InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Marry Me? ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well here's the chapter that took me oh so long to post. Lol. I got 30 reviews so I was all, well I guess I should post another chapter. My hits says 1,223 people have looked at my story, but I only have 30 reviews, so some people aren't reviewin, lol, such is the fate for me, anyways, please read and review for all my chaps.
With Kagome in Naraku's house
Kagome awoke alone in a dark room on a tall bed. Where am I? Kagome thought. That's right! I was at the infirmary, did Naraku kidnap me? I better get out of her! Kagome started to get out of bed when she heard a creek and looked at the door that was opening.
“Awake are we.” A shadowed person said in a lonely voice. Kagome paused, Is that Naraku? Thought Kagome squinting her eyes. I think it's a girl, that voice is so weird.
Suddenly the figured clapped ant the room lit up.
“AHHHHHHHH!” Kagome screamed with all her might. The room was covered in pink ponies and Orlando Bloom Posters. Naraku stood in a frilly pink monkey outfit holding a blow dryer and a makeup kit.
“IT'S MAKEOVER TIME!” Naraku shouted then laughed giddily. “Let me do your hair! Oh my gosh! Your Hair is sooooooooo gorgeous! What shampoo so you use?”
Kagome was in screamed again. “YOU'RE A GIRLY MON!” She said exasperated.
“Come on now, don't be so mean! Guy's can e feminine.” Naraku said closing in on Kagome staring at her raven hair.
“Noooo! That's why you wear eye shadow! I knew it! You ARE a girly mon!” She said as she ran towards the door, but Naraku blocked it.
“Kagome!” Kouga said crashing through the window. “Are you oka-what the, Kagome, why is everything pink?”
“Um…Well…” Kagome said looking at Naraku.
“Hey what happens in Naraku's house STAYS in Naraku's house, Oakie Dokie! I don't want my evil image shattered.” He said as he left the room. “Please excuse me, I think I smeared my eye shadow, Goodbye for now.” With that he vanished into another pink room.
“I won't tell a soul.” Kouga said. “Me neither!” Kagome added. “Now lets get out of here before he comes back and wants to do pedicures or something.”
Kouga picked Kagome up bridal style and started to run towards the direction of the school. “Thank for rescuing me.” Kagome said with a bright smile. Kagome's smile soon disappeared into a frown as she saw Kouga make a turn going the opposite way of the school.
“Um, Kouga, The schools that way.” Kagome said pointing to behind them.
“I know, but were not going there.” He said in a jiffy. “Where going to the caves by my house.”
“Why would we do that?” Kagome asked innocently, then it dawned on her, she was going to be in a cave with a guy, alone, and it was getting dark.
“Put me down please.” Kagome said weakly. Kouga stopped and set her down.
“Why'd we stop?” He asked.
“Let's just go back to the school.” Kagome said feeling nervous. “I don't want to go to the cave with you, it's unsafe.”
“What's unsafe? I have Condu-.” Kouga was cut off by a slap.
“Like I'd put the lime in the coconut with YOU Horn Dog!” She said storming off. Kouga caught her wrist and spin her in close to him, pressing his body against hers.
“HEL-.” Before Kagome could finish her scream Kouga had brushed his lips along hers. She tensed up and squirmed, but he was strong. In a moment…
You have to wait till the next chapie. Lol. Well I hope you enjoyed the Naraku bashing, it was fun to write. Please review and tell me what you think, lol, I tried to leave a cliffy…I need to work on my cliffies, well till next time later, of and please leave a review. The next chapter will be super long though because this one was sorta short. Lol.