InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ The girl thing... ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Ten: The girl thing...

Realizing too late that yokai emotions and instincts are too much for the miko to be able to control, he tries to avoid the attack. 'Dammit... she doesn't understand what she's feeling right now! And her scent has changed almost completely from human to yokai...' He winces as her claws slash across his chest. Unsure how to stop her without hurting her, the hanyou continues to dodge her.

Sango watches with concern as the normally sweet tempered miko mindlessly attacks Inuyasha. 'He isn't fighting back because he doesn't want to hurt her...' She watches as her friend keeps the kit tucked safely against her body. Inuyasha nearly trips over Kaede as he leaps away from her swinging claws and she stands up when Kagome curls around the yokai child and hits the ground to avoid harming the old priestess in her pursuit. 'She thinks Inuyasha is a threat?!'

Miroku places a restraining hand on her arm when she moves to go to Kagome's side and whispers. “I don't think Kagome-sama is aware of what she is doing. Look at her eyes Sango...”

Looking, she notices the glazed expression and pure animal instinct blazing from them. Gasping, she shrugs off the monks hand and crosses to room to crouch beside the other girl. “Kagome-chan? Are you hurt? I think you should calm yourself before someone gets hurt...”

As if in a daze, the miko looks around at the wounds on Inuyasha's chest and the scent of Kaede and Miroku's fear. Slowly, her features smooth out into calmness and she gets to her feet with the help of the other girl. Turning to look at Kaede, she moans as something inside her shifts and the world begins to spin and blur.

Sango tightens her grip on her friend as she slumps against her. Before her eyes, Kagome's hanyou appearance changes back to the more familiar human form and her breathing turns harsh. “Kagome-chan?!”

Inuyasha charges over and pulls the unconscious miko away from the others, curling protectively around her. “What the hell was that all about?”

The exterminator frowns thoughtfully. “She must have been overwhelmed by the transformation and when she felt you threatening Shippo she reacted like any yokai female with offspring. But she didn't seem to be aware of what she was doing aside from wanting to protect Shippo and not hurt anyone except you...”

Miroku stares curiously at the girl in Inuyasha's arms. “Remarkable! Kagome-sama still sought to protect the humans even after she lost control. Perhaps her spiritual powers prevented her from-”

Glaring murderously at the monk, Inuyasha snarls. “Dammit bozou... I don't care if you think it's remarkable or not! All I care about is finding out what's wrong with her and fixing it!”

Sango nods in agreement. “Yes, I think it would be best if we start looking for Myoga immediately. If he can tell what caused this transformation perhaps he can tell us how to keep it from happening again.”

“Keh.” Holding her closer, the hanyou takes off, trusting the others to follow.
* * *

When Kagome opens her eyes, the first thing she notices are trees whizzing past.

“Okaa-san!” Shippo exclaims. “You're awake, I was so worried about you.” Cuddling close to her, says to Inuyasha. “I think we should stop and make sure Okaa-san is okay. Besides we don't really have anyway of knowing where to look for Myoga...”

Without a word, the hanyou stops and hesitantly sets her on her feet. Hovering near her in case she passes out again, he asks. “How do you feel? You've been out for over a day now.”

Her eyes widen and she opens and closes her mouth wordlessly several times before she squeaks. “Over a day?! What happened? The last thing I remember was Shippo-chan calling me Okaa-san at Kaede's...”

“Yeah, well I didn't realize that you couldn't handle the yokai emotions and instincts and something set you off in a big way... You even managed to get a few hits in when I couldn't dodge 'em fast enough.” The last is said with no small amount of pride.

“A few...” She frowns, trying to remember who they had been fighting. Her head begins to throb at the temples and she rubs at them with one hand. “What are you talking about? I don't remember anything about being attacked... Wait I attacked you?!” Her eyes widen in horror and she tries harder to remember. 'Stop! Trying to remember will only hurt us...' She frowns and rubs at her head again. 'That voice again... It seems weaker now though...' Belatedly she realizes that she is human again and finds herself staring at the back of her hand in confusion. 'He found a way to change me back?'

Shippo puts a small hand on her cheek and peers up at her curiously. “Okaa-san?”

“What is it Shippo-chan?” Her full attention focuses on the kit.

“You're human again,” He tells her. “But just now... you smell kinda like before.”

Startled, Inuyasha breathes deep. “He's right. The scent is weaker but it's still the same as when you were hanyou...”

The others catch up and Sango walks over to her friend. “Kagome-chan, you've woken up! Do you feel alright?” Thinking to take the other girl to bathe she subtly takes her arm and retrieves the large pack before starting away from the men.

“Where do you think you two are going?” Inuyasha barks.

Sighing heavily, the exterminator turns to the hanyou. “I'm taking Kagome-chan to bathe. I think she could probably use a little time to herself...” Hoping the hanyou takes the hint, she waits for his response.

“She can't exactly have time to herself if-” He stops mid sentence as it dawns on him that maybe Sango is planning on doing the girl thing. Turning his back and folding his arms across his chest he grunts. “Just don't take too long or I'll have to come get her...”

Without giving him a chance to change his mind, Sango pulls Kagome after her. “Come on, we can talk once we're away from them.”

Bewildered, the miko follows her friend to the hot spring and gladly undresses to step into the steaming water. “I don't understand Sango...” She begins pensively. “Inuyasha says I attacked him, but I don't remember any of it...”

“You were not yourself Kagome-chan.” The exterminator explains gently. “I think the yokai blood took over and it was like you had gone to sleep so it could wake up.” She searches for the right words. “Like when Inuyasha transforms-”

The miko cringes and tears fill her eyes. “You mean I became some kind of blood thirsty monster?”

Floundering in uncertainty, the other girl begins to ramble. “Not like Inuyasha.. but like how he is.. No that's not right either.” Pinching the bridge of her nose she takes a deep breath. “Alright, you lost control as in like how Inuyasha loses control. Except that you seemed to be unconsciously protecting not just Shippo but Kaede, Miroku and me as well. You must have thought that he was threatening Shippo and yokai females are most dangerous when protecting their offspring.”

Kagome finishes bathing in thoughtful silence before getting out of the water and getting dressed. 'Even when I lost it I was protecting my human friends and Shippo-chan.. But if I wasn't really me then how did I know who to protect?' Following the exterminator back towards camp, she stops when the other voice speaks. 'Run... danger... he is watching us.' Looking around for Inuyasha, Kagome gasps when instead of the hanyou she spots a familiar yokai standing just behind her and her friend.
* * *

A/N: >.< I know another cliffy, but I felt like that's where that chappy was supposed to end... Kinda like when ya watch an episode and it takes two or three weeks to finally figure out all of what's going on~ I have no idea how many chapters it will take to complete this story and I ask that you bear with me. If you have any questions you can either send me an e-mail or leave them in review form. As always I hope you are enjoying the story thus far, and please R&R. ^.^