InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Mating (lemon) ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Just in case anyone was wondering…I still don't own Inu…..and I'm poor….so don't sue.






Kagome reached over and pulled Inu into bed with her. Kissing him deeply she wrapped her arms around him and he in turn hugged her closer to him. Feeling the strange fabric he pulled away from her a little to look at it, seeing it he became harder than he would have ever thought possible, the thing was see through, closed only by a little bit of ribbon tied into a bow over her breasts and hanging open farther down letting him see almost everything. He looked back up into her eyes, they were dark with her excitement, with lust, she was trembling beneath him and for a moment he shook with the need to take her hard and completely then.


"Are you sure?" He managed. She looked up into his eyes smiling warmly at him, how is it he could go from being such a jerk to being the sweetest guy ever? A cold thought went down her spine.


"Are you really InuYasha?" Not that he would tell her if he wasn't, but he just laughed, and kissed her soundly.


"If I'm not we're both gonna be in a lot of trouble later." She smiled reassured, "but I guess since I am…" he trailed off. Kagome giggled, and nodded.


Inuyasha sat up and put his hands on her hips and lifted her into a kneeling position, straddling his legs, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him.


"I love you." She whispered to him, he held her tighter.


"I love you too, aishiteru." She began kissing down his throat and he let his hands wander farther down fro her hips, because of her position the fabric was actually covering less, having ridden two thirds up her lovely ass, his hands roamed there first before coming around and upwards under the flimsy thing feeling her hips, her ribs, her breasts however were being held in by the lacy top and he couldn't molest them properly so he pulled her from his throat and laid her down in front of him, legs still parted to either side of his. Leaning down he took the bit of ribbon in his teeth, watching Kagome's reaction he pulled the bow apart, freeing her beautiful pale orbs, she shivered instinctively tried to cover herself but he gently pulled her arms back.


"You are so beautiful Kagome, I want to see you." She blushed and smiled, her breathing had become harsher, closer to pants, and Inu could smell her excitement coming from her core. It was taking nearly al of his self-control and discipline to keep him self from just ravishing her, but part of him wanted to make it last as long as possible.


He bent and took one pert little nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and around, his hands were wandering all over her satiny skin. Kagome arched into his touch, whimpering, she had to mark this with her personal `Best Torture Ever' award, but she had to wonder where her hanyou had found all the patience, she wanted to feel more, he was driving her nuts.


Taking matters, into her own hands, as it were she started to run her hands up and down his smooth chest, as she got closer to his navel, he growled at her, she smiled and brought her hands back up, burring them in his gorgeous mane till she found an ear with one hand then the other, and started massaging them, gently but firmly. InuYasha groaned in ecstasy, getting harder still, if she didn't stop he really wouldn't be able to stop himself, in desperation he decided two could play that game.


Suddenly Inu's mouth crashed down on her burning centre, his tongue swirling insistently on her aching bud. She let go of his ears as she arched into his touch, the force of the pleasure made her see stars, but her hands still tangled in his mane held him there. After a moment to let her get used to the last sensation he began using his fingers to penetrate her, slowly then faster as she started panting and moaning with each thrust, then he added more fingers. He had to stretch her a little so it wouldn't hurt her much when he took her, he could tell by her scent she was a virgin, the thought made him smile, he would be the only one to ever have her like this. As he finished the thought she came, arching into his mouth, and he licked her juices, the taste of her set fire to his blood and he positioned himself to take her, kissed her and with a look asked her if she was ready, at her nod her gently pushed his long, achingly hard member inside her tight, well lubricated passage.


Kagome squeaked a little at his size, at the feel of him filling her most private place but was pleased that it didn't really hurt, it made sense of course she had been very active the last few years, including a lot of time spent on her bike, her hymen hadn't stood a chance. She arched into her love to show him she wanted him to continue, and he did, she was glad that she had had Kami soundproof her room, if there had been any possibility of her mother hearing her pant `harder, faster' she may not have had the courage to say it, and she would have died of embarrassment when she screamed Inu's name as they came together and he buried his fangs into the joining of her neck and shoulder.


As he pulled his fangs from her creamy skin he murmured the one word spell that would bind them forever, watched the wound and blood twist, and heal, into a mark the size of a quarter, then he pulled back to make sure the matching mark appeared on him as it should. Kagome, triggered by some vague instinct, reached out and touched his chest above his heart and smiled when under her fingers, in a tiny burst of light, a mark showed on his flawless skin.


Their eyes met in the near dark and they both whispered one word, "Mine."






A/N - whew….kinda warm in here, huh? A few notes, firstly I do have to apologise for the long wait to update… new job got put on hold (bah) my computer crashed, and I lost MS word….which is what all my Inu fics were written in (thankfully they were all backed up on floppy ^_^ ) then there was the move from hell itself and subsequent internet loss