InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine Now and Always ❯ Mine Now and Always, Chap.2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mine, Now and Always

Chapter 2

By SilverDragon

A/N Second Chapter.. Kagome and Inuyasha meet…but things don't go so well. Please review.

10 years later….

A shy nervous 17 year old Kagome travels across the land towards the west to met her future. Kagome looks out her carriage window and looks a the landscape rolling past as the carriage continues on. "Sango.." sighs Kagome "when do you think we will arrive? When been traveling to be what seems like hours" she asks as she turns towards her best friend. I'm so glad Sango is coming with me, or I'll never be able to do this. She thinks to herself as she smiles softly towards Sango.

"Soon, my lady…we will arrive soon" says Sango with a small smile when she noticed Kagome start to frown at the "my lady" part.

"Sango, I've known you to long for you to call me that…and besides you're my best friend. So please don't call me that...I'm just Kagome when I'm with you…Kay"

Sango nodded and went back to her needle work with a soft smile. But looked up when her friend suddenly in a pained voice asked.

"Sango…ummm…do you think he will like me…I mean he's a full blood demon and I'm just a human" Kagome asked looking at her hands with uncertainty on her face

Sango would have laughed at the look if it wasn't for the fact that her friend was on her way to meet her betrothed for the very first time. Sango knew her friend was nervous…hell she would be too. At times like this I'm glad I'm not of noble birth she thought with a shake of her head.

"My La..Kagome"Sango said leaning towards her taking her hands "You're the lady of the Eastern lands, daughter of a great and just man, who would not be proud to call you theirs? I know you are nervous and a bit scared, but you must remember that doing this you save your home from attacks and is it not true that his older brother married a human girl as well? You must put your fears and side and be the brave girl I know. Your father showed you how to protect yourself and how to be the lady you were meant to be…so please do not fret…you will be happy"

Kagome looked at Sango with a small smile " Thank you…I need that" and went back to looking out the window.

Sango think that she will be able to finally finish her needle point went back to work, but only to sigh when she hears…

"Sango when will be get there?"

"Soon, My Lady, Soon"


Meanwhile at the Palace of the Western Lands

"She'll be here soon"

"Who will?"

"You know…her"

"Oh her…yes I know, so?"

"Feh, why do I have to get married….your the hair…that's your job"

"…you know why"




Sigh "yes"

"What's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"You know"

"No, I don't know…what do you want to ask"

"Feh, I want to know what it's like to be….ummm mated"

Shesshomaru looked up from his book and looked at the younger demon beside him, and thought if you look closely you would think he was part human, with his long silver white hair, puppy-dog like ears and not markings that most full-bloods have. But that's not the case with his brother, although he may look it, he is in fact a full blood, he's just small. Shesshomaru grins at that thoughts.

"Bliss" Thinking of his mate while saying this. Lost in thought he forgot about his brother till he felt a slap on his arm "grrrr"

"What now Inu?" he asked after he growled at his brother

"Feh..I just wanted to know, if you felt like training"

"I thought you would never ask"


In the courtyard looking above the to brothers, was their father, the Great Dog Demon Inuyoukai, watching them "train" together. Their father was proud of his sons and of the men they would become. The great demon gave a sad shake of his head for he know that peace was about to end and that his sons where going to face their enemies soon. Inuyoukai suddenly smelled the scent of his mate and smiled.

"What brings you here? My love" he asked he felt her arms go around him

"Umm…I was lonely without you, and your sons are to busy "training" to visit me" she answered as her husband pulled her into his arms with a grin.

"Lonely eh, we can't have that…how about if we retire early and …"

"My Lord, My Lady" said a servant from the door of the throne room "I'm sorry to disturb you, but a messenger is here to see you…it's about Naroku and Kikyo"

The lord and lady sighed and looked at each other so much for retiring early, Inuyoukai thought as he turned to the servant. "Show him in"

A/N: Sorry guys its 3:40am and I'm for bed….I hope you like the story so far…please let me know…hey if you have any ideas…they are welcomed