InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marriage ❯ Welcome to Hawaii ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two
Kagome sat on the ever expanding bed with a baby in her arms. There lay a little girl with short silver hair that sparkled when the light hit it. Atop her head were black canine ears and her eyes were a very light blue.
Just like the ocean.
How is my whittle girl” Kagome cooed tickling the child's stomach. The little baby smiled up at her mother's laughing.
You are such a little cutie” she gave the baby a kiss on the smooth skin of her forehead.
In the distance a door could be heard being closed.
Daddy's Home” Kagome said as she stood up.
She walked out of the room and saw a man at the end of the hall. He looked young, from a distance, and his hair matched the little girl's perfectly. He took in a deep breath
How are my two favorite girls?” Inuyasha asked with a grin. Kagome walked over and kissed him.
We're great”
Kagome awoke with freight.
She could hear someone shuffle under the covers.
`Wait a sec…'
Her eyes got used to the darkness.
He was lying in bed next to her, deep in sleep.
She couldn't help but notice he wasn't wearing anything apart from flannel boxers.
Pulling the covers closer to her she scooted away from him. Did he know she was only in her bra and panties? She thought he was asleep on the couch! Not in the same room.
He groaned and rolled over.
“What?” he asked in a drowsy voice.
“What are you doing in here?” she said chokingly.
She pulled the blanket to cover herself.
“…Sleeping” he spat back, grasping the blanket and pulling it over his bare torso.
“But I thought you were on the couch” she said in a softer tone.
“I have a right to sleep where I want to”
“Why did you want to sleep here?”
“Because why?”
“Cause, you're my wife. I get that privilege when I agree to marry you.” He blurted out.
Kagome narrowed her eyes at him. “But you didn't have a choice to agree to.”
“I didn't have a choice” he sat up and turned on a light. “But, I've been thinking. We're going to be with each other for a while, right?”
Kagome nodded.
“So why not make the best of it?” He looked into her eyes and watched the redness grow in her cheeks.
“Not like that…” he said and slightly burning at the face.
He was going to die a virgin.
“I suppose you're right. We have to know each other better”
“Good” he turned off the light and laid back down. Kagome did the same. She whispered something into his ear, causing him to blush.
“Get some clothes on!” He snapped. But then again, he couldn't say much. He was only in boxers.
The next morning Kagome and Inuyasha took turns taking a shower. As Kagome took hers Inuyasha sat and thought how he was gonna deal with his father. The spindly chair he was sitting is swirled under him as he thought of all possible excuses.
`We were too tired…I was too drunkSHE was too drunk'
It wasn't going to be easy.
He knew his father wanted grandchildren. Children of `good' blood, That's another reason why he had Inuyasha and Kagome married. Kagome was of what his father thought, good blood. Rich Blood.
He knew his father would smell Kagome's scent and know she was still a virgin. That wasn't what Mr.Takahashi Sr. wanted.
Inuyasha almost went through with it last night, but after seeing how un-ready both of them were he quickly decided against it.
Years and years of his father's constant nagging about being married and having heirs replayed over and over in his head.
`”It may seem awkward at first son, but trust me, it will be worth it. It's your duty to thisfamily and not obeying such will only lead to more consequences, more unfortunate than not. An heir will only lead us to greater heights, and wouldn't you love being a part of that?”'
Those were, in summary, all the speeches and lectures Inuyasha had received during his life. His father was cold hearted, and completely willing to take any measures. The thought only applied more pressure to the situation.
“Showers all yours.” Kagome said, walking out of the steamy bathroom. All she had on was a towel that wrapped around her torso, which Inuyasha couldn't take his eyes of off.
She giggled and leaned down to face him.
“Like what you see?” she asked, just joking around.
Inuyasha didn't take it as a joke though.
`I'm sorry Kagome'
He pulled her onto his and started to kiss her. He didn't want to have to face his father with a `still pure' wife.
They still had a couple hours before they had to meet his parents downstairs for breakfast.
“Inu mphYasha” Her voice was muffled by the kiss he was giving her. The towel she was wearing fell to the ground. She immediately pulled away from him. “Inuyasha! I was just kidding.”
Inuyasha was mentally cursing himself.
`You baka! Why the hell did you think that was going to work?! ? BAKA”
He got up off of his chair and stormed into the bathroom.
Kagome wrapped her towel around her waist and cradled her face in her hands.
`I thought we had an agreement…. All because of his stupid father…our parents. All four of them'
It wasn't that Inuyasha was a bad guy. Sure, he might be a little short tempered, but he was still a good person. It was just that the first person she ever had sex with, she thought, should be someone who cares about her… and…
Understands her.
Not someone like Inuyasha. She didn't even know him. But, he was the one she is stuck with.
`Like Inuyasha said. Let's try and make the best of this marriage'.
The two made their way down to the lobby. They walked silently at an arms length. Inuyasha wanted to tell her how nice she looked in her pale green sun-dress but quickly decided against it.
`She doesn't want to talk…'
“Kagome dear! Inuyasha! We're over here!” Kagome looked to where the voice came from.
Her in-laws were waiting for them outside of the hotel's restaurant. Mr. Takahashi had an angry look on his face. Kagome blushed.
He could smell her.
Inuyasha and Kagome were seated next to each other across from Inuyasha's Mother, Izayoi and his father Inutashio. Inutashio was sending death glares at his son while Izayoi was busy trying to make conversation.
“So, Kagome-chan did you like your room?”
Kagome gave her a polite smile. “Yes, thank you so much for getting it for us.”
“It was no problem. You can ask us for anything. You're part of the family now.”
`She's acting like I wanted to be a part of this family…'
Izayoi grinned and looked to her husband, who wasn't happy at all. She knew he could smell Kagome and that was definitely not a good sign.
Izayoi, for lack of sensitive smell, could only tell that the young girl was a virgin from the light that emitted from her. It was a pure, kind, innocent light…something she, herself, had lost a long while ago.
“Inuyasha, may I speak to you for a moment?” Mr.Takahashi asked, staring intently at his son. No wonder he was one of the richest business owners in Japan, he had a very persuading glare. Kagome averted her eyes and looked down at her napkin.
Before Inuyasha got up to talk to his father, he whispered into her ear.
“I'm sorry Kagome” and gave her a kiss on the cheek before following his father to the lobby.
Her face turned red and she placed her hand on the cheek his lips had just touched…it was tingling.
Izayoi was grinning. “You two make such a cute couple” Kagome nodded and looked back down at her napkin, finding it really interesting at the moment.
`This is my entire fault. If I had just let him…If I hadn't acted so scared, he wouldn't be in this trouble.'
“Inuyasha, do you remember why I had you and Kagome married?” Inutashio sat across from his son on an armchair in the lobby. With his eyes focused on a painting behind his father, Inuyasha let out a small yes.
“Look at me when you speak to me”
“Dad… ” Inuyasha planned all his excuses on the way down to the lobby earlier.
“I'm too young”
“No you aren't. Your mother was 18 when she had you” Inutashio said, looking the frightened hanyou straight in the eye. He knew how much it scared him.
“But you two were in love. Kagome and I barely know each other! We both decided we weren't ready yet.”
Inutashio crossed his arms and gave his son a stern look.
“How long do you think it will take until you are both ready?”
Inuyasha blushed. His father could be very out forward.
“Are you asking me how long it will take for me to love her?”
Inutashio ignored his question.
“I'll give you …5 months. Disownment may be in order if you do not agree.”
Inuyasha frowned. “Dad” he said, under his breath. “You have no idea what your asking me, but then again, you've never cared about how I felt.”
Inuyasha noticed a spark of sadness in the youkai's eyes.
“Let's get back to the women, shall we?” the elder man said, frowning.
Inuyasha said nothing and followed his father back into the restaurant. The only person in the world that could make Inuyasha feel like such a fool was his father.
Kagome saw the dark look on her father-in-laws face and then looked to Inuyasha. She tried to give him a comforting smile. Sadly enough, he was too busy starring at the table to see it. The meal was finished with meaningless conversation between Kagome and Izayoi.
Every now and then, Inuyasha hand would brush Kagome's bare knee, or their elbows would contact. Each time, Kagome felt euphoria like no other.
`What is happening to me?'
She asked herself that same question over and over.
They said their goodbyes and Inuyasha and Kagome went upstairs to pack for the honeymoon.
Izayoi waved to them as the elevator door closed.
“They seem to get along well” she said to her husband once the newlyweds were out of sight.
“Not as well as we would have hoped” he replied bitterly
“Give them time, honey. They have their whole lives ahead of them.” She assured him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“But we don't” he whispered
They were halfway to Hawaii when Kagome fell asleep in the plush, leather clad plane seat.
“Humans” Inuyasha rolled his eyes and looked around the privet jet. It was spacious, and decorated lavishly. All the windows had curtains and tassels, and there was a large bed in the corner. Pictures of the Higurashis were splattered everywhere, considering it was their jet.
Kagome shuffled in her sleep.
Outside the sky was dark and the stars were shining brightly, and they flew past them in a somewhat dizzying speed that made Inuyasha's ears wanna pop.
`She was watching them before she fell asleep.'
Kagome's headphones were stuck in her ears and he could hear the low buzzing of the bass. Smirking, Inuyasha slid them out of her ears.
He attempted to put the things in his own, which was always difficult for him, considering the shape they were. Damn his dog-like heritage.
Finally, he accomplished the feat, He scanned the screen. She had plenty of American Bands on her ipod. Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Hawthorne Heights.
`Britney Spears?Damnit Kagome.' he thought chuckling under his breath.
Kagome stirred next to him. A moment later she was awake and watching Inuyasha mess around with her ipod.
`Why is he laughing?'
“What's so funny?” She asked.
“Puffy Ami Yumi? Good lord Kagome. What are you? 10?” he teased.
She blushed and pulled the headphones out of his ears.
Murmuring something about `Guilty Pleasures' she quickly placed it in her bag under the seat.
“Are we there yet?” She asked, leaning over him to look out the window.
Inuyasha took in her scent. She smelled like flowers and vanilla.
“Nah, we still got like 6 hours.”
`I hated plane rides. They are way too boring'
“Darn” she muttered. Why did Hawaii have to be so far away?
Kagome got up and walked over to the mini fridge. “Want anything?” She asked bending over and staring at the options she had to drink.
“No, thanks”
Kagome shut the door of the fridge and walked back over to her seat empty handed.
“What?” Inuyasha asked.
Kagome was staring at him.
“I'm looking at you” she stated. Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “No Dip. The question is why you are looking at me.”
“Cause Why?”
“Cause you're my husband” she said, mocking what he said last night.
He gave her a false laugh. “Funny”
Kagome smiled.
“I know I'm hilarious” she said.
“Inuyasha get up! We're here!”
She was shaking him awake. Inuyasha groaned. “Come on! Get up!” He swatted her hand away and opened his eyes. Kagome was already in her pale pink swimsuit.
`Why does she have to wear a bikini?'Inuyasha asked himself.
“Don't get any ideas bud” She smirked and looked at him over her sunglasses.
“Of you? No way” he lied.
`At least she waswearing shorts over the bottom'.
10 minutes later they were off of the plane with their entire luggage. The sun was beating down on their backs and it was about 11:00 am. Inuyasha changed into his swim shorts and a Hawaiian shirt that Kagome couldn't help but laugh at.
It made him look like he was 50.
“Will you just shut up?
“But the shirt is so funny”
She was clutching her stomach in laughter. Not only was the shirt 10 x to big for him, it was purple and had large lime green flowers on it.
“I'm going to have to take you shopping this week” she said through giggles.
Inuyasha muttered a curse under his breath and dropped his bag. He un-zipped it and pulled out a white t-shirt. “Does this please you?” he asked through gritted teeth.
Kagome nodded.
She blushed as he pulled off his top to exchange it with the t-shirt.
“Look at this view!” called Kagome from the balcony. It overlooked their private beach, yet another perk of having rich parents.
The beach house Kagome and Inuyasha were staying in was one of the many Takahashi estates all over the world. This had to be the one Inuyasha had never been to.
The patio Kagome was standing on was connected to their bedroom, which was also extravagant
“Yeah, it's pretty nice, ain't it?”
Kagome turned around. Inuyasha was standing in the door way looking out into the ocean with a dazed look in his eyes.
The sun was hitting his face in all the right angles and made his eyes pop more than ever. He looked so serene and approachable.
“I'm going to the beach” She announced, thinking it as the best excuse to get away from the handsome hanyou.
As she began to hop down the flights of stairs a shadow flew over her head and a thud could be felt through vibrations in the ground.
`What was he trying to do, jumping off a balcony? Break his neck?'
When he hit the ground, motionless Kagome ran to his side.
“Inuyasha? Inuyasha! Say something”
`Did he fall? Did he do it on purpose? It didn't look like he landed on his neck.'
“Inuyasha please!” She put his head in her lap and started to yell for help. Nobody was around for miles.
Laughing. Kagome heard laughing. She looked down. Inuyasha was gripping his stomach laughing his head off. Kagome pushed him off of her lap and punched him in the arm.
“You little jerk! That was not funny”
“You… Should… Have- Seen. The… Look. On…Your. Face!” Inuyasha said, not yet taking a breath.
Kagome leapt up and crossed her arms. “Death is not something to laugh about” she snapped.
Inuyasha saw the horrified look on her face and stopped laughing. Then he stood up so that they were eye to eye…or nose to eye. Whichever worked?
“Hey” he whispered, trying to sound comforting.
“I'm sorry, ok? I didn't know you'd get so freaked out about this”
Kagome nodded as tears started to roll down her cheeks.
`These blasted tears. They seem to come right when I don't want them too.'She thought with a sob.
This time, Inuyasha gave into his urge and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. He didn't understand why she was so worked up by that. It was only a joke.
Being held like this was exactly what Kagome had needed. She was on an emotional rollercoaster right now, and the last thing that need happen was the man she was forced to spend the rest of her life to die, and cause disappointment to her family.
“Please, don't ever do that again” she muttered before pulling away from him.
A little disappointed she left his arms, Inuyasha assured her he wouldn't.
“Thanks” she said, turning back into happy mode.
“Last one to the water is a rotten egg!” She yelled before starting her run to the water's edge.
Inuyasha muttered something about mood swings before tearing off his shirt and running after her into the water.
They splashed around for about 20 minutes both giving stares when the other wasn't looking.
`He is my husband…my husband…. So why do I feel guilty about caring so much?'
Inuyasha walked up to the beach, shaking his hair dry like a dog would.
“Good god Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled getting sprayed all over by the water she had just
stepped out of.
He smirked at her. “What, you don't like this?”
More hair water sprayed into her face when he shook.
You're making me smell like a wet dog.” she whined.
`Did she just crack a dog joke?'
“You already smell like wet dog” Inuyasha retaliated.
They teased each other like a couple of school kids with crushes all the way to the stairs.
“I get the shower!” Kagome said, running up the steps.
“No way, wench!”
She was only a few steps ahead of him. Once they reached the top, Kagome sprinted to the bathroom with all her night, then she remembered Inuyasha was half demon.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her out of the bathroom doorway, before slamming the door in her face.
“Jerk!” she yelled, ramming her small fist against the door. “I called it!”
“Losers weepers” she could hear his voice faintly.
`It's sort of funny how wewent from awkward kisses to arguing over the shower.'
“Tomorrow we go shopping.” Kagome said plopping onto the large bed Inuyasha was lying on in his flannel pants.
“I hate shopping”
“I live to shop”
Inuyasha snorted. “Don't all of you rich girls live to shop?”
Kagome shrugged. “Guess so”
She lay back on the bed. “I get this room” she stated clearly, trying to keep this large bed to herself.
“Aren't we going to stay in here together? All the other rooms are crappy”
Kagome looked at him. “What would be the point in us sleeping in here together?”
Inuyasha smirked.
“You didn't object to it the night of the wedding.”
“I didn't know”
“After a while you did”
“What would be the harm?”
“Do you want to share a bed with me?”
“No, I just want this bed”
He was acting like a two year old.
Kagome thought it over. There wasn't anything she could use against him in this argument.
“As long as you don't try anything” She said.
“Like I'd want to”
But sooner or later he would have to. He grew up knowing his father's word was law and a new law was made yesterday. Either Inuyasha or Kagome try and make a child in 5 months, or Inutashio Takahashi would have something horrible happen.
Inuyasha cringed at the thought of disownment. Inuyasha looked away from Kagome.
`She doesn't know'
He could feel Kagome slide under the covers next to him.
“G`Night” She whispered.
“Good night Kagome” he rolled onto his side and drifted off to sleep.