InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Runaway mate... ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dislaimer: I do not own Inuyasha... v.v
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Eight: Runaway mate...

Inuyasha's own eyes widen. 'What the fuck is that? Her eyes look like yokai eyes!' Putting both hands up in a gesture meant to show her that he's playing hands off, he tries soothing her. “Calm down, I promise you that I have no idea what's happening Kagome....”

“Is that supposed to be comforting, you jack ass?!” She snaps at him. 'He does know, he's the one who did it... He wants to cage us! Run!' With a look of horror, the miko turns on her heel, forgetting about her precarious footing on a tree branch and falls. Instinctively, she lands somewhat less than gracefully before fleeing deeper into the forest. 'Run... don't stop running... don't let him catch us... this is all his fault! He claimed us without our knowledge... caged us in that tiny room with him... RUN!'

Startled at her unexpected burst of speed and her ensuing flight, Inuyasha loses precious minutes before he collects himself enough to give chase. 'So she wants me to chase her... I'll catch her. And then I'm going to have to figure this mess out and figure out how to fix it...' He follows her scent, feeling both surprise and a grudging admiration of her speed if not her grace. 'Catch her... we need her. Chain her to us... she cannot run away. She cannot die.' His yokai blood takes control and, with his newly enhanced speed, he begins closing the distance between him and his runaway mate.

'Need to rest... find someplace to hide...' Kagome thinks wearily to herself. Although she seems to be just as strong and as fast as Inuyasha now, she knows he will follow her. 'Fool! Run! If you stop he will catch us... he will cage us! He is gaining on us... run, run now!' Her thoughts jumbling and screaming like a voice in her head, Kagome falls to her knees clutching her aching head. A soft growl fills the air making her jump in alarm, desperate to escape.

Leaping farther than he ever could have in hanyou form, Inuyasha lands in front of his mate and grabs her arms just as her eyes roll back in her head and she collapses against him. 'What the fuck?!'
* * *Kagome's Dream

'What's happening to me? Where am I?' Kagome asks as she stands in a swirling gray mist.

'Fool! He caught us.. now we will lose our freedom!' The other voice spits furious. 'Did you want the stupid hanyou to catch us? Do you want to be put in a cage?! You were strong enough... fast enough to run and you chose to stop... You idiot! Don't you realize he's changing us? He's the reason we are what we are now!'

'We?' Drifting in the hazy half world, nothing seems to have any solid form or substance. 'Who are you? Where am I? What do you mean what we are now?'

An oddly familiar looking hanyou female who appears almost translucent hovers in front of her, a look of fury and fear on her face. 'He made us not the same as before.. He never asked if we wanted to mate.. Now he seeks to keep us locked to him forever and you let him catch us!'
* * * End Of Dream

With a choking gasp, Kagome opens her eyes and finds herself staring up into a concerned and furious scarlet gaze. Shoving at the chest looming over her face she moans softly in distress.

“Kagome...” Inuyasha growls, his eyes stop glowing but do not return to their usual golden color. “What the hell just happened to you?! You dropped like a rock as soon as I caught you, and you were muttering the whole time, like you were talking to someone...”

“Where was I?” She chokes out fearfully. “It was scary, nothing was real there. Nothing had any substance and there wasn't any light.” Her shoulders begin to shake as sobs wrack her body.

Gathering her close, Inuyasha frowns. “What do you mean where were you? You've been right here with me since I caught you. Who were you talking to? You kept asking who someone was...” Suddenly afraid that Naraku had discovered a way to get inside her dreams, he lifts her against his chest and begins the run back to Kaede's. 'Baba... you had better be able to do more than you could before...'

“I was talking to a girl...” Kagome explains, clinging to his neck as he runs. “I don't ever remember meeting a girl like you before, but somehow I think I know her. She kept telling me to run and-” She lifts a hand to rub at her temple without finishing her sentence. 'Stop! Don't tell him about us... if he knew he would make sure we cannot escape him! I will not surrender our freedom to him... Let him take you back to the others. Have that old woman read into you, we will let her see what we want her to and then he will not watch so closely and we can escape!'

“She told you to run and what?” He demands.

“I.. I don't know. It's all so fuzzy...” She lies. “I can't remember it. I just know I was supposed to run away.”

“Keh.” Pulling her more tightly against himself, he slows down as his yokai blood returns to dormancy. Looking continually to the sky as the sun begins it's slow descent, Inuyasha growls. “We're gonna have to stay at my hut for the night before we can get Baba to give us some answers...”

Confused, Kagome opens her mouth to ask a question then does some quick mental calculations. 'The new moon! Of course, I almost forgot about that. At least I know he'll leave me alone until we can get back to Kaede's..' Feeling strangely disappointed that they wont make it back before nightfall she huffs in irritation. 'What's the big deal about the new moon? We don't share all memories yet... Ah! His period of vulnerability. He will not be able to hold us while he is trapped in a frail human body..'

When Kagome rubs her temples again with a grimace, he barks. “What's wrong? Did you hit your head when you were running?” Stopping in front of a hut, he gently pushes her through the door. “We'll be safe enough in here tonight. Make yourself comfortable and I'll check your head.”

Huffing indignantly she sits in the middle of the floor and growls. “You don't need to check my head... it's just a stupid headache. Probably from spending so much damn time with you!”

Wagging a finger at her in admonishment, Inuyasha scolds. “You really shouldn't swear, bitch. And don't complain about spending time with me, we both know you love it...” The sun sinks below the horizon and he feels his body change. “Dammit...”

Kagome yelps and dives under the blanket on the futon. 'Don't let him see us...'

Startled, the now human Inuyasha blinks at the Kagome sized lump burrowed under the covers. “What now bitch?” Crossing the floor he grabs the blanket and tugs. “Let go of the damn blanket...”

“Go away!” She snarls. One hand goes to her head and her heart lurches painfully in her chest. Surrounded by his scent a slow smirk quirks her lips. 'Mine... tonight we're stronger and faster than him... we can do whatever we want and he cannot stop us...'

Tugging at the blanket again, he stumbles back a few steps when it gives without resistance. Looking up at his mate his heart nearly stops. “Fuck...”
* * *

A/N:I want to thank both funnyduckie1 and badgirl093 for their reviews! My very first reviews. ^.^ I will continue to update as often as I can. After reading your reviews I was inspired to head back to my work and finished this chappy and I've already started on the next! As always please R&R. ^.^