InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Du Riechst So Gut ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I am really sorry this has taken so long... I just got busy? OK, no, I couldn't think of anything to write. I'm really trying to keep this coming. I need to think of a plot though... lol!
Thanks for the reviews!! And anonymous e-mailer, thanks for the email! You guys really do help get these chapters written.
Oh, and don't get your panties in a twist, our star characters will be getting to know each other… erm… better… soon!
Chapter 12
“Du riechst so gutdu riechst so gutich geh dir hinterherdu riechst so gutich finde Dich- so gutich fass dich andu riechst so gutjetzt hab ich dich”
“You smell so goodyou smell so goodI follow youyou smell so goodI find you- so goodI touch youyou smell so goodnow I have you”
--Du Riechst So Gut, by Rammstein
Yusuke stared in horror at the picture his girlfriend presented. The thought of Youko's rage was even forgotten at the look the Keiko directed at him. Behind him, Youko stalked closer, still fuming at Yusuke's daring to prevent him entering the house where his future mate was.
Youko was, however, distracted. Kagome approached the scene, looking rather upset at the situation. Youko's ears flattened to his head, upset with himself that he had allowed such a thing to happen and anger his mate. She looked at him, a bit confused.
She didn't recognize him! She had never seen him in this form before, he realized. Well, now that he thought about it, he wasn't really sure what had happened. He had somehow blended himself. He was Youko and Kurama at once, together, no fighting or smartass remarks. Just him again. But not him at the same time. Well, either way, he was still the both of them and he still wanted Kagome.
“Yes, its me,” He captured her hands with his. “I can finally meet you properly, without all the confusion.” He flashed her a satisfied grin and she felt her heartbeat flutter against her will. Damn it, she was supposed to be angry with this cocky kitsune and the ever-so-eloquent Yusuke that had interrupted her movie night with Keiko.
“Why did you throw Yusuke through the door?”
His grin fell into a frown at her continued disapproval.
“He was trying to prevent me from seeing you, which is simply unacceptable.” He stated, directing an annoyed glare at Yusuke. Turning his attention back to her, he used his grip on her hands to pull her into him, circling her with his arms.
A furiously red blush rose to Kagome's cheeks as she remembered the dream she had just the other night. The dream that included Youko and herself in similar positions. And lots of hotness and touching.
Youko buried his nose in her hair where it fell across her neck and shoulders, inhaling a deep breath full of her scent. That smell that was just her, so sweet and delicious. And spicy. He grinned to himself. His mate was not so immune to his charms as she acted.
“Detective, I am going to take my Kagome out for a nice walk. I expect to be undisturbed.” He directed his glare at Yusuke, lifted Kagome in his arms, and seemingly disappeared.
Youko had not disappeared, though it would have seemed so to the average observer. He used his youkai speed to return them to Kagome's home. He suspected that her family were used to youkai, so it would not matter if they saw him, and there was plenty of forest surrounding the shrine to guard them from curious onlookers.
Youko placed Kagome back on the ground next to him, where she stood a bit shakily.
“Don't do that!” she glared at him. She hated that feeling of disorientation. It was like riding on InuYasha's back, but ten times faster. Most definitely not a pleasant thing.
“My apologies. I thought that would be the best way to remove us from the situation and prevent further damage to Keiko's apartment.” Youko's voice was playful, and he smirked at the thought of throwing Yusuke through the door. It had felt good. He had to admit that he had wanted to do something to that effect to the hot-headed detective for a while now, and he had it coming to him. Youko was surprised that his teammate was still alive, with all the thoughtless insults that spewed forth from his mouth on a daily basis.
“Well, don't do it again.” She glared at him.
Youko drooped his ears and gave her his best puppy dog eyes.
“And stop looking at me like that.”
The damned youkai was just too cute for his own good.
Youko's eyes shone with amusement as he watched his mate.
"Let's go for a walk." He suggested.
"No." Kagome glared at him. "I was having a pleasant night with Keiko and you and Yusuke just burst in and ruin everything. I'm not going anywhere with you." She crossed her arms under her breasts and turned her face away from him, pointedly ignoring anything he may say or do.
Youko felt a tiny voice inside him laughing. He didn't like that voice at all. It made him doubt himself.
Obviously bored with the silence, Kagome turned back to him. "Why are you still here? Is it not enough that you ruin my night with Keiko, you have to keep pestering me now?"
She was definitely not pleased. Hmm... how to fix this?
She glared at him. Well, she was at least looking at him now.
"It was not my intention to ruin your evening, and I did not intend to damage Keiko's door, Yusuke was being rude."
"That's news." She grumbled.
"Let me try and make it up to you." He moved to put an arm around her and she automatically slapped it away. As her skin touched his though, her miko energy flared and leapt at him. The nature of her magic was definitely not how he imagined it though. It was clearly full of anger and coming right at him like a freight train.
Kagome's eyes widened as felt what was happening and concentrated as hard as possible on what Kai had taught her, and sucked the energy back into herself, succeeding in only singeing the kitsune. However, the singeing seemed to be just what he needed, because he looked almost the same as he had the day before once again. Meaning, mostly human.
Kurama blinked and seemed genuinely surprised to be alive before looking back at Kagome with sad, apologetic eyes.
'I sure hope you're happy now.' Kurama mentally glared at Youko. No response.
"I'm so sorry! I almost killed you!" Kagome grabbed the hand she had swatted away and saw the scorch marks on it where they had touched. She closed her eyes and focused on sending healing energies to him. Unfortunately her healing talents seemed to be a bit stunted, as the injury looked only slightly less painful.
'Now that feels good!' Youko purred. Kurama agreed. The feel of her healing energy was definitely enjoyable. 'I think I planned that out very well.'
'That's complete crap, Youko. You thought she was gonna kill you, and look who's back in control.' Irritation with the kitsune was slipping into his mental voice.
"It's OK, Kagome. No permanent harm done." Kurama reassured her with a polite smile.
"I feel terrible though! Here, come inside and run it under some water. I don't think I've got this healing thing down quite right and you won't be able to heal that like normal since its from my miko energies. I can call Keiko and let her know I'm OK." She had already started up the shrine steps.
Kurama caught himself watching her backside as she walked up the steps and quickly hurried to catch up with her. 'Youko, just help me here on this one, don't fight against me for once.' He quickly said a prayer as he reached for Youko's youkai energy and swept Kagome into his arms. He carried her up the stairs quickly and effortlessly before setting her back down at the top of the mountain of stairs.
Kagome blinked as she reoriented herself. 'Kurama just did that?' She thought to herself, eyeing his hair colour suspiciously. Finally deciding to ignore it, she started for the front door of the shrine, mentally smacking herself for inviting this sneaky kitsune in with her.
"The sink's right over there, I'll go get some bandages."
She picked up the phone and dialed Keiko as she rooted through her dusty yellow backpack that had spent the past few weeks in her closet.
"Keiko, it's Kagome."
"Oh! Kagome, are you OK?!" Keiko shrieked.
"Hai. Kurama is.. er... Kurama again. I'm actually getting bandages for him now, I singed him a bit with my miko energy by accident."
Keiko laughed.
“It's not funny! I feel terrible!”
“I'm sorry, Kagome, I'm just so relieved you're OK. Youko can be a little... dangerous. Seems like he likes you though, I guess.” Keiko seemed confused that the dangerous kitsune could be capable of something other than killing enemies, the only way she'd seen him before.
“Yeah, something like that, I guess.” Kagome mumbled as she finally located the bandages she needed.
“Hey, I'll let you go, Yusuke's being a pain.” Kagome heard a scuffling at the other end of the line followed by a muffled, and obviously irritated, shout from Keiko.
“See you later.”
Kagome hung up the phone and carried the bandages back into the kitchen, where Kurama was patiently sitting at the table waiting for her.
“Sorry I took so long, I had to call Keiko.”
He nodded.
Kagome gritted her teeth at his silence.
“Look, I'm sorry about burning you, I really didn't mean for it to happen, it was just a reflex.”
“I'd like to know where some of these `reflexes' come from, Kagome, if you don't mind.” Kurama voice was gentle and undemanding, but carried an undertone that suggested that it may not continue so nicely if she refused him.
She figured she owed the man she almost purified that much at least, and took a deep breath as she sat down, steeling herself to tell the story.