InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Yea... sorry about that, Another short chapter... I'm really trying!! I hope that wasn't too boring, I swear it will all get more interesting! Please let me know it if starts to get too... blah. I'll spice it up for ya! (wink wink)
NOTE ON FORMATTING:: I cannot make bold or Italics in my word processor, so to indicae where italics would be (as in someone placing emphasis on a word) I will put it in **. ex: *italics*
JadeFoxxx- Thanks! I know, Kurama is a god.. Please, give me a moment to mop up my drool. All shall become clear in the future...

Youko's Dish- Thanks! Just hang on there... I'm trying to do a chapter every other day or so...

Chapter 3

'What are you talking about, Youko? That's just a little boy.' The red head answered the curious fox spirit in his mind.

'Ah, to be stuck with a human... Here, look closely, its an illusion the boy cast, pay attention! And that girl's holy power! Hmm... could be fun' He closed his eyes, wishing he could block out the silver fox's fantasies of the miko running her beautiful hands down his sides, using just enough miko energy to create little sparks.

He looked more closely at the pair with Keiko, and sure enough, he could feel the hum of the miko's holy powers and the flickering of the kit's foxfire. He glanced over to Kuwabara.

"Kuwabara, do you feel anything strange about them?"

The tall boy's chest puffed, honored that his friend would ask his opinion.

"I do sense strong energies on them, Kurama." He replied seriously.

'And how does he know of InuYasha? That hanyou has been in the hell realm for hundreds of years.'

'Youko, shh, let's listen'

"So, who is this handsome little guy?" Keiko fluffed the kit's hair once again.

"I told you! I am Shippo, a great warrior! I have fought many youkai!"

"Oh, he's adorable! Kagome, is he your brother? You don't look much alike..."

"Oh, he is my adopted son! Isn't he the sweetest little guy? His parents entrusted him to me."

"But you are so young! And haven't you been struggling with your health? What about school?"

"I have decided to move my studies to training to take over the family shrine. I know Souta would take the shrine if I asked, but I don't think its what is in his heart. With things how they have been, it just makes more sense for me to do it."

Seeing Keiko wanted her to elaborate on this, she quickly changed topics.

"So Keiko, what have you been up to?" She questioned.

"Oh, not much, just the usual..." Kurama stopped listening as Keiko talked about shopping and other such girl things.

'I'll take her as mine.' The announcement was sudden and startled Kurama.

'What? You can't just *take* a ningen, Youko.'

'Fine, we'll win her, whatever you want to call it. She'll be mine.'


'Glad to have you on my side with this one.'

Kurama could have smacked himself. He'd just committed himself to getting this girl for them. Damnit.

"Kurama. Hello?" Yusuke was waving his had in front of Kurama's face.

"What, Yusuke?" His eyes flashed gold as he looked up at this friend. Kurama was a step away from snapping at him. Youko continued to go rattling on about how he would make the miko his, and just what he would do with her.

Yusuke's eyes widened for a second at his normally quiet, reasonable friend almost *snapped* at him. Kurama just doesn't ever get snippy.

"Um..." Yusuke decided to pretend as though Kurama's lack of control didn't exist and continue as he intended.

'Is he mentally challenged?' Youko asked. Kurama had to fight to hold in the laugh at Youko's comment.


"What are we going to do about this stuff Koenma picked up yesterday on his detector thing? How are we supposed to find TWO auras out of a whole city? There are tons of people here!" Yusuke complained.

"I believe the best course of action would be to move about the city as much as possible, and pay attention to those around you. Perhaps they are wandering in public. We could even be so lucky as to bump into them." Kurama's composure was back as he voiced his plan to Yusuke.

"Where's Hiei? He's good at this shit."

"He is currently enjoying himself in Makai"

"Figures... Well, better get started. Split up? We could pretend to have normal lives for a bit... I could look through the city while I take Keiko on a date, right?" He winked at Kurama. "Shh, don't tell the toddler."

Kurama couldn't believe how idiotic Yusuke was. It wasn't that difficult to tell that Keiko's two friends were most likely the energies that Koenma's spirit detector had sensed. He would keep this information to himself though... It didn't feel as thought the two were going anywhere, and he was curious about the kit.

"Oi, Keiko, how about a date tonight?" Yusuke shouted over to Keiko's table.

"You aren't going to ditch me again, are you?"

"Nah, work's local, and its nothin' urgent."

"Sounds good, but if you ditch me again, Yusuke..." Her voice trailed of threateningly.

"He ditches you regularly?" Kagome asked, shocked.

"Yeah, he can't help it though... His job is an on-call, drop everything type thing."

"Oh, that stinks. At least you know its his job..." Kagome trailed off, thinking of all the times InuYasha chose Kikyou over her.

"Hey, will you be around tomorrow night? Maybe we could all go out, have dinner, catch up more?" Keiko was pulling out a scrap of paper from her purse to write her number on. "Here, you can give me a call and let me know what time works. You can bring Shippo, too! He's so adorable!"

Kagome took the paper from Keiko.

"Sounds great!" Kagome tore and edge off the paper and scribbled her number on it. "Here is my number, if you don't hear from me by tomorrow afternoon, call me... things can get crazy at home."

"Okay! I'm so glad I ran into you today, these guys," Keiko gestured at Yusuke, Kurama and Kuwabara. "Have been dragging me around everywhere with them. I miss talking to people that do things other than punch stuff."

"I look forward to it, Keiko!" Kagome stood up. "Come on, Shippo, the sooner we finish looking around, the sooner we can go home, and then you can have Pocky for dessert."

Shippo practically leapt from his seat and into her arms.

"C'mon then!" He shouted, eager for the fruitless searching to end for the day.

Kagome decided to head in the direction of the shrine Kuwabara had suggested, but on her way sighted a beautiful shrine in the distance farther off to the right, fronting the forest that looked to be about 6 blocks over from the woods that the orange-haired boy indicated. Heading in that general direction, Kagome decided to investigate.

The shrine was indeed beautiful. It was a good walk to get there, but Kagome was used to walking all day, so she covered the distance easily. The shrine was large, and beautifully built. Every aspect of the architecture was graceful, and carefully planned out. There were many gardens across the property. Some were flowers, but many were various herbs, all arranged in a careful, decorative fashion.

Most importantly though, Kagome could sense holy energy on the property.

'Finally.. some hope!' She thought to herself.

She began walking up the stairs, Shippo snuggled safely into her arms as she carried him with her. Looking closer at him, she noticed the kit was napping! Narrowing her eyes at him, and then the stairs, she considered waking him up, but quickly decided against it. He would just get grumpy from being woken up and then being bored.

Finally reaching the shrine, Kagome looked around curiously. There didn't seem to be anyone here.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" She called into the still room.

She could hear footsteps coming toward the entrance to meet her.

"I'm sorry miss! We normally don't get visitors here!" A male voice called in apology as he came toward her.

When he rounded the corner Kagome couldn't help but gasp in shock.

'Miroku... but, he was killed by Naraku...' kagome thought to herself as she nearly dropped Shippo.