InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine Now and Always ❯ Mine Now and Always Chap. 5 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mine, Now and Always

By: SilverDragon

AN: Okay….I'm really really really sorry about the delay updating… but I just started new classes and work is driving me NUTS… But here it is….I really hope you like it... Please let me know what you think….opinions are always welcome. BTW… I don't own Inu yasha...But I wish I did :)

The battle was quickly finished as Inu Yasha and Miroku used their best attacks to destroy the demons that attacked Kagome and her company. When they thought the battle was at an end, they had most unsuspected visitor.

"HAHAHA..So the little dog prince thinks he can beat me?" said a very amused voice from above them in the trees. "I must admit, I wasn't expecting to meet the Great Dog Demons off-spring just yet…but oh well…sigh something's just don't seem to want to wait ha-ha," the voiced continued

"Huh? Who are you? How do you know my Father," asked Inu Yasha as he looked up at the man before them. Inu Yasha noticed that he was very strange in appearance; the man was wearing what looked like an animal fur skinned outfit…huh?? Why would he be wearing that ugly thing in this heat??? He silently thought, then shrugged it off as nothing important.

"Who am I? You dare ask that," The voiced sounded angry when he spoke again "I am the one who will destroy all that Inuyoukai created, I guess I'm starting with you" The man in the fur said looking down arrogantly at the group.

"Oi, you still didn't answer my question. As for you "Destroying" everything…HA don't make me laugh" said a very bored looking dog demon.

Inuyasha looked at the man with a bored expression "If your not going to explain this attack on my bride, then I guess I'll just have to kill you now and ask questions later" Inuyasha said getting his sword ready to strike.

"Why, you insolent pup. You think you can destroy me? ME! HAHAHA don't make me laugh, you have years to go before you can touch me. As for who I am. I am Naraku, the most powerful man alive, and I will have what was taken from me." Naraku glaring down at Inuyasha

"You're Naraku? I thought you'd be taller?" said Miroku while walking up to Inuyasha "Are you sure you're Naraku, your awfully small. As for the most powerful…well I don't think so, So Inu, do we kill him now or have some fun first? Huh? Inu?" Miroku looked over at his friend and noticed his eyes had a slight red tint to them, Oh great…this is all I need thought Miroku "Inu, calm down, he's not worth the change, and besides I don't feel like clean up the mess…."

"Yes, Inuyasha, what ever will you do? Are you going to kill me? Or should I say try…HAHAHAH" said Naraku "Oh this does bring back memories, but instead of a pathetic puppy like you, I faced your father…I guess its true Father like Son. So, are you just as weak, or are you going to actually fight for your mate….Your father didn't…he almost let me have your mother…oh your mother what a wonderful little..Oh never mind.. Oh I'm sure you don't need to know about that …or do you?" Naraku paused "The things I could tell you about you're…." Naraku was cut off when an arrow went flying right by his head. Just missing it by an inch.

"So, this was your doing? You bastard! Leave now or I'll pin you to that tree for all eternity." Said an angry voice from behind

Inu yasha and Miroku both looked behind then and were every surprised Kagome behind them with a bow and arrow ready to attack once again

"You think you can attack me? And get away with it? I don't know who are what you are but I'm warning you to back off now" Kagome said raising the arrow steadily.

Inu yasha just looked at her with a look of shock and admiration my god she beautiful

Standing there, ready to defeat any that comes near her. I've never had anyone want to protect me or for that matter to protect anyone

"So Naraku, 3 against 1 aren't..."

"4 to 1 more like it." Came a another voice from a girl neither of the guys recognized

"Sango, you are alright?" Cried Kagome

The guys again looked over and saw a girl in black holding a deadly looking boomerang type weapon ready to strike at their enemy.

"Of course, My Lady. You think I would let these bastards defeat me?" Sango replied while walking slowly towards her young charge "The question is, Are you alright?" she asked when she was standing in besides Kagome, give her the once over, checking for any injuries.

"Yes, I'm fine. Inuyasha saved me" Kagome replied with relieve that her friend was alright

"Now, things are getting interesting." Naraku said in an annoyed voice "and just want do you mean by "saved"? Hehehe, am I not still here, you one. He as not saved you from anything yet." Looking down at the four of them with narrow eyes "I'm getting bored with this silly banter. I wish to kill you Inuyasha and your father…actually make that your whole family. But, not today I'm afraid. Perhaps tomorrow." And with that he flew out of the tree and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Inuyasha nose being as sensitive noticed right away that it was poison gas and quickly ran to Kagome who was having a hard time breathing.

"Miroku, we have to get out of here." Yelled Inuyahsa over his shoulder "I'll get Kagome, you grab the other one."

Miroku and Inuyasha quickly grabbed the ladies and ran to a clear area. But by the time they got there they were both unconscious from the smoke.

"Kagome? Come on wake up? Its just a little smoke, Please open your eyes" He whispered as he gently put her down on the soft grass "Please, wake up" he gently touched her face. Her face he noticed was deathly pale, so he put his ear near her mouth hoping for a miracle that she wasn't dead.

He gave a sigh of relief when he felt a small puff of air. "I knew you could do it, come one open up those brown eyes of yours" Inuyasha closed his eyes and prayed.

"y- you think my eyes are beautiful" said a soft voice

Opened his eyes and were staring at same brown eyes he just commented on. So over come with emotion he kissed on the lips.

AN: Sorry about the delay. But I've been having trouble with this chapter. I'm 100% happy with this one. So I might change it a bit later. Don't forget to drop a line. And I will get the next chapters out. I have an idea now that they have met and stuff. Till then.