InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Suspicions and doubts... ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Twelve: Suspicions and doubts...

Several shards later, Inuyasha's concern grows as does his frustration. Keeping an ever watchful eye on the miko he becomes silent more often than not as her transformation back to human doesn't seem to be returning her to her normal state. 'She's hiding something... And dammit where the hell is Myoga?! What could have freaked her out that night while she was sleeping...'

Retrieving the latest shard from a large centipede yokai, Kagome smiles at him. “Remember when we first met? You were pinned to the tree of ages with Kikyo's arrow and I woke you from the spell when Mistress Centipede was after me.”

Blinking as he drags himself from his thoughts, he nods slowly. “Hai, I remember. I thought you were her and eventually it lead to Baba putting these damn beads on me...” To illustrate his point he tugs uselessly at the rosary around his neck.

Kagome covers her smile with a hand and makes her way to his side. “Admit it, you never would have stayed by my side without them, not to mention you would have kept trying to kill me.”

Sango gapes at the couple. 'The rosary keeps him with her? And I can't imagine Inuyasha trying to kill her...'

“You think you know everything huh? I'll have you know no matter how much I growled and barked I never would have actually hurt you.” He grumbles. “And the stupid beads aren't why I've stayed...”

Miroku chokes when he hears the hanyou's words.

Blushing, he turns to yell at the others. “What are you guys doing here? Don't you have anything better to do?! It's not like you can't tell I got feelings for her... I took her to mate after all.” When neither monk, exterminator or kitsune make a move to leave his brows lower darkly and he barks. “If I hear so much as one word out of any of you about this-”

“Sit.” Kagome says in exasperation.

Crash. “What the hell Kagome?! What gives with the sit command? I didn't do anything to you...”

Rolling her eyes, she kneels down in front of him and says sweetly. “Inuyasha you better start being normal again... well and nicer to the others, or I'll say it so many times your spine will snap.” Satisfied with the look of shock on his face she gets to her feet and brushes off her knees. Smiling at her friends she says brightly. “Alright lets be on our way.”

“Hey!” Inuyasha yells from his prone position. “You guys can't just leave without me!”

Miroku laughs nervously. “Sorry Inuyasha, but we can't just let Kagome-sama go wandering off alone. You'll catch up soon enough...” Taking Sango's arm he pulls her along after the departing miko.

'Dammit... She better apologize really nice to me after this!' As soon as the spell lifts he pushes himself up from the ground and stalks off after his mate and their friends.
* * *

When Inuyasha drops down in front of her, Kagome gives a startled yip before squaring her shoulders and yelling. “You jerk! You scared me half to death!”

Tossing her onto his back, the hanyou keeps heading towards Totosai's. “If you hadn't run off I wouldn't have had to catch up to you like this...”

Sango shakes her head and glances at Miroku. When she notices his eyes are glued to Kagome's butt, she sighs heavily and grabs his arm yanking him to a halt.

“Sango?” He asks in feigned innocence.

Waiting for the couple to get farther ahead she hisses at him. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

Thickening the innocent act he puts a hand over his chest. “I'm wounded Sango, you know I only have eyes for you. And to suggest that I would even think of ogling another woman...”

“Please, if you ever managed to contain your lecherous behavior to one woman I'd probably assume you had been possessed. Besides... if Inuyasha catches you looking at her like that what do you think he's going to do?” She glares at him trying to stop her heart from fluttering at the thought of being the sole recipient of his attention. “Trust me, I have been trained in yokai behavior and if he catches you staring at his mate in a lecherous manner... he'd gut you alive.”

With a heavy sigh, Miroku follows the tense exterminator as they begin catching back up to the couple.

Turning on the hanyou's back, Kagome glares at the monk. “Thanks a lot Miroku. Inuyasha heard the whole conversation between the two of you!”

Raising an eyebrow curiously the monk asks in a baffled tone. “Kagome-sama even if he heard Sango and I speaking what could I possibly have done to you to make you so-” As his eyes trail to down again he stops speaking and chuckles.

“It's not funny! It's bad enough I have to deal with him bossing me around all the time, now I have to deal with him groping me all day!” Her cheeks flame. “You stupid hentai!”

Miroku, unable to contain his laughter, wipes a tear of merriment from the corner of one eye. “Kagome-sama, in light of your relationship I really don't see why you're so upset. But I must admit that I find the look on-”

Slap. “Baka.” Sango snaps as she cracks her hand across his face. “Stop making fun of Kagome-chan.”

“Arigato Sango.” Kagome smiles at her friend.

An amused chuckle rumbles from Inuyasha's chest as he looks over his shoulder at the red hand print on the monk's face. “Let that be a lesson to you bozou. And if I were you, I'd take Sango's advice...”

The group continues in silence until just before nightfall when they finally reach their destination.
* * *

A/N: A short chappy I know~ I'm sorry but the way it's in my head some chapters are going to be short. Again I would like to thank funnyduckie1 for their review. ^.^ I am glad you are enjoying the story and as soon as I go over a few of my other fictions I will post them as well. As always I will try to update soon and please R&R. Even constructive criticism can be helpful.

Now that they have arrived at Totosai's I wonder if Myoga will be there or if they must continue their search for the shards, Naraku and now Myoga! Find out in the next chapter... "What do you mean?!"
