InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ The tables turn... ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Nine: The tables turn...
With an evil glee, Kagome smirks and says. “Yeah, that about sums it up...” Rolling to her feet, she glances down at her hands. 'Not really all that different from having my nails done...' Advancing on her mate, she growls. “Who was ordering whom around...?”

“Just stay calm, Kagome...” Inuyasha tells her in what he hopes is a soothing tone. “I don't know how this happened but take it from me. Until you learn to control your temper, things can get kinda rough...”

She laughs and grabs a fistful of his hair. “I'll just bet they can. Don't tell me you're afraid of me...” She cocks her head to one side as though listening to something. 'He probably wasn't expecting this to happen.. But he should be afraid, he is at our mercy tonight!' Pulling his face towards her own, the transformed miko demands. “Now Inuyasha... why don't you tell us just what in the seven hells you've done?”

'What's she talking about? It's like she really thinks I did this to her...' Ignoring her growl, he reaches one hand up and gently rubs one of her ears. He watches as her eyes drift nearly shut in pleasure and she tilts her head into his hand. 'Although I do have to admit, Kagome does look pretty damn cute with my ears...If I can just keep her distracted long enough to calm her down again, maybe I can figure this out.' Her grip on his hair loosens and he steps closer, continuing to rub her ear as he slides his other arm around her waist. Carefully maneuvering them to the floor, he pulls her into his lap and tucks her head under his chin as she drifts off to sleep.

* * *

As the sun rises, Inuyasha feels his body change back to normal and he glances down at the sleeping Kagome. 'The hell?' Rubbing her ear gently he frowns. 'She's still got dog ears!'

Growling softly in her sleep, Kagome swipes at his hand with her claws. When the feeling of her ears being messed with goes away she yawns hugely before burrowing closer to his heat.

“Wake up,” He grumbles at her trying to sound irritated despite the grin on his face. “We need to be on our way back to Baba's so she can figure out what's wrong with you...”

One of her ears twitch and she growls angrily. “There's nothing wrong with me you ass hole... Maybe there's something wrong with you! Maybe you're so weak you couldn't help but fuck up my life when you started all this shit with your stupid mating!”

Inuyasha's eyes narrow and he growls in return. “Bitch, you're pushing my last damn button here! Mating you was not stupid, and what do you mean there's nothing wrong with you?! You're a fucking hanyou in case you didn't realize...”


Getting to his feet, Inuyasha tosses her over his shoulder. Ignoring her shriek and the following punches along his back he sets out for the village.
* * *

Walking calmly passed the curious villagers, Inuyasha barges into Kaede's hut. Stepping past the shocked monk and exterminator, he drops the furious miko onto the ground in front of the old priestess. “What's going on Baba...?”

Blinking at the transformed miko. Kaede takes her hand and again tries looking into the girl. Frowning, she turns to the hanyou. “Are you certain you do not already know the cause of this? There is nothing noticeably different about her other than the bond you now share with her...” When he shakes his head and looks just as confused as she herself feels, she turns to Kagome. “Child has anything unusual been occurring?”

“You mean aside from what that,” She cocks her head at Inuyasha. “Ass hole did and the fact that I've become some strange form of hanyou miko?”

Kaede smiles in aceptance of the girl's obvious trouble assimilating all the changes. “Hai, I mean other than those two changes. Did anyone lay a spell on you?”

Kagome snorts. “Like I'd let someone do something like this to me...”

Shippo glances from Kagome to Inuyasha and suggests hopefully. “Maybe Myoga can tell us something about what's going on so we can get Kagome back to normal! He did seem to know quite a bit about what happened with Inuyasha's somewhat controlled transformation before.”

Kagome smiles at the kit and scoops him up to kiss his cheek. “You're brilliant Shippo-chan!” Looking around she frowns darkly. “Where is Myoga anyways?”

“Some help he is..” Inuyasha barks. “We finally need him and he's disappeared again!”

“Perhaps we should go in search of Myoga then...” Miroku suggests with a slight hesitation.

Inuyasha's attention turns to focus on his friend and he growls. “That might just be the only smart thing I've heard come out of your mouth bozou.”

The monk nearly tips over from the rudeness of the statement and his eyebrow twitches. “Must you always be so abrasive Inuyasha? We're all concerned about Kagome-sama, and since Myoga may have some useful information I figured you would have already though to look for him...”

“Keh.” Grabbing the kit by his tail he tries to pry him off Kagome. When out of nowhere a fist slams into his jaw he scowls and looks around. Eyes turning to rest on the changed miko, he blinks at her owlishly before barking. “What the hell did you do that for?!”

“SIT!” She snarls back, tucking the yokai child closer to her.

Crash. Growling, he lifts his face to glare up at her. “Kagome...”

“Shut up Inuyasha.” She growls at him. “You leave Shippo-chan alone or I swear I'll knock you senseless...” No sooner does she finish her sentence than she stops and wonders silently. 'What's going on with me? Kami-sama... I just punched Inuyasha!' Paling, she steps back a couple of steps.

“What's wrong now bitch?” He grunts, noticing the change in her scent. As the spell lifts, he hauls himself back to his feet and pulls her closer.

“Okaa-san?” Shippo asks as he flattens himself against her.

Looking down at the kit, Kagome blinks in surprise. 'Okaa-san? Shippo-chan can't possibly think of me as his mother... can he?!'

“What'd you just call her, runt?” The hanyou growls as his brows lower.

“I called her Okaa-san,” The kit squeaks. “She wont let you hurt me, she loves me best!”

Petting the little fox's head, Kagome smiles down at him. “Do you really think of me as your mother Shippo-chan?”

Turning his cutest face towards her, he nods. “Hai. You always protect me, even when we're in the middle of a battle and you let me sleep with you at night and when I'm good you even bring me treats from the other side of the well!”

Her face softens and she cuddles him closer before glaring at Inuyasha. “He's right you know... I wont let you hurt him.”

“Fuck, bitch,” Inuyasha snarls. “I wasn't planning on hurting the runt. But things are gonna change now that I mated you...”

Her brow raises skeptically and she demands in a deceptively quiet voice that has the humans in the hut edging further away. “Such as...?”

Mistaking her softer tone as one of deference, Inuyasha continues arrogantly. “For starters the brat had better find someplace else to sleep. And he can forget about calling you Okaa-san-”

Power flares around the transformed miko and she snarls. “You think you can just tell me what to do? You are too conceited to even stomach baka! Shippo-chan doesn't need to find anywhere else to sleep and if he wants to call me Okaa-san then he can... You really should stop pissing me off...” Unfamiliar instincts have her unconsciously dropping back to a defensive stance and shielding the kit with her own body. 'Protect the child... we can fight him...'

Unaware of the inner workings of the miko's mind, Inuyasha steps towards her in an attempt to calm her down. “Just stay calm...”

When he reaches a hand out something inside her roars to life and her eyes glaze over as the Kagome they all knew is subdued by the beast within.
* * *

A/N: Alright, sorry for the cliffy, but I wrote and posted two chapters tonight and I need to cook dinner and eat before I finally let myself get some sleep~ I will try to continue posting new chapters as often as I can finish them. As always please read and review, I hope to get as much feedback as I can so that I can use any corrections, tips or suggestions either in this fanfic or in others. ^.^