InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marry Me? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Why InuYasha?" Kagome asked. "You…can't be with me, and you know that InuYasha…if you really understand you'll respect that" She said as she slowly backed away from InuYasha, she could see the hurt in his eyes, and with that she ran down the hall.

"Kagome!" He shouted, but his words were too late and she kept running. He made a mistake he would never forget.

Kagome remembered everything, including the first time she met InuYasha, they were playing hide and seek in the park and InuYasha was it.

Tears streamed down her face. He is the same InuYasha! I thought I'd be so happy to see him again! I'm so stupid! InuYasha I hate you! Why did you even bring Kikyo up…and why did you not protect me, why did you run, why am I running.

Kagome was going through a lot of emotions at the moment. She was embarrassed she was kissed, but happy she found InuYasha and he was the one that kissed her, but the nerve of him asking about Kikyo, It made her so mad. She continued running, not knowing where she was going she ended up next to a tree.

"This tree…it's so similar to the one in Hiroshima where we met, where I was shot, where dad died… I miss you dad, I love you…but you left mom with a debt…and your will disappeared…what should I do?"

Kagome wept at the base of the tree grasping her locket, when all the sudden the necklace started to glow. Kagome wiped her tears and opened the locket, and then a little jewel came out.

"Huh?" Kagome said to no one in particular.

"Kagome…Listen…This is your father, I pre recorded this message in case anything happened…find the will, pay off my debts, use your miko power, find InuYasha, he can help, and tell your mother and brother I love them very much…"

The Jewel stopped glowing and went back into the locket; Kagome slipped it around her neck and got up.

"I won't let you down dad!" she said. All she needed was a little encouragement, and now that she had it she was ready to find the will, but she had one question in her head. The message said that InuYasha could help, so did dad know InuYasha? Kagome wondered. Only one way to find out. And with that thought she sprinted back to school to look for InuYasha, knowing he would have answers, but on her way she ran into someone…someone harder than InuYasha.
"Ouch!" Kagome said falling to the ground.

"Sorry." A low voice said.

"No, I should have been watching where I was going." Kagome stuttered.

"Hey, My names Manton." he said

"Oh, I'm Kagome, I'm in a hurry, but nice meeting you." She said while getting up.

"Not so fast." He said weirdly. "You're coming with me."

"Huh?" Kagome said worried.

InuYasha strutted through the halls. I shouldn't of brought up Kikyo. He thought, and why'd I …kiss her…nmmmmm, but his thought were interrupted by a VERY loud scream.

"That's Kagome's voice!" he said running toward where she screamed.

"INUYASHA!" She screamed.

InuYasha saw a weird fat man trying to drag Kagome.

"Don't just stand there, HELP ME!" Kagome said.

InuYasha quickly lunged at the man and knocked him out.

"Are you okay?" InuYasha asked with concern.

"InuYasha! I'm so glad! I was looking for you! I wanted to apologize! I was caught of guard when I found out that you were the InuYasha from Tokyo I was just so stunned!"

"Kagome…I'm sorry I brought Kikyo up and I'm sorry…I couldn't protect you." The last part he mumbled but Kagome could make it out just fine.

Kagome gave InuYasha a big hug. "It's okay InuYasha." She said snuggling into his shirt. "I know a way you can make it up to me." InuYasha embraced the hug.
"Anything." InuYasha said smiling.

"What do you know about my father?" Kagome asked pulling away from his hug. InuYasha frowned because didn't want the hug to end, but began to answer her question.

"My brother used to work for him, when he wasn't at work with my brother, he trained me.  I was little so I don't remember much." InuYasha finished.

"I need your help, when my father died he left a huge debt, and we can't get any of his money without this will, did he ever tell you where it was?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah." InuYasha said in surprise. "It's weird you ask that, I remember what he said." Kagome's eyes lit up begging him to continue.

"It's in the well." InuYasha said.