InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Putting Hojo Down ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It happened faster than anyone would have thought, one moment Hojo was heading toward them smelling of alcohol, the next she saw the rage in his eyes as he took a swing at her face.


Even with so little warning, the years of dodging demons gave her the reflexes to avoid the blow, and to kick his legs out from under him in one smooth move. She came back up and put a foot on his chest to keep him down, it had taken only seconds, but InuYasha was right behind her, taking over as soon as she stopped moving, lifting Hojo by his hair.


"She told you she didn't want to see you anymore, course she also said that aggravating me was a bad idea…you don't listen very well do you?" InuYasha smirked and pulled Hojo very close to whisper, "she wont save you this time, you took a swing at her and that means you're mine." Hojo tried to kick him in the shin, But Inu just laughed, pulling back his fist to really let Hojo have it.


Just then Kagome's principal showed up to take control of the situation. Inu was less than pleased he had missed is chance to punch Hojo, and even less pleased that the principal wanted them all to go to the office as well, to get the whole story.


Kagome told the principal what happened, both at the mall and tonight at the dance, stressing that Inu was just trying to protect her. Hojo tried to say that they had all ganged up on him but the principal had seen too much of the very brief fight to belive him and could smell the alcohol on his breath. The principal suspended Hojo and told him that if he showed up on school property drunk again he would be expelled.


After Hojo's mother had picked him up the principal stood next to Kagome in the foyer and murmered, "it's a good thing you were feeling well enough to defend yourself, I know you've been ill a lot lately." Kagome blushed with embarrassment.


"InuYasha has been teaching me martial arts to help me regain my strength, it's muscle memory, instinct, I can't really take too much of the credit." She looked at Inu to see if he would back her up, he smiled at put his arm around her, looking at the principal.


"It seems to be working to, she's gotten quite good." Then to Kagome, "I'm sorry, he shouldn't have been able to get close enough to you to swing at you like that, I should have seen what he was up to, but I thought he would swing at me first."


"It happened so fast, you had no way of knowing, by all rights he should have gone for you first." She rested her head against his chest to sooth him.


"I should still have moved faster."


The principal shook his head. "You did better than anyone had right to expect, next time though I don't want to see you seek retribution, just alert the autorities, other than that, you did very well, and I am happy to welcome you back to my school when ever you like.


They all exchanged goodbyes and went home.


Once they got home Kami and her mate excused them selves, but not before Kami winked at Kagome and let her know that her room was now sound proof. Kagome smiled and said good night.


Kagome took Inu by the hand and gently pulled him upstairs with her, when they got to her room she handed him a pair of loose pajama pants and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.


After they had switched and while Inu was brushing his fangs, Kagome took out the baby doll nightgown Kami had given her, it was a deep red, but mostly see through. She trembled slightly, as she put it on. She knew Inu would like it, and she knew that after he saw it there would be no turning back, but she wanted him, forever.


She lit a pair of candles and turned off the light, then she heard Inu coming so she slid under the covers.


As he came in he closed the door and walked over to the side of the bed and looked down at Kagome who seemed to be hiding under the covers, kneeling beside the bed he asked her:


"I was good, do I get my treat?" followed by puppy dog eyes. Kagome smiled, how could she be expected to resist that?