InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Times Collide ❯ Apart No More ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: GOMEN NASAI! I'm so very very very sorry for the late update. Please don't abandon this story. I'll keep on writing it no matter what. I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. Thanks!
Review Responses:
staralinga moonwicca—Yup yup, Inu finally here!
Onna Kenkaku—Wow! I think you're maybe only the third person to give me constructive criticism, suggestions, and compliments all in one. Thanks! I usually love Keiko, but I needed a female villain. I don't know. I may pair her with someone else. I'll see. ^-^
Kagome Lady of Darkness—Thank you, thank you. ^-^
Ptbear—Thanks for your comment.
Dark Inu Fan—I don't know how old Youko is, but in the anime he looks to be the same age or even older than the others, so that's just how I'm making him. And actually, Shiori in this fic will just be a demon that happened to share the same name as the bat demon. ^__^
Staralinga—Yay! Another for a foursome. May the Goddess give you good fortune.
XxXxFire-IceMikoxXxX—Thanks! ^-^
Chapter 5: Apart No More
Kagome sighed for the twentieth time that day. Ever since she decided to stay at Kurama's place, Youko never let Kurama back into his normal form. It had been a couple of days now and the weekend was quickly drawing to a close. The miko rolled her eyes as she felt Youko's constant presence in the apartment. It seemed that the silver fox was still not willing to take the chance that something might happen to her.
Kagome closed her eyes and smiled a small smile. `I wonder what Yusuke and Hiei are doing now. I can't get the kisses out of my mind. They act so arrogant sometimes. They are similar and yet completely different. Oh…Inuyasha, you are somewhat similar to them too. Are you alright koishii?' Kagome was so lost in thought that she didn't notice her grandson enter the room.
Youko crept into the bed beside her and laid his head in her lap. Kagome woke from her contemplations and smiled gently. Her hand stroked his ears. “Obaa-chan, what's on your mind? You seem sad.”
“Let me tell you a story, my Youko. A tale of a hanyou and a miko…or rather two miko's.” Youko immediately perked up and listened. His father had been strangely tight-lipped about the relationship between Grandpa Inu and his grandma as well as the woman his father referred to as `that dead clay pot.' Whenever Youko had asked about them, Shippou had told him that it was a matter for Grandpa Inu to reveal if he wished.
“Over five hundred and fifty years ago, a hanyou and a miko met and fell in love. The hanyou originally wanted to steal the legendary Shikon no Tama so he could become a full-fledged demon. However, when he went to steal it, he encountered a priestess by the name of Kikyou. When Kikyou didn't kill him, he became curious and decided to follow her. After a few more attempts to steal the jewel, Inuyasha stopped, and the two began to develop feelings. One day, Kikyou found a severely burned fleeing convict and took him to a cave to nurse him. This man named Onigumo desired the priestess. Not wanting the hanyou to have what he wanted, the jewel and Kikyou, Onigumo gave his soul to demons in exchange for demonic strength. And so, Naraku was born.”
Youko wondered where his grandmother came into the picture.
“Naraku tricked the two into thinking that each had betrayed the other. Inuyasha ended up pinned to a tree by Kikyou's sacred arrow. He was to have stayed in an eternal sleep for eternity. However, that's when I came along. As you know, I was the one to free him. You also know the adventures we went on. I'm sure you know about Kikyou's resurrection as well. What Shippou probably didn't tell you was that I fell in love. Yes, I fell in love with the brash, arrogant, rude, and sometimes unintentionally cruel hanyou. But he was also sweet, shy, lonely, devoted, and caring. I fell completely in love with him—hanyou, demon, and human. But he still had feelings for Kikyou. During the last battle, he told me he loved me.”
Youko brought his arms up around her waist and hugged her as tears began to fall from her eyes. After a few moments of silence, Kagome spoke.
“Youko, I think I'm ready to visit my family. I wonder if Inuyasha was able to make it through to tell them of my death. Oh and Youko…stop calling me obaa-chan all the time; it makes me sound so old.”
“Alright, but get some rest…Kagome. I gather Yusuke and Hiei tomorrow and we can go together. Today you're going to rest and let go of all your pain.” Kagome reluctantly nodded and slipped under the covers while Youko made his way out into the hall.
~~Sengoku Jidai~~
Inuyasha sat in the limbs of the Goshimboku reminiscing. `Oh Kagome, I wish things would have turned out differently. Why couldn't it be me? Wait for me Kagome. I'll come for you someday.' Inuyasha dashed back to Kaede's and left a note saying that he would be in Kagome's time with her family. With that, he bounded for the well. Blue light enveloped him as he crossed time to fall into present day Japan.
The hanyou leapt into Kagome's bedroom and felt a tear roll down his cheek. His sensitive nose inhaled Kagome's lingering scent. As sadness began to envelope himself again, he decided he wanted to stay there that night. Removing tetsusaiga from his side, Inuyasha settled himself into Kagome's bed. He grabbed her pillow and held it close to his heart. His other hand kept his father's heirloom close. Inuyasha closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall into a sleep while encased in his dead almost mate's scent. Silver ears drooped even in slumber.
It was morning and Kagome was ready to visit her old home. Youko had indeed gathered Yusuke and Hiei to accompany them, much to Kagome's delight and distress. A blush covered her cheeks almost constantly as they made their way toward sunset shrine in the early morning. The sun was just creeping over the mountains.
The four entered the shrine quietly. Kagome's family was sleeping still. They made their way up the stairs, following Kagome to her room. Kagome opened the door and froze. Yusuke, who was standing right behind her, bumped into her. Hiei and Youko just stopped themselves from running into Yusuke's back. Yusuke was fighting to suppress a moan at feeling her soft curves against his front when he heard her whisper a single name.
“Inuyasha.” Yusuke was interested. That was the same name as the person she'd mentioned before on the roof.
Forgetting about the three that were behind her for a moment, Kagome proceeded into her bedroom. It seemed that Inuyasha was in a very deep slumber. The three spirit detectives followed her in and stood near the door after closing it. Two watched with jealousy as Kagome kneeled beside her bed and lifted her hand to gently stroke his cheek. Her fingers danced across his face and grazed up to his ears. She leaned forward and placed a small, chaste kiss on his lips. When she pulled back, Inuyasha's eyes fluttered. Golden eyes popped open and stared into brown ones unbelievingly.
“Kagome” Inuyasha whispered. “Is it really you?” Kagome nodded and brought his hand to her cheek and then pressed a kiss to his palm.
“Yes, Inuyasha. It is me.”
“But how…you died in my arms…”
“I did die. Can I tell you later, Inuyasha? It's complicated. Right now…right now I just want to hold you.” Inuyasha sat up and pulled Kagome into his embrace fiercely.
“Koishii…I've missed you so much. Everyone misses you. I'm so glad you're not dead. Oh Kagome…” Tears were streaming from her eyes as she heard the familiar rumble of her hanyou's voice.
“Ahem.” Youko quirked an eyebrow at the two. “Kagome obaa-chan, you might want to continue this later.” Kagome looked up at the sound of his voice and glanced around the room. Hiei was glaring at her and Inuyasha furiously and Yusuke had a confused and sad look on his face.
“Kagome, who's he?” Yusuke asked just as Inuyasha declared, “Kagome, why are there three men with you?”
A/N: I've sort of lost my muse for this fic at the moment. I'm trying desperately to find her. If anyone has any suggestions about this fic, please let me know. My muse should return in a bit. As soon as I find her, I'll get the next chapter out. Please forgive me for the shortness of this chapter. Thanks.