InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Psychiatrist ❯ Marik's Story ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: o.o ^-^ Moo!!


Hack: <.< …




Hack: *sighs* Nooooow, who we got today… *looks at clipboard* …..Patient, enter…


(Marik Ishtar walks in.)


Hack: Heh heh. That's neat. Patient, exit.


Marik: o.O *walks out*


Hack: Patient, enter.


Marik: O__o *walks back in*


Hack: Patient. Exit.


Marik: o__o;; *walks back out*


Hack: Patient, enter.


Malik: -.-;; *walks back in*


Hack: Patient, adagio with decrescendo in the fourth measure of the 2nd Trio.




Hack: *leans back* Ohhh, so you can walk in an' out but you CAN'T do Adagio with decrescendo in the fourth measure of the 2nd Trio!!!!!!!


Marik: ;.; No.


Hack: Oh, ok. Take a seat.


Malik: ^-^ *sits down*


Hack: Now, tell me your life story.


Marik: Well, it all started when I was only but a mistletoe alone on the branch of the thistle tree. My friends were the acorns and all the others were Santa's reindeer. I was young and knew not of the potential of treading from my tree. So, I leaped to the ground and escaped the wrath of Santa's poodles utilizing my Fluffy-Bunny Ray. After we were all safe, I leaped atop my magic cow of sanity and flew to the land of ponies and sweets where I ate candy with the magical smoogfurgles of Hoompadipadeeda. We frolicked through the flowers of peach monkies and rainbow hamsters and basked in the Sun for a good time. ^-^


Hack: …..yes, I see. *writes stuff down* Yep, I see your issue.


Marik: o.o I have issues?


Hack: Why, no of course not. *hands him a slip of paper* The Sanity-tincture should do what is necessary.


Malik: ^-^ `kay!! *runs from the room*


Hack: *rubs his temples* Ra, Anata wa nan desu ka…?




Hack: Heh heh heh heh.


Shashomiru: O.o; Please give a review...