InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ The Dance ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome and Inu were having trouble, they couldn't figure out how to get he ornaments to stay in Kagome's hair, the necklace, bracelets and earrings had been simple enough but the hair piece they had picked out seemed a different creature. Just before they decided to do without, Kami showed up and put it in correctly.


"There you go, it would be a shame not to go with the whole set," Kami smiled, "would you mind if I tagged along? Mr. Sansei (Kagome's teacher) asked me to come as a referee… I mean chaperone."


Kagome smiled, "I don't see why not, its kind of a shame that you'd be all alone though"


Just then a flame bloomed next to Kami, Inuyasha had tetsaiga out in a blink but waited to see what was happening, Kami sighed and looked resigned, but not afraid, As the flame reached about 6 feet it suddenly went out and standing where the heart of the fire had been was a man whose hair still seemed to be made of flame in reds yellows and oranges that moved like the flame had, his deep forest green Armani suit had a rather feminine jeweled phoenix pin on the lapel. As he opened his mouth to speak a moment later it became obvious that he was quite gay.

(No flames please…this is my best friends character… and if you ever heard him speak you would immediately know…though, if you saw him walk or even breath you would know…he is jack from will and grace…only east Indian…its scary)


"Did I hear correctly? You are thinking of going out? To a dance? Alone?"


"Hello Phoenix," Kami intoned rolling her eyes, Inu and Kagome watched in sheer amazement.


"Don't you `hello phoenix' me, you were going to go out before I had a chance to approve your outfit!" he seemed quite upset, "and you know very well that you should not be going out alone! What if you are attacked?!?! You need an escort!" He looked at Inu and Kagome's costumes, "medieval Japan is the theme?" he asked, then without waiting for a response Kami's outfit was covered with flame and when the flame went out she was wearing the proper style for the highest female in the land, complete with ornaments that dwarfed Kagome's. "There…that seems about right. Now, Fame is already baby sitting the girls so I will release your beast for an escort," Kagome frowned, "no need to thank me, have fun." And with that he disappeared much the same way he appeared.


Kami shook her head…as much as she could with the weight on her head, Kagome was privately impressed she could move at all with all the stuff on.


Before anyone could ask what all that had been about a man stepped from the shadows in the proper costume for a bodyguard of a very important female, matching Kami's outfit perfectly. She looked at him with pleading eyes. The stranger laughed.


"Can you move at all?" he asked, her eyes narrowed briefly.


"Yes. This isn't actually any worse than when he catches up to me anywhere else… I just wish I could convince him to focus on his actual duties instead of playing style consultant." She waved her hand over her outfit and changed it to a woman warriors outfit from the same period, leaving only a pewter oval with a gray wolf print carved into it, her hair squirmed by itself into the proper hairstyle to go with it, a high ponytail that was braided into a this rope. She still matched him though. Looking like the bodyguard for a very important lady. She smiled toward Kagome, "I couldn't very well dress better than you, so we go as your body guards."


Kami moved closer to the stranger and actually put her arms around him; he leaned down and kissed her, "Hi." He said


"Hi yourself," she replied before turning towards the young couple, Kagome noticed briefly that she looked radiant, more alive somehow, so she was less surprised than Inu when Kami introduced him as her mate. They made a beautiful couple… with her silver hair and his darker gray, her violet-gray eyes and his blue-gray, and they obviously were still very much in love.


"This is my mate, Jayson," Turning towards him "this is Kagome and her mate InuYasha." He gave a big friendly smile and shook Inu's hand first, Inu however had the feeling that he was testing him, looking into him and judging him on some unknown quality… it was a little unnerving, but apparently he liked what he found and smiled bigger.


"My mate has the most amazing talent for finding heroes, it is good to meet you." He bowed to Kagome but did not touch her in any way, he did however look into her as he had with Inu. "What an interesting couple you make," he murmured, "a miko and a hanyou, both heroes, I wish you luck on whatever quest has brought you together."


"Inu was pleasantly surprised when Jayson did not touch Kagome, for some reason he had felt uneasy when he thought the guy would touch his mate… he wondered if he had sensed it from him. Kami's voice sounded in his head.


Where we are from, we don't touch anyone else's mate, we are all too possessive to be comfortable with that, that's why I also introduced Kagome first, I am female and so is she… if Jay had been introducing me to the 2 of you he would have introduced you first but I would have taken Kagome's hand and bowed a little to you. Even in battle, or practice, we strive not to touch the others mate… it has started wars in the past.


Inu was impressed that someone had put so much thought into these things…but it wasn't getting them to the dance…the sooner they got there the sooner they would get back and Kagome would give him his `treat' "Lets go!" he said and off they all went.





The music was loud and the room was dark, a disco ball threw bits of light all over though.


When the group entered everyone had been very impressed at the costumes, then as the dancing began they were all impressed again by the dancing of the 2 couples.


Inu was surprised to find he was enjoying himself, but after all he had Kagome in his arms, no one was trying to hurt them and she had agreed to be his mate, he decided the only way for this to get better was if they were alone…but he had a feeling she had something like that in mind for later. He smiled, and held Kagome tighter to him, all was right with his world.


"Kagome was in heaven, Inuyasha was dancing with her, had asked her to be his mate, her not Kikyo! She was going to be by his side forever…she should have known it was too perfect to last.


They had been there over and hour when Hojo showed up, at first he acted the way he normally did, but it soon became clear that Kagome's friends had spread the word about what happened at the mall when Hojo was supposed to be at home, so by the time he got to Inu and Kagome he was quite angry, and at close range it also became clear he had been drinking.