InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Wake UP! ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Thank you reviewers. I like to think I keep writing without reviews, but its a LOT slower. And its already slow because of classes and the general busy-ness that spring has (It's actually warming up! I can go outside now!). Thank you for the reviews, my lovely and awesome reviewers.
SKnFS- I agree, Youko is like unexplored territory, I think that's why its so much fun to write him! I picture him as my cat, Hermie, who is so playful and mischievious and also a bit of a pervert (we call him the boob-cat...). So I keep getting images of this big Maine Coon when I'm writing Youko now. lol.
And I apologize to everyone for my slow updates. My classes are getting close to wrapping up so the professors are shoving everything at us at once. Plus I just got another job at an equine veterinary hospital and I have to go jump through hoops to be sure I make it into my nursing clinicals this fall. sigh. Well, on with this update!
Chapter 10
Kagome put Shippo down to sleep in the guest room, prayed to the Kami he would stay there for the night, and collapsed onto her own bed, already deep in thought.
'Why do these strange youkai always find me?!' She mentally screamed. 'And why are they always so gorgeous? Ah, fate is so cruel to me. I thought I could lead a normal life, or something close to it, staying home and filling mama and ji-chan's shoes taking care of the shrine, but now more demons have to step into my life! Haven't I done enough already?!'
Kagome closed her eyes in frustration, only to be dragged into her dreams by the exhaustion that had been building in her from her poor sleep the previous night and the events of the day.
She stood before yet another handsome youkai. For a moment, her fuzzy dream thoughts screamed 'InuYasha!' but the thought was crushed just as soon. No, this youkai was taller, more beautiful than InuYasha. She could not clearly make out his features, but he seemed to have a similar look to that of Sesshoumaru, but a little simpler. This youkai seemed innately graceful, and had beautiful, long silver hair and what seemed to be large fox ears. He was regal, but not in a practiced, almost trained way like Sesshoumaru. It was as though he was just naturally that way. As though he had always considered himself the best specimen of male youkai ever created. 'Oh, great, another arrogant youkai...' Kagome thought. `I can't even dream myself something pleasant.'
The dream-youkai stretched a long, well-toned arm out toward her, his elegant, yet masculine, hand open to her, asking for her to reach back out to him. She noticed the strong scent of what she could only identify as nature. Like how it was in the Sengoku Jidai. Pure nature, no people or pollution that was here in modern day Japan. The smell of roses seemed to dominate the wonderful aroma though. She breathed in the comforting, pure scent of wilderness and roses and without thinking, placed her hand in his.
The youkai grinned in a very self satisfied manner and pulled her close to him. She couldn't help but appreciate the gentle firmness of his body through the simple white outfit he wore. 'No, Kagome, focus!' She shouted to her dream-self. She thought of just how wonderful this dream would be if he didn't have the simple white outfit. 'No, not on that!' She mentally smacked herself for being perverted. The youkai came into more focus as the dream progressed until she found herself staring into the deep, golden eyes of a very happy and handsome kitsune youkai. Something about those eyes seemed very familiar all of the sudden. 'Youko!' She thought.
With his free hand, the youkai circled her waist, effectively pressing her against himself. He then freed the hand he had used to pull her to him and ran it down her side, stirring her miko energy. The power seemed to swirl against their bodies as her miko energy danced with the kitsune's youkai energy. It was not an unpleasant feeling. He stroked her bottom affectionately as he quirked an eyebrow playfully, bringing his hand up to lightly caress her cheek.
'Oh, hell, it's just a dream!' she sighed to herself as she leaned into the touch, which actually felt more like a poke. Weird, it was such a tender moment why would he poke her--
Kagome cracked an eye to see Shippo nudging her with his foot.
The miko growled quite convincingly for a human.
'He's just a kit.' She told herself. 'He's probably bored. I'm not that tired anyway.' Taking a deep breath, she sat up in bed.
"Need anything in particular, Shippo?" She asked him, a smile breaking through her expression as he looked up at her with big round eyes.
"You had a funny look on your face!"
Kagome blushed, thinking of her dream.
"I was dreaming." She replied, hoping that he would leave it at that.
"What about?"
"A youkai. Did momma start breakfast yet?" She prayed to the kami that he wouldn't press the issue.
"Hai!" Shippo shouted, blessedly distracted by the topic of food.
Kagome straightened her pajamas and went downstairs for breakfast.
Meanwhile, across town a certain silver-haired kitsune had been having similar nighttime happenings, though he had woken up with a much more frustrating predicament than the miko.
'See, now if you had let me out I could have seduced her and we wouldn't be having this problem now.' Youko growled.
'If I had let you out, we would be purified.'
'She loves us.'
'You really are crazy.'
`Am not. Besides, she's a beautiful woman and we are in our twenties. Mature even by your ningens standards. There is no way for you to protest finding a mate any longer.'
`No, I won't subject anyone to dealing with you on a regular basis.'
`Oh, you are such a martyr.' Youko replied, tone heavy with sarcasm as he started imagining ways in which the dream could have progressed.
`Stop that.'
`No, just because you are possibly the most sexually repressed male in Japan doesn't mean I have to be too.' Youko stretched their body under the sheets, enjoying the feel of flexing muscles after sleeping.
`Stop that!' Kurama shouted, snatching control back. He got out of bed and headed for the shower.
Youko smirked, pleased with himself that he was so easily able to take control again. As they passed the mirror in the bathroom, Youko noticed a few more silver strands of hair than were there the night before.