InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marry Me? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well this is chapter 6! I'm happy I'm posting so fast, maybe too fast. Lol. Thank you so much for reading. PLEASE review! Especially for EVERY chapter, even if you already read it, please leave a review, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
School went by fast and it was already lunch. Sango, Miroku, InuYasha and Kagome all sat on a bench near a tree for shade and were merrily eating their lunch until,

"Kagome! How are you doing?" Kouga said sitting next to Kagome. He was obviously trying to flirt with her, and InuYasha did obviously not like it.

"Want to go out after school?" Kouga asked.

"I'm sorry Kouga, I have plans today." Kagome said. Kagome looked at InuYasha giving him the don't-just-sit-there-get-him-away look.

"What about tomorrow?" Kouga asked.

"Kouga scat." InuYasha said annoyed.  Kagome gave InuYasha a not-that-mean look and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do Dog Boy." Kouga criticized.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" InuYasha shouted.

"Are you cranky cause you stayed up late dog boy?  Don't tell me to scat!"

Suddenly InuYasha and Kouga were fighting. "For your Information I WAS up late!" InuYasha shouted.

"With a stuffed animal dog?" Kouga said loudly.

"NO, With Kagome for your information." InuYasha smiled, he had won the battle or so he thought.

"BAKA!!!" Kagome shouted. "You're BOTH bakas!!!" Kagome stormed out to the parking lot with InuYasha hot on her heels.

"What's wrong?" InuYasha asked in an angry voice.

"Did you see Kouga's face when you told him you were out late with ME! The whole schools going to think that…Just ugg!"

"Think what?" InuYasha asked densely, but he knew what she meant, she was just fun to toy with. He loved it when she blushed and thought it was cute when she was embarrassed.

"Think that we, you know!"

InuYasha looked at her innocently. "That we what?" He asked.

Kagome's cheeks lit up red and she began to sing, very loudly in the middle of the parking lot.

"Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up! Put the LIME in the COCONUT and shake it all up!!!" Kagome yelled running around in the parking lot, praying he would get the code in this.

"Ohhhhh." InuYasha said trying not to laugh his guts out. 'I think I over did it.' InuYasha thought.

"Calm down Kagome." InuYasha said laughing.
A little of my humor, did ya think it was funny? I'll try to be funnier and have more fluff in my story. O.O, these are my puppy eyes, please review.