InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Times Collide ❯ Living Couldn't Get More Complicated ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hiya! I'm back. I hope you enjoy. Oh yeah…I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. And I believe I will add Yusuke so it will now be a Yusuke/Inu/Hiei/Kag, a foursome. My reviewers seemed to be okay with it so here goes.
Review Responses:
Kagome Lady of Darkness—Here you are. Thanks!
PureMiko_Kagome69ner—I'll be sure to put in some Hiei/Kag lemons. Never fear. ^_^
YaY4AiR—Eh he he. It's actually now a foursome. Yeah, I know. None of them actually seem too likely to share except for Kurama and he won't be in the pairing.
inu_kags_4ever—Thankies! I'm glad you think it's a good.
yaone-sensei—I'm almost 100% sure that Yusuke will be added. ^___^
Megan Consoer—Here's some more. ^-^
Niki—Okay, Yusuke added.
yue no rei—Yay, another for foursome!
Dark Inu Fan—I'll take that as an approval for a rectangle, or foursome or…
Kagome Lady of Darkness—Yusuke, YAY!
yue no rei—Thanks!
Kagome Lady of Darkness—Here's the addition. ^-^
nightangel15—Sorry, I didn't know I have it set for only members. I'll try to change that. Thanks for emailing me. I'm glad you like this story!
Meganconsoer—Yup, yup. More chappies on the way.
Chapter 4: Living Couldn't Get More Complicated
Hiei hated this feeling. He despised it, so he denied it. The short apparition dashed away from the sight with a scowl etched on his face. He needed to kill something. The thrumming in his veins and the clenching of his heart were both annoying him to no end. No matter how much he tried, the image of that woman and his teammate kissing was engraved in his memory. He had been far enough for neither to sense him watching. When he left the classroom, he had wanted to chase after Kurama, but decided to double back since his instinct kept nagging and providing him with images of a tear-stained Kagome. He didn't understand why he cared. Hiei squared his shoulders and decided that he'd just stay away from Kagome.
Meanwhile, Keiko crouched at the site with an angry look on her face. Strangely enough, no sorrow was present in her expression. `Who does she think she is waltzing in here and trying to steal my boyfriend! Even if I was planning on breaking up with him, he's still mine, and I won't let that bitch steal him.'
Yusuke was confused as hell. He remained seated on the ledge on top of the school. `Kagome, why do you stir my blood so? How is it that your very scent makes me want to gobble you up? There are so many things you are hiding beneath those chocolate brown eyes of yours, and I can't wait to find them. Will you let me enter? I hope so.' “Ah, to hell with school. I'm going home. Besides, both Kurama and Hiei have skipped and so has Kagome.”
Kagome ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Tears of frustration, confusion, and grief crowded into her defenses. She ran blindly though the streets, pushing past crowds as she ran aimlessly. When her tears had dried she slowed down. `Great. Now I'm lost. Where the hell is this? Koenma didn't even tell me where I'd be living. Oh Inuyasha…I miss you. Why did I feel an attraction to that demon Koenma has bound, and why do I feel something for Yusuke? Oh god…I kissed Yusuke. Damn you Koenma. You could have told me two of my new partners are hot as hell and the other reminds me of Shippou. The fourth is fairly kind too. Why's my life so damn complicated?' Kagome plodded along the sidewalk beside an unfamiliar park. Suddenly, fatigue rolled over her like a Mac truck and blackness crowded her vision. Her world turned as she fainted.
Kurama crossed through the park in an attempt to calm himself and the kitsune within him. >Youko, what are you trying to do? You know we aren't allowed to transform, especially around those who have no idea who we are!....Youko?< Kurama didn't get a response other than the brush of Youko's angry and contemplative aura against his own. Kurama sighed and reached out to his green friends and allowed them to calm his frazzled nerves. Not paying attention, he almost tripped on a body laying on the sidewalk. Red hair plastered to his back, Kurama knelt down and turned the shape over only to gasp. “Kagome?” When he received no response, the fox picked up the miko and carried her back to his one room apartment home that he'd moved to with the blessings of his mother Shiori (Is that her name?).
The fox was in a dilemma. He couldn't leave her in her wet clothes, but he didn't think she'd like it if he disrobed her. He sighed and began the inevitable. Taking one of his big shirts, he slipped it over her with care so the dry fabric would stay as dry as possible. Just as quickly, Kurama reached his hands under the long shirt and slipped off both her shirt and skirt, leaving the girl in her underclothes and his shirt. Lifting her again, he placed her in his bed and tucked her under the warm covers. Kurama turned to leave her to her sleep when he choked in a strangled yelp. Kagome in her sleep had grabbed a fistful of Kurama's hair and held on tight.
Kurama twisted to face Kagome again. He was about to try and get his hair back when he saw the tear slip down her cheek. Kurama leaned closer to listen to the barely audible mumblings slipping from her lips. “Everyone…no…I don't want to leave. I'm sorry, goodbye…my son…Shippou.” Kurama froze as the last word slid from her lips. All of a sudden, Youko surged forward in a burst of energy. Red faded to silver and green to gold. The legendary fox demon had taken over control of their body.
Youko extracted his hair from the miko's grasp and slid onto the bed to hold Kagome in his embrace. Though he had never met her, his father's descriptions had been enough for him to identify her. Besides, she knew his father's name. Not to mention he did vaguely remember seeing as a child a glossy picture of his father's adoptive mother. A lone tear fell from the demon's eyes as he remembered his deceased parents. He thought that he was alone and would never find his grandmother, but here she was…alive. His father had told him that she had died and her body had returned to her own time. Youko clutched the sleeping miko closer as he rejoiced in having part of his family again.
Meanwhile, Kurama was shocked into silence within Youko. He picked up the strange thoughts of his other half and became further confused. `How can Kagome be Youko's grandmother? He's hundreds of years older than her!'
At the same time, Hiei had just finished a nice blood bath in Makai and was heading toward Kurama's apartment for a chat with the fox in hopes of getting the girl out of his system and at the same time see what was going on with Kurama and Youko.
Inuyasha moped up in the leafy branches of the Goshinboku. He couldn't help the pain searing his heart. Even though he knew he needed to be strong for Shippou and everyone else, he needed some time to himself. Sad tears trickled to the soil below him as he released the pent up sorrow. Lifting his head, he released a howl of pain. His beloved Kagome was gone, and he couldn't do anything to bring her back. Inuyasha dugs his nails into his palms in agony. Tiny drops of blood dripped to the forest ground.
A/N: Sorry this is so short, but it is not the end of the chapter. I haven't had much time these days, so updates are slow and often short. Please forgive me. ATTENTION: VERY IMPORTANT. READ THIS: This chapter will be continued on the same chapter update. A.K.A. The next time I update, the chapter will still say Chapter four but it will be much longer. Thanks!
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The sad hanyou mourned. A thousand daggers pierced his ever-bleeding heart as he punished himself with guilt and sorrow. His triangular ears were tapered against his silver hair. Inuyasha wanted to die. He just wanted to throw himself into the raging fires of hell and end his tainted life. Kagome had been his light, his life. But…she told him to live and so he would. He had to be strong. Inuyasha set his shoulders and gathered his resolve before leaping to the forest ground. His bare feet danced over the clean grass as he raced back to Kaede's village where he could faintly smell the scent of his grieving friends.
A small orange blur zipped at the hanyou as he set foot within viewing distance of the small crop of huts nestled close to the forest. “Oto…Inuyasha! You're back. I thought you left us also.” The small kitsune struggled to keep from sobbing into the red fabric he clung to. He mentally kicked himself for almost calling the hanyou his father. But he couldn't help it. Inuyasha was a father-figure for the young kitsune. Shippou tried valiantly not to show his pain in front of the normally gruff demon.
Inuyasha, of course, didn't miss the name Shippou had been about to call him. He felt a seed of happiness bloom within his melancholy heart. Red coated arms wrapped tightly around the kit in an endearing hug. “Shippou, my kit, cry. Let the tears out.” Inuyasha watched the flittering emotions shimmering through Shippou's eyes.
“Demon's don't cry.” Shippou mumbled quietly as he caught Inuyasha's gaze. Suddenly, it hit Shippou what Inuyasha had called him. “Inuyasha…am I…do you…really think of me as your son?” A frightened and uncertain look clouded the young child's eyes. He didn't want to be rejected. He needed a family again, especially after losing Kagome.
“Hai. Shippou. You are my son, as well as Kagome's. We will be a family. We will lean on each other when the pain becomes too much, so cry my kit. Let it out.” Inuyasha had matured quite a bit. Tears dripped from his saddened golden eyes as he stared into the watery green eyes of his son. Shippou let out a wail and then wrapped his little arms as tightly as he could around the taller demon.
“Thank you Inuyasha…dad.” Both demons released the pent up sorrow filling their hearts, their souls. Together they would find a way to cope with the loss of Kagome. “Otou-san, Sango and Kirara are still waiting back at the village. They need us too.” Inuyasha nodded and headed toward Kaede's village.
Youko clutched the sleeping miko close to his body. A feeling of contentment spread through his body as he filed her scent into the compartment in his mind reserved for close family and friends. He hadn't been this happy since his parents had been alive. With determination, he decided that he would never allow anyone or anything to hurt his grandmother. He gently stroked the young miko's cheek and chuckled inwardly. To think that his grandmother was actually younger than him in regular years. He could sense, however, that her wisdom was far beyond her years as well as his own.
>Youko, what's going on? How is Kagome your grandmother? We need to change back. She can't see us like this. YOUKO! Are you listening to me?<
Kurama sighed in frustration as he futilely attempted to get the silver fox to listen to him. His mind spun in circles as he tried to digest the information being fed to him through his link to Youko. Kurama tried to push against Youko's hold on his spirit, but it was futile. The fox was completely unwilling to retreat and release Kagome. >Kurama. Cease your struggles. I will not be taken from my grandmother now that I have found her. Let me have this time with her, even if she still sleeps.< As the two argued within their minds, they failed to notice the demonic aura of a certain three-eyed apparition drawing closer.
Hiei raced through the trees in the park near Kurama's home. He agilely leaped onto Kurama's windowsill and leapt into the fox's room as he usually did, using the window as a door. Distracted by the strange emotion he was feeling, Hiei didn't sense Kagome or the strong aura of Youko until he lifted his gaze and froze in a mixture of shock and gnawing jealousy. A flood of possessive anger coursed through his system as he absorbed the image of Youko sitting with the miko wrapped in his arms.
Youko broke from his internal conversation and looked up when a rumbling growl reached his ears. Golden orbs took in the positively furious fire burning in his friend's eyes. Youko lifted an eyebrow at the apparition. Before words could be exchanged, Hiei lashed at Youko with his katana. Youko leapt off the bed with Kagome in his arms, just dodging the sharp tip buy a millisecond. The fox was now very unhappy.
“I would advise that you get a hold of yourself, Forbidden Child. Though you are a friend to myself and Kurama, I will not tolerate any disturbance to my family. If you harm Kagome in any way I will see to it that your death is as painful as possible.”
Hiei was once again shocked. He had let his jealousy—he would never admit to this—get the better of him and attacked Youko Kurama. Furthermore, he could have sworn he just heard Youko call the human part of his family. Hiei finally calmed down. “Hn. Explain yourself fox. How can a ningen be part of your family?” Hiei, a naturally curious demon, would have to wait a little more for answers since Kagome had begun to stir in Youko's arms.
“Ummm…” Kagome moaned as she struggled to pull herself into the conscious world. She felt strong arms around her and the unmistakable aura of a fox demon swirling around her. Her eyes popped open. “Shippou.” Kagome's whisper was barely heard by the two demons. Although this demon looked nothing like her Shippou, his aura was too similar to her kit's to not be related.
Youko beamed when he heard her mumble his father's name. “My name is Youko Kurama. I am the son of Shippou and Shiori. Welcome home…grandma.”
Tears came to her eyes. This was her Shippou's son. A small sob escaped her lips as she threw herself at the demon and hugged him in a crushing embrace. “Youko…” Emotion clogged her throat as she attempted to voice her thoughts. His silver fox aura shimmered around her in a comforting touch. “I'm sorry I never got to meet you before. Did your father tell you about me? How did you recognize me?”
“Otou-san and Inu no ojii-chan spoke of you often. They showed me a picture of you that I presume was from this time. I heard so many stories of your adventures when I was a child that it was impossible not to long to meet you. When Inu no jii-chan disappeared, otou-san was distraught. He went in search of him and never came back. Mother and I waited for years, but otou-san never came back. Okaa-san became depressed and as the years passed, she grew weaker. She passed away without seeing father again. I waited still even after her death, but he never returned home. Without guidance, I began to steal in order to survive. Stealing became my passion. That's how I am now known by many as Youko Kurama, the legendary thief.” Youko paused as he tried to let Kagome absorb all the information he had just revealed.
Sadness pooled in her chocolate eyes as she heard that both Shippou and Inuyasha were most likely dead and had been for quite a while. `At least they both lived to see Youko. I wish I could have met Shiori. My kit, my love. If only I had been able to remain with you both. I wonder how Sango and Kirara faired. Sango probably died before Youko was even born since ningen age much faster than youkai. Kirara may still be alive though.'
Kagome exited from her reverie to gaze into Youko's stoic face. After years of training with Sesshomaru, she was a professional at deciphering the emotion behind the taiyoukai's seemingly passive expression. In Youko's, she could see his sadness at the deaths of his family and his joy at rediscovering part of his family. She spread her own aura to examine his and was surprised to sense a second aura—one of a human—meshed within that of the silver fox.
“Youko…why is your aura interlaced with that of a human?”
Youko grinned slightly. With this question from her he could tell beyond a doubt that his grandmother was just as powerful as the tales depicted her to be. He told her of his escape to the human world on one of his failed heists and how he sought refuge in the pregnant belly of a human who was ironically named Shiori. Shiori had been his silver-haired hanyou birthmother. The human had given birth to a son called Suichi in whom Youko Kurama had hidden. Youko told his grandmother everything, except his past as a spirit detective. As Youko revealed his past, Kurama continued to try and release his spirit into the forefront and gain control of their body. Youko, however, would not stand for it.
Meanwhile, Hiei was seething. He was being ignored. Completely and utterly ignored. He was still also being left in the dark about how it was possible for a person Kagome's age to be Youko's grandmother. They were centuries apart in age! The fire and ice combined apparition was ready to pulverize everything in his view. His frustration was reaching new heights. Even though he now knew that Youko would hold no romantic feelings toward Kagome, he was still disgruntled and annoyed by the fact that Youko was still hugging Kagome. Furthermore, he had not even wanted to admit to this jealousy and attraction he was feeling for the miko. Hiei growled loudly, successfully catching the attention of those in the room.
“Hn…ningen, tell me how you know about demons and how you are Youko's grandmother.” Hiei was not in a pleasant mood in the least. He could barely hold back the urge to whip out his katana and shred everything in sight. But he didn't. He knew Youko would be none too happy. He knew that the silver fox, though his friend, would easily turn and feed him to one of his many malicious death plants.
Kagome startled when she heard Hiei's growl; she hadn't known he was there. “Hello there. You never did tell me your name.” In Kagome's mind, Hiei resembled Inuyasha and Sesshomaru a bit in his standoffish behavior and his aversion to humans. As these thoughts crossed her conscious, she felt a pang of sadness stab her heart. “If you tell me your name, I will answer your questions.” Kagome hated to admit it, but she felt a strong attraction to the demon before her. She was beginning to wonder if the gods were against her since they continued to present her with numerous dilemmas. First the man she loved thought he loved another and didn't realize the truth until she died and now she was growing attached to two men she'd just met while still loving the man of her past. Kagome sighed as she waited for Hiei's response.
“Hiei? Now wasn't that easy Hiei?” Kagome smiled at him. Hiei gulped unnoticeably. For some reason, the sight of her smile coupled with the way her voice caressed his name made his mind jump straight into the gutter. His loins twitched as he imagined other things she could do with that mouth and other sounds she could release. With a slight internal growl, Hiei forced himself away from that train of thought, saving himself from embarrassment, although Youko did catch the minimal scent of his arousal before he could suppress it completely. Youko lifted an eyebrow at the apparition. The look on his face warned of the damage that he would suffer if harm should come to his obaa-chan.
“Hn. Onna tell me now.”
“Now, now Hiei. Say please.” Hiei shot the woman a furious scowl which was met with an overly innocent smile.
Grudgingly, Hiei mumbled the desired word. Kagome launched into her long story, starting with her fall into the well and ending with Miroku's death and the battle with Naraku. She was hesitant to reveal to them just yet that she was also a spirit detective now. When she mentioned Naraku's defeat, she didn't reveal that she was the one who killed Naraku and that she had died doing so. Instead, the miko told them that Inuyasha and Sango had defeated the demon.
Youko gazed at Kagome throughout the tale as a child would, with open admiration. He had heard many tales, but never from her point of view. As she got to Naraku's battle, he frowned a little. From what his father and grandfather had told him, Kagome had been the one who died and kill Naraku in the process. For her sake, Youko kept this information to himself and surmised that she didn't want to tell Hiei yet. As he thought this over, he discovered another flaw to her tale. If she had died as he was told, then how was she alive now? Youko shrugged mentally and decided to let it go for now.
Releasing Kagome from his grasp, Youko told her, “Obaa-chan, I need to go and speak to Kurama for a bit. I'll be in the living room. Do you have a place to stay?” When Kagome shook her head, he declared, “You can stay here if you like.” After a few refusals from Kagome and mumblings about how she didn't want to impose, Youko finally convinced her to stay. He exited the room with a glance at Hiei for him to watch his behavior.
Meanwhile, now with nothing to occupy his thoughts than the vision of the miko, Hiei was having a hard time convincing himself that he did not desire her. The apparition breathed her heavenly scent and then felt a wave of jealousy flow through him. Yusuke's scent was unmistakably on her. He hadn't noticed it before since Youko's scent had been dominant while he'd been in the room.
While Hiei had been in his jealous daze, he'd begun to growl and Kagome had advanced closer to him. She reached out with her hand to touch his shoulder. Hiei snapped. His arms wrapped around her in less than a second and he delivered a searing and crushing kiss to her crimson lips. Releasing her quickly, he fled the room leaving a stunned and blushing Kagome behind.
Yusuke couldn't believe his luck. He had kissed the most beautiful girl her had ever seen and she had responded. Kagome's lovely visage complete with startled eyes and rosy cheeks flashed before his eyes. His youkai was creeping to the forefront, whispering for him to claim her. It provided him with images of her gasping and writhing beneath him as he pounded continuously into her deliciously warm…. The spirit detective moaned. He sighed in relief when he noticed he was home. “Mom, you home?” He grinned when he received no reply. His cock was straining against his jeans in a sensuous yet painful friction. As he crossed the living room, he pulled off his shirt, revealing the rippling muscles underneath. His heated thought were becoming too much for him to bear. With his shirt flopped over one arm, he began to wrestle with his pants as he got to the bathroom.
Kicking the bathroom door closed and locking it, Yusuke quickly divested himself of his clothing. His aching manhood sprang free of its confinements. He went commando. (^_-) His sculpted body moved fluidly as he stepped into the translucent, glass encased shower. He turned on the hot water and shivered as the heated water rained down on his sensitive member.
(Sort of lemon. If you don't want to read it, please skip. Thank you!)
Clear droplets slid down the sinful contours of his body. His muscles were tight with anticipation. Yusuke allowed his mind to wander to the beauty he and his youkai were occupied with. In his minds eye, he saw Kagome standing before him with eyes aflame with lust. He closed his eyes and saw her gasping at his touch as he ran his hands down her shapely body. He imaging her perky nipples parting the stream of water from the shower and her hands caressing his manhood while he repaid the favor.
Yusuke's head fell back as his hands grasped his throbbing staff and squeezed while moving up and down in a steady motion. His groan was drowned by the pitter patter of the shower. A drop of pre-cum beaded at the tip of his cock as he pumped faster, picturing himself positioned within the tight confines of Kagome's body. “Ungh. Ohhh. Ka…go…me.” His hips jutted forward as he continuously stoked his manhood, as he drew closer and closer to release. Pants fell from his lips as he tried to reach his peak.
His thick length pulsed and reach bigger proportions and blood rushed downwards. His ardor built as images of Kagome beneath his body flashed through his mind. Yusuke thrust his cock into the tight tunnel created by his hands and the picture in his mind. Quickening his pace he growled slightly as his seed rushed forth and spilled onto the shower floor to be washed away by the water.
~~~~~END lemon~~~~~END lemon~~~~~END lemon~~~~~END lemon~~~~~
He struggled to catch his breath as he came down from his orgasmic high. Climbing from the shower, he wrapped a towel around his hips and stumbled from the bathroom to his own room. Locking the door behind him, Yusuke collapsed onto his bed and fell into a dream-filled nap.
A/N: How was that? About five more pages added on to this chapter. ^___^ I felt bad about not having much happen in this chapter, so I thought I'd throw in a little Yusuke fun. ^__- Anyways, I'll try to update soon. Hope you all enjoyed!