InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do Not own any rights to Inuyasha or the characters. All rights to him are to his real owner, Rumiko Takahashi. Thank you and please don't sue

Chapter 4
Lord Higurashi paced his chambers with irritation. He knew that he had pushed his daughter over the edge by signing the document last night but it had to be done. She was still maiden and by signing her name in her own blood to the document that Lord Inuyasha had signed already, bound herself to him and she would loose the power she possessed if she tried to be with another. He knew that it was much to ask from his independent daughter but it was a must since her journey to his old land and love would start this evening.
He had thought that he would have had his little Kagome longer but her sibling announced that she was to be heir after her wedding ceremony. Appartently Kikyo had been granted her wish of having her wedding be on her birthday. She was ahead of Kagome now. If Kagome did not wed her betroth now, her sister would be seated in the place of their ancestors by the end of the week. If she went she would have a chance to prove herself that she was good enough to lead and to represent her people. He was loosing his daughter again but he knew the sacrifice was the right one, the land was in her blood, the right to rule fit like bow and arrow as comfortably. She didn’t understand that it was her right to have a chance to see the family she was a part of.
It was because she didn’t understand that they were in this situation. ‘Damn that girl! She needs to stop running away. Why can’t she see that she is strong enough?’ his thoughts questioned. Before he retired completely from the nights excitement of have their miko and lady back from journeys, he had been disturbed by his daughter’s maid who ran to him in a panic state. She screamed that the Lady wasn’t in her chambers where she had left the girl to bathe. She had thought to give her privacy and when she returned to help dress her into a shift, the window loomed wide open with a rope around the ledge.
At first Lord Higurashi thought his daughter been kidnapped and sent a man to blow the horn of danger. His men began to search the castle. He realized that if Kagome had been kidnapped she would have defended herself from her abductor and yelled for help. Looking her clean room it could be summed up that the Lady Miko was not taken by force but left on her own. Her boots and weapons gone with her. She had run and left little to track.
Now it was early dawn, the sun just peaking over the mountains and the slayers village was alerted on the look out. He thought Sango might know something about his daughter’s absence since Sango was like her sister but the young slayer’s eyes grew wide and worried and had as she told him that she had no idea where her friend could be. She was found with the Monk Miroku who slept for a while with a small bump on his head. He awoke later to be questioned by the himself about Lord Inuyasha’s whereabouts. The hanyou would prove useful with his nose and fast abilities to find his daughter. Miroku assured them that his Lord would come out of hiding soon and until then, he had offered his services to the Lord to help find his lost daughter.
He gave his thanks and left, telling them to meet him when they were ready. It was time to search the forest.
6 6 6 Miroku's Night 6 6 6
Miroku was in a very chipper mood. He had met a beautiful woman and was now in the same room with her. Lord Higurashi requested both of them and he waited for her to speak first. As he looked at her, he was taken back to the pervious night, hoping to remember all that had transpired.
It was just after meeting Lady Kagome that Inuyasha came back to his mind. He tried to picture the two together. Inuyasha was in for a real treat with this girl. Beautiful she was and kind, but Miroku could tell though that the girl was not happy with the thought of being bound to a marriage without the pleasures of love. Now the girl was missing, proving he had been right to his characterizing. He was reminded later after a quick drink of the festivities his quest of finding companies for Inuyasha and himself and left the castle to the Slayer’s village.
He explored only to be reminded that they too were celebrating the return of their leader. She hadn’t been there for two years and yet they still had the respect to call her so showed a great loyalty. ‘This is great. Women looking for a good time and to have their minds sweetened by the effects of rum… what a perfect night.’ he thought. Tonight would make an enjoyable evening.
He found quite a suitable companion for Inuyasha, who was willing to make time for a lonely stranger and Miroku told her the directions to the hut Inuyasha had found. He paid her a little extra for the walk but kept enough to entertain himself. Who knew that the slayer’s village was so large that he would find such beautiful and willing ladies? It was a few minutes after he had sent his gift off that his heart came to a complete stop.
She was tall, lean and beautiful. She had long brown hair that was held high in a ponytail that still managed to drag gently over her shoulders. She was in a tight black and pink warrior outfit complementing all of her curves and leaving little for his mind to picture. Her hands were small but had long, tanned fingers he could only hope to touch with his own. He hadn’t quite seen her face all the way but he knew it would be beautiful. On her shoulder was a small two-tailed feline that mewed and nuzzled the woman’s face. The woman giggled and it sent a jolt through his body. He had to meet the woman who made his heart pound yet still at the same time.
Hello, my name is Miroku, the Monk of the Northern lands. May I beg to inquire your name to see if it’s beauty can match the way your smile brings to the rest of your features.” He had laid it down thick, so thick that he almost choked on his last words.
She had giggled again but at the nervous Monk. “My name is Sango, sir.” she had replied. Her voice was like sweet honey but he could smell that she had been drinking with everyone else. Her dark brown eyes and sun kissed skin matched her voice and beauty. He was in deep. He took up her hand as a grateful gesture.
Oh lovely, lovely Sango. I was blessed as I was correct. Your name matches the intense beauty.” She had blushed over his ministrations and words and he continued without checking his brain first, proving a smug imaginary Inuyasha right. “ Will you do me the honor of bearing my child?”
The next thing he knew he was in a small hut with the Lord asking him if he had seen his Lord Inuyasha. His head was in terrible pain but he bore it to at least show he wasn’t a total wimp. He told the Lord that Inuyasha would return soon to help them with the search but he would help until then. The Lord thanked him, told both of them the meeting place and left to find new leads.
Miroku was thrown back to the present with the beauty beginning to speak to him. “Hello again, Monk. I am sorry I hit you so hard last night. I hope you are feeling much better. I was unaware of your importance to Lord Higurashi.” she spoke softly. She still had her warrior outfit on but her long hair was down. He guessed she had changed for a while but with the Lady Kagome missing, she changed back ready for action.
“I am sorry, mil’ lady Sango, but the fault is mine. I allowed my mouth to run a distance before my mind caught up with it. I hope I wasn’t an inconvenience to you and your house. I should have known not to mess with the leader of the slayers. I seem to have a knack for playing with fire.”
Sango was on her way to change into her more relaxed clothing in her hut with Kirara on her arm. The feast was truly great and it was a wonder to see all her people again. Once she had stepped into the village, she had been attacked with hugs and check kisses from all those she had missed. Her younger brother was shy to his elder sister but once she had said his name, tears welled up in both their eyes and they flew into each others arms.
Sango smiled. He was already back at the hut, safe and asleep. His only family home. Sleep was next on her list after she had, had a few drinks with the villagers. It was great to be home but sleep was much more pleasant then the feast at the moment to her and Kirara. She suspected it was like that for Kagome and her wolves.
All of the sudden she felt she was being watched and man dressed in a dark purple shirt with black pants came into view. He expressed sweet words to her that made her blush like crazy. She was shocked to have heard such vocabulary complimenting her in such ways. Yet all things must come to an end. He asked her to ‘bear his child’ and he earned her fist in response. He was knocked out cold. She felt satisfaction for a moment then guilt settled in on her conscious. She studied his face, dark black hair and his eyes had been brown. He was a little bit taller then her person and seemed to be built as a keen warrior though she could have been mistaken with him out right then.
“Kirara, would you mind giving me a hand with this guy?” Her kitten mewed and grew in size. Sango lifted the man and placed him on his stomach across her feline companion. “Thank you Kirara, now lets get home quick before someone thinks I’m still a partner for the night.” She laughed and they left to their hut.
Kirara stood outside for a moment to let Sango dress quickly, just in case the man woke from his peaceful rest. She had dawned on her green ankle reaching skirt and a white blouse with her signature pick in some areas. She started to take down her hair as she whistled an okay signal, knowing Kirara was waiting. She came in as Sango let her hair fly loose from the long binding. She asked her companion wait a moment longer and pulled out a blanket bedding and then asked to set him down. Kirara did as asked and soon the perverted monk was tucked in without any movement or stirring. “ Come on Kirara,” she whispered. The demon cat changed into her smaller form and bounced on her master’s shoulder purring. “Lets get some sleep shall we?” They curled together in her own bedding for a few hours of sleep. Then the sound of a horn rang through her ears and she was up again putting back on her battle suit, ready for whatever was going on. Few moments later, Lord Higurashi was at her door.
“ Kagome’s missing? How can that be?” she asked. They were sitting by the still unconscious monk waiting for him to wake on his own because nothing else seemed to wake him. Apparently he was a Lord Inuyasha’s only companion and was the only one who might have a clue on the man’s whereabouts. “When was she last seen, milord?”
“She was last seen by her chamber maid. She had prepared Kagome’s bath and left to give her privacy. When she came back my daughter was gone. At first we thought she was taken by force but she left no sign of struggle and her own rope was tied to climbed down from her window.” he replied. Weariness was sketched across his face and Sango realized that he was much more haggard then she could ever remembered him being when she was a little. Sango looked down to the floor.
“Why would she leave? Didn’t she tell you she was strong enough to take on her twin?”
“Yes, but Kikyo married a day early to a Lord Onigumo and pronounced the all that she was heir to the Higurashi lands. It was confirmed that she did inherit her mother’s gift by one of our people, so Kagome must marry.”
“What about the wealth and lands? Kagome has claim here and her own wealth that we sent here.”
“That is true, but Kikyo also has obtained wealth and lands from her marriage to her new husband.” Sango bowed her head back down. Kagome had probably needed her and she hadn’t been there.
“You told her she must marry and she ran because there is no love within an arranged marriage.”
“Yes. Her betrothed is Lord Inuyasha. He is an inu-hanyou. He would be in no danger of my daughter’s abilities and they would be able to have a long life together. I believe he would make her very happy but she won’t give the chance to try.”
“When are we to leave?” Sango had that sinking feeling. If a man or hanyou was already here to await Kagome then their trip was sooner rather then later.
“You leave today; that is if my daughter is found. You and Monk will be traveling with the treasure at a slower pace with selected warriors. Kagome and Inuyasha must travel faster to get there by the end of the week so that she can make her own claim as an heir."
His words sunk into her mind like mud in a grave. ‘You leave today.’ Home had been her heaven from the two year journey for her to look forward to. Her sleeping brother in the back room was her life and she had missed two years of his life to become stronger. Her village, her people, her family; she was important to them as they were to her. Now she was leaving again, another journey. Was that okay? She had a member of her family leaving on her own for a fight of destiny. Should she be there to support her and to help her in any way possible? Yes, it had to be. Her people were becoming stronger she knew and could handle themselves well enough without her. But Kohaku. Her little brother was left alone. He had been living with the Higurashi’s and had Souta to play with by didn’t he need his elder sister there? Maybe of the selected, he would be one so they weren’t separated again. Before she could voice any of her thoughts, a low moan was heard from the sleeping man.
“Where am I?” he spoke with sleep thick in his voice. Sango felt goose bumps rise but kept herself still.
“You are in the home of Sango and Kohaku. My second family Monk Miroku. How you ended up here is well beyond me.” Answered the Lord. Miroku opened his dark eyes and his face lit up rosy. Sango took pity.
“He got lost in his looking at the village and found his way here. He was a little drunk from all the festivities I believe and was passed out as soon as I let him in.” Sango quickly came up with. The man looked surprised but grateful to her. Apparently he didn’t want the word out on his perverted habits to the Lord.
“That is nice of you Sango.” She smiled. “ Now information. Monk Miroku, where is Lord Inuyasha? He was not in his chambers this morning. He left a note saying he needed to retreat out of the castle but he had not been seen. My daughter is missing and I had hoped to have help from you both.”
Sango waited as the man sat up with a serious look to his face which was funning seeing as his cloths were wrinkled and his hair was tangled even with it being up.
“Lord Inuyasha has interesting habits to be sure, but I promise he will return soon. He will not slack from his duties. Until then I would be happy to search with you. I might be able to sense her spiritual power. I only ask that you give me a few moments to wake up.”
Sango was impressed. He looked so awake and she could feel part of his power rise. He had to posses it himself which in this was becoming harder to tell fakes from the true. He had to be powerful. He also had good loyalties to offer help when his Lord was unavailable.
“Thank you. We are to try in the wood next. Meet us at the edge. If you would Sango, join us there as well.”
“Of course. Let me wake Kohaku.” The Lord left, leaving her with the Monk. “Hello again, Monk. I am sorry I hit you so hard last night. I hope you are feeling much better. I was unaware of your importance to Lord Higurashi.” she spoke. He laughed a little and put a hand to his head.
“I am sorry, mil’ lady Sango, but the fault is mine. I allowed my mouth to run a distance before my mind caught up with it. I hope I wasn’t an inconvenience to you and your house. I should have known not to mess with the leader of the slayers. I seem to have a knack for playing with fire.”
“I guess I could be called a fire to be reckoned with. Still I apologize for smacking you so hard. I forget my strength at times.” She stood and grabbed a comb. After she went through tangles she tied her hair up high. “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to wake my brother.”
“No worries, I think I will stand outside.” He had folded the blanket neatly and had fixed himself up to be more presentable. He stepped out of her home and she walked back into her brother’s room.
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Miroku leaned up against the house. It was styled differently then most homes he was used to. It’s door was made of wood and though you pushed it, it swung back afterward to close tightly. It was a great new way for homes for safety. Castles had them but it was nice to see the mats were being replaced with something much stronger.
“Funny, I have met a woman more lovely then ever and I am think of doors. She must have hit me hard.” He shook his head.
“Miroku? Mister Miroku? Hello?” He looked up to the young woman he had sent to Inuyasha. She looked riled up with her arms crossed and her tapping foot. Yep, definitely upset.
“Hello, young lady. How did everything go?” he asked tentivly. She looked very pissed off at him and a woman mad at him was as if asking kamii to change him into a woman.
“How did everything go? The ‘lonely’ man you spoke of already had the company of a young woman to warm his bed.” No wonder she was upset.
“What do you mean he already had a partner? Did you see her?”
“Only for a moment. She had long black hair and a bow in her hand. I didn’t see her face.” She stood there, waiting for a response. ‘Long hair and a bow. It could not be our missing lady.’ he thought.
“I’m sorry my friend already had company. Is there anything I could do? “ he asked, not thinking again of the words that slipped from his lips. He needed to make this fast in order to find the missing girl. Hopefully Inuyasha was awake and out of the cabin before the searched the forest.
“ I just wanted to let you know. If your up to it though, I wouldn’t mind having a handsome one like you to keep me company.” she dropped the mad act to put up a sweet one.
“Sorry, but I already have my lady to be with. Forgive me.” He responded. She threw her head back and stomped away.
At the same moment, the lovely Sango stepped out with a small young man at her side. “Is everything alright Monk Miroku?”
“Oh yes, nothing’s wrong. Shall we go?” He held a hand out and she took it.
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It might have been because they both were so deep of sleep they didn’t hear the pounding of hooves at the door. It might have been the blue aura that surrounded them to protect them from being seen at first from those who looked in the windows. It might have been the crashing door that made them wake from their warm embrace. Whatever it was, it could not prepare the two secret lovers for what happened next.
Cliff Hanger evil. I know, I am sorry. I hope though you enjoyed and will give me that great advice you have been giving me. Thanks for reading.