InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Ancient History ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N:: Well, it seems like those of you that reviewed so far like it! Thanks! Heh, I have to find something to do with myself now that I am on winter break... I just don't know what to do when I only have to work and do whatever! So I'm glad you are able to enjoy my entertainment! I can only knit so many scarves... I should probably try and sell some!

midnight3498- Thanks!
JadeFoxxx- Thanks! I am trying to stay fairly regular with the updates, so hopefully this is here to greet you when you get back from your grandma's. I am really trying for longer chapters. Ahh, I hate short chapters and now I'm writing short chapters!!! They look so much longer when they are on my word processor...
I have no idea the songs you are talking about... but don't feel offended, I never know the songs people talk about! I'm so "out of touch" apparently. Pfft.

LifesLittleJokeME and midnight3498- Thanks!!

Chapter 4

"Miroku..." She breathed his name in shock.

"Miss? Are you okay?" The man asked, not hearing the name she spoke so softly.

Kagome snapped out of her shocked state when Shippo started to stir in her arms. Looking closer at the boy she noticed subtle differences between him and the houshi she knew in the past.

Giving herself a small shake she found her voice.

"I'm sorry, houshi-sama, you reminded me of someone I once knew."

"That's quite alright, though I'm curious as to who that may be, you looked as though you saw a ghost! What can I do to help you today?" He changed the subject for her, noticing her skittishness relating to the person he reminded her of.

"I am looking for a shrine to train in, I wish to take over my family shrine. I can't help but notice this is the first shrine I've come across that actually has holy energy around it."

"You can feel wards?" He looked somewhat suspicious of her.

"Hai. They are surprisingly strong! All the other shrines had barely a ghost of anything left, probably old power from an ancestor or something."

"This shrine has been in my family for hundreds of years, miss, and each generation has gone through extensive training and added their own blessings and strength to that of this shrine. My grandfather with many greats in front of his name started his family here and built the shrine up around it. Theirs is a fantastic story, if you ever have time." The young monk spoke with the flair of a natural storyteller, and Kagome was greatly intrigued by the story of the family of this young houshi that looked so much like Miroku.

"I would be very interested to hear of it, houshi-sama." She shifted Shippo, who still hadn't woken up, though she had nearly dropped him, to a more comfortable position in her tired arms. "But my son is, obviously, sleepy from our day of searching the city's shrines. I would like to come back tomorrow to hear it though, and perhaps talk of my training, if you have any interest in a student."

"Hai, miss, I grow lonely here sometimes. My brother and sister are not so involved with the shrine as they should be. I would welcome the presence of such a beautiful young lady as yourself, and your child there, of course. Though I am interested in seeing the relationship, as he seems to be a full-blooded youkai."

Kagome was shocked by the houshi's observation.

"You can tell?"

"Hai, though it is a good illusion. A kitsune kit, correct?"

"Hai. His name is Shippo. I adopted him."

"Shippo, eh? I haven't heard the name for a while." The houshi seemed to be pondering something. "Your name wouldn't happen to be Kagome, would it?"

"How did you know?"

"One does not grow to inherit such a wonderful shrine by being ignorant of their family's own stories. A young kitsune kit named Shippo, carried by a beautiful raven-haired maiden who seems surprised at my resemblance to my ancestor, the great houshi Miroku."

"But... Miroku died in the battle with Miroku."

"Ah, he did, but Sesshoumaru-sama's mighty sword, Tensaiga demanded that he heal those whose lives were cut short. Sango, Miroku, and Kirara were revived that day."

Kagome could have cried in relief. "...InuYasha..?"

"The sword refused. It was his time to move on to be with Kikyou."

Kagome nodded in agreement. Kikyou had waited many years for him to fulfill his promise.

"Sango and Miroku had children?"

"Oh, yes. They had five: Akiko, Ayumu, Daisuke, Hotaru, and Yuzuki."

"Good. They both wanted children so badly." Kagome smiled. She was disappointed that she was unable to see her friends' children grow, yet so very happy that the two had lived and had children, that they got to live their lives as they should have, and that Miroku's curse had been ended.

"I would love to hear more about their lives... I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name..."

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, my name is Kai."

"Kai." She repeated his name. "Tomorrow then? Oh, and what about training... or are you going to make me keep looking?"

"The legendary Miko needs training? I can hardly believe such a thing!"

"My training is only shooting with a bow and arrow. It was pure luck the whole purifying Naraku thing..." She looked down at the floor. "I really need to learn to control it better. I assume that with the Shikon and all, Shippo and I might run into some trouble."

"Ah, yes, it is good to learn control, but there are very few demons now, with the barriers and all. Most of them were set to Makai a few hundred years ago." Seeing Kagome's confused expression, he continued. "I can explain tomorrow. Come back and I will tell you what you have missed occurring and more about Sango and Miroku."

"I would like that."


Kagome was finding that, when not forced to travel all day looking for shards, Shippo operated on a sleep cycle very similar to that of a puppy. He would run around wildly for a few hours, sleep for a few hours, then run some more. She was getting about 2 hours of sleep at a time and it was noon until she woke up to her mother calling her name up the staircase.

"Phone, Kagome!"

"Go get the phone, Shippo." Kagome mumbled to the kit.

The bubbling little kitsune bounced off to retrieve it for her.

"Hello?" She tried her best to sound awake as she took the phone from his small hands.

"Kagome? Are you okay? You aren't up yet?" Keiko's concerned voice followed Kagome's sleepy greeting

"Hai, I'm fine... Shippo wakes up every two hours."

"Ah, poor Kagome. Does tonight still work?"

"Hai, that would be great to get together tonight, I need to relax. I have to run some errands first. What time would suit?"

"How about we get dinner? The guys want to come along too, so if you have any friends that want to come along too that would be great."

"Oh, no just me."

"Great, how about we meet at the WacDonald's near the school at 6?"

"Sounds good!"

"See you then!"

Kagome sighed and climbed out of bed to face the day. She had to stop by the shrine to speak with Kai. She debated taking Shippo with her, but decided that it may be better for both their health if he was left with her mother.

After her shower she wandered downstairs to approach her mother to watch Shippo for her.

"Mama? I have a favor to ask..."

"Yes, honey?"

"Can you watch Shippo for me today? I was going to go to a shrine and then go out for dinner with Keiko and some of her friends."

"I thought you would never ask! I would love to baby-sit my grandson!"


Kagome found herself on her way to Kai's shrine around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Kai was waiting for her at the entrance when she arrived. She must have looked more tired when she arrived than she thought.

"Higurashi-sama, are you okay?" Kai exclaimed over her worriedly.

"Hai... Shippo has a lot of energy!"

Kai seemed to think something over for a minute.

"If you want to bring him along next time I can have some youkai children here for him to play with. Maybe I can even track down where Aya got to and see if I can borrow her kit..." He seemed to start thinking aloud after the first sentence. "Kitsune are impossible to handle in this modern world... they get into too much trouble. Like a puppy left in a house alone all day."

"That would be wonderful! I left him with mama, hopefully he doesn't give her too much trouble today."

Kagome paused a moment.

"I am curious to know about what happened to everybody..." She nudged the conversation in the direction of her old friends.

"Oh, excuse me, you must be so anxious to hear about them! Well, As I told you, Sango and Miroku were revived by Sesshoumaru's sword and went on to have five children, all of whom were gifted with Miroku's holy power and Sango's great strength and loyalty. The family went on to found this shrine, and each of Sango and Miroku's descendants have gone on to build onto it and add their blessings to its foundation."

"Wow, it's so amazing to hear they survived... I am so happy to hear they lived their life together, the life they wanted." She looked down at her hands, smiling to herself.

Kai nodded in agreement.

"Sesshoumaru is still alive." Kai stated. Kagome's eyes snapped to his face. "He spends almost all his time in Makai, as I'm sure you know he carries little tolerance for ningens."

"Hai. Except Rin..."

"Ah, yes. Rin." Kai smiled to himself. "She was reincarnated after her human body lived a long life. She is youkai now, and lives with Sesshoumaru-sama."

"Wow, it sounds like everyone's lives turned out so perfectly." Kagome smiled to herself again, tears clouding her vision. She wished that she could have been there to see Sango and Miroku's children.

"Hai, and now it is your turn."


"Hai. You are an amazing miko, and hold great power. You are right in believing you need training, if you truly have as little training as you claim. I can feel the power within you, and that you still retain such power, the gods must have some use for your miko abilities still."

A look of dread was beginning to cloud Kagome's expression. She had thought that the chaotic, youkai-battling, double-life, "reincarnation" part of her life was finished. She had only wanted to learn more about her abilities and care for her family's shrine. She looked to Kai, who continued:

"Best to make you the miko you are in legends, ne?"