InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you to all who reviewed. I am sorry this took so long to get out to everybody but I believe that because of how long it is, makes up for the lack of time, or rather how much time has passed. My world has been turned upside down just a little with my guy over in Iraq. Have a little patience with me please! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Disclaimer: I do Not own any rights to Inuyasha or the characters. All rights to him are to his real owner, Rumiko Takahashi. Thank you and please don't sue.
WARNING: This is an adult fic and if you are not 18 or older then do not read. If you think you are old enough or mature enough go ahead, read but don’t complain if it seems to ‘adult’ for you. Thank you. Lemon will be involved.
“Thank you for allowing Inuyasha to sneak off tonight. His wounds have completely healed but he still is in need to recover his strength and eating habits, to say the least.” Miroku remarked with a smirk At afternoon meal, the hanyou was finally allowed whole food but ignored the warnings to take it slow and lost all the food he had inhaled. Of course the plan was to be sick but Inuyasha had taken it a bit far without meaning to.
“Yes, the poor man was so pale I thought he might never eat again.” The lord and Miroku laughed together. The two men were heading back from an early dinner. It had been a light meal just in case the two young women returned that night. The past three days had been as such to insure that when the women returned, everyone was well ready to have a feast in their honor. If they didn’t return by tomorrow though, they were going to be searched for at once. Miroku thought it was a little overboard for Lord Higurashi to send out search parties after one day but was then told about how the rumored Miko was the Lord’s daughter.
“It’s a sad thought that the two will not meet ‘till tomorrow afternoon, but it can’t be helped. Maybe it ‘tis a sign that I am to talk with my daughter first to learn of her adventures and make sure she does not have a partner. If she does, I full heartily don’t wish for bad blood between our lands.” The Lord remarked. Miroku nodded seeing the equation in his mind.
“I don't believe that will happen Lord Higurashi. Lord Inuyasha understands that chance if she is partnered but if there is no real love or feelings between the two then he might give it a try. If there are true feelings, I know that he will back down and try to make a reasonable treaty with this country. In this day and age though, marriage is the most powerful. Family ties are powerful.”
Silence came for a moment between the men then. Miroku took that chance to study the elder man. He was wrinkled lightly and his hair was a dark black still but was peppered with an almost silver color rather then the usual dull gray. Real age was found in the man's eyes. They were haunted with hurt and loneliness, but strangely hope lingered in their depths. He was still in love with the woman who had banished him. He had never married- though he took in a young boy as a son, he was never found with another woman. Miroku grimaced at the thought and was found once again looking at the ring the lord had around his thumb. When Miroku had first looked upon the gold piece the Lord asked if he wished to see it. When it was handed to him, Miroku found small words written around it saying ‘my beloved’. When he gave it back, it was explained to him that it was tradition to exchange rings as a show of being taken or wed in the Higurashi family.
“ I wish many a time that thing were different within our family. I didn’t wish for your Lords to believe we are incapable of taking care of our own families here. Just misunderstandings are our downfall more then anything. It’s hard sometimes to see the truth.” he paused. “When I see my daughter I need to look away at times as that reminder of those who are blind.” He chuckled at that. They had stopped in the split hallway that would separate them to their bedchambers.
“Why would you need to look away? Surely your daughter’s beauty is true from the tellings of many throughout your household.”
The man laughed at the poor new comer. “Her beauty is not what makes my head turn. Aye, my daughter is beautiful. Her black hair reaches far down her back and rosy high cheek bones grace her face. What would turn my head away from my own flesh?” Miroku waited. This man honestly was ashamed to have turned his head from his daughter.
“My daughter has the most radiant eyes that have even more shades of blue then the ocean. When her moods shift, her eyes shift with them so intensely that at first I didn’t believe it. I used to even call her my little chameleon. Her sibling has my dark eyes that are nothing in comparison. My Kagome, has her mother’s eyes. How it happened is beyond reasoning and it is just that, that puzzles me to no end. How was it that I was cursed to look into the mirrored eyes that had banished me and trampled my heart into pieces; that it is those eyes that belong to my daughter who loves me still? I will always be greatful though no matter her eyes and looks that I was blessed into having my child with me. But it can be difficult to not weep in front of her or have words with her with serious matters.”
A great pity for the man rose in Miroku’s chest. The love that the Lord had for the woman who claimed to hate him, was still there, even through the 18 years of separation. It was beautifully tragic. From the information he had gathered, Lord Higurashi had been blackmailed by a woman married to the Southern Lands who had little wealth. For months she had been trying to hang on the new Lord but with little success of advancement. He fought her tooth and nail but because so many had see the ‘affection’ she had for him she used it to her advantage. She spoke of how if he did not wish to loose his Lady Higurashi that he would handsomely pay her to keep her lying tong quiet. She kept demanding more and more from him, and he not wanting to loose the love of his life kept paying the sum. It was a blessing when finally the time had come when she was to leave and take her troubles with her. As a final payment she demanded the gold chain that held a key on it that he wore constantly. At first he refused. It was an heirloom from his wife’s half of the family and around her own neck, she wore a heart that had a lock that his key would fit into perfect. When the woman spoke of going to his wife, he thought more of life he had with his koishii was greater then any trinket not matter what it signified.
The morning her and her own lord husband were leaving, she wore the necklace atop her chest to flaunt it. It was believed that when she had sneaked to his chamber while his wife made her last formalities, they found pleasure and gave each other trinkets. His wife was furious. For months she had been hearing nonsense rumors and had dismissed them until she saw the chain. She felt betrayed and would not listen to anything he tried to tell her. Constantly she would take rides out to the wild's of the forest to escape the man she had been a lover with. And each ride she took made the once warm heart freeze over until even the servents that were once happy to be serving their lady, grew frightened and quiet. The love she somehow still held for her betrayer, would not allow her to banish him until the last two months of her pregnancy. He tried everything to be listened to, but she was just turn her head and left. Not one word of forgiveness would pass through her lips. He failed and the rest played out for the two baby girls to be separated and to fight for their mother’s lands later.
“It is my deepest wish that my daughters will feel compassion for each other and learn to hug before shedding blood from one another. I hope that they will love each other then hate. A grand wish, don’t you think?” Miroku smiled gently at him but said nothing.
‘Inuyasha and Sesshomaru don’t even have that bad of relationship as brothers. They, at least, have the choice of hating each other freely without any real push from anyone. The Lord has taught this daughter love, compassion and battlement. Who knows what the Lady Higurashi has taught the other? Her family had ruled for centuries with no man to defeat them. How would this play out? Which will be stronger?’ He knew that there were terms that each girl had to follow but no one seemed to know what it all was, it was something he desperatly wanted to know but he kept his mouth in check. He thought, going to his chambers with a wave of leave to the Lord.
“Hmm… this will require some thought.' He stopped outside of his door. 'Maybe I should prepare a gift for Inuyasha. He has been on good behavior and needs to have a reward.' His thoughts quickly changed to a more fun attitude. ‘Sure the man might be getting married but that’s the whole point. This may be the last night he has freedom for fun so who am I not to give him a gift. I wonder…’ The monk turned away from his quarters to find himself trouble.
666in a small hut away from the castle666
Inuyasha sat in the dark, waiting for the sun to set itself for the night’s arrival.
“Of all the nights, it had to be this one! I will not be able to meet my future bride until tomorrow evening.” Her first impressions of him would not be good because he knew he would be grumpy and very pissed off. ‘The Gods either hate me or want me for themselves.’ He thought.
He had left the castle undetected, wanting to find a suitable hideout when he found a small building he believed was a hut. He entered it seeing a large bed with quilts and large stuffy pillows. A stove was toward the center left of the room from the door. A table was set up by the wall closest to the stove with a large basket on top of it. Four bows and two swords were leaning at the door entrance. Everything was covered in dust and looked not to have been touched in years. Inuyasha readied his ‘camp’ for the night starting with the stove for a fire and then the bed that he wouldn't sleep in but at least would be comfortable to sit on all night.
“So it begins...” He spoke softly as he sat down, trying to concentrate on the warmth the stove was glowing out to. He needed a distraction and leaned back to the bed posts with is golden eyes closing.
The changes felt like an eternity, yet it happened in seconds. Silver turned to midnight black as his canines cut back into his flesh almost making him grunt in pain. His claws were the most painful (besides his canines) to transform, as the retracted back into his skin giving him dull nails that though were still longer than what could be found with most humans, but like humans could not cut through trees like his demon ones could. The puppy ears that marked him for what he was slid to the sides of his face as human fleshed ears. Last but his least favorite was the sudden loss of smells that gave him all the answers. The forest disappeared from his radar and only the smell of burning wood and dust gave him any information, but even that was troubling. Eyes opened with the world dimmer then what it had been before with his eyes no longer golden but deep violet orbs. The changes were unwelcome and unwanted but they were a part of him; a part of himself he hated. It made him weak and weakness never could be tolerated.
Inuyasha straightened himself out, moving the less muscular body he was now with and shouldered his sword. “ This is so boring and stupid. You think Miroku would send me some company for behaving this last week. I am not even sure that I have a bride so it wouldn't be unfaithful to have maybe one last night of fun no matter the state I’m in. The girl wouldn't even recognize me tomorrow.” He sighed and closed the new eyes again. He listened to as far as he could to try and sense any changes around the outside of the hut. “This is going to be one long ass night.”
666 to the early birds 666
Kagome and Sango stood next to each other, looking at the outskirts of their home. The castle was lit with as much candles possible and the village off a ways into the distant was bright itself. Not much had changed within their two years of absents. Fields were still a sea green and flowers sill held the brand new leaves from the new spring. The creeks were flowing fresh from the snow melts and the rainstorms filling the grounds with life. The stars that hung above the mountains in the distance were bright as ever. The air smelt alive and quivering even if it was dusk. Both young woman relaxed in it.
“Home.” Sango looked relived and slumped a little.
“Yeah lets go. We have people waiting for us.” They made their tracks through the forest.
666 castle 666
Miroku wondered through corridors looking for anything interesting that could appeal to him. ‘Nothing to do… hmmm and no young ladies around…. What to do?” Sounding trumpets rang through the halls alerting everyone someone or some ones of importance had arrived. Miroku hurried to find the entrance to see the newcomers and hoped it would be the to-be-wife of his Lord.
Lord Higurashi waited patiently as the gates opened to behold his daughter and her friend. Two years to see his daughter and then he was going to have to see her off again in a few days. It was going to be a small gift to have her home for at least a day.
Wolves greeted him first jumping through the gates. He couldn’t help but grin. Of course his daughter would find more companions to bring home. Knowing her, she probably named them and loved them with everything she had. They yipped and came to him with kisses. He laughed and gave them hugs, happy to be accepted so quickly.
“Hello Father.” a soft voice addressed him. He stood up slowly memorizing the small built young woman before him. “Did you miss me?” Her eyes laughed with joy and he walked toward her. They embraced, father and daughter held for a moment.
“Hello Kagome. We have missed you.” He hugged his daughter again.
Miroku was, to say the least, impressed by the woman’s look and spiritual power. She had long black hair and was in the traditional robes of the priestess. The wolves surprised him, like everyone else he suspected, but it only showed her kind heart to all.
“Kagome, I would like you to meet a good friend of mine.” He heard Lord Higurashi say. They walked toward him with her arm in his. She walked proudly with her back straight and face forward, knowing the ground underneath her wasn’t going anywhere.
“Miroku, I would like you to meet my daughter, the Miko Kagome.” She look like is was a pleasure but more annoyed then anything.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Miko Kagome.”
‘Is this the man my father has chosen to be at my side?’ Kagome thought. He had large brown eyes that seemed very curious of her. He was dressed in black leggings and a dark purple shirt with a black undershirt. He had strange piercings on both his ears and a silver necklace from the Northern realm. This must be to help form an alliance.’ She smiled at his greet to her. ‘ I thought that the Northern ream was lead by youkai. I am to marry a human?’
It wasn’t that it was a bad thing for her to marry a human, but she would live much longer then he and when he died she would be left alone and any children she would have would be the same way.
“You are fair in beauty Lady Kagome. The words from your comrades spoke truth.” The man smiled at her. ‘Dear God, his flattery is thick. Where is Sango when I really need her for social battles?’ As if reading her thoughts, her father spoke up.
“Where is Sango? Where you able to travel together or did you loose each other?” He looked slightly worried. Sango could almost be a daughter to him seeing that his own flesh treated her as if they were from the same line.
“Father, Sango went straight to the village. She has missed her brother greatly and fellow villagers. She said she would join us in the morn.” She smiled. Sango had insisted that Kagome go by herself to the castle. Her and Kirara had their own feast to join.
“Well, I apologize Miroku. I truly wished for you to meet the demon slayer. She is as important to us as your Lord Inuyasha. Her father was the chief slayer of the village but we lost him a while back. There was so talk of another person taking charge but it was given to Sango when she returned. She is the best fighter in the village and with the added two years of training with my daughter, there is no doubt in my mind that no villager will question it.” Her father sounded proud as he spoke of Sango. ‘So this is not the man I am to marry? Is it this Lord Inuyasha? I am to marry a demon?’ She smirked to herself. ‘Lets see if he tries to piss me off. He will deeply regret it.’
“Kagome, my daughter, we must speak alone for a moment. Please excuse us Miroku.” She still had her arm in her father’s so she followed easily to his requested order. “By the time we return, I hope a feast will be waiting.” Everyone jumped and started the preparations.
666 Father and Daughter 666
“Where you able to complete your training?”
“Yes, Father. Sango and I are both strong in our own person, but we still will grow in power with each battle we are in.” she replied.
“And what of our deal, Kagome? Were you able to find a suitable companion?”
She tensed but did not take her eyes from his. “No, I did not. But there is the large chance that my sibling didn’t receive our families gift.” Her father shook his head. Her stomach turned sour.
“Your sister indeed has been blessed with the Higurashi power. To prove her power she was given the task to slay the badger demon around the castle with only a bow and arrow. She proved herself to her mother and the elders of the village. I’m sorry. She is to be wed tomorrow also to insure her place. She was to be married today but the High Priestest said to celebrate your shared day of birth first.” Kagome let a small tear fall down her soft cheek. “I have found you a companion that I believe will suit you. He is from the Northern realm and rules as fair a hand as his elder brother.” Kagome nodded and put her head down finally in defeat. “He is gentle and as long as you have had not a lover, this marriage will be able to have a pure bind for our countries to come together cleanly. Please trust me, this man is not horrible.”
“Yet he is demon, Father. I could accidentally purify him if my anger rose or…” she gulped. "or when we ‘finalized’ this arrangement.” Of all the things her father responses could have been, it was not laughter that came to her mind.
“I’m sorry.” he said as he calmed. “The one to marry is not a demon fully but half. Your husband-to-be is a half demon.” She stared at him in shock. She hadn’t thought half demons would be so high in the world of power. Most were killed once they drew breath. “He is at a good balance. His strength can save you and his soul will love you.”
“Father I think this is a good match but I do not know if I can have a bond to a person I have not met nor love.” She spoke in hope. “Maybe I could beat Kikyo in battle. Lady Higurashi did say strength was key to this game of hers.”
“I’m sorry Kagome's, but unless you were unfaithful or had already a man you love at your side, this man is to be your husband.” Kagome nodded. “I know that you have not done either because your abilities are still strong and no man is at your side. For this, my daughter, I am so very proud of you.”
“‘Tis true Father. Only the man I am to marry will allow my powers to be kept after we consummate our vows.” She sighed but her thoughts began to think ahead quickly. “Father, is this castle truly worth all this? For me to not know love or to train with all that I am?” she questioned. Yes her dream was to live on the lands of her ancestors and make peace with a mother and a twin that she had never met but would it be really worth all that she had here? It was a great hope but if it were a choice she would rather live here with the loved ones she knew and could help protect. Her father gave her the contract that was already sighed with the hanyou’s blood signature. She pricked her finger with a small danger but waited.
“I know this is unfair but to live on those grounds and to prove yourself to your other half will only help you to further understand the power that is held in your veins. You will not be shunned, I promise. Your strong.” She sighed and signed away her name. "Happy Birthday, Kagome."
666 Later that night 666
‘I only have tonight to brake this damned contract. If I loose my powers, I will just take up Sango’s technique to help protect the village.’ she thought. She had attended the feast that was in her and Sango’s honor –even though the slayer stayed in the village– and laughed with those she had missed but she still had her mind elsewhere and excused herself early using bath and bed for an outlet. She sought for her own thoughts and decisions.
‘Father forgive me, but I do not wish to meet the woman who’s eyes I carry.’ She stepped out of the cooling waters of her bath and wrapped her body tightly in a warm towel. She wished Sango was here to help her, to tell her what she had to do. ‘There is Kouga but he would be so much worse and I would end up purifying his ass anytime he would piss me off.’ She shook her hair and water flew, hissing in the flames of the fire she was close to. ‘A hanyou who is balanced? Is that even possible?’ Of all the hanyous she met, they were so fragile in balance. Most relied mostly on their demon half, became monsters without really any intelligence, blinding themselves. Hanyous that relied just on their human half were okay as long as no one knew of there heritage but most where killed because of their weakness. ‘Is it really possible to be balanced?’
She stopped and lifted her head. ‘My life is not about to risk it. I will undue this, no matter how my pride is damaged.’ She began to brush her hair to try helping dim the headache that was beginning. Her hair would not dry for a while but she had no more time to waste. She stood up again after the tangles were out of her hair and picked up the blue robed kimono that her father had given her for a home/birthday present and seeing as her traveling clothes were gone it was all she had. The robe hit her right above the knee so she put on her black pants. It was a good outfit but she didn’t care. What she was about to do, she didn’t even need to bind her breasts like she normally did. No, the rest of her attire were her brown riding boots that went half way up her calf.
She gathered her arrows to be safe and snuck out carefully through her window with a rope tied to the ledge securely. Once she hit the ground, she cut herself loose of the rope that she had wrapped around her middle to not waste time. She needed to get out of here. She would first go to her old cabin and make the place more pleasing if she really did go through with her plan. ‘It has to be a human who has no name or high authority.’ Then she would go to the village and find someone in the wolf territory land because she knew she could never get away with one of the slayers.
She walked on the pathway they had come on but turned down a trail after a ways that seemed had gone untouched. She kept her bow out and an arrow knocked ready for anything. For the two years she hadn’t been there, there could be two years worth of demons nesting in the area without being cleared out by her care. The sky was dark with gray clouds that were begging to let forth and rain down on the world. Kagome was one for rain but hoped it would stay calm until she found a suitable man or even just to her cabin. Finally she saw familiar bushes that had been unattended but still a home away from home. There was one problem though. Light filled the small building. Someone was in there.
Inuyasha was tense. Someone stood outside the door. It’s hand was on the door. ‘Must have seen the light. Damn it, should have stayed cold.’ he thought. He stayed calm but settled himself more onto the bed and slipped a dagger hidden next to him just in case. ‘If they haven’t torn down this hut by now, they might be friendly…..or maybe not.’
Slowly the door opened into the hut, a small hand holding an arrow knocked and steady. Light midnight blue fabric crept it’s way in slowly followed by dark pants and boots until a full human body was in. He took in a deep breath. Fierce she was, but she held beauty he hadn’t thought to be possible. Blue eyes stared down into his as a warning and soft black wavy hair was about her small shoulders seeming to cling her form. She wore a simple robe that had slacks underneath that he thought odd for a woman but if she was a traveler, then the black material would keep her warmer then any skirts could. The blue material did not do justice to her body he could imagine was underneath the cloth. Her arms showed muscle that most woman could not reach in years because they would think it not right but to him it only showed she would be worthy of anything. The clothing did show that she was curved in the right places but did not clearly state where one started and ended. It was loose as if the maker hadn’t met the girl or she had been in to much of a hurry to buy it.
He finally lifter his eyes off her well shaped body to her face, ready to begin speaking to the new person. “So, are you my entertainment tonight?” he decided to ask. He smirked. She was armed yes but it was a good caution just in case her job was made fake.
The young woman looked stunned for a moment as if calculating something into an equation.
“I might be.” She lowered her guard with small movements, setting her bow down to the floor slowly. Her voice was beautiful and soft even though it was in a state of darkened tone. Red lips were full and looked bountiful. She enticed him. “May I have the pleasure of a name from the man I am to entertain tonight?” she asked, looking more confident. He had to smirk. This was a great gift indeed. She shivered slightly and though her voice was steady, the full lips that beckoned to kissed seemed to tremble. ‘Virgin, I must have been very good to have such a prize from Miroku’. He thought.
“I am but a traveler, my lady. No more, no less.” He stood slowly and leaned his sword onto the bed. “And what would I have to call you?” She seemed stunned for a moment that he would ask her name but was able to regain a balance.
“I am but a wonderer good sir. No more, no less.” she replied. ‘This is going to be enjoyable.’
“I am but a traveler, my lady. No more, no less.” Inwardly she smiled. ‘A traveler who would be gone and with his low rank, she would never be forced into marriage and the Lord that Miroku spoke about will not want me.’ she thought. “And what would I have to call you?”
She was shocked to say the least. He had moved so quietly from the bed to stand with his bare feet on the wooden floor it frightened he. He was handsome with hair as long as hers if not longer and with a fine muscular looking body clad in black pants and a loose red long sleeved shirt that was tightly tucked in.
‘He asked for a name. A name is only as good as the game,’ she thought. ‘and I like this one.’ “I am but a wonderer, good sir. No more, no less.” He looked extremely please with her answer.
“So little Wonderer, do you wish to be with me this moonless night?” She set herself more into the room. He had made a strong fire and the room wasn’t as dusty as she thought it would be. ‘This man will give me my freedom and I hope that even if my body gives him pleasure that he will not cause me to much harm.’
“I may if the one who seeks this virgin body will be gentle.” She hoped that telling him she was still a babe to the world of intimacy would lesson the pain and harshness. He took a step toward her, giving the image of being watched by a wolf about to pounce on fresh meat.
“I would be so gentle to you little Wonderer if you promise not to leave me cold in my bed.” She felt her face heating as his warm hand raised up to cup her face. “Shall we begin?” She dropped her head down to give her answer. ‘Father, forgive me.’
666 Reminder, this is a rated R and ages over the 18 fic skip if you are underage.666
The first thing to go was the bow that rested on the floor and the door was closed and locked. The next touch, was his strong hands in her damp flowing hair. That made him happy to know she knew to bathe. Kagome shivered with his hands moving through her hair to her neck and moved when he drew her closer to the fire.
Inuyasha felt her shiver and spoke gently to her. “If you can’t go through with this, I will stop myself and allow you to save your bed for another.” He really didn’t want to stop. He felt like he was on fire already but didn’t want her to feel pressured or scared to be with him.
Kagome took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Could she stop this? Did she want to stay here so badly that she would risk hers and her families reputation? The answer was yes. To not marry for love would be a crime against her soul and if she did find love then the man she was to marry would not care if her body had been taken by another. But… “All I ask of you Traveler, is you do not kiss these lips of mine. That is my rule and please don’t break it.”
Inuyasha could understand. Kissing a strange man just for passion would cause an ache in her heart. A kiss may be small to others but at least to her it was to personal which he could respect. “I will not touch those lips but I will wish for them.” He paused to watch her relief flood to her face. “May I kiss any other part of you, then?” Kagome again gave her silent bow and instance felt lips brush against her neck. He was warm and feeling his lips made her blood begin to rise with anticipation and nervousness. He stopped suddenly though and Kagome refocused.
He took a step back towards the bed, removed the dagger he had hidden and the took up his sword and set them by the door. He turned back to her and licked his lips.
“Undress, Wonderer. I believe it is going to become a burden to ware what you have on.” Her eyes widened but did bring a hand to the tie in the front of the robe and began to pull softly, the cloth flowing through her fingers. The gap opened but she couldn’t help but wrap her arms around it and shrinking towards the floor. “Do you wish to give up?” She shook her head ‘no’. She needed freedom and to get over this shyness. “Then let me try to relax you?” She looked puzzled but went to him.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and gestured for her to sit in front of him. She came close to him but sat on the floor between his legs, on her knees and looked up at him. He chuckled lightly and turned her with her back towards him. He pulled her hair all together and moved it to her left side over her shoulder. He loved the feel of its thicknes. 'We'll get to that part later, get her to relax.'
She was confused until she felt his hands on both her shoulders, rubbing her muscles out of all the knots that had found their way into her back after the two years of traveling. The tension in her body fled with a great rush and she practically melted. Her head rested against his left leg for support and she let out a grown of pleasure. She tensed again for a moment, embarrassed the sound had come from her.
“Don’t worry, if you weren’t making a sound, then I would think you too quiet.” She laid her head back on his knee. ‘What does this girl do? Her back is so tense with knots. It like the knots met the other knots to combine!’ Inuyasha had done this trick before and normally he would have been able to at least began to undress her slowly but he was concerned with how suppressed her muscles were. He wanted to make sure he got all of the main ones out to make it more comfortable for her in the future. It would help her too into relaxing for him. A plus side though, it seemed it was having a great pleasing affect on her.
“I am sorry. I am not known at all between the happenings of men and woman. You seem to know a females body well enough though Sir Traveler.” she whispered. He noticed curiosity was in her voice.
“I was almost married once and had the pleasure of learning the ways of night tussles. Unfortunately the woman decided she didn’t want me and I learned the hard way that once you start something as intimate as another’s body, that it is hard to stop.” She seemed pleased that she was working with someone that had done this before, though he thought it might make her uncomfortable all over again. “I don’t bed women often but once I find a wife, she will be the only one I would allow into my bed.” The girl sighed and groaned again as he hit a place near her neck.
"What a lucky woman, whoever she is out there." He heard her whisper with her eyes closed in foced to the way his hands worked on her. Seeing she was very relaxed, he leaned forward and carefully kissed the back of her neck and reached around the front of her to the opening of the robes. At first she would not let go but with his other hand he squeezed at the conjecture of her neck and shoulder and she relaxed her hold. He pulled back the opening of one side, then pulling it up and over her right shoulder, letting her feel the slow movement of the cloth against her flesh. Her head hung low as one side of her body was revealed, showing her right breast and some her stomach. He put his hand on her bare right shoulder and squeezed again as a comfort before reaching around her left to pull the rest of the top clothing off of her. She allowed it and lend up to her knees to let him fully take it away from her person. Inuyasha smiled. Her skin was tan and well muscled like her arms.
He ran his hands down her spine and her head popped back up. Her hair fell over his hands making him growl in impatience. She smiled a little and turned her head so that her chin rested on her right shoulder but her eyes would not look to him.
“If you make a sound, does that mean I am behaving as I should?” she asked coyly. Yes she was shy, and yes she was nervous but she needed to have times of bravery and not allow him complete control. Inuyasha was a little stunned but was in full agreement. He didn’t want to be doing all the work
“If I growl, I think that is a great accomplishment. I have never felt such soft hair from a maiden before.” She shrugged and turned around to full face him up on her knees. Her arms lifted and placed themselves on his thighs. Inuyasha looked at what was presented to him. The robe had truly done no justice to the woman. Her tanned flesh blended into the soft whiteness of her large, round, breasts. The tips of her nipples were rosy and a little tightened from the small pleasure she had barley begun to understand, but where hardening quickly from the air they were exposed to. Down from her breasts was a strong looking stomach, he had never seen on a woman before. She had a slender waist but it was muscular, and it made her look healthier and more enticing then any woman he had found. He knew her hips, though still covered, where wide but that would mean if she were to have children, she would be in little danger when going through child birth.
‘What am I doing, thinking of children with this woman? Get back to business.’ he thought.
Kagome felt just uncomfortable. He was looking at her with great interest. She knew that women didn’t work out or train their bodies for battle in neighboring villages. She was not as delicate as any woman and was not as smooth. Even most of the slayers were men in the village and women were trained little enough that it wasn’t their entire body that grew powerful like her and Sango’s. With him looking at her the way she was, she wasn’t sure he entirely liked what he saw. “I’m sorry for my built but I …” He covered her lips with a finger to shush her.
“Your body is beautiful. Never have I seen such a body as lovely as yours.” He spoke. She breathed out a sigh of relief but it was quickly taken back in as he cupped her left breast in his palm. She felt the urge to move her hips at the moment but fought her body for control. His hands were warm and as he gentaly squeezed her soft mound a feeling like lightning was shot down through her body to a pool in her belly. Her head fell back and he took the opportunity to kiss her neck again down into her collar bone but could not go any further with how they were positioned. He groaned a little and moved his arms around to grab her backside to pull her up to her feet, making him let go of the nips he was giving to her collarbone.
She stood quickly as she hoped he wanted for a response but was wobbly from the new touch she just received and had to lean on him for support. The traveler stayed like he was but had started to pull of his own shirt. Kagome thought this not right. If he was going to undress her, who was she to let him undress himself. She grabbed his wrist and the black haired man looked to her. She gripped the side of his shirt indicating what she was going to do and pulled upward. He raised his arms and let the cloth be pulled from his body before seeing the light again. Kagome threw the garment over to where her robe lay.
She had seen men’s chests before but never up close. He was more muscular the she and was built like a warrior. She wondered if he himself had seen battles but if he was a far traveler, he would have to know how to defend himself. She was scared to touch his flesh and the traveler seemed to sence her shyness. He took one her hands and placed it again his chest to his heart. It was beating rapidly and his chest was hard but smooth to her. She liked it.
“I hope you like what you see little wonderer. If you like this, I hope you like the rest of me.” She had the graces to blush and hide her eyes under her bangs. He lifted her chin and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Shall we keep going before this night is over?” Kagome nodded.
Without waiting for approval, he began to kiss her body again starting at her collarbone into the valley of her breasts. She gripped his shoulder for support as he licked her softly before continuing his search. When he reached her belly button, he put both his hands on her hips to keep her steady then attacked the ties to her black pants. They fell unclasped together and let the material loosen as he pulled from either side of his hands. He felt her take in another deep breath and rest her head on his shoulder. After he ran his hands over her hips with the material, he let it just fall on its own strait to the floor. He stood before really getting a good look and picked her up and sat her on the bed. She had taken the loose pants with her and he noticed that she had calf high, brown boots still on. Restraining himself from slapping his forehead, he quickly made off with the damn contraptions and threw them down along with the pants to their pile of belongings.
Kagome was growing uncomfortable again. The half dressed man was standing above her examining her. He had looked a bit angry at himself when he realized she still had her boots on but calmed and took them off with enthusiasm. She lay on the bed waiting for whatever came next, not really wanting to move.
He was very delighted. Her hips did swell smoothly and back down into the rest of body giving a beautiful look to her long legs. Again her tan body blended into the areas that never saw the sun for long. Soft curls hid her treasured part of her body with her legs closed for extra protection. He skimmed one hand from her ankles to her thighs before taking it completely away, seeing goose bumps travel along his path. He took a step back to breath and pulled on the ties of his own pants. He saw that she looked away, again in embarrassment but he only grinned. She was brave with his shirt he knew because she had seen the skin of men before on chest but never below. It was completely alien to her so of course she was going to hide while she could.
He dropped the clothing and step out kicking the final piece away to their pile, and came down slowly on the bed. He was grateful to the owner for the large bed so it would be easy to move about for what they were about to do. She said nothing but did turn her head back to him waiting for whatever was next to come.
He took her hand again and placed it on his chest again. Then slowly he led her fingers down to the unknown male anatomy. She took in a gulp of air but not try to snatch back her fingers. He took in a breath to and let go of her hand, but grinned when she didn’t take back her hand right away.
Instead she explored him. He felt large and hot. Soft curls were around his area like herself but so unlike her. She felt powerful as she saw his eyes close slowly, as if memorizing her touch. She was pleased with herself and wrapped her hand around his rod slowly. His eyes tightened and his hand clenched tight. She squeezed a little and was please to see that his eyes shot wide open but was sad when he placed a hand over hers to take away her new found power.
“If you keep doing that, I will loose control and will not be able to prepare you properly.” she heard him say with a shaking voice.
She nodded, but was frightened. “That is to come into me? Aren’t you a bit… large to fit into me?” she asked. She felt him move and watched as got to his knees on either side of her and his hands above her head for support. She saw his muscles ripple with the movement and liked his long powerful looking legs.
“Trust me little one, I will fit. I promise to cause you as little pain as possible. You are a virgin and when I take it, you will hurt but I promise it will go quickly and I will show you much pleasure.” he whispered into her ear. Before she had time to react to his words she felt one of his hands move and grip her breast again. She was so surprised that her body lifted in response like it wanted to last time and she felt him close to her secret place with his. He felt her move and instantly applied pressure to her again and felt her lifted against him. She opened her legs for leverage and he moved fast. He moved his own legs to spread hers out to hold around him. He wouldn’t take her yet but teased her more to get her and himself more worked up.
Inuyasha moved his mouth over her right breast, gently licking the soft mound while his other hand gripped the other. She moaned loudly when his tong reached the small pearl and for a moment he was glad he didn’t have his hanyou hearing, though he did wish for his fangs to pleasure her more. She placed her hands on his shoulders and gripped him hard that he knew little moons would be found on his shoulders. Rather than pain, it made him harder and he lightly sucked on her breast more into his mouth then let go to breathe make it rock hard itself. He moved his head to the other breast giving it the same treatment while the other was pinched and gripped.
Kagome was in parole. Never had she been touched like this or felt so much pleasure. She felt like her body was on fire from the abuse this man was bringing her. She bit her lip as he finally left her breasts that were so taught that they hurt. He nipped his way down to her stomach and put his tong into her bellybutton. Again her body reacted beyond her control and her hips moved wanting something, needing something. Kagome knew only this man would make the aching between her legs go away. The pool she had in her belly was gaining and tightening making her whimper.
He ran his hands down her legs and back up to her patch of curls. The soft touch, as he cupped her fully down to that part of her body, made her nearly scream with want. He leaned down making his body move away, and began to kiss and lick her up to her hips, tracing the outer line of her body on each side. Kagome shook her head back and forth. It was going to be too much.
Inuyasha saw that his teasing with the young woman was working well. He knew that torture in her body was driving her insane but she looked so damn beautiful. Her cheek were full of heat and she breasts seemed fuller, ready for more treatment.
If she thought this was enough, she was deadly wrong. Slowly he began to explore the folds of her treasure. She stilled but moved again when his finger found her entrance. He placed a hand on her stomach to hold her down and let his finger make way into her heat. She was ready for him for sure but it was just so easy to please her. He worked his finger in and out of her speeding up and then added another finger into her. She screamed and gripped the blankets as she tried to gip him, wanting more. Not being able to help himself, he had to taste her with his tongue. He blew softly on her treasured area first earning a whimper and the slowly with his fingers spreading her folds, his tounge slipped into her core. Instently he felt her body let go of itself and he lapped her juices. She was ready for him now more than ever. He lifted his head and looked at her sweat covered body. Her eyes were dialited and her breath was short. He was going to make it even shorter. Inuyasha was painfully hard but waited for her a moment to slow from the blast of energy before taking his fingers completely out of her and moving his rod in as their replacement.
She whimpered from the loss but just as quickly began to tense again. He felt it and leaned down to her neck to nip softly as he entered her and felt her small passage expand and hit her maiden head. “Breath little one, and relax. I need to do this quickly so I don’t hurt you more then necessarily okay but you need to relax to help numb the pain.” Her eyes closed and he heard a small ‘kay’ from her. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. Inuyasha felt it and pushed through quickly.
It was nothing she ever felt before. It hurt. It hurt like hell. She tried to move and disengage them from each other but he put his weight on her. “Wait little one. I promise it will get better okay, but you can’t move or you will hurt yourself.” She shook her head but felt him move his hands to her breast and grip softly to give her small pleasure again to take away her mind from the pain. Ever so slowly she felt her body adjust and she had the urge to move.
Inuyasha felt her completely relaxed and felt the soft buck from her hips telling him she was ready. He pulled out just a little and heard her intake of breath as he moved them. She felt so good and tight. Her legs and moved around him like a cage and put pressure on him to move. He dove back agonizingly slowly. His blood was on fire and he could feel her hands scratching at him to move the pace faster. He complied and soon they found a rhythm together. They panted hard and he squeezed her breast. Sweat flooded from both of their bodies allow them to move swifter. She bit her lip, almost drawing blood. Inuyasha felt himself slipping away as his own pressure was at the brick of ending. Her womanhood gripped him tightly and took him deep into herself.
She screamed as she came to her end releasing her juices and he felt like he was in heaven for an instant before coming back down with her. His seed spilled into her and he tried to withdraw out of her beforehand but her legs were too tight around him. He gave up and laid his head on her chest, nimbly sucking her nipple on and off, taking deep breaths of air. Never had he put so much energy or felt the energy from his partner. He was completely worn out for the first time in his history of sex.
Her chest moved up and down. It was like nothing she had ever experienced. She felt hot and cool as their heat died down. So this was how you made love? So much pleasure for the price of energy? She felt him gently sucking on her nipple and breathed hard. She felt dizzy and loss of strength. Sleep was just around the corner.
“Was that right, Traveler?” she asked in worry. They were supposed to be this tired, right?
“Yes, little Wonderer. Lets sleep now to recuperated our strengths, shall we.” he said. She felt him move and pull out of her. She whimpered at the loss but was to tired to do that again. Instead, she felt warm blanket over their bodies and she snuggled against his side; both of them asleep in an instant.