InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is What Keeps Us ❯ Demon School ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter One: Demon School
Rin sat in her desk during math class. She heard the teacher. She had even managed to take notes. But, her thoughts were not on math.
After her parents were reunited, Rin was transferred to a private school: one specifically designed for demons. It was a nice school, situated in a part of Tokyo that wasn't as crowded. The school was huge to accommadate the large population of students. There were more teachers in this school then any other school in Tokyo.
And Rin was the only human in the entire school. She knew this very well because none of the demon children would let her forget. When they thought she wasn't looking or paying attention, they would whisper and point at her. Every once in a while one of them would say something mean or ask her to show her "demonic powers."
One day, one of her teachers had caught a group of youngsters picking on her. Later that day, in his class, he had taught the children about the Lord and Lady of the Western Lands. The knowledge of her parentage only made things worse. But, Rin thanked the teacher when she realized he had been trying to help.
Apparently demon children didn't care if her father was powerful enough to wipe them all off the face of this planet.
Rin only had one friend in the entire school. His name was Hokochi and he was a wolf demon. A part of Koga's tribe, actually. He had long brown hair that he kept braided down his back. His tail was grey with black and white specks throughout. In fact, most of what he wore was grey with black and white specks, though he had brown eyes. He was also the biggest nerd in the school.
Rin looked down at her math notebook and notice she had managed to doodle all around her notes. She quietly reprimanded herself as she looked up at the board. She wrote down what was up there and tried her hardest to listen to the teacher.
The girl couldn't understand what her problem was. She was turning sixteen soon. Not nine. There was no reason for her to start daydreaming.
She sighed. While most of the demons around her would spend years in this school, she wouldn't. The principal and school conciler had worked up a schedule so that Rin would get the education she needed while only attending school until she was eighteen.
The schedule worked out great. Rin was smart as a whip and had passed all her classes with flying colours. Even the other children didn't get to her when it came to her grades. She wanted to make her parents proud of her. So, she did her utmost. She had yet to get anything below outstanding in any of her classes.
The lunch bell rang and Rin put her books back in her school bag. She waited for the other students to leave before she approached the teacher's desk.
"Yes, Miss Taisho," the spider demon asked without looking up from his paperwork.
"I was wondering if I could get some extra assignments?" she asked, though she already knew the answer.
The spider demon looked up and pushed his glasses up on his nose. He didn't really need the glasses, but he liked to wear them anyway. They made him look older. "Miss Taisho, if I continue giving you extra assignments, the other students are going to start wondering why you keep surpassing them in class."
"They all ready wonder that," she commented. She hadn't meant to say that outloud.
"Be that as it may, everyday you come into my class and spent an entire hour doing nothing but daydream. Yet, even without the extra assignments you still manage to make top grades," he informed her, though she already knew this. "You do not need the extra work."
"Do you give your parents this much trouble at home?" he asked her, his small eyes staring her down.
Rin shrank under that stare and backed up. "I'm sorry, sir. I promise I won't ask again," she mumbled as she turned and walked out the door.
The girl went to her locker and switched her bookbag for her lunch pail. She then hurried to the neutral ground to meet up with her best friend. He was sitting under a tree eating an apple.
Rin had been scared of wolves for as long as she could remember. When she was little, she had been killed by a pack of wolves and Lord Sesshomaru had revived her. Since then, she'd been terrified of them. However, this was probably the one wolf she wasn't scare of.
Well, him and Koga. She took a seat next to Hokochi and opened her lunchpail.
"What'cha got today?" he asked between bites.
She smiled. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full?" she playfully reprimanded.
She took out a container that had last night's dinner in it. It was sushi, so she wasn't really worried about it not being heated up. She opened the container and offered him some, then laughed at the sour look on his face. "You have to be one of the few people I know who doesn't like sushi," she told him as she took one of the small round balls and popped it into her mouth.
He shrugged. "I, for one, prefer the finer things in life," he began.
"Like raw meat," she finished for him before laughing.
"Raw meat is very healthy for you," he argued. "It contains vitamins and nutrients that you can't find in cooked meat. Plus, it tastes so much better."
"You know, I tell my mother that every time she starts cooking chicken," she told him, feigning seriousness. "She starts fussing about some weird disease you can get from eating raw chicken."
"Disease? Demons don't get diseases," he commented without thinking.
She sighed and nodded her head, "I know."
At that statement, he realized what he had said and immediately felt bad for it. "I'm sorry, Rin," he apologized. "Sometimes, I forget that you aren't a demon. It's just... so hard to believe that you aren't. Especially with how smart you are and how much you know about demons."
"My father's a demon, my little brother is a demon, and the child that's on the way is a demon as well," she whispered.
She capped the container and put it back in her lunch pail. Suddenly, she wasn't so hungry anymore. It was so hard to be reminded everywhere she looked that she was going to die before many of her classmates even started looking to marry.
She was the youngest kid in school. She was even younger then the students who were starting school. and yet, she would be the first one of the bunch to die. Perhaps. She would get cancer or some other well-known human disease. Or she would simply die of old age.
Her chances of being murdered were slim. Her father wouldn't allow something like that. And accidents? That was even slimmer. Sesshomaru was far too protective.
She wondered briefly if perhaps a freak accident would come and claim her life. She quickly dismissed that. With her father, there were no freak accidents.
She loved her father. He was the greatest guy she had ever known. And while he never said it aloud, she knew he loved her in return. He was her protector, her confidant. She knew that if she ever needed anything, all she would have to do was come to him. And he would get it for her.
If she wanted to stop all these demons from picking on her, all she would have to do is tell her father and he would put a stop to it. One way or the other. No one picks on Sesshomaru's child. But, she didn't want that. As much as she couldn't stand the demons who picked on her, she didn't wish them any ill will. In fact, she hoped that many of them will go on to live fullfilling lives.
"I really am sorry," Hokochi whimpered.
Rin smiled and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. I'll be fine. It's just hard to digest sometimes, but I'll be ok."
He nodded. Her words should have been comforting, but they weren't. Not for him. He knew her mortality plagued her and wished there was someway he could stop it. He knew how her mother had become immortal, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that kind of commitment. In fact, he knew he wasn't.
He looked at Rin and smiled. She would make a wonderful wife, too. She had brains and beauty. Though she was quite stubborn about somethings, she had a heart. At times, he could see himself settling down with someone like her. But, it would be at least a century or two before he was ready to do just that. By then, it would be too late.
She didn't know why he had that goofy grin on his face. Usually, that goofy grin meant they were both about to get into trouble and she did not feel like sitting in the principal's office today. She growled at him, "You better not be thinking about doing something that'll get us in trouble."
He held his hands up in surrender. She was just too good! And that growl! He knew where she got that growl from. He hated it when she turned that growl on to him. "You know I wouldn't ever purposely get us into trouble," he told her.
"Uh huh," she retorted, not buying it, "Like you didn't know putting frogs in Mr. Peabody's office wouldn't get us in trouble."
He laughed, "Ok, that one I did know, but did you see the way everyone laughed?"
She rolled her eyes. Mr. Peabody was her English teacher. One of the few demons in school that wasn't raised in Japan. He had lived most of his life in England. Everything about Mr. Peabody was English, from his clothing style to his accent. Though he was fluent in Japanese, sometimes it was hard to understand what he was saying.
Rin had taken the class for extra credit. She needed the extra credit because she couldn't do the special list of demon courses that were mandatory for each student. Each student had to take a maximum of three courses that focused on being a demon and living in the modern world. These courses talked about history, transformation, and learning to use your powers.
Rin wanted to take the history course, because she knew she could do that. But, her counseler didn't see the point since she wasn't a demon. You'll take the regular history course, the woman had said.
The lunch bell rang again and Rin and Hokochi stood up. "So, when are you having your birthday party?" he asked her.
She shrugged. "Ask my mom, she'd know," she told him.
She hated her birthday. Because neither of her parents knew when she had been born, her mother had decided to go ahead and pick a date. It was fine by Rin, because she didn't really care. Then, she noticed her mother liked to celebrate the birthday.
At first, Rin had been excited. She'd invite friends from school and relatives to the birthday. Aunt Eri would come with her little girl. Rin had enjoyed herself.
But, this new school? The only person she ever invited was Hokochi. Her mother would then invite the family. Aunt Eri still came with her daughter. It was fun, but it wasn't the same. Rin just... didn't enjoy it anymore.
She watched the demons she passed by and sighed to herself. Was it really that hard to be friends with a human? She really didn't see what the big deal was. It wasn't like she was asking for much. Just a few friends. But she knew such a thing was wishful thinking. The demons around here did not want her around. Even the teachers tended to give her looks that said You are lucky your father is a badass demon.
It was times like that she wanted to curse her father. Why couldn't he let her go to a normal school? She was doing fine in her old school. Never made a bad grade, never brought home a bad report. She was always curteous and kind.
She was like that now. She didn't see the point in changing her behaviour and ways just because she was in another school. No matter how bad that school was. Only now, she brought home a bad report every once in a while. It was usually because Hokochi had talked her into doing something mischievous and she would get caught. The wolf hardly ever got caught doing something bad.
She went through the rest of the day trying to get by without getting picked on. For whatever reason, the demons seemed to back off a little today. She didn't like that at all. Usually, when they did that, it meant major trouble was coming for her.
She waited by the pick up station at the school. She didn't ride the bus because her father wouldn't let her. She didn't complain about it either. Why would she want to ride a bus filled with people who hated her? Talk about a scary ride.
"Hey, Rin!" came a voice off to her side.
She turned to see the fox demon, Shippo, walking towards her. She tilted her head. "Where's Mother?" she asked, worried. It wasn't like her mother to send Shippo to pick her up.
The kitsune shrugged. "Probably your house cooking or sewing or whatever it is she does during the day. I was out here already, so I called and told her I'd pick you up," he said with a smile.
The teenager nearly melted when he smiled at her like that. She had had a crush on him for the longest time now. In fact, since he had returned with her uncle. She knew it was kinda wrong because he was kinda her cousin. Or was it brother? He called her mother "mom," but he wasn't blood related. And he was far older then her mother.
He was so cute, too! His sandy coloured hair hung in waves down his back. The only thing holding it all together was a large blue bow tied at the top. His sandy bushy tail swayed from side to side when he walked. He had large, beautiful blue eyes. And he looked absolutely delicious in whatever he wore.
They got into his midnight blue sportscar. "So, what brings you around this area?" Rin asked as she put on her seatbelt. Shippo was a wicked driver and she had to be careful when riding in his car.
He peeled out of the parking lot and sped down the highway. He lifted his shoulders a little in a careless shrug. "I spent most of the day in the principal's office," he told her mysteriously.
Her eyes widened. "What ever it was, Hokochi was the one who did it, not me. Though, I wouldn't doubt if I was being blamed for it."
He laughed, "I don't know what you and Hokochi have been up to, but that's not why I was in that office. I'm taking on a teaching position there."
Her smile went to her ears. Shippo would be teaching in her school?! She felt her heart sing as she began plotting ways to end up in his class. Then, she felt her heart sink almost immediately. If he started teaching at her school, he would realize how badly she got picked on. He was sure to tell her father about it.
"Aren't you kinda young to be teaching?" she asked.
He glanced at her with twinkles in his eyes. God, she hated it when he did that. "I'm not that young," he told her. "I've been needing to get a job anyway. Something career like. If for no other reason then to get my dad off my back."
"So, are you finished college then?" she questioned.
He nodded. "Got my teaching degree a month ago. Apparently you need one of those if you want to teach. Especially in this school. I don't understand why they are so tough. I mean, they desparately need teachers."
"Parents pay good money to send their kids to that school. The school can afford to be picky with their teachers," she assumed.
Shippo shook his head. "Not really. There aren't many demons who want to be teachers. The pay really isn't all that great and the benefits tend to suck. Not only that, but children can be quite annoying. Especially when the little brats learn to use their powers."
Rin laughed. She knew exactly what he was talking about.
They pulled up to the gate of the mansion and Shippo punched in a few numbers on the little keypad. The great gates opened and he drove in. He pulled up to the large staircase that led to the doors and put the car in park. For a moment, they just stared at each other, neither saying anything.
Rin felt this desire to reach over and kiss him. She blushed and dismissed the idea. She grabbed the door handle and got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Shippo," she said to him.
To her surprise, he turned the car off and got out himself. She watched as he walked around the car to join her. He threw her a mischievous smile. "You really thought you were going in there alone?" he asked her slyly. "I'm not going to drive all the way out here and not visit my mother."
She blushed again as she watched him walk up the stairs. Realizing he was getting ahead of her and not wanting him to catch her staring, (she had been staring at the swaying motion of his tail as it brushed along his rear) she quickly followed.
They found the miko sitting in the library near the large fireplace. She was crocheting while her young son was playing on the floor with building blocks. Shippo walked up to the mother and child and scooped the little boy into his arms. "Hello, InuTaisho," he greeted the giggling babe.
Kagome looked up from the blanket she was making. "Shippo, what a pleasant surprise," she stated softly.
He smiled as he bent to kiss her on the cheek. "You know I can't go pick up Rin and drop her off without saying hello," he chuckled. "You'd never let me live it down."
The miko gave a soft laugh. "Yes, you are right."
"So, how's the baby coming?" he asked, pressing a hand on her growing stomach.
She sighed, "This one's more like it's father then InuTaisho is. Strong, but quite the stubborn git. Doesn't want anything I eat and when I try to sleep, it can't make up it's mind on how it wants me to lay."
"So, it's still an 'it' I take?" Shippo asked.
Kagome nodded. "Sesshomaru doesn't like all this new technology. He wants to wait until the child is born to find out what the child is."
"Have you thought of names?"
She shook her head. "What's the point? If I give the child a girl's name, it'll turn out to be a boy. If I give it a boy's name, it'll turn out to be a girl."
He laughed, "So, pick a name from both genders. Shippo sounds like an awesome boy name."
Kagome gave him a smile and a light pop on the arm. She then thought about it for a while. "I could always name the child either after the monk or the demonslayer. It would be a good way to remember them."
He nodded his agreement. "Only thing is, you'll have to have another kid of the opposite sex. Just so that you could have the pair... Besides, I'm not sure naming any child 'Miroku' is a good idea. Might turn out to be a pervert."
Kagome laughed, "Not my son. I'll pop him every time he even thinks about touching a woman's bottom."
Shippo chuckled at that and put a struggling InuTaisho back on the floor. "I hate to cut all this short, but I really need to get going. Dad's wanting me to stop by the store before I go home and pick up a few things. Plus, I need to pick up a few things for school."
"You got the job?" the miko asked, excited.
The kitsune nodded and earned a shriek from the woman. "Now I have someone to keep an eye on Rin for me," Kagome teased.
Rin paled. That was the very thing the teenager did not want. She walked up to the laughing pair. "I really don't need a babysitter, Mom," she told the miko.
The kitsune and miko both laughed. Kagome patted Rin's shoulder. "I know, my dear. I'm just teasing you. I'm sure Shippo will have too many other things to worry about rather then watching over you. Besides, you're old enough to take care of yourself," her mother assured.
Rin couldn't help but give a sigh of relief. Shippo threw her a sly look. She paled again. She knew what that look meant. It was the same look Hokochi got before... trouble. She shook her head and bid farewell to Shippo. She then excused herself from the room.
Rin sat in her desk during math class. She heard the teacher. She had even managed to take notes. But, her thoughts were not on math.
After her parents were reunited, Rin was transferred to a private school: one specifically designed for demons. It was a nice school, situated in a part of Tokyo that wasn't as crowded. The school was huge to accommadate the large population of students. There were more teachers in this school then any other school in Tokyo.
And Rin was the only human in the entire school. She knew this very well because none of the demon children would let her forget. When they thought she wasn't looking or paying attention, they would whisper and point at her. Every once in a while one of them would say something mean or ask her to show her "demonic powers."
One day, one of her teachers had caught a group of youngsters picking on her. Later that day, in his class, he had taught the children about the Lord and Lady of the Western Lands. The knowledge of her parentage only made things worse. But, Rin thanked the teacher when she realized he had been trying to help.
Apparently demon children didn't care if her father was powerful enough to wipe them all off the face of this planet.
Rin only had one friend in the entire school. His name was Hokochi and he was a wolf demon. A part of Koga's tribe, actually. He had long brown hair that he kept braided down his back. His tail was grey with black and white specks throughout. In fact, most of what he wore was grey with black and white specks, though he had brown eyes. He was also the biggest nerd in the school.
Rin looked down at her math notebook and notice she had managed to doodle all around her notes. She quietly reprimanded herself as she looked up at the board. She wrote down what was up there and tried her hardest to listen to the teacher.
The girl couldn't understand what her problem was. She was turning sixteen soon. Not nine. There was no reason for her to start daydreaming.
She sighed. While most of the demons around her would spend years in this school, she wouldn't. The principal and school conciler had worked up a schedule so that Rin would get the education she needed while only attending school until she was eighteen.
The schedule worked out great. Rin was smart as a whip and had passed all her classes with flying colours. Even the other children didn't get to her when it came to her grades. She wanted to make her parents proud of her. So, she did her utmost. She had yet to get anything below outstanding in any of her classes.
The lunch bell rang and Rin put her books back in her school bag. She waited for the other students to leave before she approached the teacher's desk.
"Yes, Miss Taisho," the spider demon asked without looking up from his paperwork.
"I was wondering if I could get some extra assignments?" she asked, though she already knew the answer.
The spider demon looked up and pushed his glasses up on his nose. He didn't really need the glasses, but he liked to wear them anyway. They made him look older. "Miss Taisho, if I continue giving you extra assignments, the other students are going to start wondering why you keep surpassing them in class."
"They all ready wonder that," she commented. She hadn't meant to say that outloud.
"Be that as it may, everyday you come into my class and spent an entire hour doing nothing but daydream. Yet, even without the extra assignments you still manage to make top grades," he informed her, though she already knew this. "You do not need the extra work."
"Do you give your parents this much trouble at home?" he asked her, his small eyes staring her down.
Rin shrank under that stare and backed up. "I'm sorry, sir. I promise I won't ask again," she mumbled as she turned and walked out the door.
The girl went to her locker and switched her bookbag for her lunch pail. She then hurried to the neutral ground to meet up with her best friend. He was sitting under a tree eating an apple.
Rin had been scared of wolves for as long as she could remember. When she was little, she had been killed by a pack of wolves and Lord Sesshomaru had revived her. Since then, she'd been terrified of them. However, this was probably the one wolf she wasn't scare of.
Well, him and Koga. She took a seat next to Hokochi and opened her lunchpail.
"What'cha got today?" he asked between bites.
She smiled. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full?" she playfully reprimanded.
She took out a container that had last night's dinner in it. It was sushi, so she wasn't really worried about it not being heated up. She opened the container and offered him some, then laughed at the sour look on his face. "You have to be one of the few people I know who doesn't like sushi," she told him as she took one of the small round balls and popped it into her mouth.
He shrugged. "I, for one, prefer the finer things in life," he began.
"Like raw meat," she finished for him before laughing.
"Raw meat is very healthy for you," he argued. "It contains vitamins and nutrients that you can't find in cooked meat. Plus, it tastes so much better."
"You know, I tell my mother that every time she starts cooking chicken," she told him, feigning seriousness. "She starts fussing about some weird disease you can get from eating raw chicken."
"Disease? Demons don't get diseases," he commented without thinking.
She sighed and nodded her head, "I know."
At that statement, he realized what he had said and immediately felt bad for it. "I'm sorry, Rin," he apologized. "Sometimes, I forget that you aren't a demon. It's just... so hard to believe that you aren't. Especially with how smart you are and how much you know about demons."
"My father's a demon, my little brother is a demon, and the child that's on the way is a demon as well," she whispered.
She capped the container and put it back in her lunch pail. Suddenly, she wasn't so hungry anymore. It was so hard to be reminded everywhere she looked that she was going to die before many of her classmates even started looking to marry.
She was the youngest kid in school. She was even younger then the students who were starting school. and yet, she would be the first one of the bunch to die. Perhaps. She would get cancer or some other well-known human disease. Or she would simply die of old age.
Her chances of being murdered were slim. Her father wouldn't allow something like that. And accidents? That was even slimmer. Sesshomaru was far too protective.
She wondered briefly if perhaps a freak accident would come and claim her life. She quickly dismissed that. With her father, there were no freak accidents.
She loved her father. He was the greatest guy she had ever known. And while he never said it aloud, she knew he loved her in return. He was her protector, her confidant. She knew that if she ever needed anything, all she would have to do was come to him. And he would get it for her.
If she wanted to stop all these demons from picking on her, all she would have to do is tell her father and he would put a stop to it. One way or the other. No one picks on Sesshomaru's child. But, she didn't want that. As much as she couldn't stand the demons who picked on her, she didn't wish them any ill will. In fact, she hoped that many of them will go on to live fullfilling lives.
"I really am sorry," Hokochi whimpered.
Rin smiled and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. I'll be fine. It's just hard to digest sometimes, but I'll be ok."
He nodded. Her words should have been comforting, but they weren't. Not for him. He knew her mortality plagued her and wished there was someway he could stop it. He knew how her mother had become immortal, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that kind of commitment. In fact, he knew he wasn't.
He looked at Rin and smiled. She would make a wonderful wife, too. She had brains and beauty. Though she was quite stubborn about somethings, she had a heart. At times, he could see himself settling down with someone like her. But, it would be at least a century or two before he was ready to do just that. By then, it would be too late.
She didn't know why he had that goofy grin on his face. Usually, that goofy grin meant they were both about to get into trouble and she did not feel like sitting in the principal's office today. She growled at him, "You better not be thinking about doing something that'll get us in trouble."
He held his hands up in surrender. She was just too good! And that growl! He knew where she got that growl from. He hated it when she turned that growl on to him. "You know I wouldn't ever purposely get us into trouble," he told her.
"Uh huh," she retorted, not buying it, "Like you didn't know putting frogs in Mr. Peabody's office wouldn't get us in trouble."
He laughed, "Ok, that one I did know, but did you see the way everyone laughed?"
She rolled her eyes. Mr. Peabody was her English teacher. One of the few demons in school that wasn't raised in Japan. He had lived most of his life in England. Everything about Mr. Peabody was English, from his clothing style to his accent. Though he was fluent in Japanese, sometimes it was hard to understand what he was saying.
Rin had taken the class for extra credit. She needed the extra credit because she couldn't do the special list of demon courses that were mandatory for each student. Each student had to take a maximum of three courses that focused on being a demon and living in the modern world. These courses talked about history, transformation, and learning to use your powers.
Rin wanted to take the history course, because she knew she could do that. But, her counseler didn't see the point since she wasn't a demon. You'll take the regular history course, the woman had said.
The lunch bell rang again and Rin and Hokochi stood up. "So, when are you having your birthday party?" he asked her.
She shrugged. "Ask my mom, she'd know," she told him.
She hated her birthday. Because neither of her parents knew when she had been born, her mother had decided to go ahead and pick a date. It was fine by Rin, because she didn't really care. Then, she noticed her mother liked to celebrate the birthday.
At first, Rin had been excited. She'd invite friends from school and relatives to the birthday. Aunt Eri would come with her little girl. Rin had enjoyed herself.
But, this new school? The only person she ever invited was Hokochi. Her mother would then invite the family. Aunt Eri still came with her daughter. It was fun, but it wasn't the same. Rin just... didn't enjoy it anymore.
She watched the demons she passed by and sighed to herself. Was it really that hard to be friends with a human? She really didn't see what the big deal was. It wasn't like she was asking for much. Just a few friends. But she knew such a thing was wishful thinking. The demons around here did not want her around. Even the teachers tended to give her looks that said You are lucky your father is a badass demon.
It was times like that she wanted to curse her father. Why couldn't he let her go to a normal school? She was doing fine in her old school. Never made a bad grade, never brought home a bad report. She was always curteous and kind.
She was like that now. She didn't see the point in changing her behaviour and ways just because she was in another school. No matter how bad that school was. Only now, she brought home a bad report every once in a while. It was usually because Hokochi had talked her into doing something mischievous and she would get caught. The wolf hardly ever got caught doing something bad.
She went through the rest of the day trying to get by without getting picked on. For whatever reason, the demons seemed to back off a little today. She didn't like that at all. Usually, when they did that, it meant major trouble was coming for her.
She waited by the pick up station at the school. She didn't ride the bus because her father wouldn't let her. She didn't complain about it either. Why would she want to ride a bus filled with people who hated her? Talk about a scary ride.
"Hey, Rin!" came a voice off to her side.
She turned to see the fox demon, Shippo, walking towards her. She tilted her head. "Where's Mother?" she asked, worried. It wasn't like her mother to send Shippo to pick her up.
The kitsune shrugged. "Probably your house cooking or sewing or whatever it is she does during the day. I was out here already, so I called and told her I'd pick you up," he said with a smile.
The teenager nearly melted when he smiled at her like that. She had had a crush on him for the longest time now. In fact, since he had returned with her uncle. She knew it was kinda wrong because he was kinda her cousin. Or was it brother? He called her mother "mom," but he wasn't blood related. And he was far older then her mother.
He was so cute, too! His sandy coloured hair hung in waves down his back. The only thing holding it all together was a large blue bow tied at the top. His sandy bushy tail swayed from side to side when he walked. He had large, beautiful blue eyes. And he looked absolutely delicious in whatever he wore.
They got into his midnight blue sportscar. "So, what brings you around this area?" Rin asked as she put on her seatbelt. Shippo was a wicked driver and she had to be careful when riding in his car.
He peeled out of the parking lot and sped down the highway. He lifted his shoulders a little in a careless shrug. "I spent most of the day in the principal's office," he told her mysteriously.
Her eyes widened. "What ever it was, Hokochi was the one who did it, not me. Though, I wouldn't doubt if I was being blamed for it."
He laughed, "I don't know what you and Hokochi have been up to, but that's not why I was in that office. I'm taking on a teaching position there."
Her smile went to her ears. Shippo would be teaching in her school?! She felt her heart sing as she began plotting ways to end up in his class. Then, she felt her heart sink almost immediately. If he started teaching at her school, he would realize how badly she got picked on. He was sure to tell her father about it.
"Aren't you kinda young to be teaching?" she asked.
He glanced at her with twinkles in his eyes. God, she hated it when he did that. "I'm not that young," he told her. "I've been needing to get a job anyway. Something career like. If for no other reason then to get my dad off my back."
"So, are you finished college then?" she questioned.
He nodded. "Got my teaching degree a month ago. Apparently you need one of those if you want to teach. Especially in this school. I don't understand why they are so tough. I mean, they desparately need teachers."
"Parents pay good money to send their kids to that school. The school can afford to be picky with their teachers," she assumed.
Shippo shook his head. "Not really. There aren't many demons who want to be teachers. The pay really isn't all that great and the benefits tend to suck. Not only that, but children can be quite annoying. Especially when the little brats learn to use their powers."
Rin laughed. She knew exactly what he was talking about.
They pulled up to the gate of the mansion and Shippo punched in a few numbers on the little keypad. The great gates opened and he drove in. He pulled up to the large staircase that led to the doors and put the car in park. For a moment, they just stared at each other, neither saying anything.
Rin felt this desire to reach over and kiss him. She blushed and dismissed the idea. She grabbed the door handle and got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Shippo," she said to him.
To her surprise, he turned the car off and got out himself. She watched as he walked around the car to join her. He threw her a mischievous smile. "You really thought you were going in there alone?" he asked her slyly. "I'm not going to drive all the way out here and not visit my mother."
She blushed again as she watched him walk up the stairs. Realizing he was getting ahead of her and not wanting him to catch her staring, (she had been staring at the swaying motion of his tail as it brushed along his rear) she quickly followed.
They found the miko sitting in the library near the large fireplace. She was crocheting while her young son was playing on the floor with building blocks. Shippo walked up to the mother and child and scooped the little boy into his arms. "Hello, InuTaisho," he greeted the giggling babe.
Kagome looked up from the blanket she was making. "Shippo, what a pleasant surprise," she stated softly.
He smiled as he bent to kiss her on the cheek. "You know I can't go pick up Rin and drop her off without saying hello," he chuckled. "You'd never let me live it down."
The miko gave a soft laugh. "Yes, you are right."
"So, how's the baby coming?" he asked, pressing a hand on her growing stomach.
She sighed, "This one's more like it's father then InuTaisho is. Strong, but quite the stubborn git. Doesn't want anything I eat and when I try to sleep, it can't make up it's mind on how it wants me to lay."
"So, it's still an 'it' I take?" Shippo asked.
Kagome nodded. "Sesshomaru doesn't like all this new technology. He wants to wait until the child is born to find out what the child is."
"Have you thought of names?"
She shook her head. "What's the point? If I give the child a girl's name, it'll turn out to be a boy. If I give it a boy's name, it'll turn out to be a girl."
He laughed, "So, pick a name from both genders. Shippo sounds like an awesome boy name."
Kagome gave him a smile and a light pop on the arm. She then thought about it for a while. "I could always name the child either after the monk or the demonslayer. It would be a good way to remember them."
He nodded his agreement. "Only thing is, you'll have to have another kid of the opposite sex. Just so that you could have the pair... Besides, I'm not sure naming any child 'Miroku' is a good idea. Might turn out to be a pervert."
Kagome laughed, "Not my son. I'll pop him every time he even thinks about touching a woman's bottom."
Shippo chuckled at that and put a struggling InuTaisho back on the floor. "I hate to cut all this short, but I really need to get going. Dad's wanting me to stop by the store before I go home and pick up a few things. Plus, I need to pick up a few things for school."
"You got the job?" the miko asked, excited.
The kitsune nodded and earned a shriek from the woman. "Now I have someone to keep an eye on Rin for me," Kagome teased.
Rin paled. That was the very thing the teenager did not want. She walked up to the laughing pair. "I really don't need a babysitter, Mom," she told the miko.
The kitsune and miko both laughed. Kagome patted Rin's shoulder. "I know, my dear. I'm just teasing you. I'm sure Shippo will have too many other things to worry about rather then watching over you. Besides, you're old enough to take care of yourself," her mother assured.
Rin couldn't help but give a sigh of relief. Shippo threw her a sly look. She paled again. She knew what that look meant. It was the same look Hokochi got before... trouble. She shook her head and bid farewell to Shippo. She then excused herself from the room.