their lips neared, both felt their lungs constrict. As if in a dream, both moved closer until their lips brushed lightly against one another. The electricity sparking between them was unbelievable. A gasp left Kagome as she felt his soft mouth caress hers in a gentle motion. Before Yusuke could take advantage of her gasp, Kagome pulled back.
“I'm sorry. I have to go.” Kagome leapt off the raised roof to the roof of the school below them. She hurried through the door and down the stairs with a blush on her face. Yusuke was left planted with a surprised look on his face. The feelings she brought out of him were unlike any he'd felt before. That small kiss had ignited so much within him. Not to mention, she'd leapt off the side of a ten foot roof onto the roof below as if it were a three foot gap. Yusuke was so enveloped in his thoughts that he didn't notice a pair of red eyes and a pair of brown eyes glaring at him.
A/N: ATTENTION!!!!!: I really want to ADD Yusuke to the pairing. I want your feedback ASAP. If he is added this will be a umm…what would it be called to have four paired together? Anyways, Kurama is NOT going to be added. I have plans for him. Thanks Dark; I'm using your suggestion, but I'm tweaking it a bit. I'm sorry for the shorter chapter. I promise the next will be longer. Thanks!