InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Enough confusion to make your head spin... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ...
WARNING!! This story contains adult content.

Chapter Seven: Enough confusion to make your head spin...

Barging into Kaede's hut, Inuyasha yells. “Baba!”

“What brings you back so soon Inuyasha? And where are the others?” The old woman asks mildly. Looking from the sullen miko to the hanyou, she senses something off but cannot place her finger on it. “What has happened Inuyasha?”

“Finally you show a little concern.” He barks. Gripping Kagome's face he turns it to Kaede. “What's going on with her Baba? Kagome's eyes never had those amber flecks before, and they didn't shine like that either!”

“How am I to know what has happened to her eyes?” Kaede sighs. “Perhaps she looked at the sun too long and it has caused this change...”

“Keh.” Kagome snorts rudely. “Looking at the sun would only serve to make me blind.”

The old priestess's eyes widen at the decidedly Inuyasha like behavior from the normally sweet tempered young miko. “Kagome, do you not think it strange that your eyes are changing and you seem to be acting more like Inuyasha than yourself?”

“I'm not being a pain in the ass or a jerk.” She protests.

Inuyasha's brows lower and he hoists her higher against his chest before sitting down. “She's not acting like me Baba, she's acting like a damn dog!”

Kagome tries to bite his face and yells. “Stop being rude to her you ass!”

Holding up a hand to forestall further fighting, Kaede asks. “May I see your hand child? I will attempt to read into you and see if I can ascertain the cause of these changes.”

Kagome gives a low whine and hugs her arms closer to her body.

Growling, Inuyasha grabs her wrist and pulls her arm out for the old woman. “Shut up Kagome, let Baba help you or I swear to the gods that we'll go have another talk like we did the other day...”

“Which talk would that be?” She demands hotly. “The one where you decided to mate me without me knowing or consenting or the one where you fucking spanked me like I'm a kid?!”

Kaede gapes at the news of Inuyasha having taken Kagome but wisely bites her tongue and lifts the girl's hand only to drop it with a hoarse cry. “What's this? I cannot see into her, Inuyasha...”

Growling in irritation, he demands. “And just why the hell not?”

The old priestess shakes her head and says uncertainly. “I do not know. There is some form of strange barrier keeping me from seeing...”

Frustrated beyond all reasoning, Inuyasha rolls lightly to his feet and begins making his way across the hut.

“Inuyasha,” Kaede asks. “Do you think it wise to take Kagome away from here without knowing the cause of this strange barrier? And where are the others? Surely they will be worried if you are not both here when they catch up..”

“Keh. They wont worry,” He smirks. “They know how things are now.” Without giving the older woman a chance to protest further, he races away from the village.

“Baka...” Kagome growls threateningly as she shoves hard at his chest. Curling into herself she hits the ground with a soft grunt and rolls with it. 'The hell?! How did I manage to break his hold? And why didn't it hurt me when I fell?'

Skidding to a stop, the hanyou catches one of her wrists before she can escape and yanks her into his arms. Leaping up onto a shielded tree branch, he runs his hands over her body before barking furiously. “What the fuck were you thinking? Do you know how bad you could have been hurt?!”

She gives an inelegant snort and swats at his hands in irritation. “Stop acting like you really give a shit. Besides I'm fine, why don't we discuss what you fucking did to me...” Her voice and brows lower dangerously.

“What do you mean what I did to you?” He demands.

“We could start with the whole fucked up mating thing...” She snarls. “But I'd rather know what you've done to me that made me strong enough to break your hold on me... Just what the fuck did you do to me Inuyasha?!”

“First of all,” He yells. “Mating you wasn't a fucked up thing! And if I don't know what the hell is happening with you then how do you suppose I did anything?!”

A short unamused laugh escapes the miko's throat. “I don't believe your innocent act. You did something to me! I know you did!” The flecks of gold in her eyes begin to glow and she balls her hands into fists.
* * *

A/N: Alright this is the last chappy I have completed at this time but I am almost half done with chapter 8 so as soon as I have it finished and have signal I will post it for those of you who are reading this. ^.^ As always, please R&R!