InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games ❯ part 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mind games 11

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Miroku leaned against the wall, holding his now very broken hand against his chest, watching the still unconscious Sango and a sleeping Shippo curled up on the single bed.

He silently cursed the rouge demon exterminator; he hoped his jaw had been broken by the same blow that broke his hand. Bits of cold rage still clung to his fuzzy mind, the half breed that was a friend had been treated like a pet, even caged.

His ribs screamed when he shifted, his whole body a mass of bruises from the fight. The man had all but tackled him to the snow when he turned to get Sango. The bastard had attacked from behind, pinning the young monk to the ground before landing a few good solid blows before he managed to wriggle out from under the heavy man’s bulk. The rest was a blur, all Miroku could remember was the pain and a few choice words shouted at the retreating exterminator.

He glanced over to sleeping forms of Sango, Shippo, and Kirara crammed all in the bed, then to the silent blade, Tessaiga leaning in the chair near the single bed, the missing blade had blessedly turned up in the snow near where Inuyasha had turned up missing; it was of little use to him now. At least Inuyasha was safe; he had Kagome to take care of him.

He leaned back against the hard frame of the bed, but despite his tiredness he couldn’t sleep.
Something kept nagging at the back of his mind.


Inuyasha buried his face into the warmth that lay besides him, feeling the last of the cold air be shrugged off as the fever slowly took a hold.

A soft moan brought her back from the soft land of dreams, and she responded by pressing the cool cloth to his heated forehead, brushing the loose strands of silver out of the way, a small smile passing over her lips as the unbroken hand tightened over hers.

He had been drifting in and out of a restless sleep, haunted by nightmares that seemed to assault his fragile senses every time he drifted off.

He shifted slightly, his ears flattened against his head, eyes tightly closed, and he whimpered faintly as sweat beaded on his pale skin.

She gently stroked his pain lined face with her hand, feeling how hot he was under her fingers.
“Kagome..” a harsh pain filled whisper broke the comforting silence.

“I’m here,” her heart wretched as a pair of dull amber eyes met hers in the soothing darkness of pre dawn, only the soft electronic flickering light of the TV washed over the room. “What’s wrong Inuyasha?”
He winced slightly, “ I hurt..” he squeezed his eyes shut, a few salty tears fell as a spasm racked his body. Kagome dearly wished she could take his pain into herself.

She reached over and let her hand trial through the sweat slicked hair, listening to his uneven ragged breathing. It must be his leg; it was practically shattered she thought as he stiffened up again as if he was trying to take the weight off something.

“Where are you hurting?” she asked, trying to figure out what ailed the hanyou so badly.

“My leg…it hurts...” he managed to get out between his clenched jaws.

“Shhh….try to relax some, Inuyahsa.” her words fell on death ears as she got up, reluctantly leaving him to find something, anything to ease the agony he felt.

The heavy med kit sat were she had left it on the floor near by, so she thankfully didn’t have far to go to locate its bight yellow lumpy form in the darkness. She didn’t need light to search for what she knew resided in one of the outer pockets, she already knew she couldn’t get anything down his throat that wasn’t liquid, and the alternative wasn’t a pleasant one. She dread the idea of poking him with a needle and inflicting more pain, no mater how minor, on his fragile state to get any type of painkiller in his system.

He groaned as the pain spread from his shattered leg, he had broken bones before but none had ever hurt like this.

The sound bubbling from his throat made up her mind for her.

“Gomen Inuyahsa, this is going to hurt.” He gave no indication he had heard her words as she managed to get his uninjured arm free of the quilt, he winced and groaned softly as the slender needle penetrated his skin but made no attempt to withdraw. His breath was caught in his bloody throat as the pain shot up his leg.

She held a hand to his forehead as the contents of the syringe was emptied into his blood stream, she had used it only once before because the powerful painkiller had made him extremely sick. But she had little choice now.

He winced again as the empty syringe was withdrawn, he shivered from the pain and fever coursing through his body.

“Inuyasha?” he only blindly groped for something to hold onto as the pain started to reside, his grip on consciousness was rapidly fading as he slipped off into a deep painless sleep. He felt Kagome’s hand close on his own in gentle but firm embrace.

“Just sleep now, Inuyasha.” she whispered to him as she knelt besides his sleeping form, running a hand through his long silvery hair and over his ears, feeling his relax as it took effect.


* Feudal era*

Naraku leaned against the wall of the small tavern in the dark shadows, his eyes closed in deep thought. A cold wind blew against the thick frost white pelt draped over his shoulders. It was a rare thing for him to leave the mist shrouded region of his castle and venture out into the world. There was little that held his interest outside the castle or the dark region he resided other then a certain half breed.

Even in the high cold walls of the castle, the wind and the numbers demons coming in and out area brought with them news and rumors of the going on of the world around them, as he more often then not listened in when not occupied by other things.

He had followed the rumor of a rouge demon exterminator that had captured an Inu half breed to a small all but abandoned village perched on the edge of nothing. The small village was crowed with run down buildings and narrow tight streets piled high with icy drifts. A few humans hurried between the shacks, drawing animal pelts tightly around their huddled forms.

A myriad of smell assaulted his senses, old stale beer, vomit, piss and musk. He slowly started to sort them out until he was disturbed by a large man staggering towards him in the dark alleyway. Naraku stepped farther back into the shadows, knowing the man either didn’t see him or didn’t care he was there.

He watched as he stopped, leaning heavily against the old wood, blood dripping from his smashed nose. The bone white cloak was torn in places and splattered by mud and ice. His armor was plastered by mud and old blood. He mumbled on about a monk and dam half breed, bent over as he emptied the contents of his stomach out on the ice.

The man leaned heavily on the side of the building, his breath coming in ragged breathes. Lank dark hair hid his face.

Naraku caught the smell of the dog on him, his rage swelled in a dark wave that threatened to come crashing down. It took ever last bit of control to keep from tearing the demon exterminator apart right then and there. His blood boiled as his hands turned to fists, his claws cutting his skin.

How dare this lowly creature touch what was his to rightfully take.

He lunged at the man, his hand closing around his throat and lifting his feet clear off the ground, the man’s legs kicked the thin cold air.

His breath came in sharp gasps as the shadow lifted him up by the throat, razor sharp claws sunk into unyielding flesh. Dark red eyes bored into his as blood tricked around the powerful hand that was slowly squeezing the life from him.

This low creature had stolen his toy and used him the way he wanted. Used his hanoyu as a pet. It enraged him to no end. He growled low in his throat.

Blood and bits of flesh erupted from the hole that had been the exterminators throat as a ragged strangled sound came form the blood flecked lips. The body convulsed in his had a few times before going limp.
He let it fall to his feet, blood pooling around the corpse as he turned to leave. Inuyasha may be safe in the miko’s time, but he had to return sooner or later. Even if he had to force that return.

The half breed would be his, all his. All he had to do was wait. And waiting was something he majored in, he could wait for all the pieces to fall into place or force his hand, whichever came first the end result would be the same.

He turned back towards the far distance, leaving the small village behind for now. A dark smile pressed over his lips.