InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Out of the frying pan... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
WARNING!! This chapter has graphic sex that may be shocking. There is still language and violence in this chapter as well as the remainder of the story. For those of you who do not like graphic sex and situations that may seem abnormal/offensive please do not read. There will be an author's note following the chapter to shed a little light on what you are about to read. For anyone who still wants to read, by all means please continue but keep in mind that I did warn you.

Chapter Two: Out of the frying pan...

Tugging against his grip with a gasp, she didn'thear the faint growl from within the tent as she struggled to free herself. “Hojo, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but you've got the wrong idea here!” She tried to think of a way out of her current predicament. 'And obviously Eri has the wrong idea too... Gods, how do I always manage to get into so much trouble? Hojo's a lot bigger than I am... how can I make him stop if he decides no doesn't mean no?!'

“Stop playing games Kagome!” Hojo hissed at her as he tightened his grip and yanked her towards him. He heard a ripping noise and his eyes widened as a silver haired boy emerged from the shredded tent.

“Get your filthy hands off myKagome!” Inuyasha snarled as he flexed his claws and pulled the miko towards himself. When the other male didn't release her wrist he growled menacingly. “I said get your fucking hands off her!”

Startled, Hojo dropped her wrist and glared murderously at the other man. “And just whoare you?! I've been after Kagome for months now, and her friend Eri suggested that I follow her if she left the party early. I can't help it if she's leading me on buddy...”

Tucking the trembling miko into his chest, Inuyasha bared his fangs at the human boy and asked softly. “Were you trying to get this fool to follow you? Did you want him to put his filthy hands on you?” His body tensed as he waited for her answer.

“I j-just wanted t-to take a n-nap before the bonfire...” She stuttered, burrowing into the safety of the hanyou's arms. “I t-tried to get Hojo t-to stop...” The last word died on a soft sob as the full reality of what likely would have happened if Inuyasha hadn't followed her set in.

“You ass hole!” Inuyasha snarled. Balling his fist, he punched the human boy in the face, he smirked in satisfaction when he crumpled to the ground unconscious. “Are you okay?!”

Nodding, with her face still buried in his chest, she tightened her hands in his robes.

Lifting her off her feet he growled softly. “I'm taking you home... then we're going to talk...” Reaching back into the tent he grabbed her bag and raced back to the hidden well and back to his own time, never once loosening his grip on the miko. 'Stupid bitch... You'll never do anything that stupid again, even if I have to destroy the well so you can't go back to that stupid era of yours...'Heading further into the forest, Inuyasha found a comfortable perch high in the branches of a tree before using one clawed hand to tilt her face up to his. The sight of her tear stained face softened his eyes and without thinking he tucked her head under his chin and kissed the top of her head. “You're safe now, there's no need for tears.”

“Inu-Inuyasha?” Kagome asked softly in surprise. 'What's going on?! Why is he being so... so... nice to me?!'

Rumbling soothingly, he stroked her hair and began. “What were you thinking Kagome? Didn't you realize it would be dangerous for you to be someplace like that without me? Why did you run away through the well again?”

“I... I just wanted to spend a little time at home with my friends and family...” She answered softly. “Ayumi called me and told me Yuka was having a party. I figured it was just going to be some of the girls from our class...” Biting her lip she lifted her head from his chest and gasped when she realized where they were. “Inuyasha? I thought you said you were taking me home? And what in the seven hells are we doing in a tree?!”

“What do you mean 'I thought you were taking me home'?! I did bring you home! And stop trying to change the subject!” He snapped, his eyes flashed with anger. “You're damn lucky I decided to follow you, bitch! Do you have any idea what would have happened to you if I hadn't been there?! How fucking stupid are you?!”

With an indignant gasp, the miko snapped back. “What do you mean you did bring me home? Yes I do have a pretty good idea what would have happened if you hadn't been there! And did you just call me stupid?!” Her cheeks flushed with angry color and she struggled between tears and rage.

Fisting a hand in her hair, the hanyou held her completely still in his arms and panted lightly. 'She dares to challenge me?'Inhaling her scent, he growled lightly and closed his eyes. 'You stupid little bitch.. disobedient... disrespectful...'Struggling with his yokai instincts he growled in warning. “”

“What?!” She demanded recklessly letting her temper override her common sense. “You act like you think you own me! I'm not stupid you know, I know that when you look at me all you see is your precious Kikyo! Now let me go, I'm going home!”

Yokai blood rushed to the fore, overpowering his control little by little. 'Kagome... stop pushing me right now... I don't know how much longer I can control myself if you keep challenging me...'Something deep inside him started to crack. When she pushed against his embrace the blood roared in his ears. 'Mine!'With a feral growl, he used his strength to hold her still and his grip on her hair to tilt her head back. Setting his teeth over her collar bone, he applied a gentle but firm pressure with his fangs.

Kagome's eyes widened in surprise and her heart began to pound wildly in her chest. 'Inuyasha...?'

Smirking at the change in her scent, Inuyasha pulled her legs around his hips, and slid his free hand along her leg to the hem of her short dress. 'She will learn obedience and respect... mine...'Distantly, he heard her protesting and felt her hands at his wrist, only halfheartedly trying to halt the progress of the hand on her leg. 'Submit... mine... finally!'He gently knocked her hands from his wrist and trailed his claws up the inside of her thigh towards her heat. Feeling the thin scrap of material separating him from his goal, he growled impatiently and carefully sliced the material with his claws. He kissed a trail from her collar bone up her throat to her lips, he smirked triumphantly and covered her mouth with his own and began to slowly rub against her. The scent of her arousal thickened and his body hardened in response. His ears began to flick forward when small mewling noises started in Kagome's throat. Sliding his hand from her, he wrapped his arm around her, locking her hips against his as he rose to his feet and leaped lightly to the ground. Laying her down on the cool grass, he loosened and removed his robes and covered her body with his own. He pulled her legs up around his hips and rubbed himself against her and used a claw to cut the straps of her dress. He pushed the hem up to her waist, his scarlet gaze fixed on her own glazed eyes. As her eyes began to focus again and awareness returned to her gaze, he snarled when she rolled away and tried to get away. After looping an arm around her waist he held her in place on her knees in front of him. With a hand on her shoulder, he bent her forward over his arm and fisted his hand in her hair again.

“Inuyasha!” She gasped. “S-Stop this! This isn't right!”

Leaning over her back, pressed against her, he growled in her ear. “Shut the fuck up, this is what we both want. You forget...” He smirked arrogantly against her ear. “I can smell how much you want me.” Holding her in place, he released her hair and pulled her dress back up to her waist before he slowly pressed inside her. Gritting his teeth as her heat wrapped tightly around him, he forced himself to go slowly, inching deeper until he felt the barrier of her innocence. At her soft gasp he held himself still, allowing her body to adjust to his before thrusting forward through the thin barrier. Fully inside her body, his eyes closed in pleasure and a clawed hand worked it's way between her legs to stroke her. When her hips moved restlessly against his own his arm tightened around her waist, stopping her movements. Slowly, he withdrew before sinking into her again. Each one of her soft moans and gasps made him grow harder within her and sped his thrusting to a demanding tempo.

Without thought, Kagome's body responded and she felt pressure build up deep within her when he continued to move in her, over her and suddenly she felt herself fly apart. Unable to stop herself, she cried out his name. “Inuyasha!”

When he heard her call his name in a husky voice as her body rippled around his, Inuyasha grabbed her hips in both hands and thrust as far as he could before he emptied himself. “Kagome..” He groaned and kept her pressed tight against him as his seed continued to spurt into her in sporadic bursts.

Beneath him, Kagome stared at the ground between her hands in shock as she felt him coming. Something warm and sticky began to trickle down the insides of her legs and still he pulsed deep inside her. 'Dear gods... What just happened?'As the pulsing of his body inside her own slowed and then stopped, she felt him growing hard again and her eyes widened. “Inu-Inuyasha... let me go and we'll-”

Pulling from her body, the transformed hanyou flipped her onto her back. Gripping the front of her dress in both hands he ripped it in half before capturing both her wrists in one clawed hand. With the other hand, he used the remains of her dress to bind her wrists together. Looping her bound wrists around the back of his neck, he pressed against her and rumbled in a dangerously silky voice. “Shut up...” He pulled his robes on quickly before he tucked her against his chest, the hanyou carried her with all his yokai speed further into the forest to a small hut. Carrying her inside, he headed over to a large bed and laid her down, he ducked out of her bound arms before he secured her wrists to the wall. Standing, he looked down at her possessively before he headed back outside.

A few moments later he returned with a bucket of water he wet a piece of cloth and walked back over to her. Pulling her legs apart, he gently wiped away the blood and seed from her legs. Once finished, he set the cloth aside and cupped one of her breasts in a clawed hand. “Mine!”

“Inuyasha...” She croaked out. “This is ridiculous-”

Moving too fast for human eyes to see, he silenced her with his mouth as he stretched out on top of her. Feeling the tension in her body, he lightly caressed her nipples with the pads of his thumbs until her body slowly relaxed. Sitting up, he quickly discarded his robes before releasing her bound wrists from the wall. “Sit up...” He growled.

Staring wide eyed at him, she slowly sat up before the kneeling transformed Inuyasha.

Fisting his hand gently in her hair, he pulled her forward. When she gasped in surprise he pushed himself into her mouth and groaned. He held her still and carefully thrust in and out of her mouth, gritting his teeth against the pleasure forcing himself to hold back and enjoy it as long as he could.

Trying to pull away from the hanyou, Kagome's mouth opened wider on a gasp when his other hand trailed back to fondle her breast.

Taking advantage of her gasp, Inuyasha managed to push himself further into her mouth, feeling his head slide a little down her throat. Tightening his hand in her hair he continued to push himself as far as he could without hurting her before he spilled himself down her throat. Whenever he felt her struggling for breath he eased out a little, allowing her to swallow and breathe before pushing back into her throat. Knowing it wasn't enough and that he would still want to take her again, he didn't wait until he spilled all of himself before he pulled out of her throat and let it fill her mouth, forcing her to swallow convulsively. While he was still pulsing and spurting seed he withdrew from her mouth and smirked as he used yokai speed to lift her hips off the bed and thrust deep within her. The shocked look on her face didn't seem to bring him back to his senses.

With the taste of Inuyasha in her mouth, she felt him coming inside her again and her traitorous body jerked in response to the flood of warmth. She felt him growing hard within her again and her body tightened around his in anticipation. Embarrassed and shocked, the miko tried to wiggle free.

The haze of yokai blood finally began to clear and Inuyasha slowly came to awareness. His eyes widened as he stared down at the miko beneath him, and he slowly withdrew from her body. “K-Kagome...? Did I hurt you?”

She blushed hotly and gaped at him. “Untie me bastard!”

His ears drooped and the hanyou untied her wrists and tried to pull her into his arms.

Her hand cracked across his cheek. “I can't believe you! After you saved me from Hojo you.. you.. well I'm pretty sure you know what you did! I want some clothes and I want out of here!”

With a soft whine, he handed her the bag he had grabbed from her tent. “We have to talk about-”

Glaring at him, she interrupted. “No, once we get back to the others we'll just pretend this whole thing never happened. Then after the jewel is complete you can go chase after Kikyo and I can go home!” She winced as she pulled clean underwear on.

'That's what she thinks... It did happen and she's mine...' The hanyou shook his head to clear his mind. 'I actually mated Kagome... Now all I have to do is convince her not to leave once we complete the jewel... I have to make her love me!'

Reluctantly, Kagome climbed onto the hanyou's back and waited in silence as he raced back to the village. When Kaede's hut is came view she dropped from his back and stormed off ahead of him.

Miroku and Sango looked up, startled when the fuming miko walked in. Shippo's tail twitched in agitation and he sniffed at her leg before he yelped and ran away with an accusing look at her. The kit's reaction to her brought tears to her eyes and she whirled around on her heel, shoving Inuyasha out of her way, she fled the hut and the village. When she reached the lake she began pulling her clothes off and jumped into the clear, cold water. Her tears mixed with the lake water and when she surfaced for air she began scrubbing vigorously at her skin.

From above the lake, yokai eyes watched her bathe, confusion and concern warring within. 'Obviously she isn't being taken care of well enough... time to take her away from whatever is upsetting her...' leaped silently down to the shore and waited for her to step out of the water and get dressed. With his shard enhanced speed, he rushed forward and lifted her into his arms. “Kagome, I'm sorry I left you with the mutt this long. I can see how unhappy-” He stopped to sniff her, even as the hanyou in question arrived. Surprised, Koga dropped her to the ground and demanded. “What's the meaning of this?! I can smell that worthless mutt all over you Kagome!”

When she landed hard on the ground she winced, Kagome's tears started again and in a rare fit of helpless fury she began kicking her feet like a small child having a tantrum. “Shut up!” Unaware of the hanyou's presence, she defended both him and herself. “First of all, my scent is none of your business you pervert! And how many times do I gotta tell you that Inuyasha isn't worthless!?”

Koga jumped to his own conclusions and reached down to toss her over his shoulder again. He glared at the hanyou. “You bastard, what have you done to my?!”

Golden eyes turned scarlet and he raced forward before the wolf demon could react, he snatched the miko away and curled her in against his own chest. “You're nose broken, you mangy wolf? My Kagome!So keep your filthy hands off her!”

* * *

A/N: Alright, so obviously the disturbing content was the scene where Inuyasha loses control and mates Kagome in the way he does. There is a reason behind why I wrote that scene the way I did. (And no it wasn't to be sick). I felt since Inuyasha had completely lost control to his yokai blood (this time however due to what he had luckily arrived in time to prevent with Hojo) that it would be both ironic and also along the lines of how a full fledged demon would have reacted (or over reacted) to that situation. And remember, poor Inu isn't used to the much more overwhelming instincts of a full demon. Kagome, being completely human has no way of knowing what Inu was going through when he lost control like that, and her human mind is grasping at all the wild random thoughts running through her head concerning it. I felt that given her normal nature to get made and basically bury her head in the sand on most matters that don't earn Inu a good 'Sit' that she would feel shocked, hurt and very confused by what happened. Read the next chappy to see how Kag and Inu manage to muddle through his botched attempt to demonstrate his feelings. Please R&R!