InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Instincts have a way of coming out... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ v.v
WARNING!! This story contains violence, sex, foul language and isn't suitable for younger readers. You've been warned...

Chapter Six: Instincts have a way of coming out...

Racing after his mate, the hanyou silently fumes. 'She's gonna be in so much trouble when I catch her!' Plotting his revenge, he doesn't notice the extra burst of speed as his yokai blood takes over again. 'Catch her... Must discipline... Must have her!' The scent of her anger grows stronger and finally he manages to catch up with the others. Rushing past them he grabs Kagome and tosses her over his shoulder, throwing the kitsune back towards their friends. “We're going to have a very long talk” Before anyone can question his motives or his control he leaps off into the trees. When all he can hear or smell is wild forest, he stops and pulls Kagome down in front of him.

Backing up until she is pinned between him and a tree, Kagome swallows past the knot of fear in her throat. “Inu...yasha..?”

Growling softly, he leans into her and says. “You do belong to me. You will obey me. And you will stop running away from me. I won't ever let you go... never!”

Kagome flinches under the weight of his anger and says softly. “I want my old Inuyasha back... you're scaring me.”

Something flickers in his eyes for a second before they go back to the furious scarlet yokai gaze. Lowering his lips to hers, he kisses her deeply until that first edge of desire mixes with the scent of her anger. Without thought or awareness he pours pour down her throat with his kiss. Then as abruptly as it had started, he lifts his head and sits down pulling her across his legs.

Dazed from the feel of his lips on hers, and drunk from the power flooding through her body, she realizes too late his intentions and the first smack lands sharply an her rear. Gasping indignantly she tries to roll away from him, only to receive several more sharp whacks from his hand. And although they sting, there is no lasting pain from the blows. Crying out of shock and humiliation, Kagome doesn't even notice when he stops and pulls her up to cradle in his arms.

“And now that you've been disciplined properly,” He says softly. “I will give you pleasure to erase the pain in your mind.”

Slapping his face, she stares at him in horror. “Do you really think I would let you touch me again after what you just did?! How could you?! You think to treat me like a child one minute and then want that from me right after? You are one sick puppy...”

Choosing to ignore the slap, he holds her still and nuzzles her neck. “This is how it works bitch. I wouldn't have disciplined you if you hadn't earned it, but I don't want you to think of discipline when you feel my hands on you...”

“You're such a pig!” She yells at him. “What you call discipline is a punishment for a child, not a full grown woman and definitely not something that leads into what you're thinking about!”

With a frustrated growl he rises to his feet. “Fine we'll wait until later. I hadn't wanted to leave you the rest of the day with the memory or the pain of that, but perhaps the lesson will be learned quicker that way!” Tossing her over his shoulder again he carries her back to their friends. “Lets go.”

Wondering what could have soured both of their moods, Miroku asks Sango in a whisper. “What do you think transpired out there in the forest? Obviously nothing that would sweeten Inuyasha's disposition...”

“I honestly don't know what he could have done... Let us be thankful that at least Kagome-chan seems to still be in good health.” The exterminator replies.

Shippo, proud of his knowledge in the area, explains at a less tactful volume. “I'm sure it was just a small matter of discipline he felt needed attending. After all, he feels she was disrespectful, willful and she did try to run away from him.”

“What do you mean discipline, Shippo?” Miroku asks out of both curiosity and concern.

“Probably nothing more than a simple spanking.” The yokai child waves off the monks concern. “It would only make sense considering it was the first time she's pushed him to discipline her and she is only human after all.”

Miroku laughs, feeling relieved that nothing more damaging had been done, earning himself a taste of the Hiraikotsu.

Dragging the fallen monk after her, Sango glances at her friend in pity. 'I can't imagine being punished as though I were a disobedient child.. Poor Kagome-chan, she must be humiliated.'

Glaring at the unconscious monk, Kagome silently thanks the exterminator for getting him for her.

Sango nods at her friend and continues to follow the irate hanyou.
* * *

Rubbing his head and walking beside Sango as they enter the village, Miroku looks around until he spots it. His eyes light up and he makes his way over to the inn and dishes out his usual line about an ominous cloud, earning them free rooms for the night.

Keeping hold of Kagome's arm, Inuyasha follows the inn keeper to the rooms they have been given for the night. Grabbing his mates bag from the exterminator, he steps into the more private room and closes the door behind them.

“What do you thin you're doing Inuyasha? I'm still mad at you...” Kagome snaps at him.

“Well,” He smirks at her. “You'll just have to deal with it. Cause we're sharing a room from now on. Did you really expect anything different?”

Turning her back on him she heads over to the futon and lays down, ignoring him. When she feels him lay down behind her and try to wrap his arms around her she “accidentally” clobbers him while feigning a yawn. “Oh geez, so sorry but maybe if you'd back off and give me my space I wouldn't have hit you.”

Growling, he wraps his arms around her making sure to keep her arms under his own. “If you wont let me mate with you, you will at least let me hold you. Stop being so stubborn!”

Holding herself rigid in his arms she finally drifts off, unaware of her body slowly relaxing into his.
* * *

The next morning they set out with Kagome still glaring daggers at Inuyasha and him whining and trying to get her to relent in her anger. “C'mon Kagome, it's not like you're the one with a reason to still be mad. If anyone should be upset it should be me. You did try to run away again after being so disrespectful.”

With a furious shriek, the miko launches herself at him in an attempt to claw his eyes out.

'Since when does Kagome-chan attack? No matter how mad she's been the worst she does is yell sit a few times and run back home to her own time...' Sango wonders as she watches the hanyou catch the enraged girl and simply tuck her under his arm, effectively stopping her attempt. 'And Inuyasha is remaining abnormally calm under the circumstances...'

As if reading her mind, Myoga chimes in. “Gods, does she have no sense? And why does master Inuyasha not put her in her place? Don't tell me that on top of the trouble of the mating bond he now has to deal with a dominance dispute! I didn't realize humans would fight for dominance in mating...”

“We don't.” Sango says, turning her gaze back to the couple with a new perspective. 'Yet Kagome does seem to be trying to assert her dominance over him, and he seems confident enough that he is dominant that all he does is subdue her efforts and in doing so show her that he's in charge... Just what is going on?'

Something about Kagome's scent shifts, and for a human she gives pretty good growl causing Inuyasha to blink down at her. The miko's eyes flash strangely and he stops to grip her chin.

As he reaches for her chin, Kagome snaps at his hand and tries to pull away.

Gritting his teeth, the hanyou grabs her chin and tilts her face up to his. 'She's acting like a damn dog!' Inhaling sharply he lifts her up against his chest. “We're going back to Kaede's, you guys don't have to rush. We'll see you when you get there.”

Miroku nods as their friends quickly disappear then turns to Sango and Shippo. “What do you suppose that was all about?”

“I haven't the foggiest...” Sango answers.

Shippo shakes his head and Myoga appears thoughtful but remains silent. Setting a comfortable pace the others head back towards Kaede's.
* * *Myoga's POV

'I wonder if master Inuyasha has thought of something the old priestess might be able to do to help him keep Kagome with him longer than a normal human life span... Although he is a half demon himself, the blood of his father running through his veins, and any demon worth his salt knows demon spells. Including ones for yokai who choose to take human mates... Surely those secrets remain locked deep within his blood if only he could find them... being a flea demon myself I would have no need for knowledge of such spells other than that they do indeed exist!'
* * *End POV

A/N: Thanks for reading another chappy of my first fic! ^.^ Please R&R!