InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Psychiatrist ❯ Brotherly Love 2 ^^ ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: Yaaay!! Updates, wee yaay, yeah, okay.
Hack: Now, who we got today?
Shashomiru: ^-^ The Brothers
Hack: Ah…yes… Ina Squasha and Sesshoumoomoo.
(They enter, holding hands, strangely enough, and sit on the couch close together.)
Hack: o.O;;
Shashomiru: ^-^ Okay, now. So, how has it been going since our last visit, boys?
Ina Yasha: Wooonderfuuull…
Hack: *shudders* >.<;;
Shashomiru: <.< *nudges him* ^.^ Well, that is very good to hear, Ina—
Hack: Squasha.
Shashomiru: And what about you Sesshoumoomoo—I mean, --maru?
Sesshoumaru: I am equally content, Ms. Shashomiru.
Shashomiru: Very good!! *writes stuff down on clipboard* So, the treatment has worked, has it not?
Inu Yasha: Oh yes… The pills work sooo wonderfully. Sesshoumaru and me have fallen in love.
Shashomiru: ^^ Eheheheh… wait, what pills?
Hack: Define love, minx.
Sesshoumaru: *Sesshoumaru blushed* IN love…
Shashomiru: o.O Excuse me?
Inu Yasha: Oh, yes. Sesshoumaru and me are having such wonderfully romantic times together, now…
Sesshoumaru: WONDERFUL. *word echoes*
Hack: <.< >__> <_<;
Shashomiru: ….*grabs Hack's clipboard and looks at it*
Hack: <_< Geez, think you could ask before you… *mumble grumble*
Shashomiru: ….Boys, would you mind letting me see that bottle of whatever it is you have...?
Ina Yasha: ^^ Why, of couuurse. *hands her bottle*
Shashomiru: *she looks at it, her eyes widen and she throws clipboard into Hack* YOU DUMBASS. YOU PRESCRIBED THEM SOMETHING "ELSE", NOT ANTI-DEPRESANTS!!!
Hack: lol Yeah, I know, isn't it great?
Shashomiru: THEY'RE GAY NOW. They're a GAY FAMILY!!!
Hack: Yep. Best thing I ever thought up. *leans back in chair*
Shashomiru: ARGH
Hack: o______o Hey, remember what your Therapist said!!
Shashomiru: >.< I AM my Therapist!!!
Hack: ACK!!!
Ina Yasha: Pleeease, please, can we get along? The treatment was heavenly. Do not fret.
Sesshoumaru: I love you, Ina Yasha.
Ina Yasha: *.* I love you too, Sesshoumoomoo.
Shashomiru: *pauses*
Hack: Hey, relax! 
Shashomiru: *cough cough* >.< ……. .o___o. O___O ohh…
Hack: Yeeeaah, feel better now?
Shashomiru: Yeah. I know what's going on here. 
Hack: …Yeah.
Shashomiru: *stares at him* You should at least throw Miroku in the mix for good measure.
Hack: ...*stands up* 
Shashomiru: o__o Where are you going?
Hack: I'm gonna get some coffee.
Shashomiru: But why?
Hack: <.<;; I'll tell you when you're older.
Shashomiru: o__o …
Shashomiru: What a fantastic read 20 years later. SESHOUMOOMOO. REVIEWS WOULD BE GREAT