InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Savior ❯ Inuyasha’s reaction and Kikyo’s alliance ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sorry that it has been so long updating this story. I‘ve been swamped with homework and I only get so much time to update. I’m having fun writing this because Kikyo is going to join the Inu-Tachi to deceive them and bring them to Naraku for their death...I can’t say any more or the whole story will be revealed so please read to find out more!! ^-^

Disclaimer: I don’t own any Inuyasha characters. Any characters or things I make up and use are my own! I don’t own Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki.

‘ ’ represents thoughts “ “ represents speech
Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got hurt, didn't we?
Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail.
Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got there in the end.
-Part of Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki-_____________________________________________________________
Chapter three

Inuyasha’s reaction and Kikyo’s alliance

Last time with the Inu gang…

“You should go and look for Kagome, Inuyasha. You have to apologize and be nicer to her. We need to find a way to get her back to her normal self. Now go. Don’t come back until you find Kagome.” Kaede said, as she shooed them outside. Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara went to the part of his forest where they last saw Kagome, Shippo, and Souta. Inuyasha growled loudly when he caught the scent from the air. “What is it, Inuyasha? Is it Naraku?” Miroku asked as he placed his hand on the prayer beads sealing his wind tunnel.

“Sesshomaru.” was all Inuyasha growled in reply. The group gasped in shock.

“Why is Sesshomaru even near this place? He knows that he can’t get Tetsusaiga with the spell that is on it.” Sango said as she looked at Miroku. Inuyasha looked at all of them and growled angrily, “He’s most likely using Kagome as bait to get my Tetsusaiga! He won’t get it, I’ll destroy him before he even gets the chance! Let’s go, I can smell that bastard’s scent going towards his home in the west.” Kirara growled suddenly and her red eyes turned fierce. Sango and Miroku looked at her worriedly. “What is wrong, Kirara?” Miroku asked and then suddenly shivered because he felt a foreboding, powerful aura laced with death.

He walked over to Sango and whispered softly, “I think it is Lady Kikyo. The aura I’m sensing can be only hers.” Sango was saddened. Inuyasha would go meet Kikyo and totally forget Kagome. “The only way we are going to get him looking for Kagome is if we get away from here.” she whispered back to him. Miroku nodded and looked over to the angry hanyou. “Inuyasha! I can sense a foreboding presence in the west that is not Sesshomaru. It could be Naraku or Kagura. We need to go there now to find out who it is.” Inuyasha looked at Miroku quickly when he heard Naraku’s name. “Well, we better go and find that stupid bastard so we can destroy him and get the jewel shards back!” he yelled and walked toward the woods on his right.

“There really isn’t any trace of Naraku here is there? Houshi-sama, aren’t we supposed to keep him away from Kikyo, not let him go towards her?” Sango questioned as she walked toward the woods. Miroku shook his head. “There is no trace of Naraku or his children, Lady Sango.“ His eyes got very big as her word set in. “Inuyasha, please wait! You are going the wrong way!” he shouted as he ran toward the woods.

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Inuyasha did not hear him. He was going toward where he thought Naraku was. He stopped in a clearing to decide where he would go next. Suddenly the forest grew silent. There wasn’t even a bird chirping. The strain of a notched arrow caught his attention. ‘Could it be Kagome? No, she wouldn’t fire at me. It could be a miko that wants revenge on me. I know it is not Kikyo, she loves me.’ he though in denial.

The arrow fired and grazed his cheek. “I could have killed you if I wanted to.” a mysterious voice said in the clearing. He raised his hand and wiped the blood off of his cheek.

“I know you are there, come out and show yourself, you coward!!” he yelled and looked all around him. Kikyo stepped out behind a tree and glanced at him with cold, dead eyes. “Have you gotten rid of my reincarnation, Inuyasha? She is not here. I do not sense her in the area.” she said as she walked up to him. Inuyasha was in shock because his Kikyo had fired an arrow at him.

“Why did you fire an arrow at me, Kikyo? I thought that you loved me?” he said softly. Kikyo looked at him hard. “I want you to be with me, Inuyasha, I want you to be with me in hell!” she declared. Inuyasha shook his head trying to decide what he should do. “Inuyasha! We have to go and get Kagome from Sesshomaru’s castle! We don’t know what he is doing to her.” Sango and Miroku yelled as they landed in the clearing.

“So, my reincarnation is with the lord of the western lands. Are you sure that she doesn’t want to go? She might want to stay there.” Kikyo inquired softly. She walked up to Inuyasha and embraced him. “Forget about her, Inuyasha, she can never love you like I can! Come with me to hell so we can always be happy.” she said as she gazed into his eyes. Inuyasha knew that he couldn’t give up on finding Kagome. “I can’t go to hell with you, Kikyo. I have to get Kagome back from Sesshomaru then look for Naraku so we can destroy him.” he said and looked away from her.

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Kikyo was furious, but didn’t show it. She looked at him and sighed. “I will help you look for my reincarnation. Then, I will help you destroy Naraku.” she said softly with hidden anger. Inuyasha looked at her with amazement and quickly embraced her. “That is a great idea, Kikyo. We can find the jewel shards while we are looking for Kagome.” Sango, Miroku and Kirara came to the clearing and saw them embracing. “Get away from him, you bitch!!” she yelled and threw her Hiraikotsu between them, effectively parting them.

Inuyasha jumped back and looked over to where the attack came from. He saw a transformed Kirara, Miroku with an ofuda out, and Sango with Hiraikotsu on her back, ready to fight. “What in the hell are you doing attacking us?? You could have killed Kikyo!!” he yelled angrily. Sango and Miroku glared at him. “We need to find Kagome and Shippo and all you are doing is meeting with the stinking clay pot!! Inuyasha, we need to go now!! You said she is with Sesshomaru, he could be doing anything to them!!” Sango yelled.

Inuyasha couldn’t believe that he had forgotten about Kagome. ‘We will look for Kagome and Kikyo is going to come with us.” he said stubbornly. He knew that they would argue for her to be away from him but he knew that she would be a great asset. ”She is going to help us. End of story.” he said gruffly and walked over to Kikyo. He picked her up bridal style and ran towards Sesshomaru’s castle, leaving Sango, Miroku, and Kirara behind.

########################################################## ##############

Kagome was having the time of her life. She was playing with Shippo and Rin in the gardens. The gardens were so beautiful and filled with so many flowers. Souta was sleeping in his room because he did not get much sleep. “You can’t catch me, Okaasan!” Shippo yelled and darted out of her reach. Kagome laughed and looked over to where Rin was. She was running toward Shippo from behind, then pounced on him. When they landed on the soft grass, she didn’t waste any time and started to tickle him. “Ha ha! I finally got you, Shippo-chan!!” she yelled laughing.

After five minutes of playing around, the two children walked to where Kagome was at. Rin sat close to her and snuggled into her side. Shippo went on the opposite side and did the same thing. They sat there looking at the scenery when Rin looked at Kagome. “Can I ask you a question?” Kagome looked over to her and nodded her head. “Can you be Sesshomaru-sama’s wife so Shippo can be my real brother and I can have a family?” she asked softly. Kagome’s eyes widened and she felt someone staring at her. She turned around and found Sesshomaru walking towards them.

“Rin…It is possible. I think that I like Sesshomaru more now that I see that he isn’t so cold and uncaring. It will take some time if it will happen.” she said quietly. Se didn’t want to upset Rin so she said the first thing that came to her mind. The whole thing was true but she didn’t think that it would happen.

Sesshomaru’s mind was spinning at her words. ‘She likes me more than the hanyou? I could use her as bait to kill him. No, I have a better idea. I will get her to love me, then make her my mate. Inuyasha will discover that he couldn’t ever have her back and that would destroy him forever. I would be able to kill him and get the Tetsusaiga easily. I will start courting her by giving her little presents and then bigger ones.’

‘I will show her a side of me that only Rin knows. That will throw her off guard and will make it easier to make her fall in love with me. I will start this plan as soon as possible. Inuyasha will regret ever letting the miko go. He will lose her and will die without ever getting the chance to be with her.’

“Ok. It might happen right, Okaasan??” Rin asked hopefully. “Sesshomaru-Sama would have to agree with it and we would have to be in love to start a family. That is the only way I would be with a person.” Kagome replied. Rin and Shippo smirked. ’Operation Get Kagome and Sesshomaru-sama together starts tomorrow!!’


Hanyou- half demon

Shadow15*: Ooh Sesshy has a plan! Can he get Kagome to fall in love with him and forget Inuyasha?? Will she stay cold like Sesshomaru?? Or will she become happy like she was??

Ja Ne!!

Please read and Review!!
