InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you all for the reviews I received yesterday on this fic. I am very happy to say that I have this chapter completed and I think it's pretty long for a first chapter. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do Not own any rights to Inuyasha or the characters. All rights to him are to his real owner, Rumiko Takahashi. Thank you and please don't sue.

Chapter 1

Rain poured down from the heavens dark into the night, as two travelers struggled through the trees of new country. The forest howled at them a warning and the beast that accompanied the two strangers, howled it's own warning in return. Black branches covered them, biting into their clothing and scuffing there arms and legs, making it difficult to pass through.
"How the hell did we end up in this damn situation?" a black haired man with a purple and black cloak asked across the wind. He coughed, gaining the attention of his comrade who sliced away another branch from his path, blood dripping down his arm.
"Well, lets see. What could have happened today, Miroku? You decided to flirt with a woman , like most days, and probably asked her to bear your child. And like most days, sorry, like all days, she said no with a scream and gets us into major trouble!" He slashed another branch that snagged onto his red cloak. He bared his teeth and his ears flattened.
"It's not like I meant to flirt with a female wolf tribe member. I didn't even know she had a mate." Miroku exclaimed.
"That is just a given Miroku. One because you humans have weak noses and two you didn't listen to me. I told you just to get the supplies and nothing else but no. You had to go and be a perverted bastard to the first female that had a nice pair of legs and a tail to pull on." the hanyou yelled back. He was getting tired and really ticked off at his friend. Of course when Miroku messed with the already claimed she wolf, he just had to save the poor bastard from getting killed by her jealous mate.
"Come on Inuyasha. Your a strong guy and you did come out on top, didn't you?" Miroku said sheepishly.
"Keh. Just with a hole in my gut. How would you like me to put a clawed hand through your stomach sometime?" Silence from the frightened man. There had been forest village he and Miroku had stopped at to gather supplies. Inuyasha's hound had went around the village to lessen the chances of causing a scene with some of the wolves that were found in the outskirts of the village and in around the market area. The two split up for different things: Inuyasha to find out where they were, how far they needed to go and get updated with maps and news; Miroku to resupply on dry foods and fresh water.
The village was small and Inuyasha knew they were protected by one of the wolf tribes in the area. He didn't understand the why's or how's but if anyone were to try and cause trouble, they would be in over their heads. The tribe seemed pretty powerful and full. He had thought there was no peace between the humans and wolves lately but he guessed he was very wrong on the matter. He found a young male wolf demon to speak to about where they were. The wolf explained they were close to the Lord's castle and would find pleasant company as well as shelter for a time if they went there. If he was heading for the Higurashi Lands, he had better just turn around.
'Why would I wish to turn back. I came to this land to make peace ties with the Higurashi family. This is needed to be done.' He had said. The wolf explained that it was the coming event of the Lady Higurashi's daughter, Kikyo, celebrating her 18th birthday. She was to be wed the very same day to a Lord Onigumo, Naraku. Even if there was no celebration, they would still not find a good enough reason to go into the Higurashi lands. No peace was ever found. It was a land that had blossemed for years and then fell into a neverending winter of decay, nothing anyone could do but watch as it died with rebirth. Inuyasha clenched his teeth and would have asked other questions if the loud sounds of a smack and scream rang through out the small village. He thanked the wolf and raced back to the pathetic pervert. He was in trouble with a wolf demon defending his mate. The moron thought only with his lust and not anything else.
‘Please, I didn’t mean to challenge you over her, I swear. My hand slipped, that was all. We don’t need to make a scene with this my good man.’ Miroku had been screwed from the moment he touched that wolf. The explanation just seemed to anger the wolf even more. He raised his claws and would have left a nice gash along Miroku’s throat if Inuyasha didn’t take the attack into himself by jumping in high to try for the surprise and knocking Miroku out of the way. The claws ripped threw his half breed body and right through to the other side, indicating that the wolf didn't care what he was gorging. It didn’t hold back Inuyasha's own punch when he landed back to earth, that sent the demon flying into a hut, knocking the surprised wolf out flat. He didn’t move. His mate ran to him with a low growl at the two that were breathing hard. Miroku had not moved from his place and Inuyasha stood with heavy breathing, ready to take on whatever came after him even though he knew that it was Miroku's actions that started this mess. He wasn't going to fight to kill just to keep the guy knocked out.
‘Look tell your mate I am sorry for my servant's insolence and that he will be punished for his actions by my hands. Forgive me for harming your mate and that moron’s mistake.’ The wolf woman gave a quick nod and tended to her mate. Inuyasha walked away from the scene and out of the village in silence. Miroku seeing he was leaving leapt up after him.
‘Damn that pervert. Didn’t even get supplies that we needed.’ Inuyasha thought returning to the present of soaked clothes and icy wind. ‘Now look at me. I’m loosing to much blood with this hole in my gut and we don’t even have medical supplies to patch it up from bleeding. We had better find this place quick or I may be a goner.’ He cut down one more branch out of his way cutting himself in the process. He stepped out and found open ground. “Hey Miroku, I think we found the place.” His hound broke through the bushes passing him into the long grass. Rain still poured down, but that didn’t stop the mutt from jumping into the mud puddle he found by his master. Mud flew onto both of them making them walking gingerbread men. Miroku stepped out into the full rain and looked at the ginger’ man and held back a laugh. Inuyasha spitted out the mud that had fallen into his mouth.
“Your not looking so great there Inuyasha and I don’t mean the mud.” he stated. Inuyasha shook his head flinging mud every which way and looked at his friend with a smirk.
“Keh” was all he said as he collapsed into darkness.
“Where the fuck am I?” were the first words out of Inuyasha’s mouth as his eyes opened to a world closed in with gray stone.
“Well, you are in the home of Lord Higurashi, Inuyasha. More precisely, you are in his medical chamber recuperating from that wound you took for me.” He heard Miroku say from somewhere nearby. Inuyasha sat up slowly and took in the room.
The walls were made of gray stone but they held beautiful gold and red tapestries . The floor was bare, but that was to be expected considering this was the room the sick went to. Inuyasha believed though that from looking at the rest of the room slowly, that rugs would be found most everywhere of the same quality as those tapestries. There was a trunk that was on the left side corner of the room with a book case across from it, occupying the right corner. His bed was, a lined with the wall that the book case was against, one of two beds in the room. The other was perpendicular from his and faced the door. White blankets like his, where laying neatly on the bed. But unlike his, it wasn’t flanked with blood spots. He grimaced at that but didn’t stop looking around. His eyes finally found his friend’s in the middle of the room with a table that had room for two more people to be seated at it. The table had a silver-like glint cover over it and it itself had small rose pedals spread across it. There was three candles and a tea kettle with two cups next to it. He assumed that the tea was for him for when he awake. Sure enough, Miroku began to pour a cup slowly and passed it to him. Miroku held it for a moment making sure that he had enough strength to hold it before letting it go completely.
“I thought,” Inuyasha began before taking a sip. “we were heading for the closer castle. I didn’t realize we were so close to the Higurashi lands. That damn wolf told me we were at least four days from them at our pace. Man when I see him again…” He took another sip. The tea was making the dizziness fade away quickly from his head. It was still warm enough to see the steam, which meant that the one who had made it had been there not to long ago.
“Your right, Inuyasha. We cannot be on the lands we set out for. I said we were on Lord Higurashi’s lands.” Miroku poured himself a cup of the hot tea. He had changed out of his travelers cloths into clothes of dark brown shirt and black pants. The whole ensemble looked a bit big for him, meaning their clothing had to be soaked through if Miroku was borrowing someone else’s belongings. He looked down at himself. He was wearing nothing but a bandage around his middle and arm, with only blankets covering the rest of his body.
“What’s the difference? The Lord Higurashi was who we seek right? Where is the man, we have an alliance to form with this country.” He drank down a great portion of his tea, missing Miroku’s look of lost patients.
“Inuyasha, Lord and Lady Higurashi do not hold peace between each other for reasons I do not understand. These lands we are in search for are under monarch lead by Lady and High Miko Higurashi, not Lord Higurashi, her banished husband. For unexplained reasons he was practically thrown from his wife’s lands and has come to live here with his son, which who I understand, is adopted. The castle we are in now is under Lord Higurashi, built with his and legendary demon slayer’s hands long ago. They themselves are a small village not to far from here. It was by poor fates that we missed their little village.” he finished. He drank down the rest of his tea and poured more into the empty cup. He tapped off Inuyasha’s as well, waiting for the hanyou to speak.
“Interesting. Sad that we come here in the hopes of an alliance between to countries, when not even it’s highest leaders can come to peace between themselves. Sesshomaru has asked the impossible from me. Damn it.” He drank his tea deeply not caring if it would burn a normal throat of a human. Miroku refilled the cup again. “So, how did we get here? I don’t believe you could carry my hound much less me. Speaking of which, where is the mutt?”
“First off, no I didn’t have the pleasure of carrying you here. Two slayers who were coming back from a kill, found your damn beast and followed him back to us. We were able to carry you here with little struggle; though, your damn long hair nearly tripped us a dozen times.” He recieved a glare with a smirk and continued. “We came through the gates with little conflict when the Lord himself guided us here. He ordered his maid to get you out of your 'rags', then wash and dress your wounds.”
“How the hell would maids know what they were doing? If I was human, I would have died and all you did was wash the wound. Where is the medicine man or a priestess to help me?” Inuyasha exclaimed. Did he think just cleaning the wound in his stomach going to be enough? Well it was for him, but what if they didn’t know that? He could have been dead if he was human.
“Hush, you whinny dog. From what I understand, every person in this castle knows how to properly clean and dress a wound. It is very important to their training and culture. There miko is gone with a companion currently on a journey. They have been gone about two years and should be coming back soon. Last they heard they were close to our lands. Breath ‘Yasha, it helps when you try to calm down.”
Inuyasha did breath and sat deep in thought for a moment. “ Why do they all know how to treat wounds? A bit drastic don’t you think?” he said after a while.
“Not really. These people like to be prepared for anything. It is in the time they are children they are taught a bit about medicine and at least know the basics. They can choose later if they wish to learn more and it is highly respected. With the miko gone, it is to be sure that many if not all would want to learn more about the healing of others.” While Inuyasha had laid out cold in the room he had a chance to speak with several of the people living in the castle. They spoke very highly and fondly of their Lord and Miko. The young woman that had left, left to bring honor to their lands and help those that were in need of their services. The woman who went with the Miko was trained in the most difficult level of demon slaying and was a gift from Kami, the servants said. The Miko was strong and had a good heart. It was said that because of that good heart that she was even stronger then the High Miko Higurashi, herself.
"You never answered my other question, where’s the mutt?” Inuyasha asked, braking the mans thoughts.
“Oh, that mutt of yours has stayed outside in the barn with a young fox demon. He was bored waiting for you to wake up and I thought it was improper for me to keep him in here the entire day you have slept. The two get along quite nicely, I must say. It keeps them both from getting into trouble.” he answered.
“Well, that's good. Wouldn’t want him running around causing hell around this grand of place. You know he could tear the place apart if he really wants to.” A grin spoke words.
One time when his pet had been but a pup, he let him into the castle. He went to the kitchens to get him scraps and left his new friend in the throne room. When he returned, the pup was gone with a curtain ripped to shreds. He imediantly searched and searched not being able to get a good scent of the pup anywhere. Finally, right before he was about to give up, he heard a large crash coming close to where he was. He looked to his brothers rooms and found the place in tattered rags. Sesshomaru was furious with the pup and his little brother and told him 'that mutt is not permitted in this home' and pointed to the door. Inuyasha brought the beast outside and from that day on, he referred to one of his best friends as 'the mutt'. Simple, easy, and brought back great memories of terrorizing his big brother.
"So, when do I get to have the pleasure of meeting Lord Higurashi?" he asked Miroku. The man had seemed startled himself as if he remembered that day as well. Miroku had been hiding on the floor, awaiting Inuyasha's return from the forest when he heard the braking objects and yelling from Sesshomaru.
"He said that he would see you when you awoke and ready to see him."
"That's good. I'll take a nap to shake off the rest of this weariness. Find me some descent clothes while I'm out, okay? I will meat this man that has taken us strangers into his home without questions."