InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ What do you mean?! ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Thirteen: What do you mean?!

Inuyasha entered Totosai's home, and let Kagome slide from his back. Turning to the monk he gave him a warning glare.

The sword smith looked up and asked bluntly. “What are you doing here Inuyasha? Shouldn't you be off fighting demons and recovering the shards of the Shikon no Tama? You didn't break your sword again did you?”

The hanyou huffed indignantly. “No I didn't break my sword again, old man. We're looking for Myoga.”

“Myoga, you say?” He scratched his head with a blank look. “Why would you think to look here for him?”

He gave a snort of laughter and answered. “Because you old timers seem to show up together and disappear together as well... Now, all I wanna know is if that worthless flea is here.”

He scratched his head again, and wondered out loud. “Myoga... Myoga... Nope never heard of him.”

Everyone blinked owlishly at him.

Inuyasha snarled and demanded. “What do you mean you've never heard of him?! You old fool, Myoga was the one who had me come here when I needed you to repair my Tetsusaiga and even when you first showed up you two seemed like old chums! Now tell me where he is!”

Kagome rolled her eyes and stepped around the irate hanyou. She smiled sweetly at the old yokai sword smith and asked politely. “Totosai-sama, if Myoga isn't here do you happen to know where he might be? We really need to find him so we can ask him some very important questions.”

The old yokai smiled kindly at the miko and rummaged through a few piles of things scattered through his home before lifting a small box up triumphantly. “Ah, here it is. Myoga said to give this to you kids if you happened to show up looking for him. I almost forgot!”

“Yeah,” Kagome laughed ruefully. “Almost...” She took the box from him and sat down to open it. 'Geez how does he manage to survive with his memory and the way he constantly toys with people?' She blinked at the contents of the box and lifted a piece of paper out of it. “I didn't know Myoga could write... I mean he's pretty small...”

“Oh that,” Totosai laughed. “He had me write it for him. You're right of course that he is a little on the small side to be able to write anything readable.”

“What does it say?” Inuyasha asked impatiently.

“I think it's directions on how to find him...” She stared at the piece of paper and frowned. “But I really don't understand where we're supposed to go.”

Inuyasha took the paper from her and reads it before balling it up in his fist.. “C'mon... I know where he is. The gods only know why he'd be there though...” He crouched down in front of his mate and waited for her to settle herself on his back before turning to leave.
* * *

“Can't we stop for a short break?” Kagome asked with a groan of discomfort.

“No.” Inuyasha said firmly. “We've only been going for a few hours and we've got quite a ways to go.”

She gives a disgusted snort and whines. “It's been almost half a day already and my muscles are starting to ache from hanging on you like this. All I want is a chance to stretch out a bit... sheesh it's not like I'm asking to stop and make camp.”

The hanyou growled in frustration and yelled to the others. “We're stopping for a few minutes for Kagome to stretch a bit, then we're gonna keep going. If you guys want to make camp that's fine but Kagome and I are gonna keep going as long as I can.” He reluctantly let her down and grumbled. “I don't like this place, something just doesn't seem right...”

Sango looked at Miroku uneasily and asked softly. “Do you want to stay here or keep going with Kagome-chan and Inuyasha?”

Miroku gave her a concerned glance and answered. “I think Inuyasha is right about this place. We shouldn't linger here any longer than necessary. Stretch a bit Kagome-sama so we can look elsewhere for more hospitable surroundings.”

“Oi!” Kagome snapped. “Just because the high and mighty Inuyasha thinks he can order me around doesn't mean you get to start bozou...”

The hanyou's lips quirked into an amused grin and he tugged a lock of her hair. “Bozou, hn?”

She blushed and walked stiffly away from him, muttering under her breath about all the foul things she should do to both the hanyou and the monk.

The exterminator followed her friend, not commenting on her new found temper. As she followed the other girl she stopped abruptly and pulled the miko to a halt beside her. “Kagome-chan, I want you to start heading back to the others...”

Kagome felt her heart lurch just before Sango stepped in front of her and drew the Hiraikotsu. “Sango-chan, just leave this to me...”

Sango glanced over her shoulder and gaped at the once again transformed miko. 'Dear gods... she's changed again. But why now? What is causing these transformations?'

“Well now,” The strange male yokai sneered. “What do we have here? A pesky demon slayer...” He glanced behind her and his eyes lit up with interest. “Ah, what enchanting creature are you trying to hide from me?” He used his yokai speed to circle around the exterminator and caught his first glimpse of the female hanyou behind her. “If I were you princess, I'd get away from that nasty pest of a human before she hurts you. But don't worry, I'll keep you safe.” He smirked.

Kagome's brows lowered and she growled threateningly. 'Just what in the seven hells is with wolves? First Koga now this creep...' She stepped protectively in front of her friend and bared her fangs at the stranger. 'He is stronger than the other... take the human and run... we cannot defeat him.' The transformed miko shook her head to clear it and barked at the other girl. “Get out of here Sango-chan... go back to camp.” She cracked her knuckles with an arrogant smirk. “It shouldn't take me too long to dispose of this fool...”

Sango stood rooted to the spot for a few minutes before she realized the only way to prevent injury to her friend was to go get Inuyasha. She turned on her heel and ran back towards the others. 'Stay safe Kagome-chan...' She passed Inuyasha on her way back and turned once more to follow.

“What's going on Sango?” He barked without breaking stride.

“Wolf demon...” She panted. “Not Koga or any of his...”

He left the others to follow, not even complaining when Shippo caught his robes and clung to them for dear life. “Kagome!”
* * *

The strangers eyes shift warily at the sound of the other male's voice. “Who is that, girl?”

Kagome smirked and swiped at his face with her claws. “That's just my mate. Don't worry you'll be de-” Clawed hands wrapped around her waist and hauled her away. “Dammit baka! This is my fight. Mine!”

“Shut up bitch.” Inuyasha snarled as he threw her unceremoniously over his shoulder and drew Tetsusaiga. Before his blade ever cleared the sheath, the strange wolf demon had vanished. “And good riddance...”

“Inuyasha!” Miroku gasps, out of breath. “Is Kagome-sama alright?”

He turned as the others approached. “She's fine. Got herself transformed again and I don't think she's too happy that I ended her fight before it started, but she didn't get hurt.”
* * *

A/N: Sorry, I know it's been a while since my last update. First I got sidetracked starting on the revisions of the previous chapters thanks to GLily's helpful comment. Again thank you GLily. Then family issues got in the way. >.< So again I apologize for not updating sooner. I hope that this chapter is enough to appease you for my absence. As always i hope you are enjoying the story and please R&R! ^.^
